From Mike Perrone, Jr., Harford County Council Member for District A:
I’d like to take a moment to explain the history and the intentions behind the emergency homeless shelter that has been proposed at the old Chase Manor Motel site in Edgewood.
Shortly after this County Council was sworn in, Councilman Beulah reached out to several members of the faith-based community to develop a more comprehensive and structured approach to addressing our homelessness problem in Harford County. This effort evolved into the “Hope for the Homeless Alliance”.
The Alliance first looked at a property in Aberdeen, which would have been prohibitively expensive to rehabilitate. The Alliance then met the owner of the old Chase Manor Motel site, who was willing to work with the group and accommodate its needs. One of the key members of the Alliance is a local nonprofit called New Journey of Hope, Inc. Ultimately, it is New Journey of Hope which would be purchasing the property and paying for the construction of the structures.
Before I continue, let me check off a couple of items on the list of what this project would NOT be.
• This would not be a “tent city”. These proposed structures are tension fabric buildings. These buildings meet hurricane compliance codes, have high energy efficiency ratings, and are built to last 20+ years with little maintenance. Mt. Zion United Methodist Church on Churchville Road was built with this material.
• This would not be a shelter at which homeless individuals are kicked out in the morning to roam the streets until they return at night. This would be a 24-hour facility.
Many people have cited this proposal as an example of the County “dumping its problems” into the Edgewood community. I look at it this way: the problem is already here. There are several true “tent cities” within Edgewood, of which many citizens are not aware. It is also worth noting that none of the current Harford County shelters (the Welcome One Emergency Shelter, Harford Family House, Anna’s House, and others) are in Edgewood. So Edgewood would now have shelter space, along with communities like Aberdeen, Belcamp, and Bel Air.
My vision for Edgewood is to have eventually a community that has no need for these types of services. Unfortunately, we are nowhere close to that point. And I do not think it is right to deny services to people in need (and say no to the ministries that want to deliver those services) on the premise that bringing a problem out of the shadows and into the open somehow makes the problem worse.
Ultimately, though, this process is not about choosing a community. It is about finding a suitable property and a willing property owner. The proposed site is not adjacent to any residential lots; the closest townhouses on Beckon Drive are about a tenth of a mile away. It is not in the middle of a commercial strip. The site is also on an existing bus route and accessible to the Harford Community Action Agency and other service providers in the community.
This process involves striking a complicated balance between the needs of homeowners, business owners, and our homeless brothers and sisters. The balance is not perfect, but it is the best plan that we could come up with.
Mike Perrone, Jr.
Harford County Council Member for District A
I should also note: the Community Input Meeting for the proposed shelter will be held on Monday 8/24 at 6 p.m. at the Edgewood Library.
Please join me at the meeting so I can lie to you in person, rather than online.
I enjoy destroying the trust my voters.have placed in me!!
In fact, I love the look on their faces when I tell them my vision!
They really believe me!!!
It takes everything I have not to laugh,
I’m from the government and I’m here to help you!
Are you also aware that alot of these people in the edgewood tent cities which will be moving in this new shelter are serious drug addicts????? I moved to west shore to be away from all the criminal neighborhoods as much as possible and you are moving it next to me!!! How bout fallston or maybe somewhere in YOUR neighborhood!!!????
I spoke with Ronnie Wilson about the negatives of the Route 40 site. There will not likely be any tensioned fabric architecture construction on this site. There are other locations to look at, perhaps closer to an existing church facility, perhaps with the help of Habitat for Humanity, perhaps in existing homes that can be fixed up for transitional housing, maybe in a large building, maybe several smaller ones, but suggestions that are reasonable and achievable are welcome.
The director of the 31-bed Welcome One Homeless Shelter said they will be at the rescheduled meeting. Since they do not accept children, homeless families with underage dependents are not able to stay there, and case workers work with the 31 clients that are currently registered. There is a long wait list for housing of every type.
There are some single beds in smaller shelters, but none in Edgewood. Most are either in Fallston, Bel Air, Belcamp and of course, Baltimore. There are many more homeless in both Baltimore and Washington DC.
The National Coalition for the Homeless, in Washington DC lists registered agencies and existing shelters. You can check out their website at
If you don’t want to deny ministries the right to these services, let them take care of the problem. Why is Edgewood no where near ready? Crime maybe? What’s wrong with that fancy building next to Target in Aberdeen,isn’t it big enough? It certainly isn’t being used for anything constructive.
We are letting them take care of the problem. Most property owners aren’t willing to sell or lease for a price that would work.
Can you understand why they aren’t willing?
