From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler is proud to announce his legislative agenda for the 2016 Maryland General Assembly. With help from several members of the General Assembly, a total of 13 bills, suggested by Sheriff Gahler, will be introduced during the 2016 legislative session. The bills range in topic; focusing mainly on traffic safety, gun ownership and fighting the scourge of heroin in our communities.
As previously announced, through the work of Sheriff Gahler’s Heroin Overdose Prevention Effort (HOPE) workgroup, Delegates Kathy Szeliga and Andrew Cassilly are introducing bills aimed at curbing heroin abuse in our communities. These measures will increase penalties for those attempting to sell heroin near methadone clinics and other treatment facilities; give law enforcement in Harford County access to real time data concerning heroin overdoses; and require medical personnel be contacted whenever NARCAN is used to prevent a suspected overdose. As of December 29th, law enforcement has responded to 198 suspected heroin overdoses in Harford County. Of those 198 overdoses, 27 have turned fatal.
“Heroin is a serious threat to the well-being of our community,” says Sheriff Gahler, “and these tools will help law enforcement across the state combat this growing problem and bring those responsible for its spread to justice.”
Sheriff Gahler will also work closely with Delegates Seth Howard and Michael Malone, as well as Senators Wayne Norman and Robert Cassilly to protect the right of all Marylanders’ to bear arms. One of these bills seeks to cut the license fee in half for residents attempting to purchase a handgun. Another strives to provide training exemptions for recognized correctional officers and retired federal law enforcement officers attempting to obtain a Handgun Qualification License (HQL). Sheriff Gahler also hopes to authorize the Secretary of State Police to temporarily waive the requirement for a specified firearms training course for those deemed to be in imminent danger.
Recent incidents across the country have demonstrated a lack of public awareness and education surrounding expectations and legal requirements during a traffic stop. At the end of the day, officers everywhere want to ensure the safety of those they are charged to protect. To that end, effective education concerning interactions with law enforcement during a traffic stop is critical. Partnering with Delegates Andrew Cassilly and Mary Ann Lisanti, Sheriff Gahler hopes to require that every driver’s education school in Maryland provide education on the basics of positive and productive interactions with law enforcement during a traffic stop.
During the 2015 legislative session, seven counties throughout Maryland worked with Delegates and Senators to introduce legislation providing their law enforcement agencies the ability to participate in the Warrant Intercept Program. This Program authorizes the Maryland Comptroller’s Office to withhold someone’s Maryland income tax refund if there is an active warrant issued by the courts for their arrest. Delegate Theresa Reilly will introduce a bill that opens this program to jurisdictions throughout the State of Maryland.
“These legislative measures are important for the safety and rights of citizens throughout Harford County and the State of Maryland,” says Gahler. “The invaluable support I’ve received from these members of the General Assembly is a testament to their dedication to the people of Maryland. I will join them in Annapolis to do all I can to help these measures pass, and become law.”
Heroin Abuse Prevention Effort
HB-15 Szeliga – Public Health – Hospital Reporting-Harford County
Requires hospitals and other medical facilities report information to Law Enforcement and Emergency Services personnel when an individual is admitted to a facility for a suspected opioid overdose. This legislation will apply only to facilities in Harford County.
HB-24 Szeliga – Public Health – Overdose Response Program
Requires anyone who is certified to administer naloxone (NARCAN) to an individual experiencing or believed by the certificate holder to be experiencing an opioid overdose to release the treated individual to medical personnel. Require individuals certified to administer naloxone be informed that they are required to release an individual who has been administered NARCAN to the care of certified medical professional.
HB-34 Cassilly – Public Safety – Possession with intent to distribute near treatment facility
If an individual is within 1000 feet of a state licensed opioid treatment facility attempting to distribute, manufacture or sell an opioid on the scheduled list of controlled dangerous substances (CDS) the individual can receive additional criminal charges.
Traffic Safety
Currently No Sponsor – Motor Vehicle – Historic Vehicle-Seat Belts
Requiring the occupants of vehicles designated as Class L Historic vehicles; manufactured after 1972 to wear seat belts while the vehicle is in use.
