From the American Policy Center:
The Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC), website identifies itself as “the premiere U.S. non-profit organization monitoring the activities of domestic hate groups and other extremists”. In true Orwellian fashion and through the employment of double speak, the SPLC spews the hatred it claims to abhor at any group or individual that dares advocate positions considered right of center.
In their effort to promote peace, harmony and understanding, the SPLC saw to it that Dr. Ben Carson did a brief stint on its Hate Watch list. The soft-spoken presidential candidate and pediatric neurosurgeon, known for his philanthropy and faith, earned this distinction through his personal endorsement of traditional marriage.
More recently, the SPLC screed, “Women Against Islam-The Dirty Dozen”, identified 12 anti-sharia conservatives with a biography, picture and area of residence. Despite professing a moral code of tolerance, the SPLC has offered up nothing less than a hit list, enabling jihadists in training to prove their cred by going after concerned American citizens.
None of this would be so bad if the SPLC was just another garden-variety, left wing propaganda machine. But they’re not. This well moneyed and connected group has deep ties with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. Both use the group as a resource for information on domestic extremists and other hate groups. They assist in the training of law enforcement officers and the authorship of policy papers and studies. Their position as trusted “authority” allows them an opportunity to shape policy within our law enforcement agencies. A frightening thought for small government advocates who promote the Constitution, defend the Second Amendment, advance pro-life policies or stockpile food for a rainy day. All who do such things have been labeled as potential domestic terrorists by the SPLC.
Tom DeWeese, founder and president of the American Policy Center and author of the DeWeese Report has been identified in a SPLC Intelligence Report as one of the rising stars of the “radical right”. Mr. DeWeese came under scrutiny for his life long promotion of American sovereignty, personal property rights, and limited, lawful government.
Mr. DeWeese is calling on members of Congress to investigate the relationship between the SPLC and agencies of our government. I ask that my Congressman, Dr. Harris, lead the way.
Please feel free to contact the American Policy Center for further information on how you can help with this important project.
Victoria Seitzinger
At least populism is keeping someone employed.
Like so many other liberals and their institutions, they’re only tolerant as long as you think the same way they do.
The same can be said of the Conservatives and their Institutions.
I beg to differ. The average conservative will engage in debate to share their opinion and attempt to enlist others to their cause. The average liberal, when confronted with a differing opinion, will immediately shift to insult, accuse and marginalize mode in order to shut down any further discussion that might imperil their own opinions. I see it all the time, including here on the Dagger. Though I must admit that it’s a useful canary in the coalmine that when the insults start up I know who is hitting a nerve.
Seriously? Did you watch the Republican Debate on FOX? Do you think they didn’t attack Trump because his opinions were different than everyone else? Did Carly Fiorina attack Trump and Hillary Clinton because they agreed on anything? I think you’re wrong. Good Lord, Fiorina’s facts are false to begin with……..Republicans are RED, Democrats are BLUE and neither one gives a crap about you!
Pot calling Kettle Black…..Tom Dewesse and his Agenda 21 bunk!
“In their effort to promote peace, harmony and understanding, the SPLC saw to it that Dr. Ben Carson did a brief stint on its Hate Watch list. The soft-spoken presidential candidate and pediatric neurosurgeon, known for his philanthropy and faith, earned this distinction through his personal endorsement of traditional marriage.”
Wikipedia: they apologized
“In October 2014, political conservative Ben Carson was added to the SPLC’s extremist watch list because of his association with groups considered by SPLC to be extremist in nature, claims of a link between gay people and pedophiles, and comparison of health care and liberal government to slavery and totalitarianism.
In February 2015, the SPLC concluded the Carson profile did not meet SPLC standards, removed his listing and apologized to him.”
Ha. This is hilarious.
First, being a pediatric neurosurgeon doesn’t mean you’re not going to get called out for saying hateful things. If you’re hateful, or associated with a hate group, the SPLC will let the public know. Additionally, being religious doesn’t remove the “hate” from hate speech. (And no, freedom of religion, speech, etc. doesn’t free you of consequences either.) Also, as someone noted above, the SPLC removed Carson from their list.
