With longtime town commissioners Robert Reier and Edward Hopkins not seeking re-election, five candidates – including one incumbent – have lined up for a seat at one of the three positions with expiring terms on the Bel Air Board of Town Commissioners.
While her two colleagues are not running to retain their seats, incumbent town commissioner Susan Burdette has thrown her name into the ring for re-election – meaning at least two of the three open seats will be filled by a newcomer.
The other four candidates on the Nov. 3 ballot include Philip Einhorn, Brendan Hopkins, Diane Simmons, and Hunter Smith.
The terms of town commissioners Robert M. Preston and Patrick T. Richards expire in November 2017.
Election – November 3, 2015
2015 Candidate List:
1. Susan U. Burdette
2. Philip L. Einhorn
3. Brendan P. Hopkins
4. Diane E. Simmons
5. Hunter M. Smith
The Town of Bel Air Municipal Election for the Board of Town Commissioners will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at Town Hall, 39 N. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, Maryland. Polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. The Town is using the Maryland State Board of Elections certified Diebold Premium Accu-Vote TS Voting System.
The Board of Town Commissioners consists of five members who are elected to four-year terms. Any registered voter of the Town of Bel Air who desires to file as a candidate for commissioner must be a registered voter of the town and be a resident of the town for at least six months immediately preceding the election. The second meeting November of each year, the commissioners elect a member to serve as chair and vice chair of the Board of Town Commissioners. The chair has the honorary title of “Mayor.”
2015 Town Election
Anyone who desires to file as a candidate for Commissioner of the Town of Bel Air must have resided in the Town for at least six (6) months immediately preceding the election and shall be a registered voter of the State of Maryland. Candidates must file in person, at Town Hall, 39 N. Hickory Avenue, and complete a written certificate of candidacy and code of ethics financial disclosure statement with the Town Clerk of their intention to run for the office of Commissioner on or before October 2, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. The filing fee is $25.00. Should you have any questions relative to the status of your voter registration, contact the Harford County Board of Elections at (410) 638-3565.
All eligible residents of the Town of Bel Air who desire to vote in the Town Election on November 3, 2015 must be a registered voter of the State of Maryland. If you are not registered, or have any questions regarding your registration, contact the Harford County Board of Elections on or before the voter registration deadline of October 13, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Applications for registration are available at the Harford County Elections Office located at 133 Industry Lane, Forest Hill; the Maryland Department of Motor Vehicles at 501 W. MacPhail Road, Bel Air; Bel Air Town Hall; or on line at www.harfordvotes.info, or call (410) 638-3565 for more information.
Every person who meets all of the following qualifications may vote: 1) is a citizen of the United States; 2) is eighteen (18) years of age or older by the date of the election; 3) is a registered voter in the State of MD and has resided within the Town of Bel Air for at least twenty?one days preceding the Town election; and 4) is not constitutionally regulated or disqualified to be a registered voter pursuant to Election Law § 3-102 (b) of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
Applications for Absentee Ballots are available at the Harford County Board of Elections, 133 Industry Lane, Forest Hill, MD 21050 or by calling (410) 638?3565. The deadline for receipt of Absentee Ballot Applications by the Harford County Board of Elections is October 27, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. by mail, or 11:59 p.m. by fax to (410) 638?3310 or email to elections@harfordcountymd.gov in order to receive your ballot by mail. After this deadline applications and ballots must be picked up in person at the Harford County Board of Elections. Ballots must be received and stamped at the Town Hall, 39 N. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, on or before the close of the polls (8:00 PM) on Election Day.
Harford County Board of Elections
133 Industry Lane
Forest Hill, MD 21050
(410) 638-3565
Throw the whole lot out for hiring the incompetent Jesse Bane as town administrator. Political favors everywhere. There should be a criminal investigation.
I can tell you I WILL NOT vote for Susan Burdette. She has done nothing during the last 4 years. She also knows about and supported the back door politics to get that police chief and Jesse Baner. Jesse is destroying the town and she keeps voting yes instead of speaking up like she was elected to do. Time for change
Burdette and Einhorn are Bane supporters. Burdette was part of the team that brought Bane to BelAir and Einhorn is his best buddy next to the new chief. No votes for these two.
