From the Town of Bel Air:
The Bel Air Board of Town Commissioners appointed Charles A. Moore to the position of Chief of Police on Monday, September 21, 2015, at the Town Hall Meeting held at 39 North Hickory Avenue in Bel Air.
Mr. Moore was the top candidate recommended for the job. A two panel committee recruited for and conducted several interviews for the position of Chief of Police, following the announcement of Leo F. Matrangola’s retirement in July 2015. In the end, both the Commissioner/Citizen and Department Head panels submitted Mr. Moore as their choice, to L. Jesse Bane, Town Administrator.
Charles A. Moore is a life-long Harford County resident and graduate of North Harford High School. Mr. Moore’s background and experience, in both state and county law enforcement, will be an asset to the Town of Bel Air. Mr. Moore graduated ninth out of a class of sixty, from the Maryland State Police Academy in 1988. He continued to pursue his education while working full-time in the Maryland State Police Field Operations Bureau ultimately achieving his Master’s Degree from Johns Hopkins University in Leadership and Management. He retired from the Maryland State Police, Police Communications Support Division, as Captain/Executive Officer in July 2014. Since then he has served as Warden of the Harford County Detention Center and held other positions in the private sector. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Moore to the Town of Bel Air.
Keep it in the family.
Bane’s best buddy gets the job. Nice fair process. No funny business here! Bel Air should be embarrassed.
So an MSP captain is the BEST person for this local policing job over top of at least two of Bane’s own command staff members? Tells me that the Town had no confidence in any employee Bane had a hand in developing. Harford County now has a trooper as Sheriff thanks to Bane being incompetent and now Bel Air has a chief thanks to Bane’s incompetent process. Now Bane just needs to go away and all will be well!
I heard Bel Air P.D. is building a hangar in Shamrock Park for their new aviation unit.
Who knows what supposedly free stuff the new Dynamic Duo of Bane and his boy toy Moore can bill to the town.
What is the news here? I understand Chuck has been telling people the job was his for months. Of course that makes his uncle Jesse look like…Jesse.
The truth is the job posting was written in such a manner that almost nobody from BAPD was eligible. We are a small department that provides minimal promotion and no educational opportunities. Most of us don’t want to go elsewhere because we love what we do and love protecting the citizens of this town. That being said people are not happy with the choice of Chuck Moore. Sure he has police experience in a large police agency(MSP). But what experience does he have in running a town police force. There are major differences. The citizens of Bel Air pay extra to get a small town police force and they deserve better. This is Jesse Bane trying to hook up an old friend with a cushy job. Sad but true
The guys wanted/hoped for Nick Paros and have been talking to him for a few years if Leo ever retired (God rest his soul). He couldn’t be controlled by the likes of Jessmeister and always supported his guys. I think that says it all……I heard they didn’t even interview him. Really? This guy was always a great street cop with a vengeance against drugs dealers. I guess that isn’t a problem in Bel Air. Sad day for Bel Air Town. I hope they are reading these comments and wondering what path the Jessmeister led them down. Does anyone believe he stayed “neutral”? Disgraceful.
I’m not positive, but I think Chuck Moore was the interim chief of Perryville PD while he was still with MSP a few years back.
Perryville PD had a force of about 5 officers then and worked out of a trailer like facility. Chuck did nothing when he was there.
This is so funny. I knew of three candidates that we more than qualified. One is Nick Paros who I know applied for the job. He is being quiet about the whole thing, but I know he knows what the deal is. The other was a guy named Kelly. I heard he was a good guy. I saw Mr. Paros over the weekend at a soccer game he was coaching FOR LOCAL KIDS IN BEL AIR, and he told me he was disappointed, but will support who ever gets the gig. I wonder what he will say this weekend. How about Kelly, does anyone know what his feelings are about the ‘thorough process”? How about Dagger find out who these “citizens” were and who selected them. Jesse? HHmmmmm. That would be an interesting list to see now, wouldn’t it? Come on Dagger, list the names.
As soon as Uncle Jesse was brought in as Town Commissioner, it was the beginning of the end for the Town of Bel Air. Townies: Be on the lookout for wasteful spending, cowtowing to criminals, cronyism, spitefulness and senility. Now you know what the Sheriff’s Office had to put up with. He just needs to disappear once and for all.
Why don’t you bunch of trolls give the man a chance? Unbelievable…
The man will get his chance. He has been selected as the Chief and all of us will be able to observe his performance.
Everyone who posts on this site is entitled to their opinion just as your are. Many Harford County residents are well aware of the work histories, political dealings and personal relationship between Mr. Bane and Mr. Moore. As a result of this knowledge, many view Mr. Moore’s selection as nothing more than insider favoritism between two political hacks. I don’t know if that is what actually occurred, but I do know that those who question such favoritism, do so with well grounded knowledge of history.
