From the Office of the State Fire Marshal:
A 60 year-old man is in critical condition after lighting a cigarette in his hospital bed at Harford Memorial Hospital in Havre De Grace late Saturday night.
Firefighters from Susquehanna Hose Company were originally dispatched for an automatic alarm at Harford Memorial Hospital at 10:42 PM. Upon arrival, they were notified a fire alarm pull station on the 3rd floor was activated. When firefighters reached the 3rd floor, hospital staff advised they pulled the alarm after hearing a patient scream “fire” in Room 302. Nursing staff subsequently discovered the patient with breathing difficulties and a small fire beside the bed consisting of a blanket and an oxygen mask. Staff also observed the oxygen tubing connected to the wall on fire as well. Staff quickly extinguished the fire and treated the patient accordingly.
Deputy State Fire Marshals were requested to investigate and determined the patient, Steven K. Bock lit a cigarette and in doing so ignited his oxygen mask and surrounding bedding material. While the room was equipped with sprinklers, hospital staff were able to extinguish the fire before enough heat caused the sprinklers to activate. Bock was the sole occupant of the room and was later transferred to Johns Hopkins Bayview Burn Center. Bock is currently listed in critical condition.
Oxygen is not flammable and will not explode, however, an oxygen enriched environment can cause materials to ignite more readily and burn at a faster rate than normal. If oxygen is in use, the amount of oxygen in the air, furniture, clothing, hair and bedding materials is increased, making it easier for a fire to start and spread, thus increasing the potential for serious burn injuries or death.
Smoking while on O2 in the hospital.
Has a whole page for himself in past criminal activity. I’m guessing he doesn’t have a Cadillac plan he is paying for out of pocket for his healthcare costs…..
This is why your healthcare costs are so expensive.
We have a national health care system; it is ‘unmanaged.’
More than likely he has Insurance provided by the state at no cost to him for expenses or medicine. I’ve got it through Med Star and I pay absolutely nothing at all and at the state’s expense……
Exactly…”State’s Expense” equals “Taxpayer Expense”.
You are welcome.
Well, I have NO INCOME. That’s the way it works. Since, I can’t work, the State gets to pay the bill. There you go thinking you have an interest in your “Taxpayer Money”. That’s not your money, its mine……
Another able bodied person who can read, write and do arithmetic (?) not working for a living?
Hey, its America. Enjoy getting all your “free stuff.”
May as well then crank up the thermostat to 85 and open all the windows since you’re not paying for it.
As long as its on your dime, I’m all for it…..
What prevents you from seeking employment, SC?
A felony Marijuana conviction, I’m a white male, I’m 43 and I’ve got a surgically repaired ankle that prevents heavy labor or continual standing.
lol…. I’ve worked next to people with WAY worse convictions then yours…. (and, they owned up to theirs….) Also, being a white male in his early forties gives you an advantage….
Are you sure you’re not just taking the easy route?
Really, where do you work?
Well…. that explains your aversion to Republicans cause Republicans don’t appreciate gold bricks and moochers and people who play the system like you try to play the Constitution.
Did you say something? I was swiping my EBT card getting some chicken up here at Walmart….
…Lead vocals in a Rush Tribute Band.
lol…. we’re not very good, but what matters is we try.
I’m not very good a singing a tune. Never have been.
I disagree…. You’ve demonstrated quite the talent for singing the blues…..
Just trying to warn the public of criminal activity, that’s all….
@Open Your Eyes – Really, I thought you Republicans tried to pull the Constitutional Card on ObamaCare. How does it feel to know you are subjugated to an Unconstitutional Law that was affirmed by an Unconstitutional decision by the SCOTUS?
SoulCrusher…you have to much FREE time on your hands…if you did work it would be 8 & Skate
Whatever, if you don’t like it, talk to the Judge Carr and Tom Maxwell about it…..
SoulCrusher: – you really piss me off.
At your age, I had a couple of minor strokes, that left me unemployable. I took the time to teach myself a skill that allowed me to start my own business, and have, since 1994 been an employer and a tax payer.
The time you waste bitching about how wronged you are by the law in the State of Maryland could better be spent learning a trade and putting it to good and effective use.