Ms. Burdette and Mr. Einhorn, I would start asking friends for boxes. You will need them after election day. The people are not as stupid as you think. They are on the the game with Jesse and now Moore, and who knows how many more hidden that no one knows about yet. I hope your replacements have the courage to demand an investigation on how this whole thing went down with Jesse and Chuckie. Both of you are about to lose an election over that single issue because you let shananagans in to the building. Just look at the threads to see how disgusted people are with the way things went down. Thank Jesse and Chuckie on your way out. They cost you your jobs.
If you live in the town of Bel Air DO NOT VOTE FOR BURDETTE and EINHORN. They are a part of Bane’s plan to have complete control of the town. He left the Sheriff’s Department in shambles and he will do the same to Bel Air. If you care about your town and would like to see it continue to grow and thrive, DO NOT VOTE FOR BURDETTE and EINHORN.
What people fail to realize is how the town is not as fiscally responsible as they make themselves out to be. The town will need 13,000,000.00 (thirteen million) soon to build a new town hall on Main Street and then to remodel the existing town hall for the police department. They are spending $50,000 to study WIFI on Main Street. Jesse Bane wants to install armor in the doors of the police cars at a cost of $1,500 per door, but will not install bullet resistant glass?? The fuel cost for the cars will also go up drastically. Two years ago The town paid 1.4 million dollars for the d BB&T building on Main Street and they built a parking lot? This is just a few examples, Does this seem fiscally responsible to you? Susan Burdette supported all of this and voted yes. I gave her a chance when I voted for her 4 years ago. I will not vote for her again.
Wait wasn’t Phil Einhorn-Jesse Banes campaign manager? Politics in Bel Air are getting deeper and deeper.
Yes you are correct. No place for politics in a small town like Bel Air.
@Danny Smith- wait Bel Air Police are getting bulletproof doors? You are kidding right? I don’t even have bulletproof doors and I work as a city police officer. This has to be a joke. Has a Bel Air Police Officer ever been shot at or shot at a suspect? Just seems like a wasteful use of taxpayer funds.
I know the police force can be cut back dramatically. I have seen way too many officers patrolling outside the town limits. If they have that much manpower to patrol outside the town, then they have too many officers.
Jesse Bane brought politics back to Bel Air. We didn’t have these problems with hiring best friends and spending like crazy until Jesse got here. The town board was warned ahead of time by tons of people. The town cannot maintain its level of services in the future without raising taxes. Thank you Jesse. I also blame Susan Burdette for not voting against all this garbage.
Sounds like its all out there now. Didn’t realize the campaign manager connection. That’s a big one. I wouldn’t order your uniforms yet Chuckie……..sounds like another short term gig with Uncle Jesse. Unbelievable.
If you really want to know about how close Jesse Bane is with Phil Einhorn read this- http://www.daggerpress.com/2014/10/20/pedestrian-struck-by-vehicle-near-taco-bell-in-bel-air/ read the comments and how unprofessional Phil Einhorn truly is. Decide for yourself. I don’t know who I would vote for but it wouldn’t be Phil
Einhorn sounds like an idiot standing alone and an even bigger one pairing himself with Bane. And does Bel Air really need a 78 year old senile town commissioner? I know there are tons of senior citizens out there who are on the ball, but Einhorn is not one of them and neither is the Town Administrator.
I am so disappointed in your comments on that other story. You show yourself to be pretty heartless, petty and even get called out for being homophobic. Hopefully no one in town will be voting for you and will see what kind of men they have in Bane and Moore who are cut from the same cloth! Three peas in a pod you might say.
We just moved into the area. What is the deal with Jesse Bane? He sounds like a bad politician.
I was wondering the same. I asked my grandmother who has lived in Bel Air her whole life, she said she thinks that Jesse Bane may be having issues with old age. Possibly Dementia or something like that. She said he is a very good man but didn’t like what he was doing to the town. Businesses are packing up everywhere and leaving Bel Air. She said it did start prior to Jesse when all the bars came to town. But she said Jesse is making things even worse, he’s apparently spending like crazy at Bel Air taxpayers expense.
