From Harford County Education Association:
The Harford County Education Association announced its endorsement of Hunter Smith for Bel Air town Commissioner.
“Mr. Smith demonstrates exuberance for public service and knowledge of public policy,” said HCEA President Ryan Burbey. “Harford educators look forward to working with him as he campaigns for office. We value partners who want to improve public education at all levels of government.”
HCEA vets all candidates for endorsement through a careful selection process, which includes completion of a questionnaire and interviews with educators. All candidates were given the opportunity to participate in the HCEA endorsement process.
So let me get this straight you endorsed a 23 year old kid who has no life experience, still lives in his mothers apartment and has no known job experience? HCEA is a joke. I read all the candidates experience online through the BaltoSun and they all have more qualifications then Mr. Smith. HCEA is going to regret this one.
What this says is a lot of people are not impressed with the direction the town of Bel Air has taken. Too much old school politics and time for some new blood in these offices! Go Hunter!
While I agree with you, this endorsement is not from the voters it is from the Harford County Education Association. My wife is a member of this Union and the members were not given the opportunity to vote in an endorsement. This was solely decided by Ryan Burbey and his executive board. This is typical Ryan Burbey and because of that in my opinion the endorsement carries no weight.
In large organizations membership does not make the decisions on political endorsements. This is a power membership grants to the board by virtue of their election. .
HCEA endorsements are not decided solely by me or the executive board. I, as president, do not have a vote. All candidates are asked to complete a questionnaire and to participate in an interview with a committee of HCEA members. All HCEA members are invited and encouraged to participate in the government relations and other committees. The government relations committee deliberates on endorsements. They may choose to endorse any or no candidates for any particular office. The recommendations are then given to the HCEA Board of Directors for an affirmative vote to accept the recommendation to endorse or not.
Mr. Smith completed a questionnaire, participated in a detailed interview with our government relations committee and was recommended for endorsement by our government relations committee. He is not the only candidate who participated in the process but he is the only one who the government relations committee felt comfortable endorsing. Following his recommendation for endorsement, our board of directors voted to accept the recommendation of the government relations committee and endorse Mr. Smith.
I would invite your wife to participate in our government relations committee during our next endorsement process. Please have her contact me. Our government relations committee is open to all HCEA members.
Maybe they are disgusted with the bull we have seen out of the town government lately too……
You obviously don’t know Mr. Smith. If you did, your information about this wouldn’t be so false.
Hunter Smith is a high energy guy.
He is the obvious choice for an HCEA endorsement because the teachers know a smart high energy guy when they see one.
He may be but the teachers never got a chance to learn anything about him. This “endorsement” was decided by Ryan Burbey and his executive board. The teachers did not vote for this endorsement.
The teachers don’t need to meet him because Hunter Smith is High Energy!
He’s just that ALPHA, yo.
What is Alpha, Yo. What does that mean? You have to help me understand your language. My generation doesn’t get your yo crap.
Every HCEA member is invited to join any of our committees. Thus, every HCEA member has the opportunity to participate in the endorsement process. HCEA members elected their board of directors and me to represent their interests.
Mr. Smith is a qualified and articulate candidate. He is will make a fine commissioner.
Mr. Smith, What is your position on the recent process spearheaded by the town administrator to select the new chief of police? You can be assured my vote and others rest on your position and response to this major issue.
I do not know Charles Moore nor do I know any of the other candidates who applied for the position. As a citizen I would have wanted the new commissioners who will be elected in November to be able to give their input on a hiring decision that is so important. I am a big proponent of transparency and do not understand why the process had to be completed before the election.
Thank you for your answer and you will have my vote based on your response and the need to clean town hall of those who allowed that process to move forward. I would hope that if elected you to not allow yourself to be led around by the nose like those already there and will work to ensure future processes are in the transparent process you describe.
If elected I promise to only look out for the residents of Bel Air and will strive for transparency in every aspect of town governance. If you or anyone else have any questions for me please feel free to contact me at
Hunter I like your thoughts about transparency. I am leaning towards voting for you. Are you willing to fight for full disclosure of who was a part of the recent chief selection? Are you willing to reevaluate wether Chuck Moore is the right person for the position? If Chuck Moore doesn’t have the support of the officers at Bel Air Police Department would you recommend his dismissal?
