From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
WASHINTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., (MD-01) was appointed by Speaker Boehner to the Select Investigative Panel of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Earlier this year, videos were uncovered showing employees of the largest abortion provider in the country discussing the techniques and practices used to harvest and sell fetal organs.
Ongoing investigations at three House committees unveiled the necessity for a select panel. The House passed H.Res. 461, “Establishing a Select Investigative Panel of the Committee on Energy and Commerce,” on October 7, 2015.
Congressman Harris’ medical and research background uniquely qualifies him to serve on the committee. For almost three decades, Dr. Harris cared for patients as an obstetric anesthesiologist at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital. As an obstetric anesthesiologist, he cared for women and their babies during birth. In addition, while on the faculty at Johns Hopkins, he performed medical research funded by the National Institutes of Health. His research focused on fetal cerebral blood flow and was performed on sheep in utero. This professional experience will allow him to provide a unique perspective on the process used by big abortion providers to harvest organs and the impact on the mother and baby.
Congressman Harris released the following statement on being appointed to this committee:
“It is an honor to be asked to serve on the select panel that will investigate the deeply disturbing activities that have been ongoing at abortion providers. As an obstetric anesthesiologist, it is particularly troubling for me to have learned that abortion providers alter the abortion procedure itself, in a way that prolongs the procedure and introduces additional risk, to harvest the desired fetal organs. This potentially places the woman at a higher risk for complications not only during the abortion procedure itself, but in future pregnancies as well.
“As a pro-life father of five, I am repulsed not only by the discussion itself, but also with the utter disregard these videos show for the value and dignity of preborn human life. A comprehensive investigation is necessary to learn the truth about the possibly illegal activities carried out by taxpayer-funded organizations. I look forward to playing a part in this vital investigation.”
In announcing the committee members, Speaker Boehner said:
“Recent videos exposing the abortion-for-baby parts business have shocked the nation, and demanded action. At my request, three House committees have been investigating the abortion business, but we still don’t have the full truth. Chairman Blackburn and our members will have the resources and the subpoena power to get to the bottom of these horrific practices, and build on our work to protect the sanctity of all human life.”
The panel will consist of 8 Republicans and 6 Democrats. Speaker Boehner announced that Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (TN-07) will chair the panel. Including Congressman Harris, other members appointed to the panel are Congresswoman Diane Black (TN-06), Congresswoman Vicki Hartzler (MO-04), Congresswoman Mia Love (UT-04), Congressman Joe Pitts (PA-16), Congressman Larry Buschon, M.D., (IN-08), and Sean Duffy (WI-07).
Stop wasting tax dollars both on political investigations and funding every special interest program of both the left and right.
Why is Energy and Commerce Committee Investigates Abortion Practices
Because it falls under the Health category of the Energy and Commerce Committee. I almost made the exact same comment you made……
By those videos, you mean the ones that the director of the video has already admitted to splicing in footage NOT from planned parenthood? And also re-cutting the video to take discussions out of context? Something like “We … sell our aborted fetuses to so and so” where the actual quote was “We would never sell our aborted fetuses to so and so”.
“In the 43 edits he took quotes out of context and falsely attributed quotes to Planned Parenthood employees.”
Abortion is their business and business is good.
Planned Parenthood is a major provider of contraception, which reduces the need for abortion.
Yahn, your an ass.
Agreed, the video was NOT from Planned Parenthood and Andy Harris is using the fictional video as a means to have another Tax Payer funded Witch Hunt.
Harris is a effing useless waste of your tax dollars (and there IS an alternative available in the next election!) 🙂
I am embarrassed that my congressman is taking part in this dishonest “investigation”.
I am embarrassed that Harris is backing Paul Ryan for speaker.
On Monday June 9, 2014, Ryan and Diaz-Balart tell Luis Gutierrez that the bill they have crafted has the majority of Republicans saying they’ll vote for it.
Gutierrez tells his staff that Ryan’s trick is to provide legalization (amnesty) to all the “undocumented” but deny most of them a special path to citizenship. The idea is for Democrats to keep insisting on citizenship so that Ryan can show his fellow Republicans that he won a big concession by stripping the citizenship provision. But citizenship isn’t really what the open-borders advocates most want. What they want is the legal residency and work permits — which Ryan would give everybody with his bill.
Nearly all of Ryan’s leadership on this was done behind closed doors out of view of the public.
