From Harford County Public Schools:
HCPS has begun the budget development process for the FY17 operating budget and has developed a plan to engage all stakeholders in meaningful discussion regarding the budget and the needs for the school system throughout each stage of the process. Our goal is to ensure that the entire community has an opportunity to become involved in the process and partner with HCPS in the development of our FY17 operating budget.
The first step in the process is the development of the Superintendent’s recommended operating budget, which will be presented to the Board of Education of Harford County in December. Community input sessions are scheduled during the month of October, and we encourage all to attend to offer their input regarding the budget. The Superintendent wants to hear from you. The schedule is as follows:
· Tuesday, October 6, 5:00 p.m. – North Harford High School Media Center
· Wednesday, October 7, 10:00 a.m. – LIVE STREAM ONLY –
· Thursday, October 8, 5:00 p.m. – C. Milton Wright High School Media Center
· Thursday, October 15, 5:00 p.m. – Aberdeen High School Media Center
In addition, employees and members of the community are always welcome to email ideas and suggestions to anytime throughout the process.
If you are looking for any facility workers input just put up a suggestion box at the Hickory WAWA trashcans. They should have plenty of ideas on increasing their budget so they can do even less for more.
One was parked outside of The legion in Aberdeen for about 2 hours. NO school there, passed out asleep behind the wheel. I went into the legion for a meeting and the worker was there, came out about a hour and a half later they was still there.
2 hours? That was his morning break, which is followed by a 3 hour lunch and a 2 hour afternoon break. A 1 hour work day is exhausting..
Did you report it anywhere but here? There is a fraud hotline listed on the HCPS website as well as an electronic contact form.
As the cool kids say, “Pictures or it didn’t happen.”