Jesse Bane has been such a disappointment. I won’t be voting for him or anyone that hired him. I suspect Banes hug a thug policies have infiltrated our town. I see the heroin problem growing in Bel Air under Bane and Moore.
He always reminded me of Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry.
He’d be rocking the Sheriff’s uniform with no firearm. To me, the SHERIFF should always have his gun on his hip openly when in uniform.
Linda, just wait until you see more halfway houses popping up in all Bel Air neighborhoods. Nothing wrong with them per se, however, wait for the town to be oversaturated with them. Bane believes in rehabilitation at the expense of the taxpayers and by expense I don’t just mean monetary. He didn’t earn the name hug-a-thug for nothing.
I hope the Dagger will be conducting a candidates forum so we can find out more about the other candidates. I hope none of them are Bane plants. I wouldn’t put it past him to finance someone’s campaign in exchange for voting for everything he wants. You know the Slaegis will endorse Burdette and Einhorn. They would never go against Bane or one of his minions. So I would like to vote for the other 3, but if none of them is worthy, then I guess I won’t vote at all.
Is Brendan P. Hopkins any relation to outgoing commissioner Edward Hopkins?
He is not.
That’s probably a good thing. He has my vote now.
Why would Eddie run again. He lost an election with Bane, conveniently got a job right away, and helped his buddy Jesse with making sure the police chief selection went the way they planned on it going. If he ran, he would have this all over his hands. Glassman should be calling him in to see what his involvement the was in this process and to see if he had his blessing to participate. I doubt he did, but maybe they are all linked. Wouldn’t surprise me. Sad way to end it Eddie. Leaving everyone with the proverbial bag….
Word on the street is that Jesse Bane wants to bring more halfway houses to Bel air. He wants to create an Edgewood North.
The Aegis- did a great interview with Brendan Hopkins. He had some good ideas about helping small businesses. He comes from a business management and law enforcement background. They also talked to Hunter Smith- he is a college student. He seemed ok for a young kid.I don’t think he’s ever worked or at least it didn’t say he did. When Diane Simmons was interviewed she said she didn’t know what a commissioner even did! As for Phil He said he wouldn’t change anything but he didn’t give any ideas on what he believes in or wants to do. They didn’t even interview Susan Burdette- I don’t know if she declined or what. My vote is for 1.)Brendan P. Hopkins, 2.)Susan U. Burdette and I’m not sure for the third either 3.)Hunter Smith or Diane Simmons.
No way I’m voting for this kid Hunter Smith. He’s probably never paid a bill in his life or had to work. At 23 years old he hasn’t had the life experiences. I’m sorry he may be a nice Kid but no way I’m voting for him.
That’s cute that you think a young man has never held a job before.
Has Hunter Smith ever had a job?
Nope and when Broke It needed a butt boy he was the perfect choice
Doing a simple Google search will show you he has held a job at a young age too. Can also see he’s a student so I would think he would be more focused on school.
I have been reading this and other posts for a while and have noticed that some of the posters seem to have a problem with Jesse Bane. It is hard to tell if the problem is really significant or if there are just a handful of Bane hates out there posting under different names. Who knows? What I don’t understand is why there are negative postings about the choice for Bel Air Police Chief Charles Moore saying that he was only appointed for personal reasons and that he is not qualified. News flash. He has the same level of education as the Sheriff of Harford County. I believe they both retired from the Maryland State Police at the same rank level. Chief Moore is an associate college professor who instructs Criminal Justice classes. I have heard that he was well liked and did a good job.The man is as qualified as the Sheriff, who by the way is who most of the Bane haters supported. So in closing, go ahead and continue to be Bane haters if that is what you want. Some of the posters seem consumed by their hatred but absent of that feeling of contempt for Mr. Bane really don’t have a good argument against the appointment of Chief Moore. He was as qualified as any applicant pursuing that position.
