From the Office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski:
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today issued the following statement denouncing Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposal to block Muslims from entering the United States:
“I join Americans of all faiths in denouncing Donald Trump’s divisive remarks about Muslims. His plan is deeply offensive and absolutely contrary to American values.
“It also threatens America’s national security and community safety. Prejudiced proposals like this play directly into the hands of terrorists by suggesting that America is anti-Muslim. We are not.
“During similar times of difficulty, our country has prevailed by banding together. Exploiting fear and tragedy to drive us apart is irresponsible and dangerous. We must come together to reject this kind of reprehensible rhetoric and policies.”
Mikulski you’ve been carrying the Pretender-n-Chiefs baggage while this Muslim sympathizer has spent 7 years politicking instead of being a leader. The quicker you are gone along with King-Shit the better.
I agree that Mikulski is party driven and out to lunch. However, your critique of Obama is incorrect. He is not a Muslim sympathizer, unless you mean sympathetic to peaceful Muslims, like the one’s he has known all his life. He does have family that is Muslim, but he is of Christian faith. I have a question for you. If you think he’s been politicking for the last 7 years, then what do you think Republicans have been doing for the last 7 years? The answer is absolutely nothing…..
tick, tick, tick. Babs, you are about a year from becoming a footnote in history.
We don’t have enough muslims, we need more!
She can’t handle someone with bigger balls than she has. We all know there’s no one like that in her party.
Senator Mikulski has wilfully overlooked the simple fact that Islam is not simply a religion. It is a political ideology and a totalitarian theocracy.
There is PRECEDENT in US Immigration Law going back to 1952 that has restricted certain groups of aliens from entering the nation. The law: “The Internal Security Act” was passed in the 1950’s and is still on the books.
It expressly excluded communists, totalitarians, and fascists from entering the US.
If you have a bowl full of Jelly Beans and you KNOW that some of them are poisoned, will you go ahead and eat them anyway?
Deeply offensive to whom? Our enemies? Who cares if they are offended. Trump makes the most sense. Obama has made this country a laughing stock. You would think that some in the democratic party would have waken up after the last election but they have not, they are smoking some good stuff.
Trump’s narrative is nearly identical to that of ISIS.He believes that the West should be at war with Islam, and that Muslims are unwelcome here. What Trump (and the people commenting on this post) don’t seem to realize is that ISIS hates and is embarrassed by the fact that the refugees are fleeing. This weakens their argument that “ISIS is great, and the West is evil…”
So yeah, Trump is as offensive and off his rocker as ISIS. I’m just surprised he is so vocal about his agreement with their goals and beliefs, and that so many “Americans” agree with the terrorists, Trump, and the un-American, paranoid nonsense that pours out of that man’s mouth.
The Trump comments generally say we need to put a hold on them coming here until we can figure out what we need to do. We have enough radicals without adding more after the Connecticut shooting, the theatre shooting in Colorado, and the Arizona shooting that killed several and injured Gabby Gifford. Now we have Islamic radicalized terrorists situation in San Bernardino. Much investigation is needed of their families and acquaintances before another situation occurs by these people.
I like my freedom and my feeling of generally being safe. I don’t need this ended by terrorists that want our way of life ended, that behead innocent people, make women wear long robes and head covers.
Babs has got to remember that when extreme Muslim interests i.e. Sharia law are left unchecked they are like a run away train. Would some one tell her that they do not tolerate carpet munchers and want them all killed.
If the native americans had better “homeland security” 600 years ago, we wouldn’t have these problems now.
These problems include our steady drift toward fascism. Many Dagger readers seem to be willing participants.
It should be clear by now that hateful, agressive actions based on fear will always earn us more enemies and help the terrorists win.
We at least used to pretend to be a free country.
First, it must be realized that everyone is taking what Trump said out of context. He has not said that we should do what we did to the Japanese/Americans in 1942. He said we should not allow Muslims into our country, meaning foreign Muslims. He probably should have went further and said Ethnic Arab Muslims from foreign nations. Second, Trump is without a doubt, out of his beloved mind and his use of fear mongering to score political points is just plain wrong. He has turned the Republican Race into nothing more than a joke. Republican’s beware, he is ruining any chances of any Republican Candidate to actually win the Presidency. This is what happens when you take a reality TV star and turn him into a politician. Chance are he will win the Republican majority vote, yet will not be vetted by representatives from the State’s caucuses. When this happens, look out. He will destroy the Republican Party from the inside out and will probably end up being an independent in the actual Presidential race. This will bring the presidency into the hands of Hillary Clinton……
Exactly why I am beginning to believe he’s doing everything he is for her…
The Clinton’s have used this tactic before. that’s how Bill won his first presidential election, he used Ross Perot to do the same thing.
yes lets keep them out and get rid of the ones here now as best we can
because CLEARLY the ones we have let into the USA has worked really well so far
There are Muslim families that have been here for many generations. I do NOT think we should bother or monitor them any differently than we would any other American citizens. However, I am in agreement with restricting and monitoring ethnic Arabic muslims from foreign countries, that have entered the US or are planning to enter the US. I agree that if you are on a NO FLY list or are a non-citizen foreigner of Arabic descent, that you probably should not be allowed to buy a gun here. That being said, its awful easy to get a gun here illegally and the whole gun thing is pointless to begin with. Look, since 911, we have been pointed in a ideological direction that is contrary to what this country stands for. We have already been suckered with the Patriot Act and now we’re looking to leap further into the ways of the fascists and Nazis, by demonizing certain races and religions. Freedom is not a free or a safe process. To sacrifice our liberties, for the sake of security, is to not be free at all.
With nut jobs like Root, Dear, McVeigh and plenty others you have a better chance of a christian nut job killing you than a muslim.
The numbers seem to say exactly that.
Haters gonna hate, no matter what religion they claim to believe in.
Please remove your head from your rectum.
What Trump proposed is a TEMPORARY ban until the feds can get their heads out of their butts and figure out what they’re missing. Many others have proposed the same thing – even other candidates. The democrats are using his statement without any mention of it being temporary in order to fire up the masses against republicans and to distract them from O’s pathetic non-action, half measures and total inability to inspire confidence in a worried populace. Trump is a private citizen, his proposal is meaningless and no federal judge would allow it anyway. Listen to what he says and determine if you want to vote for him, but don’t allow yourself to be manipulated by politicians. The major problem we face in America – aside from politicians – is a federal government with zero accountability. The people in charge of visas say there is nothing wrong with the process… even though this creature provided a false address. Take your pick of scandals, VA, IRS, private e-mail server to work in secrecy, hundreds of millions to train 5 guys in Syria, millions on villas for contractors in Afghanistan and the sickening list goes on… the American public gets screwed and NO ONE is held accountable. No one is in prison and no one even lost their job.
Go to YouTube and search “Muslims in Britain”…this is a true representation of the “religion of peace”. This is coming to America my friends. Everyone can stick their heads in the sand but it is. One day you will walk by a Mosque and the “Mosque Patrol” will usher you past quickly because of the way you are dressed. All the while OUR Liberties are being taken away…one by one….the only one left with guns are the Thugs and Radicals while law abiding citizens are left standing with pepper spray.