From Harford County government:
Children as young as 11 have reported using heroin in Harford County; it costs less than a movie ticket; it’s easy to find, and can be addictive after just one use. To arm parents against this nationwide epidemic, a series of information sessions are planned this fall in Harford County, through a unique partnership between the Glassman administration’s Office of Drug Control Policy, Harford County Public Schools, the Harford County Council of PTAs, the Sherriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
The hour-long sessions are free, and will be offered at area middle schools from late September through early November. Students, their parents, and all concerned citizens are invited to attend a session to learn about illegal drugs, the symptoms of addiction, available treatment options, and the work Harford County is doing to eradicate heroin from our communities.
All presentations will start at 6:30 p.m. on the following dates at these locations:
– Wednesday, September 30 – Patterson Mill Middle/High School
– Wednesday, October 7 – Fallston Middle School
– Tuesday, October 13 – Aberdeen Middle School
– Thursday, October 22 – North Harford Middle School
– Wednesday, October 28 – Edgewood Middle School
– Thursday, November 5 – Southampton Middle School
“I urge all Harford County parents to learn the shocking facts about heroin, because prevention is our best defense,” said County Executive Barry Glassman. “County leaders are working together to do what we can, but no government program is as powerful as parents talking to their children.”
Heroin, which can be snorted or injected, is readily available for as little as $8. It is commonly mixed with Fentanyl, making it significantly more dangerous and deadly. Many individuals develop an addiction to opiates after using prescription pain medicines. Studies show that most children will be first introduced to drugs and alcohol in middle school by a friend or family member.
“Heroin does not affect just one zip code,” said Harford County Public Schools Superintendent Barbara Canavan. “Heroin is a predator and has the potential to affect every household in every part of the county. I strongly encourage parents, members of the community, and community leaders to attend one of our community meetings to become better informed on how they can wage war on this drug.”
Earlier this month, nearly 300 concerned citizens attended a town hall meeting to voice their concerns about the epidemic. Predominant messages during the meeting included the need for increased awareness, more treatment options, and more support for individuals in recovery. Citizens and government representatives also expressed the need for individuals to understand that heroin is prevalent in all areas of Harford County, including our rural and suburban communities, and for parents to talk to their kids about drugs at an early age.
To learn more, to register for other community presentations and events, or to request a speaker presentation for your organization, neighborhood or business, please visit or contact the Harford County Office of Drug Control Policy at 410-638-3333.
Jkirk says
Yes, this is a horrendous epidemic in the county. It is great that we are educating the parents. However, can we also put money into scaring the kids straight about heroin use as well? Many of these ‘children’ don’t know that they will be addicted after the first time and how deadly just one dose can be. I strongly believe that we need to start presenting our kids with the real facts at an earlier age.
Michael says
The act of providing illegal drugs to minors causes long lasting, if not permanent damage, therefore, is no different than assault, and should be dealt as such. Until then, I don’t see the situation is going to change much.
Really says
Did Harford County Government or the Dagger spell SHERIFF wrong?
Harford County Citizen says
So, the same behaviors for Heroin, we want to legislate against, make illegal, advocate against, create classes to educate our children not to do this horrible drug yet if you simply take our the word “Heroin” and replace it with “Marijuana” its ok. We are such a hypocritical society.
PB says
Did you mean ‘alcohol’? These substances are all very different, which makes different treatment reasonable.
Flunked Middle School says
We need a new solution other than doing the same ol’thing that we have been for the past 40 years. Obviously its not working as more and more ODs and young people get addicted to real bad street drugs.
What’s the solution? Im not the one to ask, I don’t get paid to put on a fake ass show for people who are going to tweek out, regardless.
Totally Amazed says
Marijuana is a gateway drug leading into another drug when that high isn’t enough any longer, but yet certain states want to legalize it in order to make money off it. Not only that, but the justice system wants to make misdemeanors out of getting caught with marijuana. These petty crimes can often lead up to bigger crimes when they go unpunished. Havre de Grace has a huge drug problem including death from a heroine overdose. All this is happening directly behind the high school and just blocks from the Police Dept.
SoulCrusher says
I’m “Totally Amazed” at your comments. I didn’t think ignorance of this magnitude still existed in this day and age but obviously you proved me wrong. Marijuana is no more a gateway drug than cigarettes, alcohol or even coffee. You just don’t have a clue about what you’re talking about. Marijuana possession has not been a felony since, let’s see, forever. Only manufacture and distribution are felonies and I seriously question the genuine good intentions of this fact. Marijuana was criminalized by a bunch of old, uninformed politicians back in the 1930’s. The MAIN argument to get its demonization was that it caused white women to have sex with black men. Do your research. Now, I will admit to not knowing much about the situation in Havre de grace, but if the allegations you mention had any truth at all, they lost all credence with the rest of your comments being false and completely misleading.