I have posted before and stated that Mr. Moore, while qualified, was not the most qualified for the position of Chief. There were other candidates who were, in my opinion, more qualified than Mr. Moore. One of who served as interim Chief for almost a year just prior to the selection of Mr. Moore. This interim Chief was lauded by Jesse Bane and other members of the Bel Air Town Council for his performance as the acting Chief.
I hope the selection of Mr. Moore as Bel Air Chief of Police works out in a positive way for the Officers of BAPD and the citizens of Bel Air. I do not agree that Mr. Moore was as qualified as several of the other candidates.
Captain Moore was a gopher for an assistant chief not the superintendent as he claims. He had supervision of about a dozen civilians. MSP did not trust him with a real command. Do not worry he is well trained to be Banes dancing monkey.
Mike Welsh who do you support for town commissioner?
I am not a resident of Bel Air, so I have not spent any time reviewing the qualifications or political leanings of those who are currently a candidate for the council positions. That said, I would not personally support any candidate who has in the past supported Mr. Bane or those who intend to support Bane in the future.
In my opinion, the position of Town Administrator should be one that is not aligned or used as a political position. That is an impossible task for Mr. Bane, as everything he does has a political slant. He has been that way for as long as I have known of his dealings. On a personal basis Jesse Bane is a likable individual. As a leader/manager, he is a failure and I suspect the employees of Bel Air will come to that conclusion after he has been around awhile.
If I were a resident of Bel Air, I would not support anyone who supports Mr. Bane.
Thanks Mike. I agree about Jesse Bane. I also know that Phil Einhorn and Susan Burdette are pretty open about the fact that they support Jesse Bane. That leaves Hopkins, Simmons and Smith. So I guess that’s who I am voting for. Thanks Again Mike
What is lacking in your comparison between Moore’s and Gahler’s backgrounds is integrity. Mr. Moore supported a guy for Sheriff who could not be honest when his working life depended on it, ex sheriff Banes. Made up a story about Gahler firing troopers and another falsehood about Gahler not starting the combined criminal unit in the county. Plenty of other things too like free helicopters that Mr. Moore appeared at in his state uniform in violation of State Police rules. In order to line his own pockets with taxpayer dollars Mr. Moore was willing to sell his soul and his integrity and that is what the citizens of Bel Air now have in their police chief. Congrats to the new puppet chief. Amazing what a little kissing ___ can get you these days. Hope Bane enjoys your service with a smile.
To “getting a little old”: It may strike you as odd, but frankly the level of education past a Bachelors Degree has proven to be rather insignificant whether a person is more or less qualified in leading men and women in law enforcement. Rather, a resume or pertinent experience to include assignments like patrol, narcotics enforcement, investigations and the like is what grounds great leaders with knowledge about police operations. Frankly, and no disrespect to Mr. Moore or the current Sheriff, a Masters Degree earned while someone was serving in a police department usually translates to person who took “out of sight” assignments while everyone else was doing the police work. If you want a gut check, ask any of the street guys from ANY department (include Bel Air Town PD) how much they value a Masters degree versus how much they value someone who seriously, “went through the ranks”. And going through the “ranks” has a lot more meaning to the street guys when we are taking about commanders who were respected men and women all the way down the line, not those that could pass a promotional test and wear bars or clusters. This is what the troops get tired of seeing……TRUST ME. Commissioner Batts was an academic style chief in Baltimore and treated everything like his next college project for a Doctorate………look where that got him and the City. Please stop the comparison between Moore and Gahler. Gahler is elected by the people and Moore was appointed through a process that appears to everyone who knows anything about small town politics, was fixed from the beginning. Whether it was or not, who knows. What I do know is people are pissed and look for a few Town Commissioners to announce their “retirement” parties at Looney’s after the election.