I, for one, hope that this selection works out well, especially for the Officers of the BAPD and the residents of Bel Air. Many have their doubts.
Moore had his chance and that was not to jump up the a__ of the most vengeful, spiteful, thug loving, piss poor police officer ever to tarnish a badge. Why did Moore sell his soul? For the warden’s job for one month before Gahler canned him. The Commissioners of Bel Air should all be thrown out for allowing this farce to occur. Good men and women were run through a fake process in which Bane had his former chief deputy control the direction. Bane has such a lack of any integrity, he was supposedly running around telling people this appointment was Leo’s dying wish. How can Bane or Moore look at themselves everyday and not see what the rest of us see, two men without any integrity.
Is anyone really that surprised about this? Uncle Jesse always gets what he wants. Us residents of Bel Air might as well go ahead and rename the town “Baneville” and crown him the king of Baneville. Long reign King Jesse! Everyone should have seen this coming.
Anyway Chuck Moore is honestly a good guy that I respect, but I don’t know how well he fits this position. We all know Jesse Bane will be running the department. Maybe he should be called honorary chief. I also wonder if this is a set up for a “Moore for Sheriff” run in a few years so Uncle Jesse can get back at Sheriff Gahler (the best sheriff this county has had for a long time.)
It’s a shame that politics prevailed because the town of Bel Air is missing out by not being led by the more then qualified applicant in Bill Kelly.
Mr.Bane has a reputation for protecting criminals. Is he able to do this with the help of the judges and states attorney?
I don’t know if this is true or not but rumor is that Chuck Moore was shoved in the trunk of his MSP car by another trooper when he was a rookie and had to spend part of his shift lying in the trunk? Apparently some deputies were there to witness. I wasn’t on the job then just going off what the old heads are saying.
Wonder how long until Peckerwood shows up to the reunion? He could be hired as the mascot for the PD…a clown.
Nothing is fair when it comes to Jesse Bane. He has ruined people’s lives and careers. I think he is being sued right now by a female deputy supervisor for harassment and wrongful termination. I also think he screwed over two others a Sgt and Cpl who were sick/injured. Jesse cares about Jesse, he wants full control of Bel Air town. The residents of Bel Air better watch out, who knows what’s next.
Bane never asked for any input from the rank and file. We have heard for months that Chuck Moore was telling people Bane promised him the job. I guess we didn’t want to believe it. This stuff didnt happen when Jim Fielder and Joyce Oliver were here. Unbelievable
Where are the Sheriffs Office Helicopter’s at now that its been shit canned?
Do you think its coming to Bel Air? How would I apply for the door gunner position?
Well as everyone has been saying for months, Lucky Chuckie Moore got the job. Now he can kiss the ring againg and do as he is told.
Messy Jessie: Lucky Chuckie, what do you think about buying bullet proof car doors?
Lucky Chuckie: Thats dumb, they can just shoot through the window. It would be an unnecessary waste of tax payer money
Messy Jessie: You know I don’t care about wasting tax payer money on unnecessary stuff, look at the sheriff’s helicopter. “We” are doing it, do you understand?
Lucky Chuckie: Yes Sir, I think it’s a great idea!!
More Cronyism. What’s so surprising. The county council kisses Barry’s behind while our utility bills and garbage fees go sky high and County employees get pink slips. Oh but good bud Jim Harkins continues to make out like the river boat gambler he resembles. Oh and lets not forget how the county council changed the rules so good old I want to spend more time with my family Billy Boniface gets his fat pay check job being Baaaaaarry’s butt kisser in chief. So if Mr. Bane slides one of his good buds into place after he was given entrance by Eddie Hopkins, et al – well why should we local morons be surprised. Now my wife wants a divorce – the bright spot – we’ll have to sell the house and get out of town.
Is it just me or does anyone else sense the ominous presence of the Hamburgular? Otherwise known as Marc “Always” Eaton……
Maybe but I sense some pissed off Bel Air Police officers on here as well.
“Multiple Personality” Marc is what I am witnessing, all day long. One screen name after the other. Kinda reminds you of election time doesn’t it! C’mon Marc, Jesse hasn’t had this job long enough to ruffle this many feathers. You’re just pissing in the wind, in the name of revenge. At least I spew for good reason and public awareness. I think Marc is secretly in love with Jesse……
Pot, kettle, etc.