Uh, Hunter, you are aware the election is in 2016. So Hunter, your saying that the Town of Bel Air should not have a person in charge of the Bel Air Police for another year? Seriously???? A ship with no captain tends to run aground……
Uh, the election is just weeks away. Of course the town could have waited, but L. Jesse wanted to ensure his plan worked so he did not wait for the new commissioners to take office.
I’ve been corrected. I thought it coincided with the 2016 elections. Maybe you guys are right, the Chief could’ve been postponed. My apologies to Hunter Smith. I could’ve swore I read in another article that the election was next year……maybe comments by Play it again sam from another article.
HCEA endorsements are not decided solely by me or the executive board. I, as president, do not have a vote. All candidates are asked to complete a questionnaire and to participate in an interview with a committee of HCEA members. All HCEA members are invited and encouraged to participate in the government relations and other committees. The government relations committee deliberates on endorsements. They may choose to endorse any or no candidates for any particular office. The recommendations are then given to the HCEA Board of Directors for an affirmative vote to accept the recommendation to endorse or not.
Mr. Smith completed a questionnaire, participated in a detailed interview with our government relations committee and was recommended for endorsement by our government relations committee. He is not the only candidate who participated in the process but he is the only one who the government relations committee felt comfortable endorsing. Following his recommendation for endorsement, our board of directors voted to accept the recommendation of the government relations committee and endorse Mr. Smith.
Your Union is a joke this and any other endorsements made by HCEA mean nothing
Several HCEA endorsed candidates have gone on to win their respective elected offices.
Mr. Smith what is your thoughts on the Town Buying a small parcel of land on Main Street and making it a parking lot. The town paid 1,300,000.00. Do you believe that money was well spent or could have been put to better use.
He’s 24,bless his heart. What makes you think he can have an informed opinion on this?
I don’t know the specifics of that purchase although I believe the original price was in the $2 million area so the $1.3 million that the town paid represents a significant discount. The town is also recouping some of the money in the short term using the area for parking. I believe the site was suggested as a possible location for a new Town Hall building as well. Whether it was a good idea at the time I cannot speak to although the town purchased the building and now the decision is what to do with the property.
@ Mr. Hunter Smith-So my last question for you will be do you support the $13,000,000 construction/renovation project on the town hall? Have the current commissioners left the financial future of the town in jeopardy by overspending and not targeting needed projects? Sorry I know that was two questions! Any answer to this is appreciated
For you first question at this time I would find it hard to support a $13 million dollar project when the entire town’s annual budget is just over $16 million. I am not privy to the discussions the commissioners have had regarding the project but that seems like an enormous figure.
For your second question I don’t think the current commissioners have left the future of the town in jeopardy but we always need to be mindful of the money we spend and whether it is an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars. The 2015 budget did not increase property taxes and limited the increase in town spending to less than 1%.
Who care’s? Again, “endorsement’s” mean nothing. I’m not even sure (again) why this is news worthy ANYWHERE.
Right no one cares
I’m confused what does a town election have to do with education and schools. This is a joke of an endorsement. Typical Ryan Burbey. HCEA members should be embarrassed by this. SMH
All of our leaders should be advocating for and assisting in the improvement of our schools. HCEA seeks to support leaders who seek to support our schools. HCEA will continue to endorse candidates in elections who are supporters of public education, our students and our teachers.
I will be voting for Mr. Smith. I’d rather have a 23 year old commissioner who is willing to learn and sounds like he has a brain than a 78 year old Baner who is set in his ways and closeminded. And from what I hear of the old guy from word of mouth in town, he is a nasty old man, just like his buddy in town hall.
This is the political equivalent of signing a baseball player to a minor league contract. He won’t be able to help you now (Town Commissioners have little to no direct action with HCPS) , but you’ll own him when he moves up and can benefit you.
Smart move, Burbey. Slimy, underhanded and low (big surprise), but smart. We can only hope that Mr. Smith doesn’t succumb to HCEA’s ‘charms’.
Looks like Einhorn and Jesse missed the bingo bus again. I see red thumbs down on every post that makes him and Jess Jess look bad…..