To “getting a little old”: It may strike you as odd, but frankly the level of education past a Bachelors Degree has proven to be rather insignificant whether a person is more or less qualified in leading men and women in law enforcement. Rather, a resume or pertinent experience to include assignments like patrol, narcotics enforcement, investigations and the like is what grounds great leaders with knowledge about police operations. Frankly, and no disrespect to Mr. Moore or the current Sheriff, a Masters Degree earned while someone was serving in a police department usually translates to a person who took “out of sight” assignments while everyone else was doing the police work. If you want a gut check, ask any of the street guys from ANY department (include Bel Air Town PD) how much they value a Masters degree versus how much they value someone who seriously, “went through the ranks”. And going through the “ranks” has a lot more meaning to the street guys when we are taking about commanders who were respected men and women all the way down the line, not those that could pass a promotional test and wear bars or clusters. This is what the troops get tired of seeing……TRUST ME. Commissioner Batts was an academic style chief in Baltimore and treated everything like his next college project for a Doctorate………look where that got him and the City. Please stop the comparison between Moore and Gahler. Gahler is elected by the people and Moore was appointed through a process that appears to everyone who knows anything about small town politics, was fixed from the beginning. Whether it was or not, who knows. What I do know is people are pissed and look for a few Town Commissioners to announce their “retirement” parties at Looney’s after the election.
People are sick and tired of the politics in Bel Air. Jesse Bane brought this crap with him to Bel Air. It’s time for change on the board of commissioners. Businesses are leaving Main Street because it is no longer a place to shop. When is enough enough? Take a walk down Main Street from Main street Oyster house down to the armory. There is almost nothing left. Better get Jesse Bane out of here before everything is gone. Very sad times in Bel Air.
My vote is for Susan Burdette, Brendan Hopkins, and Diane Simmons. My mother lives in Phil Einhorns neighborhood and said not to vote for him. She said he isn’t very nice to people.
Nancy, out of curiosity, what is your reasoning for voting for those 3 candidates? Burdette has already shown her true colors over the course of her current term, and the way she votes isn’t in the best interests of the citizens of the Town of Bel Air. Simmons stated in the Sleagis that she doesn’t even know what a commissioner does. I can’t believe that someone would actually cast a vote for a person who has come out publicly stating such a thing. I think Hopkins is a good choice. His comments make sense and he seems to be genuine. By the way, one of my pet peeves is that voters think they HAVE to vote for 3 people just because there are 3 openings. I do wholeheartedly agree with you as far as Einhorn. People in English Country Village have said he is a busybody curmudgeon and would bring nothing to the table as far as doing anything positive for Bel Air. Smith? Who knows? Seems a bit young for such an important position.
The only reason to come to Bel Air is to get drunk. Other than that Bel Air is lame.
Young Republican, please grow up.
Is it true that Jesse Bane is financing Phil Einhorns campaign? How can I find out, isn’t there a campaign donor database?
Try http://www.elections.state.md.us/campaigns.
If you are interested in other information just google Maryland Political Donations.
Mr. Welsh- I appreciate the information
Can anyone tell me who was on this independent board that Jesse Bane says picked Chuck Moore to be chief?? I just find it suspect that Jesse will not release the names. If he’s got nothing to hide then release the names. It’s the publics right to know and mark my words I will not stop asking until I get answers. I hope fellow posters do the same.
I guess we will have to write letters to each Commissioner demanding an answer. Even the ones that are running against them should be armed with this information for their campaigns. Seeing almost 80 posts now on this, this is not going away. The politics of this even trickled ov r to other threads for the Aberdeen election. I think a formla.Freedom of Information Act request to the Director of Human Resources should solve the issue. Either he will follow the law and release the names, or he will try to legally try and fight the request. If he does the latter, then we will know……something wasn’t right.
Good luck getting a straight answer from Bane. He is a master at spin doctoring and he will make you seem like the fool for asking. Seriously, ask those who worked for him at the Sheriff’s Department. Or he truly doesn’t remember because of his senility. Again, I’m not making this stuff up.
I think you all are going to be shocked when you find out who was on this independent board. Keep digging. I can’t give names because that would compromise my job and I could be fired, but you will be surprised. Things may be about to get interesting, good luck!!!!!!
I did some digging and Phil Einhorn contributed money to Jesse Banes campaign over a half dozen times. $220 and counting that I can find so far
I have heard of this guy. I think he is the goof that dresses like Uncle Sam and begs (bothers) people to vote for Jesse Bane. This goof troop of Bane’s, Einhorn, Baby Chief Moore and Peckerwood, likely cost Bane the election.
