From the Aberdeen Police Department:
Members of the Aberdeen Police Department investigated a potential threat at the Aberdeen High School and Aberdeen Middle School today. Information was received that there may be a large fight involving students from both schools at dismissal time. There was also vague information that some students may be carrying weapons to school. Although the threats were not deemed credible they were immediately investigated.
School administrators were notified and Detectives with the Aberdeen Police Department interviewed students in an attempt to obtain credible information. The schools were placed on lock down and the Aberdeen Police Department canine unit as well as a canine unit from the Aberdeen Proving Ground worked together to scan both schools for any weapons. None were detected. Numerous Officers with the Aberdeen Police Department and Deputies with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office were on hand throughout the day and during dismissal to ensure the safety of the students, parents and staff while the investigation was conducted. The threats were deemed to be unfounded.
Any wonder why families aren’t buying into Beech Creek?
Because of unfounded threats?
Have you ever spent time in either HS or MS? The kids are awful. Disrespectful. Lack of courtesy. Doesn’t surprise me at all. Thug jerks.
Not all of the students there are “thugs” or disrespectful.
You do realize these are children you talking about right?? You must have been the perfect strident to pass that kind of judgement amongst other people!! No entire school should be based off a few rowdy kids… You must have been bullied as a child.. because angone who calls kids “Thug jerks” needs a therapist!!
Middle school/High school student who engages in physical altercation with a faculty member is what I would call a piece of shit.
I’m pretty sure everyone has been “bullied” as a kid.
The difference is that our culture has all but removed discipline in school, and if you notice, more and more 20somethings are getting arrested for major crimes, and especially, CDS violations.
Its obvious something is going on, and it probably starts at home, huh?
Try teaching there! Canavan says we are a priority… Right! Teacher was hit earlier this year- surprised it got no air play in the press!
I’ve hear that there has been multiple fights at both schools. I understand that teachers and admins have been hit. Both schools need SRO’s all the time.
If these kids act like this in the real world, they will all be in jail!!!
Where do you think they will end up? Kids at that age who can’t show basic fundamental respect, lots of disobedience and otherwise just can’t behave civilly will be the next dashcam video of a suspected criminal disobeying a Police Officer’s commands.
When the law, took the authority to physically discipline students away from the teachers and principles, the students no longer feared inappropriate actions in schools. Now, you all want the law, to be present in the form of Officers at the schools, to do the bidding of school administration. That is not a Police Officer’s job. The law regarding physical discipline to students should be reexamined and changed so that Police are NOT the only options available in dealing with students. Think about this, do you really think a Police Officer wants to go to a school and deal with disciplining a minor? Especially, when there is a slew of Staff at the school, that could handle the situation without Police involvement. What do you think?
A Police Officer cannot enforce school “policy” the same as you can’t call the Cops to your Christmas party because someone showed up not wearing a Christmas t shirt.
Trespassing/Disrupting school operations is an arrestable offense I suppose, but we (as a society) are getting to the point where the teacher is “call the cop” for every student “situation” not ideal IMO.
I just saw on the news few weeks ago tgat a Police officer “take down” a student who refused to leave the classroom, I believe the least he got fired. Not sure about criminal charges?
Hard to imagine he lost his “cool” and could potentially cost his millions in a civil suit to boot.
I know the incident you are talking about. In my opinion, a Police Officer should have never been called in for this incident. He also used excessive force, in my view, and was terminated accordingly. The school administrators should have grabbed the face of the desk and drug her and the desk out in the hall, while she was still in a seated position. The school administrators should have then suspended her and gave her an ultimatum, that if she ever pulled that stunt again, she would be expelled. No Police involvement was necessary. The school administrators, in my opinion, needlessly called that Police Officer and he was put in a situation that he should’ve never been in to begin with. However, he handled it very inappropriately…..
Expel students? They do not do that any more. The law protects these kids regardless of their behaviors more than you know. (If you are a special education student, you practically can’t even be removed from class.) Recently the state has mandated fewer suspensions without providing funding for alternatives for changing the behavior. In addition, the county has no plan in place to deal with the increasing severity of some of the behavior demonstrated in the schools. There are lots of good kids at AMS and they are being let down.
Suspension, both in school and out, are still used. Expulsion is still allowable. I read the online Handbook on the subject and it still is used today in Maryland Public Schools, however, I did notice all the mediation and other crap you’re talking about. In the situation with the girl in Georgia, even if it happened in Maryland, Suspension and Expulsion would be considered “allowable” and desirable.
I disagree. What the officer should have done was have the teacher remove all the other students from the room and to another location. Then the officer in company with the school principal should have directed to student to the office for administrative action. If she complied situation over. If she refuses then arrest her. No trauma or potential to other students in the room. No audience for the student to act up in front of. Perhaps an arrest could have then been avoided and if not every other option would have been exhausted before handcuffs were applied. Plus no excessive force, no potential law suit, the officer keeps his job and the student doesn’t get off the hook for her conduct.
Do students normally get “arrested” for not complying with verbal request in school? What charges would you apply? Disrupting school operations?
There comes a time where a cop has to say.. “I really can’t do that.”
I don’t think the whole class should be removed from a class room for the actions of one. I think that is an administrative problem unless laws are being broken. I think the officer should have told the school administrators that unless she was breaking a law, they are on their own. I mean, what do you really think an officer at the school is for?
SoulCrusher – Allowable, yes, but desirable? No way. The state is on the counties to reduce suspensions. Bottom line is that the state hasn’t offered any true alternatives to fix the behavior. They just want to see the statistics improve. Trust me, I work in a school and see the results. Fights barely even warrant out of school suspension at this point. Behaviors are getting worse, but our schools have not changed enough with the times to address it. I mean really, it all boils down to good parenting. How can schools fix that?
Well, in a situation that’s interfering with the whole class, I’d say desirable is the correct word for it. Remember, in my day, fighting was an automatic 3 day suspension from school. A suspension sounds reasonable to me and desirable to the well being of the whole class. Just my opine…….
Dagger readers may want to sit down but in this case I totally agree with the Soulman.
This is absolutely right.