From Del. Kathy Szeliga:
If you missed the buzz this week, this email should bring you up to speed. I have been exploring a run for the US Senate seat that has been held by Barbara Mikulski. Senator Mikulski is retiring.
I am honored and humbled by the support and encouragement I am receiving from across the state! This will be a tough race. We know that Marylanders like a tough working class woman from the Baltimore region – and I can fill those shoes. Stay tuned …
Somehow being “humbled” is not a characteristic I associate with Mrs. Szeliga, that self-styled “tough, working class woman” from the suburbs who believes the world has been busy “buzzing” about her.
I’m all in for Kathy Szeliga!
Del. Szeliga served as Congressman Andy Harris’ Chief of Staff when he was a Delegate in the Maryland Legislature from 2004 – 2010. Dr. Harris’ poor conservative vote rating (78%) during his two terms in the U.S. House is RINOesque .
I have deep concerns about sending someone to represent Maryland in the U.S. Senate that has spent 6 years being influenced by Dr. Harris’ opinions and obvious willingness to cave to the GOP elites.
Del. Szeliga was also deeply involved in last year’s attempted takeover of the Harford County Republican Central Committee. (Reference HB 1513) Also increasing my concerns about her motives.
I will give my support to a true conservative. I do not intend to vote for the lesser of two poor choices.
Go right ahead, then we’ll be rid of you both.
If I were szeliga, I wouldn’t sit on a milkullskulls seat, if she wins? without putting a piece of plastic over it, if you know what I mean?…lol