From Harford County Public Schools:
August 17, 2015
The Board of Education of Harford County met for an open business meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the A. A. Roberty Building and took the following actions and received the following presentations:
Board Comments
Public Comments (please see the archive video for public comments)
Old Business:
Approved Consent Agenda:
– Decision on Resolution MABE LSA
– Decision on Transfer of Bus Contracts
– Minutes of Previous Board Meeting- July 20, 2015
– Decision on Department of Special Education Contract for Non-Public Partnership
– Contract Award for On-Call Emergency Systems, Service, Repair and Maintenance
– Monthly report on Personnel – July 2015
– Library Services Online Software Subscription Renewals
– Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards
– Appointment of 2016-17 Calendar Committee Members, 2016-2017 Calendar Committee
– Decision on Audit Committee Membership
New Business:
Action Items:
– Approved Appointments and Promotions, presented by Mrs. Jean Mantegna
– Approved decision on 2015 Educational Facilities Master Plan, presented by Mr. Joseph Licata, Mr. Cornell Brown, Mr. Chris Morton, Ms. Ariana Langford and Mrs. Patti Jo Beard
– Presentation of FY17 Capital Improvements Plan, presented by Mr. Joseph Licata, Mr. Cornell Brown, Mr. Chris Morton, Ms. Ariana Langford and Mrs. Patti Jo Beard
– Approved Comprehensive Maintenance Plan 2015, presented by Mrs. Patti Jo Beard
– Informational Report Recommendation on Policies, presented by Patrick P. Spicer, Esq. and Dr. Susan Brown
– Update on Status of Youth’s Benefit Elementary School Project, presented by Mr. Chris Morton
Superintendent’s Report
– Infofinder i software is up and running for community members and parents/guardians for 15-16 school year; the software is intended to improve efficiencies in student transportation. The link is available on and will provide school information, bus routes and pickup/drop-off times. If you do not have electronic access, you may contact your school or the transportation department directly for bus information.
The next Board of Education business meeting will be held Monday, September 21, 2015 at 6:30pm. All Board meetings are held in the A. A. Roberty Building. To access all future meeting dates and agendas, log onto the school system website at
Why is the school board spending $1.5M more on other vehicle replacement than on bus replacement under “cost of doing business”? Which employees are being given vehicles, what is the criteria for deciding this, and how is this not out of control?
what you stated is correct…. I believe that NO employee should have a county car. This would be a tremendous savings from all aspects. If the administrator(s) did not like it….. they can go find another job !