No way Dude. Marc was painted black for being a complete useless excuse for a flesh breather. I was blackened by fire. There is a big difference. Besides, I don’t use multiple screen names and have conversations with myself to make it look like my opinion is shared. That is Marc Eaton all the way. I could care less if the Harford Hillbillies like what I say or not. I’m informing people of the corruption and crimes committed by the Harford County Government, Law Enforcement and Judiciary. Marc is informing of politics he doesn’t like. There is just NO comparison……
I am glad that people are finally on to Jesse’s games. He has no integrity and almost always is politically motivated. Sad day for Bel Air PD. Not sure how Chuck will do in this capacity but I hope for the best.
Baltimore has Rawlings-Blake and Bel Air has Jesse Banes. To bad Banes can’t be voted out of a position he is abusing again.
Can all of the Bane haters give it a rest. Your guy Gahler was elected Sheriff. The election bantering should be over. Everyxone knows that Gahler could have been elected the first time if he played his cards right but unfortunately aligned himself with some people who were considered undesirable self serving parasites who ultimately brought him down. Prior to that alliance he and Chuck Moore were very good long time friends. You never heard Gahler ever make derogatory comments about Moore back then or vice versa. They both are well educated successful police administrators. They subsequently had a falling out and went their separate ways. Things happen. They may or not ever be friends again. Again, things happen. Now Moore is the Chief of Police in Bel Air, the county seat of Harford County. Gahler is the Sheriff of Harford County. Guess what, if they are truly interested in the citizens whom they serve both men have to act in a professional manner and put past differences aside. The first step would be for Gahler to call off his Bane haters. It does not take a rocket scientists to see that the real rub with those people is Bane. Take Bane out of the equation and the Moore’s appointment would be an un-issue. Moore is a well educated police executive as is Gahler. Everyone posting on here needs to show some maturity and give things a chance.
I would say Gahler won in spite of those who tried to sell that same BS you are trying to sell. Self serving parasites who were all coming back when Gahler won. Moore tried his best to sell that lie too and guess what, Gahler won and what Bane and Moore said was going to happen didn’t happen. Gahler has done nothing short of an outstanding job so far and hasn’t fired 70 deputies, another big falsehood Bane pulled out of his imagination to instill fear and supported by his worthless warden. Bane/Moore, a team that no one has confidence in.
Totally off on a tangent:
Not that it has anything to do with anything regarding the chief of police selection but Gahler knows exactly why he lost the first time. I have heard that he has privately admitted it. The facts are the facts, no BS. Gahler knows exactly why he lost the first time around. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that there would have to be a significant underlying reason for Gahler, a REPUBLICAN, who was extremely qualified to ever lose. There was no BS about it and he knew the reason and made it better in round two. It wasn’t Moore that was voicing concerns about the undesirables coming back it was the deputies that had lived in the wake of the reign of terror. The
You took us off on the tangent and who did you hear from? Bane or Moore? Keep trying as you will to defend the likes of those two. We will see the direction that the BAPD takes with the travesty that has been put to them.
“Take Bane out of the equation and Moore’s appointment would be an un-issue.”
Take Bane out of the equation and Moore would not have been appointed. There were other candidates who were better qualified for the Chief position. Moore is certainly qualified, but he was not the most qualified. It is what it is. Bane is the City Administrator and the selection board gave Bane who he wanted. So be it. Hope it works out for the officers.
Why doesn’t the man that Bane put in place while Chief Leo was sick have the job? Is it because Bane wanted to stifle the then Major’s chances of ever running successful campaign for Seriff again? Or is it that he was only promoted to gain favor with the young deputies. The HCDC went without leadership for all but 1 month of Bane’s regime at which point Moore stepped into the picture. A rational person would expect Bane to take one of his own to the end game, namely, his then, Major not a 30 day executive; however, nothing about his 8 years in office was rational. He let his second in command run amuck “tearing down” (Your words Jesse) the agency. He was a dog off of his leash who walked around with his finger on the “your fired” trigger. The legacy that JB left behind and the company he kept while in office leaves me questioning Moore’s character. I hope for the citizens and the BAPD Officers that my gut is wrong. I’m almost shocked that he didn’t put one of his personally esteemed lady majors into the position
Dagger who was on the unbiased two person panel?
Chuck Moore’s oldest son and Justin Blubaugh were separated at birth.
Why don’t all of you just say it, the truth. The Current Sheriff lost the first time round due to the circumstances surrounding Mr Walter and his pathetic ways and that the Major ran to pull apart the republican’s and was in Mr Banes pocket. Why do you think that Major was promoted so rapidly and then sent to BAPD? Seems The newly appointed chief had deeper hooks in Mr Bane. Right? Politics, are they grand?
