From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Deputies with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Warrant Unit arrested a man in Baltimore on Thursday night in connection to a shooting that occurred in Edgewood last Wednesday.
On December 30th, at approximately 9:59 p.m., deputies from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Southern Precinct were called to a home in the 900 block of Topview Drive in Edgewood for the report of a person shot. Upon arrival, deputies located one victim with multiple gunshot wounds near the address. Medics transported the victim to Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center for non-life-threatening injuries.
Detectives from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division responded to continue the investigation. Detectives with the Forensic Services Unit processed the scene for evidence.
Preliminarily, detectives determined the male victim was in the 900 block of Topview drive with a female, when they were approached by four black male suspects and the victim was shot multiple times.
Through investigation, detectives were able to identify two suspects in connection to this shooting, Ronald Scaife, 22, and Deonte Copenhaver, 21. Arrest warrants charging both with attempted 1st degree murder, 1st degree assault, attempted 2nd degree murder, 2nd degree assault and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony were issued by a District Court Commissioner.
Detectives located Scaife in Baltimore, and with assistance from the Baltimore City Police Department, took him into custody without incident Thursday night. He is currently being held at the Harford County Detention Center without bail. Detectives are still trying to locate Deonte Copenhaver.
Anyone with information about the crime, or Copenhaver’s whereabouts, is asked to call Sergeant Goodwin at 410-836-5478. Those who wish to remain anonymous may report their information through the methods listed below. If the information you provide leads to the arrest and indictment of the individuals responsible for this crime, you may be eligible for a cash reward up to $2,000.00.
Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
No words…just “LOL” the hair and facial expressions.
Both have recent priors for armed robbery. Why are they on the street?
Because we HAVE to give them every chance to succeed in life! It’s not their fault! “The man” is keeping them down.
String em up!!!
I am completely shocked that these 2 fine young gentlemen are black. I am sure that the fathers and mothers of these 2 awesome citizens will reach out to the victims in an effort to support the community.
Normally, I defend blacks here on the Dagger. However, there is NO defending the general appearance of Ronald Scaife. If there was ever a definition of a street rat or street thug, I’m sure his picture would be right beside the definition in the dictionary. Just look at that face. Who in their right mind would ever get a Dollar Sign tattooed right between their eye brows? Wow. Just plain, Wow…..
SoulCrusher why do you defend the criminal element at all?
Because I never received a fair trial or hearing in Harford County. Because I was forced/coerced to take a conviction that should have never taken place. Because a certain Detective from the Harford County Task Force committed perjury to have a search warrant issued on my residence. Because a certain Detective from the Harford County Task Force took two statements of mine, combined certain pieces together, to make it look like a threat, when in reality, the two statements read separately conveyed NO threat at all. Because an illegal FLIR scan was used on my residence. Because my phones were monitored illegally, without the proper warrant. Because I was held without bond to force a conviction. Because I was deprived of my rights under color of law. Because my business was pilfered from me due to an illegal an unconstitutional conviction. Because every Judge involved in my case, took part in a cover-up of the truth, to perpetuate a lie, to gain a conviction. Because Law Enforcement broke the Law and violated the Constitution to acquire evidence against me. Because Judge Carr used his friendship with my lawyer as a tool to force/coerce my conviction. Because I was forced to live on a floor, in a cell made for one, yet shared by two, for ten days. Because I was housed with a bunch of child molesters, whom I hate with a passion, for over 4 months. Because I was made to look like I was crazy, when in fact I’m quite sane and was just seriously pissed off. Because my lawyer, whom I thought was a friend, turned out to be the State’s most efficient tool against me. Because the exculpatory evidence in my cases was never released. I could go on for probably another 10 or 11 reasons, but I think you get the idea. The bottom line is there wasn’t an ounce of integrity or honor involved in any way, shape or form, involving my conviction and Agents of the State who broke the law and violated the Constitution never had to pay the price for their felonious actions…….
Why not get the DOJ or FBI involved?
Because the FBI here in Maryland approves of illegal and unconstitutional acts. The DOJ has copies of everything going on and they are concerned…..
Translation: “Because I’m one of them.”
Well, as far as I’m concerned, everyone involved in the investigation, prosecution and the illegal conviction are more criminal than I.
Oh Christ, here we go. Someone had to ask for SoulCrusher’s story. Here’s my question to SoulCrusher – were you or were you not breaking the law?? If you were, then end of story. You were caught.
An illegal search is an illegal search. An unconstitutional search is an unconstitutional search. Mine was both. The evidence should have been disallowed. Under those circumstances, a conviction should not have occurred…..
Boy take your medicine already, we grow tired your bellyaching.
I don’t take any medication except to control my blood pressure. I weaned myself off of Lexapro, an SSRI, in June/July of 2015, due to pain it caused in my joints. I also have no use for the SSRI anymore as I no longer have panic attacks attributed to my dealings with the Maryland Court System involving Bail Bond Forfeitures…..
@ SoulCrusher
Soooooooo in your mind you feel that it is ok for you to get away with maybe a rape or a murder as long as you constitutional rights have not been violated. To be honest with you I am glad that you don’t live in Harford County. You scare me. I can only pray that you are not hiding evidence from heinous crimes in your home.
I believe that if the Criminal Justice System does NOT adhere to the rules or constraints that they are legally obligated to follow, then ANY crime or conviction must be thrown out or voided. Your comparison of a Capital offense to someone growing Marijuana is absolutely ludicrous and your ridiculous fear of me is just an example of your perpetual cowardice to anything you do. There is nothing in any residence I live in or own that can be considered criminal and I know that just burns you up, doesn’t it.
