From the Aberdeen Police Department:
Detectives with the Aberdeen Police Department have identified a suspect in the home invasion robbery that occurred on December 31, 2015 on E. Bel Air Ave. A warrant has been issued for 42 year old Tonya Jones of Mayberry Dr. in Aberdeen. Jones was charged with robbery, home invasion, kidnapping, assault, burglary, theft & false imprisonment. She is believed to be driving a silver 2014 Nissan Sentra with Maryland tag 9BL0007.
Anyone with information about the whereabouts of Jones is asked to call Det. Tomlinson of the Aberdeen Police Department at 410-272-2121.
Look, another person who’s been in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, huh? As a defendant in CR cases on the ol’case search.
Why even arrest people?
I am guessing that she is a democrat? Stunned that this aspiring young lady is actually black! We need more liberal assistance programs for these proud Americans.
Wow, do you really believe that your comments aren’t racially inflammatory? Regardless if your comments are fact or fiction, they are racially inflammatory and are nothing but a cause of increased racial divide.
What is “racially inflammatory” and the “cause of increased racial divide” is not someone’s comments on a website, but rather the outrageous number of violent crimes that are directly attributable to black people.
I think you’re nuts. The majority of violent crimes in the U.S. are committed by whites. However, there are more whites across the nation than blacks. Once again, I remind you that our race, white people, males in specific, have committed the Majority of the MASS SHOOTINGS across this country that has made gun control a hot topic. You can play the white card all you want, but it doesn’t work on another white person, such as I.
Almost forgot, your comments are not only racially inflammatory, they are politically motivated. This gives credence to my repeated use of the term, “Racist Republicans”. If you can’t see this, then you have not been properly educated. Your comments have not broken any law, but they are contrary to the 14th Amendment. People have the right to have idiotic beliefs and when they express those beliefs they are subject to the public humiliation of being known as an idiot. Get it, got it, good……
You don’t even live in Harford County and yet you continue to run your mouth daily. If anyone here is racist it is you. Anytime that anyone mentions anything about section 8 housing it is YOU that equates that to only black people. Anytime anyone mentions anything about welfare it is YOU that equates that to only black people. Anytime anyone comments about anything that differs from your limited knowledge, is deemed to be a racist republican.
In your world, I suppose every white person is rich, their families all owned plantations, all carry guns, all hate minorities and only vote republican. Applying your same twisted logic, I assume that you believe all black people are gang-banging, drug-pushing, section 8 housing living, welfare receiving criminals.
Your “racially inflammatory” logic is pure garbage. The FACT is that this woman has been in and out of corrections on many occasions and it is a FACT that almost two-thirds of blacks identify as Democrats, with most of the rest identifying as independents. Only 5% of blacks nationwide identify as Republicans. So one can reasonably conclude this woman votes democrat.
The racial divide happened long before Tonya Jones and the Baltimore Riots. Baltimore has been divided amount racial lines for years both logistically and politically.
This article changes nothing.
Your liberal logic has never given African Americans anything more than scraps off the table. You shove them in public housing and give them barely enough to feed themselves. Every major city in America is a disaster with failing schools, gangs, crime and thousands of citizens dead. Now that African Americans vote the majority for Democrats, your party could care less about the problems of Black Americans. They have opted to give billions of dollars to illegal aliens to increase the numbers of democrat voters. Again, more scraps off the table.
$18 TRILLION in debt with most of it on Obama and 70% unemployment among African Americans. Not to mention that wages for blacks have fallen below that of 1992 figures when adjusted for inflation. The liberal logic is way more racist and detrimental to Blacks considering that major liberal cities like San Francisco have pushed all of the African Americans out of San Francisco and into Oakland. They claim to want to help the African Americans but don’t want them in their neighborhoods or want African Americans kids to attend their private schools reserved only for the wealthy. They don’t want average citizens to have access to guns but have no problem with armed security for themselves.
I believe that all citizens……… regardless of race, with hard work should be able to survive and prosper. I want nothing from my government and I do not want them to take what I have earned to distribute it to anyone they feel deserves the fruits of my labor more than I do………… regardless of race.
I am a Caucasian Male and have absolutely NO political ties to any political party, whatsoever. Now, I have some questions for you. Does the Dagger only cover stories in Harford County? Is there a requirement that you must live in Harford County for someone to participate in discussions on the Dagger? What areas of Harford County are known for having most of the Section 8 housing? What areas of Harford County are known for having the most of the welfare recipients? Once you’ve answered these questions, then refer to your third paragraph. Now, who is being close minded and a racist here?
Is this the Grinch who stole Christmas?
I have a question for you. Why do you suppose people living in the intercity have such a problem with crime and drugs and lost opportunity while a different person living a reasonably normal middle class life in a different section of town does not have the same problems?
Could it be that the people living in that middle class neighborhood do not tolerate drugs being sold on the corner and are actively involved in protecting their homes and seeing that there children are educated and can find work that will support them and a family?
I don’t buy in to this “woo is me, what can the government do for me” attitude.
My parents arrived in Baltimore in the early 1950’s from the coal fields of West Virginia with what was in their car and the education in their heads thanks to the GI Bill.
My folks fought “racism” along the way because of their accent and lack of sophistication.
They worked their way from Armstead Gardens to Fallston one paycheck at a time. When Glenn L. Martins when belly up in the early 1960’s, Daddy updated his resume took a job with RCA monitoring radar from a mountain top in Califormia, always working on his education as he went. My parents did not take illegal drugs, or steal from their neighbors, and they taught their children the value of hard work and a good education – and nobody gives you anything for free.
thank you SoulCrusher.
What characteristics the following towns & cities have in common?
Oakland, Ca.
Compton, Ca.
Newark, NJ
1. They have been run by Democrats for more than 40 years.
2. You guessed it!
The results of these 2 characteristics are blatantly obvious.
Personally, I think that areas dominated by ANY major political party suffer from either being too Left or too Right. I like Jesse Ventura……. A REAL man who tells the truth no matter if you like it or not.
Tonya Jones
Yes its me all charges dropped so don’t judge a book by its cover.All charges dropped and um I’m a college grad.with a life.also to the bad talkers here you need to get a life and make some friends so that you can have an opinion on someone you actually know????im very much Free with all charges dropped.. God bless you all
You can’t tell that you are a college graduate from the content of your message. I count at least 18 grammatical and punctuation errors.
I’ve already finished what u may consider English class furthermore I’m speaking freely not writing n essay ext.smh you people really need a life.Simple people no friends no life and much time on you hands. I off this all you people on here with the inside hate..all I can say is pray.. God bless u all ?
I saw this story when it was first posted. Since I actually in Harford County and I have actually made contact with Ms.Jones on several occasions through my work I did not jump to judge. However, if any of you actually followed this story you would see that the young man who made the allegations actually lied about everything. He went back and told the police this after they started asking him questions and his story did not add up. Do you also know that the young man is actually a thief and Ms.Jones actually had a case going against him for breaking into her home. So in this case I guess no one will admit that they spoke without all of the facts. Im assuming everyone on this post had never made a mistake in life and that whys you all are so perfect to judge someone else based off of a case search. And FYI you do not have to be a college graduate to be a decent person because lord knows that piece of paper may be the only think some of you have to feel good about yourself.
Thank you
Another skinny old geyser that bribed the court with Cheetos and Swisher sweeets. Justice will be served
Tonya Jones yes its me Free
Also yes it is that easy to go to jail for something you did not do.All it takes is a attitude and a statement