Truth is Jesse was dishonest then like so many political hacks and he has that one quality to offer to the citizens of BelAir. Hopefully his reign of terror will be ended when his two biggest conspirators leave office this year. To make sure if you live in town don’t vote for Banes next sponsor Phil Einhorn.
Voter–you are correct–Einhorn is one of Bane’s cronies. Bane already has too many of his henchman in place. Voters, be smart and don’t allow this to happen.
Do you mean to tell me Ed Hopkins was involved in this disaster too? Is that the Chief Deputy everyone is talking about? I hope not. If so, Glassman should peel his butt for this travesty.
The Chief Deputy everyone is referring to is Howard Walter, not Eddie Hopkins. Interestingly enough, Ed was Bane’s Chief Deputy for about as long as Chuck Moore was the warden. All 3 of them were scratching each other’s backs–Bane working to get Eddie his cushy job at Emergency Operations which would ensure that Eddie convince the Town Commissioners that Bane would be the perfect Town Administrator so then Bane could get Moore the Chief of Police position. It worked out perfectly for those 3, not so much for the Police Department and citizens of Bel Air.
Howard Walter was never Chief Deputy while Bane was Sheriff. Bane had two Chief Deputies, Greg Carlavaro and Eddie Hopkins. In fact Howard Walter had retired and left the agency before Bane became Sheriff for his first term.
It is true that Eddie Hopkins was appointed Chief Deputy for the final months of Bane’s second term in an attempt to garner voting support for Bane. This move failed miserably as most people could see right through what Bane was doing. Why Eddie Hopkins was willing to tarnish what had before been a very good reputation is a mystery even today. When all is said and done the only reasonable answer is Hopkins was greedy for the money and was willing to sell his soul to Bane.
The same could be said of Mr. Moore. Any reasonable person would have to ask themselves why Moore would accept the position of Warden one month before what was obviously going to be a landslide election defeat of Bane. And it was a landslide defeat. Moore knew he would not be able to remain as the Warden since Gahler had already announced prior to the election who he would appoint as Warden if he won the election.
The most interesting issue for me is why Mr. Glassman chose to make Hopkins part of his team knowing that Hopkins had abandoned the Republican Party to support a Democrat who was a failed leader and hated by his rank and file employees. Had Bane been a successful leader and admired/respected by his employees I could understand. That however, is not the case.
Truth be told, Good Ole Ed Hopkins sold his soul to Bane, and many other politicians. Sad part is Ed used to be one of the “Good Guys” and is very knowledgeable. Things have been going south with him in many peoples mind since the Chief days @ BAVFC. Who knows why one would sell their soul to the devil.
This panel that selected Chuck was hand picked by Bane. Jesse will not release the names of the members on the selection committee. He knows if he does he is in deep poo poo. Shame on you Jesse
Even I think that the process was rigged and BS. Yeah I know that will shock some of you.
Here’s the thing if the voters of Bel Air are stupid enough to put up with this then they deserve it. The voters of Harford County saw through Jesse Banes BS and at some point hopefully the voters of Bel Air will follow suit.
Can anyone believe thus guy was appointed as the Town Adminstrator? Wake up town. He duped you too. Shameful representation of the people. I used to think the town had it together.
Chuck Moore is a good guy. Had the pleasure of dealing with him in the past. Very professional, regardless if you think he is a Bane cronie or not
A good guy who can be bought and sold. Not the kind of person you put in charge of a police department. His appointment tarnishes the entire BelAir police dept. Sad day for those officers stuck there.
First thing Moore needs to do is reduce the town uniform police force and save money for the residents. If they can run radar outside of the town limits all day, they have way to many idle officers. Two weeks ago, two officers showed up on my street for some minor disturbance and were there for about 20 minutes. A sheriff’s deputy showed up and they left. I live three miles outside of the town limits. They obviously have way to many officers. If I lived in that town and my tax money was paying to protect me, I’d me quite upset at how much time they waste operating outside of the town limits.
Just stop….
Bane is a vindictive little man. He hired Chuck Moore to act as a thorn in Gahlers ass. Shame on the Bel Air town commissioners for letting this happen.
Rumor is that Chuck is creating a position for a new Bel Air Police warden and appointing Chris “Skippy” Swain.
What is a police warden?
Bane and his mini-me-Moore! Get ready for some serious decline in crime. We are about to hear some accomplishment from these two clowns over the next year. Can’t wait to see the numbers game begin all over again! Good news for Bel Air officers though, no more having to write those pesky reports.
The sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer of the countu. Period. If Sheriff Gahler decides that policing is not being done correctly, under the state constitution, he can start taking calls and patrolling anywhere he sees fit, including the Tiwn of Bel Air. Go ahead Jesse and boy toy, challenge him and see what happens. Clowns without a vision or plan.
