From Fraternal Order of Police, Harford County Municipal Lodge #128:
The Fraternal Order of Police, Harford County Municipal Lodge #128 is proud to announce its endorsement of Mayor Michael Bennett for re-election in 2015, the re-election of Councilwoman Sandy Landbeck, the election of Steve Smith, Melvin Taylor and Tim Lindecamp.
Lodge #128 respects the electoral process and embraces the opportunity afforded to the residents of the City of Aberdeen to vote for the leaders of our community.
We choose to make an endorsement based off of the support Mayor Bennett has given the Aberdeen Police Department in support of its goals, employees, and dedication to public safety. This dedication and hard work has not gone unnoticed by our membership. We want the voting public to know just how supportive Mayor Bennett has been in making the Aberdeen Police Department the best it can be and an agency the public can be proud of.
An endorsement for Councilwoman Landbeck is based off of the support she has given to the police department and her commitment to public safety.
Councilman Smith served the Aberdeen community 30-years as a police officer, retiring as Deputy Chief of Police. Councilman Smith has supported the goals of the police department and was instrumental in the police department obtaining the highest recognition in law enforcement, CALEA – The Gold Star in Public Safety.
Mr. Taylor and Mr. Lindecamp are very involved in the community.
FOP Lodge #128 and its membership also wishes to express its willingness and availability to work with any candidate the public sees fit to elect to these prestigious positions. We look forward to working openly and with purpose, any elected officials dedicated to moving the City of Aberdeen and the police department into the future. We wish all the candidates the best of luck!
Should have endorsed our man Smitty and stayed out of the rest…….this will come back to haunt the FOP this time.
Exactly how many officers are on the Aberdeen force? How many of them live and vote in Aberdeen? I see the same officers working day in and day out and I think only a handful live in the town.
It’s meaningless, and unfortunate for the cops, because this endorsement happened even though there were only 12 members in attendance.
What about the Bel Air Election? The FOP #128 website says that they are the Union for the Bel Air Town Police as well. Do the Bel Air Police members not have a say in this election? Are they not important enough?
How about a vote of no confidence from the FOP in the Jesse Bane warped process that brought in Bane’s little buddy as the new chief? That would be interesting.
They are too busy dealing with the fix that was in from Uncle Jesse and their new Chief….although a brief stay it may be when the new town commissioners get in office.
I could have told you Lionel Jesse Bane was going to destroy Bel Air. Get him out while you can and before it’s too late. He destroyed the Harford Sheriff Department.
Fop #128 does not represent Bel Air Police like they claim to do. Bel Air Police have their own local #228 I believe. They also don’t endorse in the elections because they endorsed the wrong people a few years back and it didn’t work out too well for them. Hope that helps
Mr. Sergio – Your comment is not all that accurate. The Fraternal Order of Police, Harford County Municipal Lodge #128 DOES consist of members from all three municipal agencies within Harford County. As for endorsing the “wrong people” not totally accurate as well. In fact, our lodge has a GREAT working relationship with our elected officials.
Thank you.
Jason Neidig- how many of your members are from Bel Air Police Force? Also why did FOP #128 not endorse anyone in the Bel Air election? I live in Bel Air and I want to know who the police support, but I am confused Sir.
Andy – Thank you for your legitimate question(s). FOP #128 has 3 members from Bel Air. No motion was made nor was there any input from the 3 members to endorse candidates for Town Commissioner for Bel Air.
Most of the officers with the Bel Air police department are members of IUPA local.
Most HCSO Deputies are with the aa local of IUPA, not FOP #128.
FOP does have a lodge that consist mainly of Corrections Officers and that is Lodge #31.
Hope that helps, Sir.
I bet they do have a GREAT working relationship. Hence the reason you would endorse the WRONG person for the job. Is Art Helton on that board somehow?
Phyllis – The Fraternal Order of Police, Harford County Municipal Lodge #128’s membership is open to those sworn law enforcement officers serving within the three municipal police departments (Active and Retired). Our membership DOES consist of members from all three agencies. Our membership meetings are open to all active and retired members, therefore everyone has a voice.
Thank you.
The Harford County Sheriffs Union uses survey monkey for their endorsements that way all their members get a chance to vote. You guys are going to regret having the 12 members in attendance for a meeting decide who is endorsed. Bad decision Nedig
The article was not about Belair or Bane, don’t you think?
And that is why the question came up. Aberdeen and Bel Air are both having elections and the FOP represents officers in both towns, why are the endorsements only in reference to Aberdeen? Bel Air is where the FOP better focus its efforts because the FOJ ( friends of Jesse) are taking over.
I disagree. I think that this has a lot to do with Bel Air and I want to know why FOP #128 hasn’t endorsed or isn’t endorsing anyone in the Bel Air election?
Jason Neidig from FOP #128 cleared up many of my questions and I appreciate that. Bel Air Police have 3 members in FOP #128 and the majority are in a AFL-CIO IUPA police union. So my question is to the Bel Air Police IUPA Union- are you going to endorse anyone or do you not support any candidate?? I am asking this as a voter in Bel Air. It’s good to know who the police support but Bel Air Police union is silent.
Who cares FOP
I have never heard of anybody basing their vote on who the local FOP endorses, except the members of that particular FOP……
Who cares? Why is this and every other secret squirrel union “endorsememts” news worthy anywhere?
This is about as Importamt as what that big assed Cardassian (LOL) woman is “hash tagging” on FAKEbook.
Agreed, for once…..
GREAT!! FOP endorses a cheater and a lier (how quickly we forget). A guy who has done NOTHING while in his current position. Lets give him some more time in office? More years of businesses fleeing and deciding not to open in town. More empty unleased buildings. Higher crime. After all those crack heads and homeless at the overpass are part of the tourist attraction.