“This well moneyed and connected group has deep ties with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.”
…Call me crazy, but this is probably because both agencies investigate hate groups, a good number (if not the majority) of which are far right. I’m not really sure how this warrants an “investigation” (see: yet another waste of tax dollars).
And the best part, “More recently, the SPLC screed, “Women Against Islam-The Dirty Dozen”, identified 12 anti-sharia conservatives with a biography, picture and area of residence. Despite professing a moral code of tolerance, the SPLC has offered up nothing less than a hit list, enabling jihadists in training to prove their cred by going after concerned American citizens.”
A “hit list?” Seriously? Look, I know it stinks when you or someone you admire says something you deeply believe and agree with and are then called ignorant and hateful, but again, if you aren’t willing to face the fallout of saying ignorant and hateful things, then you might want to rethink your words. To think that jihadists in training are scouring the SPLC website looking for targets is a bit paranoid, to put it politely.
The SPLC does good work. Public figures running for office should be held accountable for hate speech, hateful beliefs, or associations with hate groups (as well as the groups being noted as well). Whether or not you agree with this speech or these groups is your prerogative, but demanding an investigation into people that disagree with you seems pretty extreme to me.
“Public figures running for office should be held accountable for hate speech, hateful beliefs, or associations with hate groups (as well as the groups being noted as well).”
And so should the SPLC. Who’s watching the watchers?
I like the SPLC. Who else would provide web links to hate group meeting being held right at the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. You just gotta love it. Does Sheriff Gahler endorse the Route 40 Republican Club? Was he endorsed by the Route 40 Republican Club? It really doesn’t matter as it is obvious that nobody in Harford County objects to their Sheriff’s Department hosting rallies for Hate Groups. Or do they?
Apparently, Gahler was endorsed by the Route 40 Republican Club. – – Congratulations Mr. Gahler , on being endorsed by a fine white supremacist organization. I’m sure you will make them proud…..
So, can you explain the necessity of publishing biography, picture and area of residence of folks that disagree with sharia law? Because I’m having trouble thinking of any reason other than hoping someone will physically confront them and perhaps silence them – or worse, take out their frustrations on innocent family members. We’re not talking about a disagreement over a helicopter or teacher salaries… this is disagreement with thousands of whack jobs that would happily chop you up with a machete. While you’re at it, maybe you can explain why being in disagreement with sharia law makes one guilty of “saying ignorant and hateful things” and what you anticipate the “fallout” to be? Are you indicating that you’d be happy to live (if you can call it that) under sharia law? I always hear that Islam is a religion of peace, but what I see is that Islam is a religion of look the other way while innocents are murdered. I also disagree with any close ties between SPLC and DHS or FBI or any other government organization because any and all information handed over by some home grown politically motivated group (however closely they may align with your personal interests) needs to be independently verified and I fear that is not always the case.
Not just look the other way when others are murdered but sign onto the subjugation of half the population into roles of servants and objects of ownership. No thanks – any woman that would support living under sharia has many loose screws. Not to mention it’s tenants make it incompatible with our constitution which guarantees equal protection under the law.
They may at times do good work but there’s no reason to publish the addresses of anti-Sharia citizens unless you intend on “sicking” somebody on them. I’d call that a dog whistle.
There is no verifiable evidence that any legislative body in the United States has contemplated a switch to Sharia law. Therefore, there is no such thing as an “anti-Sharia” politician. – Interesting……
I notice that Ms Seitzinger omits Dr. Carson’s additional comment about the LBGT community.
So this is what goes on in the HCSO?!?!?! –
Anyone can use those rooms. They are community accessible. Even you can present on your crazy everyone is out to get me rant. Go sign up. Goof.
No, you got it wrong. It was a presentation done at the Route 40 Republican Club for the HCSO. It clearly shows the Sheriff’s Office logo in the background. When one says in the HCSO, it doesn’t necessarily mean in a HCSO building. After all, you do have some black deputies that probably wouldn’t approve of this. Don’t forget, I got all this information from the SPLC website that was brought to attention in this article.
