From Sean Jackson Sr.:
To Whom It May Concern;
My name is Sean Jackson Sr. I have officially declared my candidacy for Maryland Congressional District 1 – Republican. I have dedicated my life to civil service. I have protected and served the citizens of Maryland for over 18 years as a member of the Maryland State Police. I proudly served my country for 6 years with the U.S. Marine Corps. I have held several leadership positions to include my current assignment as Commander of the Bel Air Barrack located in Harford County. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Management (Public Safety) from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) and I attended the Penn State Police Executive Leadership School.
I will apply knowledge gained from my years of law enforcement/military experience and formal education toward improving the quality of life for the citizens of District 1. I will seek tax breaks for citizens and small business owners alike, protect Maryland farms, improve education, support fellow Veteran’s, obtain funding to improve the District’s infrastructure, support Second Amendment Rights for legal gun owners, and re-focus the war on drugs in order to affect real change. “All politics is local.” It’s my goal to be proactive in all 12 counties to better serve District 1 constituents as their Representative in Washington D.C.
“Thank You” for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this letter. If you would like to discuss my campaign any further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at the above address, website, email or phone number.
Sean Jackson Sr.
I notice, especially, two items from your website–the statement (in red): “I’m not Andy” and the photo of your family in front of a statue of the Blessed Mother.
Can you be more specific as to your purpose in posting these to your website? What should we take from these two items?
He had me at “I’m not Andy!”
How about you tell your troopers that you are responsible for to stop harassing motorist. Many of which are just trying to go to work and make a living. Deputies and town cops treat you like your human, troopers treat you like a criminal no matter what the situation is. It’s ridiculous
Maybe if you followed the law you wouldn’t get stopped. Gosh nobody I know that drives in a civil and responsible way is ever pulled over.
most md state police act like douchebags like somehow writing seatbelt tickets makes them feel like the average citizen is beneath them
Maryland Transportation Police take the #1 douchebag crown in the State.
Every morning I’ve been seeing trps’ running “traffic” hard in the Westbound direction Route 49/Long Bar.
Just as one finished up his “stop” and pulled a U-turn at the traffic light, and initiated another stop 1/4 mile down the road (Eastbound). The only thing I can think was hand held cell phone or a headlight out in the given amount of time.
They also love Baker cemetery in Aberdeen, route 22/Ripken stadium. Better start pumping the brakes at the top of the hill before you peak the curve. Its easy to spot them, though.
Route 40. Not 49.
Don’t forget the stop sign at 155/161 junction, if you don’t come to a complete stop turning right onto 155 you’ll get a ticket
You mean to tell me Troopers are doing traffic enforcement. Holy s#%# what’s next….concerned citizen , you are an idiot
I’m sorry? you took in my comment wrong. I was merely alerting motorist of where they are doing “traffic” as consistently as I observed.
You care to insult me any more? Why do you white people always have to jump to insults?
Because that’s in their DNA.
You’re right, and I am wrong.
Commentor “Wow” another example of your typical Republican voting cheese steak eater whos addicted to watching Faux News.
Do you dream about walking around in public with a big gun on your hip so you can intimidate minorities?
Don’t worry, Democrats are moving to Northern Harford County in record droves.
Its only a matter of significant pull on the right people before this current generation of kids don’t wish to continue their family farms, moot out farm land and vast property preservations and then we’ll have town homes, public water, and heck, the volunteer fire departments up that way will have 100 foot aerial ladder trucks to play with.
God, I hope not. Took us twenty or more years to get rid of you leftists!!
Oh, and get off your BSNBC diet. See, I can make ad hominem attacks as easily as Democrats do. So just stop.
I am registered Independent and politically indifferent. It just goes to show what type of people you are. I am a “leftist”? I never once insinuated what political scale I lean to and what I agree or disagree on. Please, spare me your drivel.
Democrats are moving north buddy, whether you like it or not. Moving out to the Countree, y’hear. Notice homes being constructed up there lately? Take a better look.
Dildo Baggins,
You didn’t have to point out the migration, hell I could smell ’em. But, don’t waste your threat. Folks with money are moving out.
I am interested in ANY candidate affiliated with ANY political party who is NOT an over serving elected employee. Our citizens, who are voted in to office should be voted out of office after two terms, on the local, state, and federal levels. Come to think of it, one term is enough. Unfortunately, folks keep reelecting the same parasite, time after time after time, etcetera.
Why is it conservatives are so out of touch? Nothing against you Sean I’m sure you are a great guy but the issues facing the citizens you wish to represent are not even close to those you list on your about page. People care about jobs and making a decent wage, people care about corporate America being held liable to the taxpayers, people care about why student loans carry higher rates than banks borrow and a million other things which are not issues you want to take on.