The PBS documentary leaves no question that the defeat of then-Majority Leader Cantor by Dave Brat may have been essential to keeping an amnesty from passing Congress in 2014.
But it is sobering to contemplate that Cantor was not nearly as committed to the free flow of foreign labor as is Ryan.
The documentary also makes it clear what we always told you that Boehner always wanted to pass comprehensive amnesty and immigration increases. But I believe he wasn’t so ideologically committed to it, so he could be moved by his Republican Conference to block the amnesty at many turns (even while working with Ryan behind the scenes to fashion one that he could push through).
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) was in line to be Speaker but was driven out of the running last month by the same forces that caused Boehner to throw in the towel. McCarthy also is far less ideologically committed to open borders than Ryan.
All three of those House GOP leaders were out of step with the voters who put their party into power in Congress.
And, yet, we are on a precipice created by their being deposed that exposes us to a far worse threat than they ever posed
We are being sold a pig with lipstick and Harris supports Paul Ryan for speaker. True conservative my dimpled a$$.
The Republicans are finished as a party when Ryan gets elected Speaker. Any amnesty bill passed by the house, even without citizenship will destroy any chance of any republican ever winning any election. The supreme court will grant citizenship and voting rights to these people no matter what the bill says. The democrats have allowed millions of illegals into the United States in an effort to change the entire political landscape knowing that over 95% of them vote with the Democrats. This is why they refuse to secure the border and continue to allow hundreds of thousands of illegals to enter our country. When the republicans try to stop them, the democrats scream “racism” and claim republicans want to take away their “rights”. The republicans are too stupid to figure this out and this Trojan Horse will destroy the republicans chance of ever willing an election again.
Congratulations Andy, your are supporting your own demise.
The last and only time a republican did anything for you….you were a fetus.
Andy Harris is a money spending do nothing
The simple solution the the whole PP controversy is to do unto them as they did to Ma Bell. Force a breakup. They insist the abortion portion of the business is self sustaining – let it be. Split it off completely and only Federally fund the women’s health portion of PP. Separate books, separate management, open the Federally funded portion’s books for inspection…Where’s the problem? No one in DC will ever suggest such a thing because it’ll no longer be a controversial, hot button rallying point.
Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization. MaBell was a corporate telecommunications company that was broken up for being a monopoly. The monopoly laws don’t apply to non-profit organizations…..
Fine. Poor comparison. PP accepts federal money and should be told that to continue to do so will require separation of their services. No one in DC has the balls to suggest it. Incidentally, monopoly laws are only enforced these days if you don’t have enough money to avoid it… else we’d still have XM as an alternative to Sirius.
uh, it”s against the law to use federal funding for abortions. No federal money goes to abortion.
I’m already aware of that statute… people are getting their knickers in a twist because they see these planned parenthood ghouls talking about what they do to dice up fetuses to dole out for research. My suggestion was to separate the two services in reality instead of in paper space in order to quell the controversy. I didn’t realize my suggestion would be so confusing.
Clearly you are unaware that this is already the case as required by law. A law that has exited since the 1980’s!
Quit wasting money on political witch hunts and figure out how to pay the bills next Monday!
This is the same guy that when he ran for the office, he was dead set against the President’s proposed health care legislation. But upon arrival in DC and the following is from Politico, “He stood up and asked the two ladies who were answering questions why it had to take so long, what he would do without 28 days of health care,” said a congressional staffer who saw the exchange. The benefits session, held behind closed doors, drew about 250 freshman members, staffers and family members to the Capitol Visitors Center auditorium late Monday morning,”.
“Harris then asked if he could purchase insurance from the government to cover the gap,” added the aide, who was struck by the similarity to Harris’s request and the public option he denounced as a gateway to socialized medicine.
Read more:
So why are we standing behind this ass who purports to represent us and our best interests in Washington, DC?
Planned Parenthood aborts babies and sells the parts. Swift and Armour and Tyson and all of the other meat packing plants butcher steers and pigs and chickens and sell the parts. Yes, it is that simple. Difference is Planned Parenthood gets government support and financial assistance and the others don’t.
Answer this question: What is the percentage of babies that are aborted compared to the population black babies and what is the percentage for white babies? Why are all of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in or near black poor communities? And why do the Dem/Libs applaud Planned Parenthood yet try to make everyone think they are the friends of poor blacks? With friends like these we don’t need enemies!