Hunter I am leaning towards voting for you! I do have some questions 1.) are you willing to fight towards full disclosure of who took part in the selection of Chief Chuck Moore? 2.) Are you willing to reevaluate wether Chuck Moore is the right person for the position? 3.) If Chuck Moore doesn’t have the support of the officers at the Bel Air Police Department would you recommend and vote in favor of his dismissal? Any response is appreciated.
You really expect a 23 year old kid to answer that? That’s asking a lot of the young boy
Mike, I don’t think we need an answer now, but this young man is getting a first glance of what he is getting in to with a very important issue. His views and commitment (or not) is a hotspot. I will go further and ask if he finds that the process was “fixed”, would he demand the removal of anyone involved…..without. among obvious names at this time.
Mark, I have the same general question. Will you demand a full disclosure and reevaluation with the new commissioners? Would you be the one that uses this as a campaign promise and inform the voters now, before the elction, what your intent would be?
All I can say is I’m not voting for anyone that comes to my door or sends something to my house in the mail. I can read about them online and decide. This is the information technology era not 1960’s. Door to door and mailing is annoying and intrusive.
That is such a foolish statement. Any candidate willing to actually go face to face with voters instead of hide behind mailing junk or Facebook is the kind of person deserving of a vote. Those willing to actually go the extra mile, by spending their valuable time walking the neighborhoods is that much more impressive! Too bad you are all too important to be interrupted for 5 minutes from your very important life to make an informed decision. Your attitude is why we have the elected fools that are running this state and the Town of Bel Air already.
Hunter is not going to put up with Susan Burdettes nonsense and for that reason he has my vote. I also would never vote for Einhorn he is an idiot.
Everyone is talking about Burdette, Einhorn and Smith, what about Hopkins and Simmons? What’s the word on them?
My vote is for Burdette, Hopkins and Smith. It’s not that I don’t like Einhorn or Simmons but their not the best choice. Burdette has done good things for the town. Hopkins has a police officer background and my neighbor worked with him as a Sheriff and said good things about him. Smith is young but seems to have a good heart and seems pretty genuine, so I will give him a chance.
I can see voting for Brendan Hopkins and for Susan Burdette but I don’t agree with Hunter Smith. Hunter seems like a nice kid but he needs to get some career experience or other life experience. He has no kids and no known job other then being in college. I would vote for him down the road but not right now.
John M., please educate yourself before November. Brendon Hopkins is NOT Eddie Hopkins, the former sheriff. Same name, no connection that I know of. Either way, he should get a nod to clean out the entire mess, but your lack of known information causes some speculation for me on why you would think Burnette should get another term. Comission erstwhile like Burnette could do 10 good things, but as soon as you endorse the likes of Mr. Bane, then participated in a bogus search for the police chief like she did (directly or indirecrly), all of those things erase from the “good” side of the scale.
Isn’t it Brandon Hopkins, a former deputy sheriff who was screwed over by the likes of Mr Walter, Mr Bane and others no nothing more than becoming ill?
“for nothing more than becoming ill?”
Mark, actually for once Howard had nothing to do with this. It was Christina Presberry herself who screwed Cpl. Hopkins over. And guess who was named a finalist with Chuck Moore for the Bel Air Chief of Police position? Bane was determined to have one of his minions named chief to do his bidding. And you are correct–because Cpl. Hopkins’ illness was unable to be diagnosed in what Bane considered to be a suitable period of time, Bane fired him. Anyone reading this–this is just one of the many reasons we despise Lionel Bane. Hopkins for Commissioner.
My concern is that Hunter Smith did not answer the questions fellow posters asked of him. He seems to have a personal vendetta against Chief Charles Moore and Town Administrator Jesse Bane. I’m not sure of what his reasoning is for this. He also has yet to give any information about his work history. I will not vote for Hunter Smith.
Chad, he hasn’t been around to have any vendetta. He has though, been reading these posts as he has responded to quite a few questions, and is getting how frustrating it is to watch recent developments withe appointments. If I were running, I think asking questions about what everyone is talking about seems smart. We shall see what he does once he gets in office, coming right after the November elections based on how pissed people are. Sorry, I can’t conclude there is any “vendetta” based on his responses. That’s reaching.