From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Minutes of the December 6, 2015 meeting
Meeting called to order by President Steve Johnson a 7:09 p.m.
President Johnson led the members in the pledge to the flag.
President Johnson introduced newly elected Aberdeen City Councilmember, Melvin Taylor, Traci and Jason Robertson, representing the Democratic Central Committee and former Mayor Michael Bennett. He asked those present to introduce themselves.
Treasurer’s report from George Harrison. He stated the operating account currently contains $12,602.74. Approved unanimously by voice vote.
Johnson asked for approval of the November meeting’s minutes that had been emailed to the membership. Approved by unanimous vote.
President Johnson asked for committee reports. He noted that plans for a fundraiser in the new year are still under discussion. He said a membership drive will get underway in the new year utilizing the new brochure developed by committee chair Rose Mary O’Brien.
President Johnson recognized Traci Robertson of the central committee who noted that the committee has an opening for a female member and is requesting anyone interested in becoming a member should contact the committee.
President Johnson introduced the speaker for the evening, newly elected city councilmember Melvin Taylor. He noted that Mr. Taylor was the highest vote getter in the election. Mr.Taylor talked about getting involved in the political process after working for 16 years in faith based initiatives allowing him to travel to areas around the world that need aid. He said you need to have high expectations if you want to achieve any great measure of success. He expressed thanks to all who supported him in his election effort. He especially thanked Mayor Bennett for his support by appointing him to the appeals commission and subsequent efforts in getting him elected to the council. He noted he was endorsed by several groups including police union as well as by the New Harford Democratic Club. He thanked his wife for her support, noting that she is currently in Paris on a mission. He discussed the election itself, which resulted in a tie for the fourth spot on the council and that he was confident the newly elected council persons and the new mayor will come up with a reasonable solution to the problem. He said he ran on a platform of strong leadership, transparency and diversity and he believes he has shown that he will be able to achieve that on the council. He said that in running for office he hoped he would be able to energize the public, to encourage leadership in all areas of the community. “We need strong leadership from all areas,” he said. He thanked President Johnson for his help in the campaign.
Questions from the audience followed.
President Johnson thanked Councilman Taylor for coming to the meeting. He also noted that of the four council candidates supported by the club, three won and the remaining seat was tied. He said there must be a process established to deal with such situations in the future. Councilman Taylor responded that it is important to seat someone who has experience and is knowledgeable on the issues confronting the city.
There being no further issues to discuss, President Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:32p.
Does Councilmember Taylor plan on sticking around long enough to address the growing heroin problem or will he shortly be joining his wife in Paris?