From the New Harford Democratic Club:
New Harford Democratic Club
Sept 2, 2015,
Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express
President Steve Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:01pm
First order of business, the pledge of allegiance.
President Johnson welcomed everyone to the night’s meeting and introduced elected officials attending meeting: Mayor of Aberdeen, Michael Bennett, and Tracy Robertson, Jean Salvatore and Pam Dehmer, members of the Harford County Democratic Central Committee.
President Johnson then asked those present to stand and introduce themselves.
President Johnson asked Ms Robertson to report for the Central Committee:
~ She announced details for the Democratic Party Unity Breakfast on Oct. 6 at the Richlin Ballroom, beginning at 8am. Tickets are $35. The speaker will be Congresswoman Donna Edwards, one of the two Democratic candidates for Senate. Congressman Van Hollen, the other candidate, will be speaker at a future breakfast.
Treasurer George Harrison provided the financial report: The current balance in the club’s operating account is $12,978.18. Motion to approve and seconded, and the vote was unanimous.
Member Art Helton moved to approve the minutes that had been distributed via email to the membership. It was seconded and approved unanimously.
President Johnson asked for committee reports.
Voter Registration–Art Helton noted that he was waiting for the handouts to be printed and as soon as they are received he will announce schedules for voting drive events.
Fund Raising-President Johnson, speaking on behalf of fundraising chair Andy who is still on assignment with his job, stated that a bull roast and shrimp feast is being prepared for the American Legion Hall and members will be advised of the date as soon as it is established.
Membership- Chair Rose Marie O’Brien said bids have been received for materials that will be used in membership recruitment and during registration drives. She asked for more volunteers to help in calling members and prospective members urging them to renew or join.
Issues and Legislation-George Harrison, reported that a list of issues has been placed on the club’s website under the heading “Elections Have Consequences,” and includes current and future topics that will be addressed in detail over the next few months:
Website-Jack Barham said the website, is up and running with links to the club’s Facebook page. It is updated several times a week. Recent postings include Governor Hogan’s closing of the Baltimore City Jail. He urged members to visit the website.
President Johnson introduced the night’s speaker, Delegate Steven Lafferty, representing Baltimore County’s district 42A.He is also deputy majority whip and is a member of the Transportation and Environment committee.
Delegate Lafferty thanked the club for inviting him and brought greetings from state chair Bruce Poole and Pat Murray, Executive Director of the state Democratic Party.
He said he is especially interested in environmental issues and the efforts to protect Chesapeake Bay. He believes future efforts will be a big challenge under the current Republican governor, as will efforts to improve funding for education. He was particularly concerned that Hogan ignored Democratic efforts to put more funding in K-12 programs. He said the governor’s original budget proposal was reworked in committee with the approval of the governor’s liaisons and gave more funding to education than the original Hogan plan. But later in the session, the governor made changes to the agreed upon budget that eliminated much of the education funding. The legislature revised the budget and it passed without Republican support. The governor signed the bill but said he would not make the additional funds available to education.
Del. Lafferty said that under Maryland law, the governor controls the budget. The legislature can cut the budget but it cannot add to it or make the governor spend funds he doesn’t want to spend.
Del Lafferty said the upcoming session in January should be very interesting and what may come out of it is anybody’s guess. “Don’t expect it to be any better this time,” he said. Some other major issues sure to be on the agenda are mass transit for the Baltimore area and a Death with Dignity bill.
President Johnson opened the meeting for questions.
President Johnson noted that the Aberdeen City election will be held in November and that the club will be interviewing candidates.
There being no additional business, President Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:22pm
Submitted by George Harrison, acting Secretary
Will L. Bane be attending to fill us in on his farce of a hiring process for a new Bel Air chief of police? State Trooper Moore beat out everyone, even people from Banes own command staff but hey it was a fair process. Mark these words you’ll be hearing them soon enough!
Did not know that a selection had been made?
You mean Trooper Warden Chief Kisssomebutt Moore got the job?
At least one of the candidates from Sheriff Bane’s former command was “damaged goods”. Another, a very good administrator, did not have the required educational requirements. Bel Air Officers observed the dissension that one of the candidates caused at the Sheriff’s Department and verbalized their concerns about that possible appointment. As for the other person in consideration it is unknown why they were not selected.
The candidate with the least experience but best job at kissing Bane’s A____ gets the job? Some process! Bane, you embarrassed your way out of office in a complete thrashing and all you want to do is go think you are getting some degree of retribution towards Gahler. The only people who will suffer are the citizens of BelAir just life the entire county suffered under your little man leadership style of vengeance and anger.
Another point. When Gahler first considered running for Sheriff he and Moore were very good friends. Initially it was rumored that Moore was reportedly asked to be the number two. This was big news for the officers.That was the plan. In comes a former Colonel from the Sheriff’s Department who suggests, no demands, that his wife, a police administer from another agency would be a better fit and Moore should be tanked. Gahler could never convincingly dismiss this conspiracy theory to the Deputies. Result. He as a Republican lost his first bid for Sheriff in Harford County. Virtually impossible but it happened. One can only draw there own conclusion as to why Gahler and Moore had their falling out. If this is an accurate account it is reasonable to see why Moore felt betrayed. Posters are using these threads to articulate their distain for former Sheriff Bane but in the totality it may not be appropriate to malign former Captain Moore in the process. He is educationally and experience wise as qualified, or more, as any candidate.
I know for a fact Moore was never asked to be Gahler’s #2. I asked Gahler and he confirmed that Moore would have had a job, but one where he was prevented from commanding deputies. Apparently Gahler didn’t have any confidence in Moore’s ability.
Will our party leaders do the right thing and endorse Ms Moss for the Mayor of Aberdeen?
So a Major from the Sheriff’s office that Bane promoted and hand picked to run the Bel Air police for a year isn’t even good enough to make it to the final rounds of interviews?
What a joke. Now Lucky Chuckie Moore walks in the door after a waste of time and citizens money was spent on a search. L. Jesse made sure his political debt was paid for at the expense of the town.
Really makes you wonder if Bane has been honest with the commissioners about the new chief’s background. Could make for a bad working relationship with the Sheriff’s Office. What am I saying, Bane is always honest about things………..
As a longtime town resident and friend of Chief Leo, this concerns me. Why would the Town Commissioners put in a chief who is at odds with the Sheriff? Sounds as if Mr. Bane wants to grind an ax and the Commissioners are glad to let him do so! Shame on you again Mr. Bane.