HB in Draft Del Cassilly – Motor Vehicle – Drivers Education
Change in the Maryland driver’s education curriculum to add a requirement that drivers education schools teach students the proper techniques and instructions to follow when a police officer is conducting a traffic stop on the vehicle they are operating.
Public Safety and Police Operations
HB in Draft Del. Reilly-Income Tax Refunds-Warrant Intercept Program Statewide
Altering the requirement for the Comptroller to withhold Maryland income tax refunds of specified individuals with outstanding warrants in all parts of Maryland. Requiring participating county Sheriffs and Police agencies to opt in to the Warrant Intercept program.
HB in draft Del. Reilly – Income Tax Refunds – Warrant Intercept Program-Harford County
Adding Harford County to the current Warrant Intercept Program. Altering the requirement for the Comptroller to withhold Maryland income tax refunds of specified individuals with outstanding warrants to include residents of Harford County or individuals who have outstanding warrants from Harford County;
HB in draft Del. McComas – Public Safety-Handgun Qualifications License (HQL)
Adding additional categories of individuals who should be exempt from completing the training required to obtain a HQL in Maryland. Providing exemptions for current and retired correctional officers/deputies who reside in Cecil, Carroll and Harford Counties and provide an exemption for retired out of state law enforcement officers and federal law enforcement officers
HB in draft Del. Fraser-Hidalgo – Privileged Communications – Critical Incident Stress Management
Prohibiting a critical incident stress management team member from disclosing specified communications or information acquired from a law enforcement officer, a correctional officer, or an emergency responder in the course of providing critical incident stress management services. Prohibiting a critical incident stress management team member from being compelled to testify in specified proceedings or investigations
Gun Ownership and Firearms Safety
HB in draft Del. Howard – Maryland State Police Handgun Permits – Reporting Requirements
Requiring that the Maryland State Police report to the Maryland General Assembly on a semiannual basis an update on all handgun permit activity to include categories of permits issued, length of time from application to permit issuance or denial and other information pertinent to handgun permits in Maryland
SB in draft Sen. Norman – Public Safety – Handgun Permit – Temporary Training Waiver
Authorizing the Secretary of State Police, on making a determination that an applicant has demonstrated evidence of imminent danger against the applicant, to temporarily waive a specified requirement to complete a specified firearms training course. Requiring the completion of a specified course within 60 days after the issuance of the permit in imminent danger cases.
HB in draft Del. Malone – Public Safety – Handgun Qualifications License (HQL) – Fee reduction
To reduce the fee paid to the Department of State Police to obtain a HQL from $50 to $25.
SB in Draft Sen. Cassilly – Public Safety – Handgun qualifications license (HQL) – Training
Removal of the provision that requires an applicant for an HQL to fire one round of live ammunition as part of a training requirement to own a handgun in Maryland.
Harford county has become an extension of the City.
Crime…violent crime has now become common place. Robbery’s, drugs, shootings don’t even make the news anymore. Another bank robbery in Abingdon yesterday.
Good luck law enforcement officials…you should just set up permanent, heavily armed, checkpoints in and around route 40.
I applaud your efforts but unfortunately it will not solve the issues. It will get worse.
Just wait Bel Air….it has already spread your way and all these new apartments will bring more crime.
How many of those piece of crap taxis you see on the roads…more Harford transit. These are indicators!
Of course it’s going to get worse, the elephant in the room will always be there.
Our society went from the greatest people ever alive (World War 2 veterans) to what we have now in 2 generations.
Bunch of middle class suburbia <30 year olds tweeked out in your neighborhood.
good to see law enforcement in favor of the citizens having guns
for protection
Gahler pushing for more and bigger government.
This is truly a sad day. Want to fix the drug/ heroin problem? Take to the schools educate the kids., get their parent involved, Sending their suppliers to jail isn’t the answer. Did the country solve the tobacco problem by sending the executives of Phlillip morris to jail? This isn’t really a tough problem to solve when you take the money making prison system out of the equation.