If Gahler needs a town cop, just check out the 7-11 next to Looney’s. The entire shift can be found in there throughout the day. Probably a better headquarters location that Hickory Ave.
Anyone associated with Bane knows that he is infatuated with Gahler. Bane hired Moore so that he could direct Moore to disrupt Gahlers policing methods. Bane isn’t qualified to be the town administrator. Shame on the town counsel for appointing Bane in the first place. Time for election changes to remove the Town counsel and Bane.
Everyone at the barrack sees that Chuck was hired to be a thorn in Jeff Gahlers side. I just hope that this doesn’t ruin the relationship between BAPD and HCSO. I know a few BAPD officers and they feel like this vote to choose Chuck was rushed in before the new town council could vote. Apparently Eddie Hopkins and the mayor are not running again and Bane was worried about who would replace them and would they vote for Chuck. It sounds like the entire town council needs to go. I’m hoping for he best with my brothers/sisters over at BAPD.
Take it easy on my boy. Me and his uncle Jesse have worked hard pulling strings to keep him in work. Relax uncle Jesse won’t let him make any hard decisions and together they can blame everyone else. What is wrong with you people. Can’t we just all get along and make the people in BelAir think they haven’t been screwed over?
I was hoping they picked Marc Eaton for chief.
Jesee was hoping that no one questioned the process and how Chuck was chosen. What he needs to remember is that we are not stupid.
Where is the FOP on this disaster? Crickets.
Is there any truth to the rumor of the affair.
Are you saying that Chuck or Jesse had an affair? Are you saying that they had one together? Please clarify that is a big accusation to make without giving details.
I heard something on the street. That’s all.
So Jim, are you jealous? Want to get right in the middle of that action don’t you.
I’m not sure if I’m jealous or not. I’m trying to find about what this fools accusation is about an affair. Idiot comes on here making vague statements with nothing to back up this alleged affair. Are you jealous Soulman
Of course I’m Jealous. I’m not Marc Eaton…..
I miss Marc Eaton. Did he retire when Gahler won?
Give him a break already. He has his right to express his views although everyone doesn’t agree with him.
So, you miss Eaton and think he might be retired. If he did retire it was a well earned retirement as Gahler won in a landslide.
Still no FOP response? You guys were totally disrespected and minimized, and nothing? Wow. I guess the dues go toward social functions. You get what you deserve when you have no voice, or the kahunas by your elected member to speak on your behalf. What a disgrace. If this happened in the HCSO, there would be a revolt and public exposure of the travesty. This was like a fixed election and guys sit back and take it. Sad for the officers that were depending on you to speak up for them. Resign and save face.
I have it on good authority that a Freedom of Information Act request is being delivered to the Town this week. The people want to know who this “committee of citizens” were in this catastrophe. ……better get the shredders warmed up……
Here is a hint. The citizen/commissioner review board consisted of 1 actual citizen and he doesn’t even live in town. He’s not actually a “citizen”. He is a retired LEO that is very very close to Jesse Bane.
I so want to know who it was. I hope this comes out at some point
How many people applied for the position? How many were accepted for interviews?
Jesse Bane and the town commissioners have a lot of explaining to do. I understand that there is a group contacting Jane Miller to do an investigation on the matter.
I hope Jane Miller does some investigating. I understand there is a petition circulating around town to fire Jesse Bane. Hopefully they took his sandwich off the menu at Savona.
Is Jesse Bane the towns version of a Walmart greeter!
Mildred I heard that Jesse Bane is now the batter boy and Bel Air Bakery and he is in charge of buttering buns.
So if what I’m reading is correct then Jeese Bane just got caught lying. I also am hearing that an applicant is thinking about filing a lawsuit against the town. What a mess
Is Jesse Bane related to the Moore family? I heard there was some kind of relations going on?
I heard Chuck and Jesse are cousins. Rumor is some sort of sick West Virginia love triangle supposedly going on.
Other than the ramblings of a few current and former dissatisfied police officers and the Dagger Staff, has Jesse Bane done any real damage to Bel Air? Was the hiring of Charles Moore really a mistake and was it of Jesse Bane’s sole discretion? Are the citizens of Bel Air satisfied with the direction Bel Air has taken? None of these questions are answered by the results of the past Sheriff’s election or a rumor mill perpetrated by the Dagger Editors and their usual political tow. The negative views and outright hatred displayed in the contents of the reader comments are prime examples of why politics and police don’t mix well. Charles Moore is a native Harford County resident with an extensive background in policing, which is what he was hired for. There was no applicant more qualified for this job than Charles Moore.