While the people you mention certainly didn’t help Mr. Bane in his reelection bid, they also did not cause him to lose the election. Jesse Bane accomplished that all on his own. His actions during the two terms he served as Sheriff of Harford County were something he could not escape, even with the many untruths that he told regarding his actions and the alleged actions he accused Mr. Gahler of being involved in.
Sheriff Bane had lost the support of the rank and file of his agency. His only support came from the top echelons of his agency and the leadership of the Deputies Union, the people who had something to lose if Sheriff Bane was not reelected.
The people you mention only supported Bane because they had something to gain if Bane was reelected. High paying positions within the HCSO. Greed was their motivation. It did not serve them well. It has tarnished their reputations as someone who truly wants to serve the citizens of Harford County. The citizens of Bel Air would do well to consider the recent history of the Sheriff’s Office race, and vote wisely in the coming election.
Mike you might be right about your assessment of Bane’s demise. But let’s get the whole story out there. I know you were or appeared to be an avid Gahler supporter. In fairness, tell the readers why Gahler failed in his first attempt at being Sheriff. He had a great big “R” behind his name and should have won. You know what I am speaking of, his close associations with past players who were equally motivated by their own self serving interests. He tried to portray a disassociation with some of them people but could not. He could not sufficiently convince the rank and file that some of those people would not slink back in to his administration. Some of his confidants may have been or were “double agents” playing both sides. It was further difficult for him to dismiss the fact that one of those people, who had generated some of the greatest concerns to the active rank and file, had their contract reportedly extended until after the outcome of the Sheriff’s election. I guess what I am saying is maybe no one is perfect or without sin and sometimes operate in political gray areas. Now you have heard the other side. You know “the rest of the story, good day”
Bane won the first election because that Rhino Dave Craig supported Jesse Bane and the guilty Fred Visnaw used the Deputies Union to finance Banes campaign. It’s as simple as that. Even with the odds heavily against Gahler almost pulled the upset
Does not hold water Bud. Having Craig’s backing was not an asset. He was generally disliked and not trusted by many county employees. The “R” thing probably carried Craig’s win. Neither was the Visnaw posse even though they tried to be the ruling minority in the union. The Visnaw cult was not well liked by the majority of the officers but some how managed to wheel and deal endorsements in the union. Gahler knows why he lost the first time. He fixed the situation and made a good choice allying himself with Steve Bodway and he won. Good move picking a good guy. It doesn’t matter to me who the Sheriff is. Just trying to show the total picture. Nothing more and nothing less. Every candidate has baggage.
If you look at voter registration number for 2010, being a republican was no great edge. The fact that Mr. Gahler came from nowhere and nearly knocked off a career politician speaks to the strength of his campaign. If you ask him, he will tell you those questionable associations made him stronger not weaker. Gahler won by convincing thousands of voters that he could do a better job and he has. Moore’s interview was before one and might have needed to brush off his knees after. And that’s the rest of the story.
When assessing the 2010 and 2014 elections for Sheriff in Harford County, I would say that each of you have valid points regarding how and why the outcomes were achieved in both elections.
In the 2010 election, the Deputies Union leadership continued their support of Bane as he had given them plum job assignments when elected to his first term as a result of support in 2006. It is also true that the rumor machine was working at full speed to convince Deputies that electing Gahler would mean the return of Howard Walter in one form or another. This rumor, coupled with Gahler’s refusal to name his Chief Deputy prior to the election, did in fact work against Gahler as many Deputies considered the rumor could very well be true. This, coupled with the fact that the Deputies Union had also given a large sum of money to Craig in support of his reelection for a commitment from Craig to not endorse Gahler, (a fellow republican) would send a silent message that Craig was supporting Bane. The Deputies Union then placed signs throughout the County that had Craig and Bane’s name in large letters together on the sign and a smaller message that the union endorsed and supported both candidates. The signs sent a message to voters that Craig and Bane were a team and, in my opinion, helped carry the election for Bane.
