From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Harford County Sheriff’s Office Detectives have filed charges against an Edgewood man in connection to a theft scheme. The suspect stole more than $45,000 worth of merchandise from several Harford County businesses.
In August 2015, detectives with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division became aware of an individual making numerous transactions at local pawn shops. The individual was pawning multiple items that were new or like new. Detectives gathered a description of the individual and were able to determine, after speaking to local businesses at a Harford County Sheriff’s Office ALERT meeting, he was involved in several shopliftings and shoplifting attempts in Harford County that had been occurring since January 2015.
Through investigation, the suspect was identified as Tony Eugene Lindsey, 30, of Edgewood. Additional information gathered during the investigation led detectives to determine that Lindsey had been involved in thefts at more than ten retail establishments in Harford County.
During the course of the investigation, Lindsey continued his theft scheme and victimized several additional Harford County businesses. In total, Lindsey stole more than $45,000 worth of merchandise from retailers between January and October 2015, which he then pawned for profit.
A District Court Commissioner issued an arrest warrant for Lindsey on December 4th, 2015 for theft over $1,000 and theft scheme from $1,000 to $10,000. He was arrested without incident later that day. As the investigation progressed, additional information was gathered and more theft charges related to the scheme were filed against Lindsey on January 4th and then again on January 6th, 2016.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office Area Law Enforcement Retail Together (ALERT) meets quarterly to discuss issues and trends impacting retailers throughout Harford County with the goal to reduce retail crime and increase citizen safety in Harford County retail establishments.
Crime always catches up to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now…hold your thumb and forefinger (forming an “L”) to your forehead and smile. LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This could’ve been my son….no,,,wait,,,he need money to send to the Obama’s refugee fun…..Yeah thats it!!
Can’t be from Edgewood. All dem section 8 folks are starting a new and better life now that the taxpayers moved them out of the Balto. getto.
Wait until them move them into the new section 8 housing behind Walmart and Target. Lowes, Bj’s Target, Walmart and Wine World wont have a chance. Better pack heat when you attend a movie after dark, you’ll need it in the parking when they try to Jack you.
This is probably the reason that Walmart wanted to move down the street.
Black is as black does.
It is so sad to see so many racist comments posted on here. I agree the crime was wrong but had it been committed by a Caucasian male would everyone be saying the same things or would he had just been “trying to provide for his family”? It is disturbing to see how racist the world still is and as an African woman i have to look over my shoulder whenever i encounter someone of a different race not because of anything I have done or will do but based on the stigma associated with the color of my skin. I pray for people like you all who are so shallow minded that you believe that low income housing located in a shopping area will only attract African american to come and steal.
Welcome to the Dagger…..
Not racist, realistic. Not all blacks steal, but a high enough percentage do to assume that that shopping area will go rapidly downhill after the Section 8 gang moves in. Several good stores have moved out of the Route 40 areas of Edgewood since the Section 8’s moved in the area. Check back here in a year or so after that housing gets filled and I bet you’ll see a lot of similar stories with black faces.
No, racist is correct.
Facts don’t lie. Instead of always claiming foul maybe the black community might want to acknowledge that they have a problem. The whining gets a little old. Case in point, go and talk to any convenience store owner in Baltimore whether they be Indian, Korean, Pakistan, White, or even Black and ask them to tell you what group of people are the rudest and most likely to commit crimes against them. I think we all know the answer including members of the black community. Cut the white man out of the equation and you can still see the reputation that all too many blacks have forged for their own race. Not racism but fact.
LOL – such a serious, thought out comment. Apparently you don’t know the rules for anonymous internet postings!
I think, given history, you can make some educated calculations regarding what “could” be the potential outcome if a certain…uh…low-income element were to move into a flourishing, poorly lit, commerce district.
No, not all blacks are bad…just like all Jews are not greedy, all priests are not child molesters, all Asians don’t know how to drive, etc…etc… However, given the fact that over 99% of the crime reported on The Dagger (which is local news, with an edge), are committed by black criminals.
Majority of Section 8 / Lower Income people in Harford County are what…black
The majority of the criminal element in Harford County comes from…Section 8 / Lower Income areas.
Put 2 and 2 together, you have a strong-armed robbery in the dark portion of the parking lot behind Target.
Oh, and I am quite sure that this fine, young gentleman was just starting to turn his life around.