So your telling me that Jack Meckley wasn’t more qualified? I disagree. He ran the department for several months, he had the same if not more training, knowledge and experience as Chuck. Yet he wasn’t even given the opportunity for an interview. So play it again Sam good try but your generic and scripted statement doesn’t work on me. The process was fixed and the citizens of Bel Air are figuring that out.
I understand your disappointment in the process. Meckley may have been qualified, but was not more qualified. The appointment of Charles Moore was the best choice in terms of qualifications, experience, diversity in training and it kept in fighting of current officers of the BAPD to a minimum. The Commissioners and the BAPD does not want politics to get in the way of policing. I hope the Dagger Readers and Staff can at least understand this point of view and keep the negativity to a minimum.
If you didn’t want politics to get in the way of policing then the process would have been fair. You made your bed now sleep in it. Jack Meckley is an excellent police officer and was never even given an interview. In typical Bane fashion he puts someone on the dagger to attack posters. Pathetic
Hey Big Al,
Lets not get carried away with the Meckley Bromance. He was a snake and had his favorites. He should have been terminated with the stunts he pulled, all the way back to his academy days. He’s rather lucky that one of his FTO’s saved his job on several occasions and he had his sponsors through the years. So lets tone down how great he is. Sure he was aBane puppet and was so at BAPD, and true he should have been given a shot at the Top Cop spot there. I’m sure there is better qualified personnel than Meckley who applied. Lets hear from Bane and the Town who was involved in all phases of this circus.
Also since you seem to be a current commissioner, or Jesse Bane or Chuck Moore- Who was on the civilian/commissioner nomination board? If you have nothing to hide then be transparent. Your silence speaks volumes.
Sam I agree. If what you are saying is of merit, why have they not released the names of this citizen/commissioner panel that picked Mr. Moore. That would fix all of this. The longer this goes on the more I become suspect. That’s my opinion. I respect yours so please don’t trash mine. You guys look foolish when you attack each other. Let’s stick to the facts and I think it’s fair to demand the names be released.
I just wish the town would release the names of this impartial citizen commission that picked Mr. Moore. That would alleviate a lot of these problems and rumors. I am beginning to think the process was rigged. Just release the names and be transparent. Bel Air has a good reputation of being transparent, is there something that they are hiding?????
THE FOLLOWING CAME FROM THE BALTIMORE SUN on 9/3/2015. I tried to provide a link but the DAGGER censored it. –
“Two finalists left from 31 people who applied will be interviewed next week as the three-month process of selecting Bel Air’s new police chief nears its end.They will be interviewed Wednesday at town hall before a panel of six town department heads, Town Administrator Jesse Bane said.
Bane said the finalists for the chief’s post are both Harford County residents who were selected from a group of six candidates narrowed down from the field of 31 applicants. Most of the applicants, he said, live Harford County or other parts of Maryland, with a few from out-of-state, including one from Tennessee.The town administrator said the finalists were recommended by the five town commissioners, who conducted earlier interviews of the six remaining candidates.
He said the four candidates not recommended by the commissioners could still be in the running, however, if the department heads don’t offer the job to either finalist.
“We have not totally eliminated them from the process, and we will be back in touch with them with any further developments,” Bane said.”
Thanks for directing us to the story that Bane put out in his release. If I wanted to be a liberal minded foolish sheep and just believe what Bane decides to put out, I might have voted for the fool. Where in the”news” story does it talk about Bane bringing in his former chief deputy to participate in the process? Oops, left that out. Where does it talk about Bane telling people it was the last chief’s dying wish for Moore to get the job? Opps, left that out too. What else was left out of this super fair process? Sit back and enjoy some more Bane brand Kool Aid mr. Crusherofsouls.
If you or anyone else in Bel Air wanted to know about the selection process you could’ve said something a long time ago. The article in the SUN was from 9/3/2015. This is mid October. I doubt you were concerned about anything until you found out the results. Just because you don’t like who was selected, you want to get on here and declare that it was fixed. There were a lot of applicants and if you want to know who they were, why didn’t you contact the Commissioner’s office. You’re such a tool. A useless one at that. You guys are on a straight up witch hunt all aimed at Jesse Bane and anyone who works with him. Look, you won. Gahler is Sheriff. What more do you want?
Basically, you bunch of morons have been on another witch hunt.
Take the first sentence from the quoted area I provided and copy it. Then paste it to whatever search provider you are using. The article will appear and you can read it for yourself. Why the Dagger censors articles from The Baltimore Sun is beyond me……
No witch hunt Crushman, just questioning a press release that the town sent to media. Specifically the town makes a comment about a civilian/commissioner review board. Who was on the civilian review board? I want the town to list he names. It’s not a witch hunt Bail Boy, it’s citizens who live in town that want the facts.
