From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement after the House of Representatives did not approve the nuclear deal in Iran. The House did not pass H.R. 3461, “To Approve the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, signed at Vienna on July 14, 2015, relating to the nuclear program of Iran.” The House also passed H.R. 3460, which would remove the ability of the President to lift or reduce sanctions on Iran within the nuclear agreement.
“It’s a shame that on the fourteenth anniversary of September 11th, President Obama seeks to empower the terror-ridden country of Iran and aid worldwide terrorism. The bottom line is that they are our enemies, and the President, along with 42 Democrats in the Senate, seeks to enable a country that has a proven record of state-sponsored terrorism, religious extremism and human rights abuses with this horrendous deal.
“Today, the House, acting in a bipartisan vote, stood strong by not approving the nuclear deal with Iran, while also passing a bill that would immediately deny the President the ability to lift sanctions on Iran. Iran’s possession of a bomb would immediately endanger not only our allies in the region like Israel, but the security of the United States itself in the future. I continue to support much stronger sanctions and believe we can and should make a better deal.”
This action qualifies Obama to be tried for TREASON?
Yeah, sure Andy et al, A man who in good conscience speaks the words “I do solemnly swear…to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” would really “seek to empower the terror-ridden country of Iran and aid worldwide terrorism.”
But, then again, he wasn’t born in the United States! And he probably was the man the Clintons hired in 1993 to kill Vince Foster!
Ahhhh, the meaningless oath. Those words mean absolutely nothing in our day and age. Many people from many professions have spoken that oath and have totally ignored its meaning, time and time again. If the people who run our country, our local government, our law enforcement, our courts, etc., actually performed their duties to honor that oath, well, we would live in America. What we actually live in is a shadow of tyranny. Our own personal freedoms mean nothing and that constitution those oath takers allude to has been used as toilet tissue over and over again. If the Bill of Rights can’t even be enforced to our citizen’s advantage and protection, then that oath means absolutely nothing. I don’t trust or even want to trust anyone who takes that oath, because I know they are liars. Especially, a far right wing Republican nut job, who believes his mission in Congress is to incapacitate the will of the people he pretends to serve. They ALL take that oath and they ALL lie straight through their teeth! That’s what America has become, the big lie…..
The right wing in our country, and even our current president, have caused our nation to engage in aggressive war, torture, drone killings of innocents, and spying on our allies and our own citizens.
Mr. Harris describes Iran as “a country that has a proven record of state-sponsored terrorism, religious extremism and human rights abuses”. Many people around the world now apply that label to us.
Agreed. We talk about Islamic sponsored terrorism, yet the rest of the world talks about US sponsored terrorism. To be truthful, both sides are right. In this case, two rights make a wrong….
Got that right! Those pesky right wing Christians lined up all those innocent people along the Mediterranean shore in Libya and hacked their heads off… and the homosexuals they tossed off the roofs of of those tall buildings… the selling of 9 year-olds into ‘marital’ slavery… and I know how much money those right wingers channeled directly into the accounts of Hamas and other terror groups… and meanwhile someone thinks it’s wrong to target them for doing these things. And to top it off… those ridiculous Christian right wingers really want a nuke to wipe another country off the planet – heck, even tweeted the other day that country will not be around in 25 years… blame the right wing Christians… they brought all this on.
Sarcasm, its a wonderful thing. I’m not going to get into a religious debate over Christians and Muslims, its not worth the effort. I was raised a Christian. However, anybody with common sense knows that through the ages Christianity has wiped out whole civilizations and caused just as much slavery as any other religion on this planet. The destruction of the Incan empire, the genocide of entire Indian nations and the slave trade of negroes to the Americas was all done by Christians. Read your history. We had to save them all by killing them. Now that I got that out of my system, our CIA has started more wars over the last 60 years than any other organization on this planet. All in the name of our Christian nation, to promote our Christian values, unto the heathens that never asked for our values in the first place. Just because the Muslim extremists have been the aggressors in more recent years, doesn’t mean that Christianity has been used as an outlet of evil in the past. You have heard of the Inquisition haven’t you? To be realistic, you have to understand that the US has been responsible for many false flag operations and supported military coos and revolutions all over the world. Yes, these were all terrorist acts, but I don’t think they were in the name of Christianity, just in name of the good old US of A. Funny thing about people like you, you don’t think your shit stinks until someone smears it in your face….
