From the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski:
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today issued the following statement after Pope Francis’s historic address to a Joint Meeting of Congress and the American people:
“Today Pope Francis delivered a message of inspiration and motivation to Congress and to the American people. His words were edifying. He sought to bring people to their higher and better selves.
“The Pope challenged us to work together for the good of families, communities and the good of our society through neighbor helping neighbor and habits of the heart. I couldn’t agree more.
“It is my hope that out of his historic address comes an action plan where we come together to improve day-to-day lives of people everywhere, helping people work toward their hopes and aspirations, respecting human dignity and protecting our planet.”
Senator Mikulski today was a part of a bipartisan, bicameral group of Members of Congress who served on a Papal Escort Committee during Pope Francis’s historic address to a Joint Meeting of Congress. Prior to the Pope’s address, Senator Mikulski and members of the Papal Escort Committee greeted the Holy Father and followed him into the House Chamber. Of that honor, Senator Mikulski said, “I was honored to serve on the Papal Escort Committee and offer His Holiness a warm, personal welcome to the U.S. Capitol.”
From the Office of Rep. Andy Harris:
Congressman Andy Harris’ Statement on Pope Francis’ Address
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement in response to Pope Francis’ historic address to a joint session of Congress:
“As a devout Catholic, I have been impressed by Pope Francis’ ability to communicate so effectively the traditional Catholic messages of mercy and forgiveness, as well as our obligation to take care of those in need. It was an honor to hear him address Congress today. I am glad he included remarks on the importance of family, and ‘our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development.’”
Great news Bab’s. Maybe you should call for a revote on the Iran nuke deal and vote the way your constituents that put you there wanted. Same thing for Planned Parenthood and their organ harvesting operation.
The fact that Andy blatantly chooses to ignore the popes teachings while doing the biddings of the Kochs and other Billionaires is sinful. The fraud of sitting on the science committee while denying human caused global warning deserves both excommunication and impeachment in my book.
Congressman Harris will continue to be elected as long as he represents the views of the majority voters in his District.
What is the title of that minority book you have?
Coming from the big tent party that just decided to boot everyone now of oompa-loompa color. Looks like the pope has his work cut out for him if all my neighbors are similarly striving for a one-way ticket to the 7th circle with Andy.
Yes, the Pope has his work cut out for him. The numbers of his faithful are declining rapidly along with the money that used to pour in.
All that has nothing to do with Andy being elected as our Congressional Representative. Catholics, Protestants and Jews voted for Andy and will continue to do so as long as he represents their view of what is good and appropriate for the USA.
He represents the views of the majority of voters in his district, that just also happen to be views of the minority of Marylander’s. Since you think he is SO great, please name one piece of legislation that he has helped pass that has actually done something GOOD for Maryland or the Country. I’m not talking about obstructing. I’m talking about something that actually got passed by both the Senate and the House. He represents the epitome of a useless House that has done absolutely NOTHING in the past 5 years. Yes, he’s your A$$. Don’t you think its time you wiped it?
You may be right that Mr. Harris represents the views of a minority of Marylanders, but that may be changing. After all, a majority of Marylanders elected Mr. Hogan a solid Republican as their Governor this past year.
While Mr. Harris may not represent the views of a majority of Marylanders, he does represent the views of a majority of Americans which is why we have a Republican House and Senate. In the past six years the Republican Party has consistently gained seats in both the House and Senate as more and more Americans have seen the results of a failed Obama administration.
This past spring the entire USA had an opportunity to witness the face of the majority view in Maryland as our Flagship City Baltimore was on display for several days live and in color on TV for all to see. I’m sure the majority of Marylanders were immensely proud of Government in action as they witnessed Mr. Cummings on the streets trying to keep his neighbors from burning down the city. One has to wonder why we didn’t see Mikluski, Cardin, Hoyer, Van Hollen, and the other representatives live and on TV as we witnessed Mr. Cummings along with State Senator Pugh dodging bullets, rocks, and other missiles.
I clearly disagree with you. That’s why there is a Democratic President. A two term Democratic President. How do you explain that? The Republican Party has done everything it possibly can to diminish the current President and prevent any legislation he endorses from becoming law. There has been no Compromise. America has been defaced and its recovery looks bleak. Because of the buffoons in D.C., the rest of the world is looking for new leadership while our country is rapidly approaching a substandard quality of life for its citizens and its future generations. Now, in the wake of a new era of upcoming electoral hog wash, the Republican front runner to the grandest stage has shown nothing but double talking, insults, racism, misogyny and lunacy. But, that is what you Republicans want, right?
Resident; You are a perfect example of someone who should let people think you’re an idiot, but not answer any blog and prove it. Koch brothers and “billionaires” have nothing to do with anything. That is the same as George Soros, GE, Berkshire Hathaway, or 90% of the Hollywood elite. I am almost amused at how puerile the liberal voters really are.
You may be right, but your statement says a bunch of nothing also……