From the Town of Bel Air
The Unofficial Election Results for the 2015 Town of Bel Air Board of Commissioners Election held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 are as follows:
Susan U. Burdette – 312
Brendan P. Hopkins – 190
Philip L. Einhorn – 177
Hunter M. Smith – 143
Diane E. Simmons – 84
Other information includes:
Active Registered Voters – 7,222
Ballots Cast at Polls – 376
Ballots Cast Absentee – 20
Ballots Cast Write-In – 15
Provisional Ballots – 2
Percentage of Voter Turnout – 5.72%
On Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 10:00 AM at the Town Hall, 39 N. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD, we will conduct the Absentee Canvass and Provisional Canvass. These ballot counts will be added to the results from tonight’s unofficial totals. Once all Canvasses are concluded the Official Results will be announced.
Michael L. Krantz
Director of Administration and Town Clerk
Now Bane gets to work for at least one person who won’t let his antic go. Congrats Mr. Hopkins!
Great Smith was just a C4L recruit. Young and Dumb!!!
Not everyone is successful in their first run for political office. Like him or not at least Mr. Smith was willing to put himself out there and engage in the political process. From the figures shown few in Bel Air even exercise the minimum level of participation by showing up to vote. So who are really the dumb ones here?
Congratulations to all of the newly elected officials!! I know you will do a great job especially Brendan Hopkins
Should the results from the Aberdeen election be posted here tonight?
McGrady Elected Mayor of Aberdeen; Taylor, Landbeck, Lindecamp Elected to City Council; Smith/DeBonis Still in Play
6% turnout! Bel Air deserves everything their Bane, Einhorn and Moore dream team bring to them. Good luck to Hopkins in that circus!
Why bother voting? They’re all crooks.
Brendan Hopkins was my Sheriff FTO supervisor. He was an excellent cop and a good man. I wish him luck in his new endeavor. Bel Air is lucky to have him and in time he will show the citizens why they made an excellent choice. Make us all proud Hoppy!
I live in Phil Einhorns neighborhood. He is the most obnoxious man I have ever met. All I can say is good luck Bel Air. I voted for Burdette, Hopkins and Smith. I would NEVER vote for Phil.
I was at Town Hall yesterday for a good period of time and was able to see Einhorn’s antics firsthand. The man was thrusting himself and his campaign literature (a handmade printout of his wonderfulness) to one and all. He inserted himself in an aggressive manner into conversations that he was not a part of. He was handing out his phone number to voters promising them he would look into whatever their concerns were when, not if, he was elected. The worst of all was when he got into 3 fights with an individual whose agency was promoting women in office. These altercations were recorded on cellphones and hopefully the Dagger will be provided with these videos showing how obnoxious, rude and immature this guy is. Lots of luck trying to rein in this loose cannon. Having said that, congrats to Brendan Hopkins. And Hunter Smith has a bright future ahead of him, just think the voters in Bel Air, most of whom were not just elderly, but extremely so, were wary of a youngster.
Dismal turnout!! 94% of Bel Air residents decided not to vote, shameful. Anyway, congrats to Brendan Hopkins.
Bel Air residents should be ashamed. Awful lot of bickering with no real punches thrown (5.72%turnout). Amazing how truly gutless people are when given the opportunity to be a part of the actual process of running our town. Who cares who won or lost when the people who have the opportunity to elect decision makers don’t care enough to vote!
I went to Bel Air to vote and was appalled by Phillip Einhorns behavior. I wish I would have know how insane he was before I voted. Yes I did vote for Phil and then as I was leaving I saw how he was acting towards a women’s rights group in front of the polling place. He was in the face of a person who was handing out literature for women’s rights. He was screaming at them and they were telling him to back away. This went on for several minutes before I told him to stop treating people that way. I got in my car and left but I should have gone over to the police station and complained. Very scary man
Even if you would have told the Bel Air Police nothing would have been done. Phil Einhorn and Jesse Bane are best friends. I have no sympathy because Bel Air voters were warned ahead of time, yet they chose Phil over Hunter Smith. SMDH
Do you think Bane would have let his pet chief Moore off his leash to stop buddy Phil? Good times in BelAir with the three stooges.
The Sheriff’s election is over, as is the appointment of the new Town Administrator and the Police Chief for the Town of Bel Air. The elections for Town Council is also over. The Gahler supporting Bane haters need to move on to other topics. Why don’t they put their efforts into confirming or discounting recent rumors regarding “hankie-pankie” which could be occurring on the second floor of 45 South Main Street. Hopefully this is just a malicious rumor.The Sheriff’s Department certainly does not need a repeat of 2003, nor do the tax paying citizens of the county.
Nice try. Please stop picking on poor uncle Jesse and his boys, lucky chuckie and Phil who apparently likes to yell at ladies or I will unleash a wild accusation. The space below is all yours. Let’s hear what you got.
Tell us more, just what are the “hankie pankie” rumors? Any truth to them, or just trying to tarnish the Sheriff’s name and awesome job he’s doing? A Baner perhaps?????
Looks like Lionel is already having Phil do his dirty work by starting rumors.
You mean hopefully this is not a malicious rumor started by you. Got to be a real lib to try to cover bad behavior with starting a distraction lie.
Congrats Susan!
You Bane haters need to move on. The voters elected Burdette, Hopkins and Einhorn who in my opinion are the best 3. Quit crying and move on already
I want to see this video of Phil Einhorn yelling at this women’s rights group. Supposedly the women’s rights group has video and plans on releasing it. That would be a huge embarrassment. I am dying to see this. Phil argues over everything apparently. He thinks he’s always right and wants control/power over everything.
Let’s see the video! I assure you there’s lots of folks that want to see it as well as further shaming the knuckleheads that voted for the goof.
Phil Einhorn is Jesse Bane’s right hand man. Sad part is that Hunter Smith deserved a spot on the board over Phil. Hunter is a promising young man with a bright future. Phil on the other hand will do nothing for Bel Air but make its image look bad. Phil is a lunatic
Phil never yelled at a women’s rights group or anyone for that matter. I challenge anyone to post video of this incident. Phil is nice to everyone.
Sorry Al, but I saw not one but 3 videos of Einhorn yelling at the guy from the women’s rights group. These were not 3 videos from three different people’s phones of the same incident, it was 3 separate incidents of Einhorn yelling at the poor guy. If I had access to the videos I would have posted them days ago. Please don’t question my integrity as to what I saw. No, I didn’t see the fight firsthand but I did see 3 videos.
If this did happen and there is a video or three of it, someone should bring it to Town Hall and ask that the rest of the commissioners and buddy Bane condemn the antics. Bad boy Phil!
However has the video of Phil Einhorn needs to post it or send it to the media. If Phil did get in the face of this women’s rights group and yell he needs to be held accountable. If you have video please do the right thing. This man is going to be leading this town. Phil Einhorn shouldn’t be acting this way.
Rita, maybe the person who has the video doesn’t read the Dagger. If you know the person who has the video, please contact him and get him to post it on the Dagger.
I’m waiting patiently for the Phil Einhorn video. Maybe they are making it into a video- “grumpy old men 2: featuring Phil Einhorn Bel Air commissioner”