More rhetoric. There’s vacant buildings and lots throughout Harford County. Why won’t you disclose the sales price of the 2700 Pulaski Highway property?
The price is between the buyer and the seller; it isn’t my place to disclose it. If/when the deed is recorded, it will become a matter of public record.
You’re using the people of Edgewood as guinea pigs for your social engineering experiment. You won’t disclose the price of the sale. We have no idea who is funding the project other than per Ronald Wilson “it’s private money”. We have no idea how many people are going to be at the shelter. We have no idea the amount of government money that’s going to be received. We have no idea who is going to manage the facility. We have no idea where the people are coming from. We have no idea how secure the facility is. We have no idea of the background of the people you’ll be bringing into the facility. We don’t know their drug addictions. We don’t know their criminal records. We don’t know their mental problems. We don’t know how you’re going to protect the people of the community. But we should trust you and your cronies, right Mike?
Good grief Ron, that’s why they are having a meeting on this issue. Go and get some answers!
Councilman Perrone,
I am not a Harford County resident, but my organization partners with homeless shelters, transitional houses, and other residential centers to provide them with mental health therapy onsite. We find that this assists the homeless in receiving comprehensive services while they are in a shelter and addressing any emotional issues. After reading the comments on this page, in this particular situation, ensuring that the clients of the shelter all receive some form of mental health therapy on the premises may help to make local residents more comfortable and being informed that this will not be a place where the needy “just have a bed” but that resources are being provided to serve all of their needs. Is there anyway I contact you to talk more about our services or send you information? We would love to be a part of this (and our services are at no charge to the organization).
Call me at my office and I will forward your information.
Thank you, Donna.
I would hope medical services as provided will be contracted using Harford County providers first before these other people start loading their wagons here.
So when you say your services are provided free of charge are you saying it’s an all volunteer organization or that you’re also a non-profit reimbursed through state or federal programs for services rendered?
The Money Tree: Thank you for your question. Our services are free of charge to the organization. We receive reimbursement either through clients insurance (many homeless are receiving medical assistance). However, even if clients do not have insurance, we can still apply to the state for reimbursement to see them for at least 3 months and continue to apply for extensions if the client will continue to need services. We also do some pro-bono work for clients who will benefit from mental health services, but do not meet certain criteria (i.e. private insurance or out-of-state residency). We find that providing the services on-site (versus going to a clinic or outpatient facility) helps keep the client engaged and is more convenient for the clients and organization.
So when I go to the doctor and its covered by insurance if I was to use the term free of charge that would be incorrect.
She’s already said twice that there is no charge to the organization. Except for a passing reference to pro bono work, she makes no mention or implication that services are cost-free. Even in a “free” charity, someone is paying, usually the volunteer, through the use of their time.
Many community health and psychological care centers around the country are funded through the grant and private donation system.
There’s no such thing as “free of charge”.
The question is who pays?
Four 5,000 square foot units = 20,000 square foot units.
The majority of the homeless are already cared for in Harford County.
More people will be moved from other locations to fill these open beds.
The more services required by these individuals, the more tax dollars will be used to pay for their “free” services.
Money Tree: As someone else has mentioned, the question about “free services” has been answered many times. You stated that “these people only want to help because it’s the right thing to do” and it is not genuine. I want to help for many reasons, but also yes, this is my profession. I am a mental health therapist/social worker. So, do I want to help? Yes. Do I also own a for profit business that helps people? Yes. Does my program provide services to people in need whom others have ignored or do not want to work with? Yes. Do me and the other therapists that work at my agency get paid for our services? Yes. I also do volunteer work, but just like many other people, I also work. My work entails helping other people (genuinely). Nobody becomes a social worker to get rich. Also, Money Tree, I do not take any issue with a Harford County business providing these services – as long as the individuals at the shelter are being serviced. Just as a side note though, my business serves all agencies throughout the state of Maryland and we have therapists who live in Harford County as well. Thank you again for your comments, Money Tree.
Traci – if we’re going to be importing the homeless into Harford County to fill this enormous shelter which in the long term will only end up costing the county (the taxpayers) I would hope preference would be given to employ local mental health providers before the outsiders start pouring in here trying to hop on the “free stuff” gravy train.
The question of who pays has been answered several times.
My point was the original tone suggesting these people only want to help because it’s the right do is disingenuous. Lotta money to be made in free stuff and this lady wants to line up behind it.
Good for her. She’s not laying around on her ass looking for a handout. She is out there working and getting involved.
Yes, some undefined faith-based group is going to pay for it, at least until they run out of money or interest in this project, at which point they turn it over to the County and we end up paying for it. This is getting the camel’s nose under the tent; sneak it in as a charity thing until it gets to the point where it’s too big to be abandoned.
