From Maryland State Police:
The search is underway for a suspect who apparently staged a minor crash in Harford County late this afternoon and then robbed the unsuspecting victim when he pulled over to exchange information.
The suspect is described as a white male between 28 and 32 years old, with a crew cut and reddish beard with no mustache. He was driving a gray Mazda, with unknown registration.
The victim, a 42-year-old man from Bel Air, Maryland, told troopers from the Maryland State Police Bel Air Barrack that at about 5:00 p.m. today, he was southbound on Harford Road prior to Rt. 152, when he stopped in traffic. He said his vehicle was bumped from behind by the driver of the Mazda.
The victim and suspect pulled their vehicles to the shoulder of southbound Harford Road, presumably to exchange information. The victim said the suspect pulled a folding knife and demanded his wallet. After taking the victim’s wallet, the suspect fled the area in his gray Mazda.
Criminal investigators from the State Police Criminal Enforcement Division Northern Region responded to the scene to continue the investigation. Troopers are requesting anyone who may have witnessed this incident or who may have information regarding the suspect to contact the Maryland State Police Bel Air Barrack, at 410-879-2101.
If only the victim had the right to carry and defend himself, there may have been be one less scumbag in the gene pool.
Gotta love these internet tough guys. One day, if we’re all lucky, you’ll get your chance to show us what you can do. Maybe the next time a shooting happens, you’ll live the dream and be the good guy with a gun.
@ PizzlePallBearer – LOL, Until you are the one bumped from behind and have a knife shoved in your face. Imagine if your wife and kids were in the car. Spray some cleaner on your “Coexist” bumper sticker and drive your Subaru Outback back to Ruxton you snob. Obviously you don’t live in the real world with the rest of us.
@pizzlepallbearer, I’ll take the opportunity to defend myself and my family over having no choice but to be the victim. Plus, if “tough guy” criminals knew they had a better than 50/50 chance at being confronted by a “victim” with a gun, I think you’d find a drop in acts like this, because most criminals are cowards.
I never claimed to be a “tough guy”, but I see nothing has stopped you from preaching from your ivory tower your glorious words of wisdom.
From the way the situation is describe in the article if he had a gun he could not have used it.
Could not have used it, word? I’ll take my chances. People should not bring a knife to a gunfight.
I’ve been telling people for years its not worth stopping for a light love tap in traffic like that!
I remember sitting in Home Depot seeing a couple goobers in a small econoshit box car jam into a big bad pickups ball mount.
The owner of the truck came out, inspected for damage. He got into his truck and drove off, ripping that POS cars front fascia, bumper, radiator support et all, LIKE a BOSS!
Fleeing an accident?
If you lightly bump into another stopped vehicle (no injuries) and the person you bumped into drives away. Who and how are you going to prove you negligently ran into someone
Are the Police going to put out a massive search effort?
Interesting crime. My guess is the liberal /dems will be pushing for a total knife ban in the next 90 day session. Eat with your hands you peons.
…is that they’ll do nothing of the sort. Let’s wait and see who guessed right.
Apparently you can own most anything, but there are limits on what you can carry in MD:
“Limits on Carry
You can not conceal carry a throwing star, dirk, switchblade, gravity knife, or bowie knife.
You can not open carry a throwing star, dirk, switchblade, gravity knife, or bowie knife with the intent to harm someone.
You can open or conceal carry any sized pocket knife you wish.”
I am 45, Wife, 4 Kids, Professional Guy in our Community. I Conceal Carry WITHOUT a permit. Period. Too many idiots out there. Bring your s*&% to my house in Fallston or my car and we will both be in the news, except you will have chalk around your body. I promise that. I am not the only one with this mindset. We are not waiting on the Maryland Legislature, the State Police to harass us and say “No we cannot carry”, we are doing it. The numbers of us are growing with each newscast. Keep your crap in Edgewood and Baltimore City or there will be hell and fury to pay. We promise that.
If you are carrying without a permit and announcing it on this particular website, then you are foolish. The details of actual crime being committed in violation of the Annotated Code of Maryland is enough probable cause for the Police to ask for your IP address and subsequently investigate the situation. I’d advise you to cease this as you may be pulled over tomorrow and checked. The Dagger has a strong relationship with the HCSO and would not hesitate providing your IP address…….
Proxy server
Even when you use a proxy, the IP6 can still be traced if a crime is committed. All proxies in the US are still required by law to cooperate if a crime is being committed. All proxies have a log of IP’s that records the log ins. Only a VPN, from a foreign country that does not cooperate with the US are safe……
Wow…the Girl Scouts better be careful about coming to your house to sell Thin Mints.
fallston is the wrong neighborhood…… too many 2nd ammendment guys up there