So you and the SPLC get to decide which political views are allowed to be spoken?
Your statements prove this opinion piece correct. You didn’t cite any illegal activity or any calls for violence. You label Republicans having a club meeting as “hate” and “racism” and then demand that local law enforcement stop their freedom to assemble.
What is wrong with you?
Well, we ALL know you can’t tell the truth. There isn’t a single comment in this article made by SoulCrusher that demands anything of the nature you’re eluding to. There is comments that were made by myself, the Crusher of Souls, that claim that the HCSO is and has hosted events that highlighted the views of a White Supremacist to the Route 40 Republican Club. The Route 40 Republican Club has also been named by other entities as a White Supremacist hate group. Sorry, but you’re talking right out of your buttocks again……What is wrong with you?
Actually, you’re right. It was done at the HCSO and was sponsored by the Route 40 Republican Club. Funny, I didn’t know that the HCSO allowed racism to be openly sponsored in their facility. I thought it was all done behind closed doors…..
There is no rant. Everything I state is completely true. Nobody’s out to get me because I have nothing to get. The bottom line is that members of the Harford County Narcotics Task Force broke the law and violated the constitution while gathering evidence against me. Even though the Courts and State’s Attorney Office were aware of these facts, they prosecuted anyway because they have no regard for the laws or constitutional mandates that constrain them. Furthermore, the Harford County Circuit Court ignored ALL broken laws and constitutional errors because they are completely corrupt. They then forced/coerced an Alford Plea conviction because there is absolutely NO honor or integrity in the entire Harford County Criminal Justice System. You can all claim to be enforcing the law and protecting the public but, in reality you guys are nothing more than a County run, State funded terrorist organization that practices selective prosecution, administrative malfeasance and racially motivated prosecutions. Let’s not leave out the evidence tampering that occurs in many cases that are prosecuted on a regular basis and the protection of the criminals that are employed in your ranks.
If you weren’t doing illegal things with illegal substances none of this would matter. Fact is whether legally or illegally found, you are a criminal and should be treated as such. On top of that you are complete dbag blow hard but you make this site more fun. I love seeing people tell you what a jackwagon you are 🙂
Have a blessed day,
Anything and everything I did, has no bearing on the justification of the illegal and unconstitutional actions of those who were sworn to protect the constitution and follow the law that they claim to enforce. The hypocrisy is never ending. Besides, none of what you say will ever change the fact that the Harford County Sheriff’s Office hosts and has hosted meetings for white supremacist hate groups. That’s the bottom line and its undeniable.
@ You are a turn – Since I can’t get a lawyer in Maryland to help me, they ALL seem to fear your County, I had an out of stater advise me on my Coram Nobis situation in front of Elizabeth Bowen. This is an excerpt directly from our communique –
“You seem to have met all the requirements; a more usual
remedy is not available, a valid reason exists for not attacking
the sentence earlier, adverse consequences, and the error is
of fundamental character. The problem, however, does not seem
to be with the writ, but with the court’s reluctance in moving
forward on the writ.
If in your shoes, here, I would file a writ of mandate (mandamus) to
the higher court requesting an order forcing the lower court
to rule on the coram nobis. Of course, the lower court will
not be pleased with your actions, but the alternative is to do
nothing, in which case the lower court may just ignore you for
a very long time.” – Is there any part of the Harford County Criminal Justice System that is not corrupt?????
This was a good article.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a Marxist organization that inspires terror attacks against Christians.
Congress should investigate this group.
I read the very short article and watched the video. I am going to say that I’m not real fond of gay males but I don’t mind lesbians in the least. Either way your not going to find me attending any of their parades. But, the Southern Policy Law Center has this to say about the FRC – – What should we believe? I know I believe the video I posted on September 28th, 2015 at 5:12 pm because I saw the whole thing with my own two eyes. The only thing Congress should really investigate is how they’re going to get their butts productive again and not wasting time on trivial issues that are never going to come to fruition……