When they tried to start a shelter on Route 7 in Joppa, Dion Guthrie was front and center opposing it, but he really represented his people. I predict that Perrone will be a one-termer as he’s an elitist ruler, not a representative.
I am thinking a one way ticket to florida would be a better solution.
So rounding up the homeless and dumping them somewhere else to be someone else’s problem is your solution?
You could always open up you home to them.
Isn’t that what they are doing now? Rounding em’up and dumpin’ em’ in Edgewood?
Wonder how many beds these 4 building are intended to hold? It would sure seem to be that the intent is to empty out the various other shelters as they exist and move the “homeless” here.
Sorry Roy, but they are already living not a 1/4 of a mile from the site now. Our Ministry feeds them all the time
Pastor Rick James, come hook me up with some free food, son.
They are not at 2700 Pulaski Highway or in the West Shore Community.
Cool. Where at, Pastor? I’m going to go get some free food from your ministry.
What’s on the menu?
The homeless are already here. Isn’t it more sensible to help them become “homed”? Many of the homeless have just had catastrophic events in their lives that put them on the streets. We don’t need to “import” homeless people. Take a walk in the woods near the Little Gunpowder River. Do it on a really cold day. Then think, maybe, ‘there but for the grace of God go I”
I’m thinking a one way ticket to palookaville.
You was my big brother charlie, you was suppose to take care of me!
Councilman Peronne,
If this has been in discussion between you and Councilman Beula (Abingdon) since January, how come you have, or your office representative, have not mentioned it at any of the Edgewood Council meetings. There have been several since that time and not a peep…. why so hush hush. until weeks before the CIM meeting.
If it were not for Friends of Harford, folks would not have known. Imagine that… under the covers once again go Harford Policies.
I would like to add the following:
Councilman, I would propose that you let them build a homeless shelter in your back yard. I would speculate that if this shelter was being built in the vicinity of where any of you council members live that it would not stand. As long as trash is on my lawn and not yours it isn’t a problem……
In terms of having a shelter in my backyard, I live across the street from my church, which was a member of the rotating shelter system before the Welcome One Shelter was built in Belcamp.
Your church volunteered Mike.
The people of West Shore are being volunteered by you.
And how dare you compare a small amount of homeless at your church versus the 20,000 square foot development your pushing in Edgewood.
Are you that pompous that you can’t see the difference?
Rotating out of Belcamp into edgewood!
The search for a property began @ January… this site didn’t cross our radar until after the last ECAB meeting.
Mike, attempting to baffle people with bullshit just isnt working!!! There are soooo many commercial listings and vacant buildings throughout the county. Clearly you’re hiding facts and not telling the whole story.
This is one of those many vacant properties
Correct, however it is too close to a residential community and a children’s center. Find another location.
You don’t get veto power over who moves in next door! This is the proper zoning.
Why Abe, I’m surprised at you!
You know why it’s so hush hush!
I’m a politician.
If I told you the truth how would I slide this by everyone!
And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!
Councilman Perone,
I spoke with you at length yesterday regarding your support of the homeless tent shelters proposed at 2700 Pulaski Highway.
I was astounded by your rhetoric, rationalizations and lack of vision regarding the location your group has selected. Unfortunately you have chosen to continue your specious comments in your article.
• First, you have totally dismissed the safety of the West Shore residential community and businesses located in this area. I stated to you that my business the Maryland Sports Arena (2723 Pulaski Highway) is located less than 1,000 yards from your proposed homeless housing. We are home to more that 2,500 children who participate in our soccer leagues, camps, training and schools. Clearly a homeless center should not be located close to a school, a children’s recreation center or homes. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration approximately 20 to 25% of the homeless population in the United States suffers from some form of severe mental illness. In addition, 38% of homeless people abuse alcohol while 26% regularly use other drugs. A large percentage of these individuals also have criminal records. These are the people you wish to house across from the West Shore Community, local businesses and a children’s recreation center. We are your constituents. You represent our district. Why are you not concerned with our safety?
• Second, there are two phases proposed with four (not two) 5,000 square foot fabric structures. Why are you misrepresenting the facts?
• Third, a fabric structure in not a tent? Really? Thanks for the clarification.
• Fourth, while it may be a 24 hour facility, what happens when “tenants” don’t follow the rules? What happens if they want to leave? Are they prisoners? If not, they are free to roam the streets.
• Fifth, your vision for Edgewood is a disaster. You do not care about the people of your district. You do not care about the property owners located on the Route 40 corridor. You do not care about the residents of West Shore. And you absolutely do not care about the children who play soccer at the Maryland Sports Arena.