Good God man you are against Obama care well join the club but before you dump it please come up with a better plan. In general you might want to rewrtie your entire Views section, We don’t care what you oppose tell us what you are going to do to make things better because I hate to tell you this…. But you are exactly like Andy. We don’t need another chronic do nothing complainer.
Seriously. At some point in the last decade being against something or saying “I’m not so-and-so,” has become a political platform. Yet when it comes time to offer effective solutions or alternatives to all the things the candidates are against, we get nothing more than generalizations or long-debunked BS. Hell, I’m sure as heck “not Andy,” so I must be just a qualified as this guy.
Don’t sell yourself short, you may be more qualified than this guy if you are not Andy. 🙂
One thing he appears to be for is “protecting Marylands farms”. Ah yes the all encompassing pander to the rural eastern shore factory farms where big business keeps the actual farmers one step ahead of bankruptcy.. District one is certainly a melting pot.
Alot of hate against Troopers posted in response especially in reference to issuing tickets. Your greatest threat day to day is our roads, those speeding and/or not wearing seatbelts are part of the problem. Back to the real topic, Lt. Sean Jackson I know him personally and he’s a smart down to earth guy unlike the stereotype most of you are throwing in the State Police. You can’t go wrong voting for him you won’t be disappointed, and no I’m not a Trooper.
Greatest threat “roads”. Are you an idiot?
ISIS, Obama releasing hundreds of thousands of criminal aliens, drugs, global economy and you are worried about seat belts.
There were 32,719 motor vehicle related deaths in the United States in 2013.
There were 33,169 gun related deaths in the United States in 2013.
Guns kill more people than roads.
Absent an operator, neither vehicles or guns kill anyone.
Too bad those 65,888 people didn’t know. Kind of dumb of them to go off and die when they weren’t really able to be killed. You need to work harder at getting your message out. Maybe stand around outside shock trauma and tell everone to relax because these things can’t actually kill them.
I stand by my comment. Without an operator, guns don’t kill nor do vehicles.
so you wanna ban cars too…………
you’re an idiot.
And how many of those gun related deaths were suicide or gang related?
21,000 of those deaths were suicides with a firearm. They leave that little nicety out. Shocking right
I appreciate the derogatory remarks thrown my way, perhaps I should have clarified. I believe law abiding honest citizens in Maryland, specifically in Harford County are at a greater risk on our roadways. I’m curious to know in the past ten years how many have died on our roads, as opposed to how many have died from ISIS, criminal aliens, drugs, and a struggling global economy in reference to law abiding Marylander’s.
The greatest threat of our day, is a terrorist organization known as Homeland Security and any agency that cooperates with them. With that said, I have looked at Commander Jackson’s website and researched his career. He claims to hold the Bill of Rights as sacred, yet works for an organization that has repeatedly violated those same sacred rights, time and again. Not calling him a liar, but I can not have some sort of doubt about his genuine intentions of upholding the rights that are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. He should probably leave the 2nd Amendment thing alone, as anybody with sense knows that it is nothing but a Republican rally cry to capture the uneducated hillbilly vote. However, I do like his views regarding Marijuana and the refocusing of the Drug War against substances that are truly detrimental to the public’s well being. I couldn’t find anything negative about his career. All in all, I think he is a viable candidate. He is definitely BETTER, than the other candidates that the District 1 Ding Dongs elect on a regular basis.
I see you had a sleepless night, posting your comments at 4:31am. Thanks for all your research into the candidates personal history, but do you really think the voters of District 1, care what someone who does not even reside in District 1 thinks?
Until the voters on Maryland Eastern Shore become dissatisfied with Mr. Harris, or a viable candidate from the Eastern Shore emerges, Mr. Harris will continue to serve the citizens of District 1.
Well you’re comment is a day late and a dollar short, but I have ALL my family on the Eastern Shore and I tell them all the time that they should NOT vote for Andy Harris. You know in Easton, MD., they are seeing that Harris is nothing but a stooge. I believe Sean Jackson is a BETTER candidate than the do nothing that you prefer. Quite frankly, I would vote Democrat, but you can’t convince a Shore Billy to not vote Republican. They still think there is a chance Ronald Reagan will resurrect like the savior and run again. Its depressing, but realistic.
There is nothing in my post that indicates in any way I prefer Mr. Harris as my representative. I stated what I believe to the the overriding reason that Mr. Harris was elected and reelected.
There is nothing in your comment that states that you do not prefer Andy Harris either. You did bring him up out of the blue, a day late and a dollar short. You should stop using the term, “post”, by the way. It makes everyone aware of who you are and the many different personalities you have…..
Holy pigshit…there will be nothing but former citizen beaters running everything soon. When the gov passes time laws, time to do this n time to do that, you know it will be coming from some crew cut fatass like this, with our illegal governments support of course… When a tyrannically government passes laws that the people don’t agree with or want…ignore them! and destroy their painters anyway you can! with everything you have.