Oh, I ain’t no Bail Boy anymore and I doubt you would use the word BOY in my face either. You are on a non existent witch hunt. There is no citizen/commissioner review board because it was done by six town department heads. If you want to know who they were then CALL THEM moron…….The number is (410)638-4550. As much time as you spend on the internet, you’d think you would learn how to use it. That number goes right to the City Administration…..
The Town Commissioners picked the initial 6? Really? Sure they did. And I’m sure they weren’t led, right? I have an idea….why don’t we ask the Town to release the names of everyone who applied, and we can go ask those people ourselves and get the answers we need. I said in a previous post that I already spoke with one person who didn’t even get a call. He told me his resume is open for anyone to review at any time. Let’s see if every candidate offers that up.
The number is (410)638-4550. Let us know what they say…..
Do you think that calling the number where Bane is the man in charge would get you an honest answer? If you do than your are a fool. If you don’t than why would you suggest anyone call it? Before you insult me, I do agree with you that it is done and done, so the town might as well live with it and the less than ideal choice.
Don’t recall you being in this discussion, so why would I insult you. You did call me a FOOL, but maybe I am. I think if you called them, you would either get an answer or maybe ask them to write you a letter with the information you want. If they won’t cooperate, submit a Freedom of Information request through the Maryland State Government, they have to then. I don’t think you’ll have any problems getting the info you want, right over the telephone. But, that’s just my opinion…..
I called today and was referred to the Town Attorney. So basically I got no where
If that is the case, then here you go….
Well CrushBoy is on another know it all crusade again. When he’s not bashing the Narcotics Unit he is trying to cause trouble elsewhere. Bottom line is the Town isn’t being honest about who was on this civilian/commissioner panel. If they gave all of the names of the members on this panel then I would back off. They are being dishonest.
Look, there is NO civilian/commissioner panel. I have NO clue how they narrowed down the 31 candidates to six candidates. Plainly and openly, as printed in the Baltimore Sun, the six finalists were narrowed down to two by the FIVE BEL AIR COMMISSIONERS. Of the Finalists, a panel of six town department heads would choose the selection and it looks like Charles Moore was the selection. It is printed as transparently as can be. If it didn’t happen this way, then the Bel Air Commissioners would be extremely upset with their implication into the events and would probably cost Bane his job. He is still Town Administrator, isn’t he? I assume that everyone is satisfied with the way it played out. Keep in mind, the Baltimore Sun is a large newspaper and its circulation is well beyond the confines of the Dagger. If Bane had done something wrong, everyone would’ve known. As stated before, YOU ARE ON A WITCH HUNT, all aimed at Jesse Bane and anyone allied to him in any shape or form.
It didn’t happen that way. Retired Colonel Greg Carlevarro was on the civilian/commissioner review board. It was Carlevarro and the 5 Bel Air commissioners who made selections to narrow it down from 31 all the way to 2. Carlevarro is not even a town resident and isn’t an impartial citizen. He was Jesse Banes undersheriff and was appointed to that position by Jesse Bane. Well qualified candidates were not even given an opportunity for an interview. Jesse Bane was running around for months telling people that Chuck would get the job. Nothing fair about that process, it was rigged.
Unlike me, you are not providing resources for the information you are typing. I have provided you with written proof, from a respected news paper. You have provided nothing but your conjectural opinion of the events that have transpired. Show me your resource naming Carlevarro as part of this civilian/commissioner review board you claim exists or existed……
The Baltimore Sun is “a respected newspaper.” No doubt the Soulman is a screaming lib now. – I don’t know what you’re thinking…..
I wouldn’t wipe my ass with the sun or aegis.
Holly cow this needs an FBI investigation. Talk about back scratching and ass braiding. Come on man.
Really? That’s what you think? I disagree. The FBI should be called in to investigate your State’s Attorney Office and your Circuit Court. That’s where the REAL crimes happen…..
These comments have Marc A. Eaton or one of his imbreds(which I suspect was Marc)written all over them. So what if Greg Carlevaro was on the selection committee. The best selection was made so quit whining and move on. You all are attempting to character smear Jesse Bane. Everyone knows Jesse Bane is a good man.
About time Fred Visnaw joined the party.
Definitely from the mind of the Liberty Road Loser, Marc “Always” Eaton……
I could’ve went with the Liberty Road Lunatic as well…..
