From the Office of Congressman Andy Harris:
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement after voting in favor of House Resolution 411, the “Finding that the President has not complied with section 2 of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.” Recently, Congress learned that President Obama made two secret side deals within the nuclear deal with Iran that were not originally disclosed.
“The American people deserve to know the truth about the secret side agreements in President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. President Obama’s complete disregard for the will of the people is clearly illustrated in how he once again believes he is above the law. It’s time for the President to provide Congress with the full text of the secret side deals of the nuclear deal with Iran.”
When will Mr. Harris ever be in support of something,other than a position favored by the far right? Someone needsto tell him that Joe McCarthy died decades ago.
National polling reveals that a vast majority of Americans believe that the Iran Deal is a Bad Deal. Are you including all of them in the “far right”? One of two Senators from Maryland is now on record that the Iran deal is a bad agreement for America. Is this liberal Democrat Senator included in the far right?
Does that National Polling take into account that many people are being informed of this deal from the Republican AD Campaign against it? I’m not saying I think this DEAL is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but don’t you think people should be informed of its contents by a neutral party and not those on a partisan mission one way or another. I’m really sick of watching one AD that proclaims it a great deal and then watching another, right behind it, that makes it seem like the world will end if its passed. Does anyone actually believe that Republicans or Democrats really give a hoot about anything? If you do, you have already been infected with that partisan disease known as perceived alternate reality. Believe me, everyone in politics wants you to catch that disease. Choose one side or another and become part of the great divide…..
This is even worse than your usual crap. You will label any organization or news source that disagrees with the deal as biased or partisan, so why would anyone waste their time trying to show you just how wrong you are?
I would hardly consider AD campaigns a news source. Republican or Democrat, they have an agenda and are biased. Do you think Mikulski voted for the deal because she genuinely liked it or because of partisan ties? As I said before, choose one side or another and you are part of the great divide. Its the draw back of a two party system. I personally feel as if there should be 3 or 4 political parties, but you and I both know that Republicans and Democrats are the only 2 parties recognized by the media and our country. If things are not always black and white, then why are issues settled by just the Red and the Blue? An awful lot of nothing is getting done in D.C. with the current regimes…….
Right winger Harris lost all credibility with me when he whined about the delay in getting his government-subsidized health insurance as soon as he was elected. Hypocrisy 101. He must have taken the same course Mr. Craig took.
You are entitled to feel however you wish. The vast majority does not agree with you. That’s why Mr. Harris got reelected.
Actually, the majority of Marylander’s and US Citizen’s feel that Andy Harris is a complete ass. What he did in D.C. to try and restrict Marijuana after the people of that city voted for it, is totally disgusting. It all backfired in his face as now there is absolutely NO regulation of Marijuana after his shananigans. Just because a few RED counties voted for this idiot, doesn’t mean anyone actually likes him. He is an ass and an ass he will always be…….
Whatever. He’s our ass and we like him. In fact, there are more of us who like him and vote for him than do not like him and not vote for him. It’s very simple, the one with the most votes wins.
I do believe you’re wrong about his popularity, but you’re right, he got elected. You keep your ass. Just remember, you guys got to live with what comes out of it…..
This is the truth about your ass…. – He is going nowhere fast.
To quote from the article that SC linked to: “Harris opposes broad immigration reform unless border security comes first.” Oh yeah, he’s really out of touch. (insert sarcasm emoji here)
We don’t want Andy to go anywhere fast. We want him to stay right here and represent his District in Congress as he was elected to do.
Read the article you referenced dated Sep 1, 2014. Just think, one month after that article was written, Andy was re-elected with an overwhelming vote margin.
It was so interesting that the article started out describing how Andy is elected to a very gerrymandered district, which may be true, but if it is true it was gerrymandered by a Democrat controlled legislature as we have not had a Republican controlled legislature in Maryland in many, many, years.
Glad that last one got you all going. How about this one????
Anyone who believes anything that comes out of Washington DC is either a fool or a trader.