By 2014, Bane’s failed leadership and his appointment of several unqualified individuals to very senior positions within the HCSO convinced the rank and file employees that Bane had to go. Bane’s support from within the HCSO had eroded to the point that only the very senior officers were supporting him. Bane appointed Eddie Hopkins as his Chief Deputy and Chuck Moore as his Warden of the HCDC in an attempt to shore up support, but these late moves did not fool the voters who had also become aware of Bane’s politics and favoritisms.
Oh yeah, That’s the whole story BUD.
You keep telling yourself that Bud. Gahler knows why he lost the first time and made the adjustments to make it better the second time around. It was his to lose the first time and he did. Oh and by the way, check the success rate of Republicans in the 2010 Harford County election on the National, State, and local levels and tell me what the trend was. Gahler knows that he shot himself in the foot the first time and made it better the next time. I wish him the best and I hope he treats his officers well and he gets results which will benefit the citizens. Again, nothing more and nothing less. You need to calm down Bud, I’m not defending Bane. I was just trying to show the whole picture. Why don’t you drink a beer and sit back and enjoy a college game on television. Take a deep breath and relax.
I understand that Bane refers to Moore as his Biotch…
Is that the same Uncle Sam Phil eichorn that used to threaten people at the bel air library.
And Moore calls Bane his sugar daddy! Yes That is the right Phil.
I’m sitting up here at the tower drinking a cold one. The beer is cold and good by the way. I couldn’t help but notice that businesses are vacant all over the place on Main Street. I’m not entirely blaming Jesse Bane but the Bel Air Main Street corridor is fading quick. I hope new commissioners will fix this problem. Bel Air is such a great town it’s really a shame to see.
My question is why was the appointment of Chuck Moore rushed. The current board of commissioners should have allowed the incoming commissioners to make or not make the appointment. This should have happened after the election in November. Instead they rushed it along so that the incoming board didn’t get a chance to choose. I’m not sure why
There is only 1 career politician running and that is Susan Burdette. I hope 3 out of the other 4 win this. Susan Burdette is a worthless commissioner.
Susan is a lifetime ass grabber.
How is it the chief of police and town administrator both don’t live in town. They also share a common bond which is that they both were not the most qualified candidates for their positions.
It’s called cheating the system.
Time for change in the town Hall.
I guess Mr. Einhorn and Jessee Bane missed the bus to their bingo last night, so they decided to hop on Dagger to push the dislike button on every post in every thread that challenge the establishment. I’m surprised he didn’t post BINGO at the end.
Truth Detector: He did the same thing when negative comments were posted about him during his losing campaign. Old dog, same old tricks.
The editors of the Dagger should be ashamed of their involvement in the comments in this article. The Bel Air Town Commissioner’s have done more than hire Jesse Bane, yet a particular group of Dagger readers seem to reflect their ignorance in these matters.
To Play It Again Sam:
Nice try. Have you ever heard of one bad thing wipes out the 10 good you may think you did? Well they did 2 bad things. One was hire Jesse Bane, and two was the selection of Moore before the new comission erstwhile were in place. Those two things wipe out 20 good things. Have they done 20 good things this year? If they have, it’s a better kept secret than the selection team for the new Chief. I don’t feel your optimism or agree in part with your assessment of the direction of the town based on the performance of the Commissioners. It’s time for change. All of these responses are not just haters. Many are fed up community members. That’s what I see, but November will either prompt me to concede and apologize, or say I told you so. I will man up either way, will you?
I completely disagree with your view and believe the Town Commissioners exercised their duties appropriately. The idea that BAPD should go leaderless without a Chief for another year, just so the elected officials of a future election can have a say, is just incorrect and borderline insane. As I stated in my views in another article, Charles Moore was the best choice for this position out of the candidates available. You should have kept your Sheriff’s Office grudge where it belongs. In a past Sheriff’s Office election. Let the people of Bel Air make their own choices based on what they see around them and not the lies you are spreading. Please, other than your dissatisfaction of the appointment of Jesse Bane and Charles Moore, give us an example of something the Town Commissioners have done that has hurt Bel Air. I will wait for your response.
