From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Illegally possessed guns, drugs, and two drug dealers are off the street after an operation conducted by the Harford County Task Force.
On August 11, 2015, members of the Harford County Task Force, Cecil County Task Force, Harford County Special Response Team, Municipal SWAT and DEA SWAT served five search warrants as the result of a two-month long investigation into suspected drug dealing. The search warrants were served at five residences in Edgewood, Aberdeen and Abingdon.
During the execution of the search warrants, two handguns, 2.6 grams of heroin, 4 grams of cocaine, 16 oxycodone prescription pills, more than $3,300 in US currency, scales and packaging material were recovered.
As a result of the search warrant two individuals, Tony Spriggs, 31, and Stacey Buschman, 30, both from Edgewood, were arrested.
Spriggs and Buschman were transported to the Harford County Detention Center where they were processed for possession with intent to distribute and handgun violations. Currently, Spriggs is being held on $75,000 bail and Buschman without bond.
The Harford County Task Force is a highly trained, self-governing, multijurisdictional entity with a mission to investigate offenses in the areas of mid to upper level drug trafficking, homeland security, and vice while supporting and facilitating cooperation and coordination among federal, state, and local law enforcement. The Harford County Task Force is comprised of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Maryland State Police, Aberdeen Police Department, Bel Air Police Department, Havre de Grace Police Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Harford County States Attorney’s Office, working together to make Harford County a safer place to live.
Gun laws work right G. Wilson, AKA simp. G. Wilson is the type of Ahole that believes the government will protect everyone.
Gun laws only work on people trying to legitimately get their firearms by lawful means. Its very, very easy to acquire a handgun in Maryland illegally. They are available ALL over Baltimore. Even more shocking is they still allow the sale of 80% lower receivers that can be completed with a common drill press, without any background check. Nothing like letting an AR-15 out on the street. Talk about insanity……
Tell me about how many ARs are used in the commision of a crime in MD or anywhere for that matter. I realize living in the Peoples Repbublic of Maryland may have you brainwashed into believing that you don’t need a gun to protect yourself because the police will do it for you, but not everyone feels that way.
You’re right, AR-15’s are not the most common gun for criminals to carry. However, we were talking about gun legislation and I was pointing out a hypocrisy that allows you to purchase and finish the lower receiver without any regulation. All the other parts can be purchased, without regulation. So in essence, its possible to own an AR-15 without any background check and without any regulation what so ever. Now, I believe everyone who has a gun should never give it up just for general purposes. No, I don’t think the Police protect anybody, they react to a crime that’s committed, as that is their job description. I personally feel Maryland is more like the Fourth Reich, not a people’s republic of anything as this State has forgotten about its people and their rights. As for your first question, I can name only one offhand, but it was a doozey. Can you say Newtown? An awful lot of kids died because of one nut. Finally, I would like to point out that guns do kill people, but it takes another person to pull that trigger to make that gun fire. No gun has every acquired consciousness and killed people by itself. It is an inanimate object after all…….
Way to go coppers. For any of you out of the loop this is about the most pathetic drug bust ever. Must be what, 500 dollars worth of drugs? on a 2 month investigation? Sweet Jesus that wold get 4 people higher tan a kite for like 6 hours…..
Prime example of the war on drugs didn’t work…. we lost they won.
I was thinking the same thing, but was trying to leave it alone. Kinda disappointing when a 2 month investigation yields diddly squat. I would say something derogatory about the bails, but they both have records from hell and were caught with handguns. All in all, this bust was a bust…..
Just the reason why I advocate to my colleagues not to do business in those areas until they are cleaned up. I would rather sell homes in any other area of the county. What thugs.
Liz, as a real estate agent, you cast a cloud on our jobs by making such rude and un-necessary comments. I looked up how active you are in Harford County and aside from your titles, you are not Active at all. Maybe you should focus on your business model and stop with the comments that turn potential Buyers and Sellers off from doing business with you. Free advise.
The amount of drugs seized may not seem like that much to some of you but I live in a neighborhood where one of these warrants were served. I have watched for months as the pick up and drop off by drug dealers/users has been happening on my street I for one am so glad that these people will no longer be visiting my neighborhood to conduct their business. I bet if they were your neighbors, Howie Felder, you would feel differently. Thank you Harford County Task Force.
Ginger no matter how cheap the prices are there is no way I would live in the hood.
Don’t make assumptions. I live in a very nice section of Abingdon/Bel Air, in a very nice single family house, zoned, for Patterson Mill middle and high. Drugs are everywhere.
Drug dealers for neighbors. Sounds like utopia.
As a long time police officer I can tell you from my personal experience that drug raids are a hit or miss thing. Some times the stuff is just not there when you make your hit. The night before there could have been pounds of drugs. The actions of a drug dealer are hard to predict and are often unknown. I have waited all night for the bad guys to show up in what was supposed to be a pre-arranged drug deal only to have them never show up. The next day you learn that they stopped at a club, bar, or stopped for a sexual encounter, etc. You just never know for sure what is in their minds. My heart goes out to people the likes of gingersnap who have to live near constant drug dealing. If nothing else the warrant execution helped in hopefully ridding the neighborhood that kind of vermin. Good job Task Force!
Way to go Sheriff Jeff Gahler and all the wonderful members of the Harford County Task Force, Cecil County Task Force, Harford County Special Response Team, Municipal SWAT and DEA SWAT!! Keep up the great work of trying to clean up Harford County!!
This gotta be a bunch of bull it cost us tax payers so much money in those 2 months only to yield less than a fix for 2 people get out of here make a bust of at least a couple OZ’s I applaud for the guns but the drugs is what u were after hell I know a 16 white kid in grace that shoot more dope than that in a hour lol
U wanna talk about where u live drugs are everywhere look at havre de grace lol hell I can goto belair and cop a half kilo of heroin it don’t matter where u live man that stuff is everywhere the economy is so messed up I know cops that are getting down just to pay their mortgage and their kids tuition think it’s a joke if u want I know this because I’m apart of the underworld and I work 60 hours a week just to keep my family above water so how do u like them apples !! Fix the economy and drugs will disappear trust me !!
The police department in Havre De Grace looks the other way with drug dealing and especially certain residents.
That includes certain landlords.
I have a problem with the fact that the task force calls itself ‘self governing’. Without oversight, a group like this could become less responsive the the county’s needs and more worried about its own wants.