Please resign yourself to the fact that history is history, and fill the vacuum of your time becoming a productive member of society.
I don’t like leeches, I never have, and you, by your own statements, fit into that category.
Well, good for you. Unfortunately, I don’t believe a word you typed. I pray for a stroke, cancer or a heart attack each an every day. I never get lucky…..
…..Might want to reconsider that Lexapro, Sunshine. There’s a big, beautiful world out there filled with awesome moments.
Oh, I think you’re gonna make me cry. Such heart felt sentiment. I’m starting to feel all funny inside. Wait, No, that was a fart……
Well, if you’re serious about it why wait for cancer? I have an Airsoft pistol you can borrow……. you can turn the lights down low and call them in…..
Such a hurtful comment. I feel threatened by you….
Smoking with a oxygen mask on. WTF?? What was he in the hospital for, incurable stupidity??
Whoever gave him the cigarettes should be sent the bill for the damage to the hospital and the expense of his additional medical care.
I guess you feel they contributed to the delinquency of an Adult? Its not illegal to possess cigarettes or matches in the Hospital. It is illegal to light them up in a Hospital. It is extremely negligent to light up while near or using oxygen in a Hospital with ALL the other people in there. I don’t think the person who gave the guy cigarettes is guilty of anything except not believing this guy was stupid enough to light up in the Hospital. The guy who lit up is guilty of violating the Tobacco Laws that ban smoking in a public place and I believe he is guilty of some sort of Reckless Endangerment……
Hospital is private property. You’d have to be trespassed off the property at most.
Police could not enforce Hospital Policy.
No Havre de Grace Memorial Hospital is owned by the University of Maryland, making it public property or property open to the public. The Tobacco Laws are in effect anywhere that a property is open to the public and in a confined space. Good lord, you can’t even smoke in Camden Yards anymore! Do you actually think before you speak? Cause you don’t before you type….
It’s private property.
Really man? It doesn’t matter. Read the Clean Indoor Air Act….
Yes man, its private property.
That’s great, going to write me a warning about smoking? Cool story.
No, they’re going to write you a citation and give you a fine. They can then tell you to NOT do it again and when you did do it again remove you from the premises and possibly arrest/charge you for refusing to obey a reasonable order.
Who is “they”? You mean the Police? Besides someone lighting up in their room and continue to do it, how much effort is going to be put into writing that big citation on someone smoking in the parking garage and leaving in their car?
How do Police even have time to handle that quality of life enforcement between all the traffic accidents, ODs, and various other ” worse crimes” that tie them up all day?
Look at how many people still smoke on the boardwalk in OC lol
Actually, ALL YOU NEED IS A PHOTOGRAPH! How do you think they enforce smoking on elevators? By the photograph from the camera in the elevator.
Photograph of me, then what? I park my vehicles where there are no cameras.
Jason Bourne stuff next? MVA recognition picture?
The hospital staff has ALL your information. If you don’t see how that can get you in trouble then I just don’t know what to tell you. Instead of smoking, why don’t you beat your head against a brick wall. It’ll do you some good.
They don’t have my information. I’m just a visitor?
You’re right though, a cigarette picture could easily be manipulated into a joint filled with marijuana. I definitely dont want that.
Well we couldn’t have that. Not the EVIL Marijuana Joint. No way….
Who ever gave this man cigarettes and matches should be charged with criminal endangerment. Who is so stupid to give a sick man cigarettes anyway let alone when he is on oxygen?
I know the nursing staff is overworked and underpaid. Wasn’t this man informed about what would happen if he smoked while oxygen was being administered? Weren’t there signs everywhere warning about the dangers associated with oxygen use?.
I know the last time I was in Upper Chesapeake, there were signs everywhere about the dangers associated with oxygen – just as FYI.
How about personal responsibility? How about living in a civil society?
Fuggin’ signs saying don’t smoke aren’t going to stop someone lighting up when they have nothing to lose.
May as well trump up some charges to whoever sold the person the matches that gave it to the person in the article too.
Hey, I forgot how to breathe air, can you help?
I know, the Police should have been called to shoot the cigarette out of the guys mouth.