How about the 1,300,000.00 that the commissioners voted for and spent on a parking lot next to the tower. How about the hundreds of thousands that the commissioners spent on fixing garages at the Bel Air Armory. That’s two things that hurt Bel Air and its taxpayers. I don’t live in town but if I did I would be furious.
The money spent on the parking lot next to the Tower may seem unreasonable at first glance. However, parking was in dire need in downtown Bel Air and the abandoned bank building needed to go. In addition, I do believe that space is designated to be the location of the new Town Hall building in the future. In essence, it was a positive two for one that will generate revenue from parking and a full schedule of events that are and have been hosted there. So, we got rid of an eye sore, provided more parking, provided space for events to be hosted, generated revenue from both parking and events and have cleared the way for our new Town Hall in the process. This has also lightened the bill on the Town Hall construction in the future as the cost of developing only increases and we will not have to pay for demolition and removal in the future. All in all, the Commissioners found this to be money well spent.
The garages at the Bel Air Armory were in need of repair and we host many events at the Armory. The revenue generated from the events at the Armory helps Bel Air tremendously. Once again, the Commissioners felt this was money well spent.
Are you going to man up and concede when they are unelected? I will if they are ele Ted again. That would me I was wrong and the people have apoken. Will you?
There is nothing to concede by you or I, regardless of the results of an election. We are two individuals, anonymously posting on the internet and having a down to earth discussion regarding the performance of our current Commissioners. I have noticed that you don’t have any gripes with the Commissioners other than the appointment of Bane and Moore. If you did, you had plenty of time to voice these objections and have not. The Commissioners hope that ALL residents of Bel Air are satisfied with their performance and wish everyone well, regardless of the animosity present in the context of the responses to this article.
I smoke sausage.
Susan Burdette has been the best Commissioner that Bel Air has elected in many years. She is very dedicated and attends many meetings. She has helped the community and worked to bring good talents to the Town. I believe that many of these comments are coming from the Sheriff’s Officer where Jesse Bane was ousted. It seems unfair that some disgruntled law enforcement officers are trying to bring politics into the Town of Bel Air. Jesse Bane was chosen by the majority of Commissioners. Susan Burdette did support him and I agree with her support. He is knowledgeable about crime and law enforcement in the county and brings his talents to the Town. Shame on those who want to ruin her reputation as a good elected official.
No one is disgruntled. People are just happy as Bane would not know a crime or criminal if it bit him in the rear. Susan’s support of this outdated dinosaur is exactly why her future is in jeopardy. Shame on her and bye.
Thanks for the comment, Jesse.
Sheriff Jesse Bane managed to destroy the Harford Sheriff Agency especially during his last 2-3 years in office. He was doing this same crap. Promoting people like Pressbury and skipping a rank. She wasn’t the most qualified but he did it anyway. Sound familiar yeah that’s exactly what he is doing to Bel Air with the Chuck Moore situation. Chuck is likely qualified but wasn’t the most qualified. It won’t stop here Bel Air, he will continue to hire and fire people as a political favor. Good Luck.
I don’t think that Susan Burdette is a good choice for Commissioner. Hunter Smith is a friend of mine and I personally know he could do a better job. Susan has not done much her last four years. Elect Hunter!
The citizens of the Town of Bel Air need to get out and vote. As of 2:00 only 165 votes had been cast. And I implore you NOT to vote for Phil Einhorn. He was forcing himself and his literature on voters and inserting himself into conversations that he was not a part of, in an obnoxious manner. God help Bel Air if he is elected. Brendan Hopkins and Hunter Smith were very impressive and happy to talk to everyone until Einhorn butted in.
No coverage on the Municipal Elections ?
Burdette, Hopkins, Einhorn Elected to Bel Air Board of Town Commissioners; Less than 6% Voter Turnout
As I said I would, I concede to Play It Again Sam. I obviously have the citizens in Bel Air misunderstood. They obviously know what they want for their town, and 6% voter turnout held the day. Anonymous or not, I disagree but concede I was wrong.
Good luck!