From the Senate Minority Office:
On Tuesday, Senate Republicans re-elected Senator J.B. Jennings (R – Baltimore and Harford Counties) as Minority Leader and Senator Steve Hershey (R – Upper Shore) as Minority Whip. The unanimous vote was held during a caucus meeting in Annapolis.
Jennings and Hershey will serve a second year as the Senate Minority Caucus’s leadership team. “We are both truly honored to have the continued confidence of our colleagues, especially during such an exciting time for Maryland Republicans,” said Jennings, referring to recent polling on Governor Hogan’s wide popularity.
Discussing plans for the 2016 Session, Jennings and Hershey say their agenda will largely remain the same—citing efforts to make the state a better place for struggling families, retirees and small businesses, as well as the dire need to close the state’s on-going budget deficits.
“We are here to ensure Governor Hogan’s success in putting our state back on track after eight years of atrophy under the previous administration,” Hershey said. “Working with the Governor has been our number one priority over the past year, and it will continue to be our number one priority this coming year.”
Both caucus leaders are overwhelming optimistic about the upcoming legislative session.
“I am proud to know that between every Senator in the Republican Caucus we have a lot of experience and talent,” stated Jennings. “Having already seen the repeal of the rain tax and significant cuts to tolls and fees, I think we are on a good path to continue to bring the change Marylanders across the state want to see.”
Must’ve been running a sale on black suits at Men’s Warehouse……
Yea…I bet a table full of cheese burgers n booze wouldn’t last long either…lol n fart