From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Congressman Andy Harris’ Statement on Speaker Boehner
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement after Speaker John Boehner announced that he would be retiring at the end of October:
“I would like to thank John Boehner for his almost 25 years of service in Congress and for leading Republicans as Speaker of the House for the last several years. I look forward to a robust discussion about what our new conservative leadership is going to look like in November.”
You gotta give it to Andy Harris for so successfully suppressing his glee in helping oust Speaker Boehner. As someone elected five years ago, Harris at least might have pretended he was grateful to his fellow Republican for his quarter century of service to the party and the Congress. Andy Boy, be careful what you wish for. Long Live the Republican Freedom Caucus for its effort to shut down the government!
Seriously, what has Andy Harris done his entire time in Congress other than block, shut down and obstruct? No wonder NOTHING has gotten done in Congress for the last 5 years. He’s your idiot Ms. Moderate and he’s delivering the will of the idiots that have elected him.
To be clear: I can imagine no circumstance under which I would ever vote for Harris. He represents almost completely every value I reject .
Citizens, wake up and remove such an idiot as Andy Harris from representing you. It is people like Harris who is responsible for the utterly unacceptable conditions that exist in the Congress today. Get rid of him as quickly as humanly possible.
Congressman Harris currently has a conservative review rating of 78% a solid C. (Not what we sent him to Washington to do.) Harris voted FOR Boehner as Speaker. Harris voted FOR the Cromnibus bill in January of 2015 giving Obama everything he wanted. This was especially galling because the Republicans had finally taken control of both the Senate and the House and the bill brought to the floor and passed before the new congress had been sworn in.
I’d say that it didn’t take long Mr. Harris to be corrupted by the Power Elite of the GOP. aka Democrat Lites.
I would encourage Dan Bongino to move to Harford County and challenge Mr. Harris for his seat.
As for the Speakers 25 years in Congress. I can;t think of a better example of exactly why we need TERM LIMITS.
Andy Harris is a known Member of the Freedom Caucus and partially responsible for the change in leadership and if you expect Dan Bongino to be a better choice you are sadly mistaken. We need a real Eastern Shore Moderate running!
Animals eat thier own.
MR. PC, I agree with you that Mr. Bongino would be an excellent challenge to Dr. Harris. It might remind him of all the reasons he was sent to Washington in the first place. Unfortunately, Mr. Bongino is no longer a MD resident. However, Mike Smigiel has thrown his name into the race. There is no one more unshakable on the second amendment than Mr. Smigiel. He fought against the Annapolis Goliath and would stand with true conservatives in Washington.
Andy, have you thought of retiring? Give the job to someone who will do something besides kiss the leaders’ behind.
You guys are being too rough on Andy Harris.