From Harford County Public Schools:
Harford County’s Fallston High School will host the internationally-traveled White Rose Exhibit from Monday, November 16 through Wednesday, November 18. The exhibit will be open to the public on Tuesday, November 17, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Made available by the White Rose Foundation of Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, Germany, this exhibition pays tribute to Hans and Sophie Scholl, siblings from Munich who were closely associated with the student anti-Hitler movement in Nazi Germany.
As young activists, the Scholls were part of the White Rose, a resistance group committed to non-violence. From June 1942 to February 1943, they secretly printed anti-war leaflets, which they distributed to the public. On February 22, 1943, Hans and Sophie were executed for their anti-regime activities.
This exhibit has traveled internationally, and many U.S. universities and civic organizations have recently displayed it. Its 20 panels include photos and texts about the members of the resistance group. Fallston High School German Teacher Richard Jones is credited for making the arrangements to bring the White Rose Exhibit to Fallston High School.
“The White Rose Exhibit is about a group who risked their lives for what they believed. What is so powerful about the story is that it deals with students who were swept up in the events of the Nazi period, and these students decided to take a stand against such oppression and tyranny. The people around Sophie and the others were impressed with the quiet grace and dignity they exhibited as they faced their own deaths,” said Mr. Jones. “We are excited that Fallston High has the opportunity to present this exhibit. English, social studies and world languages departments have all contributed to this special event.”
Housed in the school’s theater, the exhibit will be available for class visits all three days it is on display at the school. The exhibition coincides with a visit on Monday, November 16, from Holocaust survivor Rubin Sztajer. Mr. Sztajer will be speaking to 10th grade English students who are presently reading Eli Wiesel’s Night.
Thank you Herr Jones for your continued outstanding contributions to the Fallston community and Harford County!
I hope Herr Jones completed an anger management class. I remember him going off on a student in class at BAHS back in 1977. He completely lost it, screaming at the student at the top of his lungs, and jacking the kid by the arm as he dragged him to the office. The kid made the mistake of having his flash card on his forehead. After nearly 40 years I still remember it as one of the most disturbing scenes of a teacher losing it that I have experienced.
That reads like a good example of a self defense situation.
Physical force/threat on your life.
Sounds like the kid deserved it. Our education system needs more of that these days. Kids need to respect and fear their teachers. Way to go Mr. Jones!!!
Fear teacher’s? lol What authority does a teacher have to fear? I agree on respect, but certainly not “fear”
How does it sound like anything? The prologue to being arm dragged to the office wasnt explained.
You just here to be a cheerleader?
The kid is probably a well known business owner today…law abiding and respectful to those around him. If that was such a disturbing scene to you…..PLEASE do not search out the Muslim…um…I mean…Islamist ISIS Videos showing men being drown in a cage, be-headings and more….you would probably cough up a lung!!!
Herr Jones is one of the most hard working, dedicated, and inspiring teachers I have ever had. Taking German was truly the best decision of my middle and high school career. He does so much for the Fallston community and does not receive the respect he deserves. Go Jones!
I admire the passion Herr Jones has for the German language. He was so excited to put this exhibit together and spent much time and money into making it happen. The exhibit was so interesting and informational and I was glad to help take part in it. Herr Jones is the reason I took German all four years of high school and I am so thankful to have him as a teacher!