Fred Visnaw is probably next in line to get a town job. Might be Deputy Chief Visnaw
Can’t we all just get along. This situation with Bane Moore and Visnaw clearly needs an independent investigation.
I knew this type of back door politics existed with Baaaarrrry Glassman at the county level. I didn’t realize that it has reared its ugly head at the town level. This is what happens when you hire a politician as your town administrator.
I don’t think a single posts challenged Moore’s qualifications. I just went back through and checked. What everyone is disgusted about is the clear lack of understanding that we are not stupid. Would Moore have been selected if he was honestly compared and judged to other candidates? We all know if you want you guy to win, you just find a way to eliminate other qualified candidates to make sure your guys shines with what’s left. The idiots who think we are just drumming up BS are so sorely mistaken. November elections will tell all. Either the people support what is going on and that’s ok with them, or the winds of change will come through like a hurricane. People are reading these posts, you can believe that. Sorry, I still feel there was underhanded politics in play and many good people we left on the outside looking in during this process. Again, if I didn’t know some of the people who applied, I would less educated on these posts. But I do know them and their accomplishments in law enforcement. They deserved a more unbiased review. Can we really defend what happened here when we have officials referring all questions to the Town Attorney who is probably charging the town by the hour every time someone calls? Shameful behavior no matter what side you are on. If there was nothing underhanded, then come clean and let us know who was involved in the decision. I don’t think that’s asking too much of what is supposed to be open government.
Oh,oh ……bad news for the current crew. Looks like at least one candidate for council is getting an earful about this “process”……..even some fans are now better informed about the election cycle and the rush to get this done before November……don’t get the tailoring done yet.
Who was the 2nd person selected for the “final interview”?
The second interviewee was Christina Presberry, appointed Major at the Sheriff’s Office by Bane despite the fact that she was not qualified. She also had a Correctional Officer boyfriend at the Detention Center who made a questionable and inappropriate rap video flashing gang signs all over the place. See Dagger article:
Bane was determined to have one of his own in as Chief of Police. Looks like he got his way.
Bane and Peyton Manning have something in common. They both should have walked away 4 years ago. Bane started to call people by their wrong name and forget things. He then allowed his majors to run the show. What a show that was they ran the HCSO into the ground. Pressbury started putting targets on several people’s backs and went on witch hunts after them. Carlevaro and Stonesifer had zero control over her. This went in for Banes last 2-3 years in office and by the time he realized what he had done by promoting her it was too late. On top of that he brought an unqualified warden -Chuck Moore who destroyed morale at the detention center. So what does he do during the BAPD chief selection process? He Riggs the process so that both Pressbury and Moore are part of the final selections. Bel Air needs to open their eyes up.
I’d remind anyone who thinks there’s some funny dealings afoot that the Bel Air Elections are this November 3rd. For anyone who is a resident, go vote at the Bel Air Town Hall on Election Day Nov. 3 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
If you can vote and you don’t, you have little room to complain.
How can the commissioners allow this to happen? Sounds like Bane is going to cost the Town of Bel Air plenty in lawsuits.
That has to be a rumor that Presberry was the second interview. I said before that if you want “your guy” to get the job, just invite not-so=bright candidates to interview first. If this is true, which I do not doubt, I am even more disgusted with this crew. Can someone confirm who the “interviewees were, all of them? My God.
I was told a top commander from Baltimore ( not sure if it was City or County ) was the other person who made it to the final interview.
I was told the 2nd interviewee was a top commander from Baltimore ( not sure if it was City or County )
It went from 31 to 6 to 2. I know for a fact that Pressbury was a part of at least the final 6. Nick Paros(MSP) and Jack Meckley(HCSO) were not even part of the final 6 and were never even given a chance for an interview. 25 of the 31 were not granted interviews. Instead of making the process thorough and complete, it was half assed. They were not looking for the most qualified candidate. They were looking for the candidate that Jesse Bane wanted the most. The citizens of Bel Air were fooled and Jesse Bane is to blame.
I know a lot about Nick Paros. I worked around him in an allied agency. He is squared away. I didn’t believe he didn’t get an interview so I wrote him on social media privately and asked him. He said he do not get an interview, but was a pro to the end. He said he knows he was more than qualified and doesn’t need a Jesse Bane to validate his career. He was a great drug trooper too. Had a dog that was awesome. Used him many times in serious drug cases and raids. With what we are facing now, could you imagine guys like him working with the new Sheriff to combat the heroin problem? Instead, Bel Air guys were writing cell phone tickets during the holiday. Bel Air, sorry for your loss. You missed a great guy and I’m sure passed over many others I don’t know that would have not been a.puppet to the Adminstrator; the washed up, unelected King.