While all those things may be a brutal and irrefutable truth in history you need to consider whether Christianity is primary or coincidental to the event. In otherwords slavery wasn’t justified by Christian faith – wasn’t pursued primarily out of biblical belief while jihad (radical interpretation of Islam) is a primary driver of beheadings and mass killings. As a matter of fact it was primarily Christians that objected most vehemently to slavery and were most vocal and active in seeking to end the practice. Not sure what the heck the random comment about the CIA has to do with jack but that’s to be expected.
Follow the thread and use your head. The faults of Christians and Christianity was pointed out because of the comments of “can spot’em”. The CIA part of the comments was to point out “US Sponsored Terrorism”. If you can’t see the correlation to the comments, then please reread the first sentence of this paragraph. Christianity has had moments very similar to “jihad”, the Crusades was basically a war against non Christians to retake the holy land. I don’t think slavery was supported by either religion, yet seems to have been practiced by both. If you still don’t understand, please refer to the first sentence of this paragraph. You are right, “primarily Christians that objected most vehemently to slavery and were most vocal and active in seeking to end the practice.”, but it was primarily Christians that participated in the American slave trade as well. I don’t recall any other religions being dominant during colonization, the slave trade era or in the South in pre civil war America. Do you?
Oh stop with the nonsense. That would be relevant if we lived in feudel europe but we don’t and so to excuse modern Islamic radicalists with references to 600 year old events is just dumb.
NO ONE is excusing any act of terror. Just pointing out that history is repeating itself and that our own country has participated in terror operations over and over. To not compare modern Islamic Extremist to events that happened over 600 years ago is just as dumb as not analyzing the comparison. Slavery was abolished only 152 years ago in this country and we are still seeing adverse effects from its use to this day. We are NOT perfect, nor is any other nation in this world. However, a right wing Republican will tell different……
Nothing you say makes much sense. Selective interpretation is dishonest. You made some reference to the CIA and then this broad brush that because we’re a Christian nation it’s the same as Islamic extremism – jihadism, violence and destruction of people, places and targeting of alternate religious belief. First of all the CIA had a long history in both south and central america and it had nothing to do with religion – earth to you…those countries are primarily catholic and last I checked catholics are christians too. The CIA wasn’t meddling there because El Salvador is full of catholics, nor did we chant death to El Salvador.
Our country, whether you like or not, is a global sponsor of terrorism in other countries. Just because an agency of our government committed the acts I refer to, does not mean that they aren’t acts of terrorism. Do you even know what terrorism is? Its the act of governing by use of intimidation. That is exactly what our country does to other countries. As a matter of fact, that is how our country deals with its citizens. You can play the role of ignorance all you want, but you seem to forget that the real reason Iran hates the USA is because of our involvement in their nations civil war, that didn’t go our way and our use of sanctions to cripple their economy since those events occurred. Our country’s actions have made the Iranian people suffer for many many years and I don’t blame them for hating our guts.
This is the truth –
To the Money Tree – I think this plainly shows US involvement in the Arab Spring movements –
Just because the Muslim extremists have been the aggressors in more recent years, doesn’t mean that Christianity has NOT been used as an outlet of evil in the past. Sorry, I left out not in the original comment.
The USA. A government for the rich, by the rich and of the rich. What a pathetic, needy, brutal, perverse people. Washington, Jefferson and Adams are being crucified by political scum.
What you people don’t seem to understand is that the Muslims want to kill us and wipe out our society. All you have to do is look at the beheadings going on in the Middle East. Don’t you think that Iran will nuke us if they have the opportunity. We lived with Russia during the Cold War, but they knew we would hit them, and we would all be gone. These people are fanatics, and believe they are going to heaven with virgins. A fanatic doesn’t care if they die because they think its for glory. Obama and the Democrats have set us up for a war that we might not survive. I hope all you people will tell your children they better start living because in a few years, there might be nothing left of them. Dying from radiation is not pleasant.
You’re right, Muslim Extremists are bad and want to kill us. However, Islam is a religion of peace, just as our Christianity is. Religions sometimes get used to radicalize situations and the people involved in those situations. No, I don’t think Iran will nuke us, as they don’t have ballistic missiles with that capability, as of yet. The followers of the Muslim Extremists may believe that when they die they will go to heaven and be rewarded with virgins, but they’re leaders know better and don’t want to give up the power, riches, etc. that come with being a leader in ISIS. As for Obama, he is simply following the path the rest of the world set up, in order to preserve our voice in the matter if and when they don’t comply with inspections. I don’t think a nuclear Iran is good for anyone, including Iran. You have to realize they are on the brink of nuclear weapon technology and are going to achieve it whether we like or not. This deal might bring some regulation to the table and it does keep us involved with our Allies in the event that war or increased sanctions is necessary. The other option is go to war. We’ve taken that route before and it led us to the creation of ISIS.