The hand gun BS is just pandering to the ammo sexual crowd. Not much any one can do for this demented group.
And when it come to traffic safety….. Sheriff Gahler the single biggest thing you can do is enforce the current laws. Take the distracted texting, cell phone drivers off the road and into traffic court. They are killing he rest of us on a wholesale level.
Gotta wonder if Bob is shooting for dumbest post of this year or next?
Let’s not lock up drug dealers who are selling heroin that is killing people in record numbers?
People who believe in the rights under the 2nd Amendment are demented?
And The deputies aren’t doing traffic enforcement?
Wrong on all counts Bob. Sorry Bane isn’t still Sheriff I assume. He fit your expectations.
None of the gun issues has a thing to do with the 2nd. You must be a winner in only your mothers eyes.
Thats right the 2nd amendment says the right to keep and bear arms after you have passed Maryland HQL course andnput money in the states bank account.
I have no idea what I’m talking about.
Pay no attention to me.
Bob, you are my new hero. The county, state, nation and world need more people like you talking about real problems and real solutions. It is madness when government continues to enact the same ineffectual laws over and over again.
Jeff Gahler is stuck on himself. Gotta make videos featuring himself, Gotta order multiple cars for himself on taxpayers money because he wasn’t happy with the first car, gotta make everything about Jeff Gahler and not about the deputy’s that make Jeff look good daily. Honestly if you could bring back Jesse Bane minus Major Pressbury we would take that in a minute.
Sorry you have to work for a living. Maybe you can get Bane to run again on his platform of hug a thug, free helicopters and blowing off calls. I like Gahler and finally have some pride going to work.
Do me a favor and name some positive things Jeff Gahler has done for HCSO? I bet you will find yourself limited
I wish we could get a few more Gahlers to run for some other offices!
Great name some things he has accomplished while in office.
I already did mention some things he has done. Got rid of that damn helicopter and allo2s deputies to do their job without fear of offending a foj. Pay raises for all, senior deputy program at jail, and inproved benefits for temp employees. I can continue butbInthink the point is made.
Pay raises for all? I must’ve missed the 8 steps that got added to my paycheck.
@Hank, Yes pay raises for all but not the past steps that L. Jesse never asked for. I am just glad we have someone trying.
Do you honestly think Gahler is running things? Wow how blind.
For once it was pleasant (and surprising) to read something from Gahler’s office that wasn’t so blatantly (and wrongly) essentially saying “I’m great, see what I’m doing, vote for me until I get someone to appoint me head of the State Police.” This press release was actually pretty straight forward. Maybe someone has had some success in reigning in the sheriff’s ego.
One thing that confuses me greatly: with all these recent examples of police misjudgment and questionable actions, even by veteran cops, WHY seek to REDUCE the amount of training required by persons carrying weapons?
I don’t think Gahler is anymore egotistical than anyone else who holds an elected public position. The people elected him and I think he feels the need to let the people know what he is doing as a result of them putting him in that office. I don’t think he will ever run the State Police as he is not part of that hierarchy anymore. I do agree with your second paragraph because its the truth and makes no sense to me either….
You don’t know what a MD Handgun Qualification License means. Study harder next time.
We got a Heroin problem in Bel Air. I want to know who is doing something about that? We have young folks that are overdosing and dying at a rate that this county hasn’t seen before. Time to stop talking about it and take action on how to fix it.
How about school trips to rehab facilities for heroin user?
The solution is education. The current method of putting people in jail and in useless 28 day clinics do not work and are designed to be money making operations. Unfortunately education costs money and will put those making money out of business so the problem will continue until the public wakes up or more peoples lives are touched by dead children with a needle in their arm.
HURRAY…..Someone else out there is thinking for himself. If only the Sherriff would read these comments, he might see a better way.
Maybe if you would read, you could spell sheriff.
I suggest you check the spell checker on this website. My spelling passed it. .