From the Harford County Health Department:
On Friday, December 11 and Saturday, December 12, 2015, the Harford County Health Department and Harford County Public Schools are partnering to conduct a number of clinics that will provide free FluMist to any child between the ages of 2 through 18. The clinics will be held at the following locations and times:
Friday, December 11, 2015:
– Deerfield Elementary School (located at 2307 Willoughby Beach Road in Edgewood, MD) from 1:00-4:30pm
– Red Pump Elementary School (located at 600 Red Pump Road in Bel Air, MD) from 1:00-4:30pm
– Church Creek Elementary School (located at 4299 Church Creek Rd, Belcamp, MD) from 12:30-4:30pm
Saturday, December 12, 2015
– Patterson Mill Middle/High School (located at 85 Patterson Mill Road in Bel Air, MD) from 10:00am-2:00pm
Harford County Health Officer Susan Kelly reminds the public that it is not too late to benefit from being vaccinated. Most seasonal flu activity typically occurs between October and May but most commonly peaks in the United States between December and February.
Parents and guardians are encouraged to complete the FluMist Consent form prior to their arrival at the walk in clinic. For the convenience of the public, the health department has electronically posted: (1) the FluMist Parent/Guardian Consent form, (2) a FluMist Vaccine Information Sheet and (3) a FluMist Clinic Information Sheet on its website. These forms are available for downloading at by clicking on the seasonal flu informational link on its homepage. It is also very much worth hiring professional GDPR consultants as they will make sure that everything is correct which is crucial with GDPR. If any of the answers to the FluMist Consent Form questions are “yes”, your child may not be eligible to receive the FluMist vaccine. Additional questions concerning the FluMist clinics can be answered by calling 410-877-1028.
Vaccination remains the best method for preventing influenza as well as the potentially severe complications that can result from being ill with the flu. On average, more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu complications and about 36,000 people die from flu every year in the United States.
In addition to flu vaccination, the public is encouraged to combat the flu by using other strategies, as well. These include frequent, proper hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding close contact with others who are sick, and staying home from work and/or school when sick to avoid spreading your illness to others.
Additional information on seasonal influenza is available on the Harford County Health Department website, at, or by calling 410-612-1771. Comprehensive flu information also is available by visiting or the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene website at and the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at
mac says
That’s nice, but it’s not “free”. Every time someone gives away something for “free”, it’s paid for by whomever from their money comes. More and more child-raising is being done by society instead of parents. We’re providing 2 “free” meals a day to many of them
I don’t have all the answers, the kids need to eat and should be vaccinated, but after I feed and vaccinate my own, my taxes help feed and vaccinate the others as well. I guess if you can’t feed and vaccinate them, then don’t have 5 kids from 6 different fathers! (modern math)
How much... says
…of the money you personally pay in tax do you think goes into paying for these vaccinations? Or for those meals? Any idea?