Islam is a form of tyrannical government masquerading as a religion. Moreover, this deal has zero safeguards because Iran is supposed to monitor itself – and we give them billions of dollars to fund their continued terrorism. Bottom line, we have completely dumped our support of Israel and now support Iran, the largest purveyor of terror in the region. No more, no less.
NO, Islam is the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah. That is its definition. It can also mean the Muslim world. The deal you refer to, is VERY lax in its regulation of its conditions and as I’ve said before a nuclear Iran isn’t a good idea for anybody. However, ALL our ALLIES are supporting it. Should we obstruct others efforts to improvise and/or improve the global situation? I mean, it hasn’t worked in Congress for the past several years. I applaud your honesty of how are government financially supports terrorism against us. Truth, its an ugly thing.
Mr. Harris’ reference to Iran’s record of “terrorism, religious extremism and human rights abuses” was an invitation to point out our own guilt and hypocrisy. If we ever grow out of our impulse to live in fear and violence, and instead follow Jesus’ advice as to how to treat fellow humans, we won’t be fostering ever more hate and terror.
Totally agree with our impulse to live in fear. Many politicians use that impulse to push an agenda of greed, domination and isolationism. Yes, Jesus’ advice on how to treat others is correct, but lets not forget that Mohammed and Buddha also preached that philosophy. In ALL things there are exceptions, but we need to make an effort to globally work together, no matter what our differences are….
Globally work together? You can’t get beyond being arrested for growing weed so coming from you that’s quite a suggestion. Words are easy…actually getting something so trite as the words “working together” to actually happen is quite another feat. Why don’t you pack your bags, print up some flyers with the high handed words…start handing them out to ISIS fighters and we’ll sit back and watch how far you get “working together”. It’s easy – you just say it and it happens – right?
No, you are wrong. I can get over being arrested. However, I can’t get over being convicted illegally and unconstitutionally. Your solutions are what is totally incredulous. NO ONE said work with ISIS or even try to reason with them. However, working with our Allies and not obstructing deals that would bring Iran back into the global community is what I mean by “working together”. As usual, the Dagger ding dongs always put words to comments that were not really typed. Reading comprehension, its something you need to work on.
My problem with Islam is that it breaks down into 4 general categories:
1. The true whack job weak minded idiots that buy into the virgins in heaven crap and believe in their imaginary friend so strongly they’ll murder over it.
2. Category 1’s closet cheerleaders… the ones that dance in the streets whenever something bad happens to category 1’s enemies.
3. Those that turn and look the other way when category 1 carries out it’s deeds.
4. Those that truly think category 1 misguided and want peace.
I keep hearing “religion of peace”, but unfortunately the vast majority of Islam is category 2 and 3. 4 is powerless and until Islam decides to police itself, there is little hope for progress. When I consider us handing over billions to Iran and granting 21 day advance warnings on inspections to suspicious locations, I’m left wondering in what category to place our own officials.
Everyone assumes the beheadings, bombings and the like are meant for the western world. Jihadis are just as interested in scaring the living crap out their brethren – any of them that might raise a hand in opposition (your group no. 4). So if group no. 2 is actively on your side and group no. 3 would rather not get involved all you really have to do is intimate the others and you pretty much have control over the oil fields and then barney bar the door. Rocket science not necessary here. Even polls taken of Muslims living in the US prove bizarre outcomes – most would prefer Sharia law, most support the goals of jihad, and many indeed were seen to cheer when the buildings went down on 9-11. The fact that leftist american women remain largely silent over the treatment of women in Islam is hard to square with the ease at which they seem to be able to criticize christians.
I agree with your statement until you got to the polls taken of Muslims living in the US. Let’s be realistic. The Muslims that want sharia law are almost always the Muslim males that get the advantages of sharia law. Once people from almost any foreign nation come to the US, their views of jihadist acts normally get out weighed by the quality of life they experience here in the US compared to what they came from. I don’t remember Muslims out in the streets cheering the acts of 9-11, but if they were they should be on a watch list somewhere. I do agree with most of your last sentence, but I don’t recall leftist American women criticizing Christians. Please explain….