(What we have he’yah, Gentle Dagger Readers, is an example of one of our more finer on-going debates between the ‘Consequentialists’ and our own resident ‘Deontologist’…. Do the ends really justify the means?? Should the known criminal be set free because the canine cop crapped on the evidence? How long till the ‘Potheads’ and ‘Nazi’s’ arrive?? …stay tuned…. )
You still did not address my concerns. You still have not let us know if you have a limit to the seriousness of crimes which you choose to commit relying on the protection of the constitution. Do you think that you should be exempt from the prosecution of any crime, no matter how heinous, if constitutional guidelines are not followed. If the answer is yes than maybe Baltimore County PD should put you on some type of watch list. And by the way, you and people like you do scare me.
I did address your concerns. I don’t live in Baltimore County. I live in Baltimore City. The most serious crime I was ever convicted of was Marijuana Manufacture, that’s not a capital crime. Your fear of me is because you are a coward. That’s all, nothing else. I feel sorry for people like you who are afraid of their own shadow when they see it in the sun. As for your concerns, I haven’t committed a crime since 2009. If you don’t like it, maybe you and the Harford County Criminal Justice System can make up some more charges to try and have me convicted again. However, I don’t think Baltimore City will allow you to dream up charges that don’t exist, unlike Harford County.
One last thing. Naked pictures of me, taken during the raid, were distributed to Law Enforcement and to certain legal circles in Anne Arundel County. They even made their way into the hands of Diane Ebert, who works for the Coordinator of Commissioner’s Office in Annapolis and I hate that stinking B_tch……
….dude…. thanks for the image, man. Wth?
Your welcome. I didn’t distribute the photos. Someone in Law Enforcement did…..
Thought to be too smart to be caught but just not smart enough actually get caught.
Well, I was smoking some really good pot back then. Besides, the Law had illegal help….
Can the Hartford county government just purchase the apartment complexes and rowhome rentals that are determined to be crime ridden and run these tenants out of the county?
Dundalk bought York park apartments and had single family homes built there and so did the village of tall trees in Essex. It would be cheaper in the long run, safer for the community and Edgewood may once prosper again.
Almost every single crime article in the dagger is always Edgewood or Aberdeen related.
Great idea! Let’s also have more patrols there and use the stop and frisk constantly.
Stop and Frisk is an illegal and unconstitutional act, unless there is probable cause that those whom you’re applying it to have committed or are in the act of committing a crime…..
If you aren’t doing anything wrong, then you got nothing to worry about.
That doesn’t change the fact that it is illegal and unconstitutional…..
So pretty much your saying build a development “cage” in the middle of no where for “criminals” to all be housed in one place and set up police cars to patrol and monitor the area with illegal searches? So basically your asking for an open door prison? Its sad that people think this way. Maybe if you had to deal with constantly being stopped and searched for no reason other than the way you look or dress you would understand the frustration many people go through. Have you ever walked into a store to shop and realized that you were being followed around by an employee who never not once asked if you needed help but mad you so uncomfortable that you wanted to leave? A lot of you will never understand these things because you choose not to or you agree with it. My question is who would decide who to move out of Edgewood into these new places? Who would the police be protecting and from what would they be protecting people from?
Baltimore-Edgewood , Edgewood-Baltimore. Anybody see a connection?
Watch what happens during the accelerated destruction of all the vacant houses in Baltimore that these hood rats destroyed. Just in time to fill the new section 8 housing they built behind Walmart in Abingdon.
They aren’t section 8 housing.
Another low IQ atypical overweight white male, scared of his own shadow who clings to his bible, stroking the barrel of his firearm?
Tirone you a piece is a shit boyyyy
White people smell like wet dog. Bunch of bacon frying fat mongers
Obama Sharpton Farracoon Jackson and Tirone, a bunch of race baiting punks all deserve to get there asses tarred and feathered
Tiirone how many Daddy’s does your momma have?
Idiots. You think my name is really “Tirone”? I love it.
You all got trolled, and keep getting trolled.
….you spelled your name wrong. Good job.
maybe not Sec8, but there is other govt. subsidized housing. give it a yr or 2.
Hay,,,look,,,,, you can now “PinTrist” a thug!!!! Yeah Haw…..BTW,,,,,, ” these two could have been My son” ark ark.
I am slowly starting to understand the purpose of this comment section. It is not for people to actually speak facts or comment on the article its for racist people to come and throw insults around that they would never say to someones face. The fact that most of you all are grown and still have this sick mindset is wicked, the you all wonder why many people of color have such anger toward many of you and its mainly because of the things you say when you think no one notices. How can you expect respect when you don’t give it i’m sure most of you work with, have a neighbor, or even a friend of color that doesn’t even know that your the ones online with these racist comments.
Cool story, tell it again.
I am slowly starting to understand the purpose of this comment section. It is not for people to actually speak facts or comment on the article its for racist people to come and throw insults around that they would never say to someones face. The fact that most of you all are grown and still have this sick mindset is wicked, the you all wonder why many people of color have such anger toward many of you and its mainly because of the things you say when you think no one notices. How can you expect respect when you don’t give it i’m sure most of you work with, have a neighbor, or even a friend of color that doesn’t even know that your the ones online with these racist comments.