You have breached your fiduciary responsibility to the citizens of this district. Your support of this project has put hard working families and business in this community at risk. Hopefully you will see the damage you are causing to everyone and reconsider your decision to support.
I am not an Edgewood resident so I feel that my input on the merits or lack thereof with this project are not to be considered. I certainly understand the concerns the residents have. However, Mike Perrone is one of the finest public servants I have ever met. He absolutely has a heart for his constituents and his years at the Sharing Table speak louder than the political soundbites and photo-ops that we’re used to from many elected officials. He is taking on a very toxic issue and that must say something about his personal integrity and willingness to back an unpopular project if it’s the right thing to do. Personally, I’m glad that I don’t have to defend my backyard from something like this. My sense of community and concern for family and property would be at war with my concern for fellow man. But remember that there are other shelters in HC that are not in Edgewood. And remember that the homeless are in the shadows of your community. You cannot see them but they are there. And lastly, please do not attack the character of Mr. Perrone, who has demonstrated his commitment for many years through service to the community in ways seen and unseen.
Thank you, Vicki.
I’m sure many people feel the same way regarding Barrack Obama, but facts are facts. Mike Perrone is ignoring his constituents! The people that live in West Short and the businesses in his district are his constituents.; They oppose being surrounded by drug addicts, individuals with mental health issues and criminals. And you’re right, actions do speak louder than words. He is totally disregarding the safety of the community, over 450 homes, plus the 2500 children as well as their parents and the 2000 adults that participate in the indoor soccer programs at the Maryland Sports Arena. There are so many vacant properties that could be used that it’s an insult to the intelligence of the people of edgewood to state that this is the only property that works. Mike’s actions and comments regarding this project are a disgrace.
Have you looked around? The drug distribution problem has existed in that area for a while. Walk across the street and look at the trash that is on the ground. You will also likely encounter a real homeless person. The property is already a blight.
Mike has rolled up his sleeves and gotten his hands dirty helping to solve the problem.
Total BS.
Clearly you’re not from this area.
I’m here everyday.
The property is a vacant lot.
I am from the area. I shop at the Home Depot. I work in the area. I can tell you that vacant lot is a bite.
You shop at Home Depot so you’re an expert on the community. The lot is vacant because the county used as a drill last your for our fire departments. Maybe they should clean up the mess.
It has been an eye sore for years. I live in the 21040. I am a voter and I am fine with this in our neighborhood. You are making this out to be something it isn’t and may I remind you that you are a business in our community.
I wonder if Ron conducts himself as a businessman the same way he does online: swearing and calling people children? I wouldn’t want to do business with him, and I certainly wouldn’t want my kids near him. His nasty online demeanor is hurting his case more than anything else.
Homeless people live everywhere in the country – maybe in the woods surrounding your home Ron! It is true that most homeless people have mental health and addiction problems, but some have just fallen on hard times with this economy and lost their homes – I know quite a few! I am sure the newly proposed shelter would follow the protocol that the shelter in Belcamp does – there are restrictions on who can get in (i.e. no criminal record that is violent or recent and have to pass drug/alcohol screen, etc). In addition, they are checked everyday when they return to the shelter and drug tested as needed. Have there been problems with the shelter in Belcamp? No! To that end, you are not going to have drug addicts, alcoholics and pedophiles living across from the many homes and your Sports Arena! Those people will continue to live in the woods of your communities!
The belcamp shelter is designed to hold 30-35 people total vs. the 4 tents they eventually expect to have in this location. I expect they’ll advertise the shelter eventually in attempts to fill the dozens, perhaps a hundred or more beds they’ll have there. You can not compare these two shelters. I might add the reason the homeless choose to live in the woods as you mention is that not atypically, the shelters can be dangerous.
Deflection is the art of mixing apples and oranges. Let’s muddy the waters and not address the issue, correct? The issue is the safety of the citizens who work and live in this area.
Again, deflection.
This issue is the location of the site.
Placing it close to 1000 residents, multiples businesses and a sports facility is the wrong location.
To all the naysayers….Do you have a better idea? Attend the meeting and voice it. But please, if so make it a valid one that offers a real solution. Not sarcastic tickets to Florida. Doing nothing will not make the homeless suddenly no longer homeless. Nor will it make them magically disappear. As for the tent like structure, people around the world live in Yurts (Gers) and have done so for likely 1000’s of years in climates that are brutal. These types are very inexpensive, sturdy, last a long time and easy to put up and take down. Give the man credit for trying to fix a a problem that cannot be ignored and should not be ignored? smh
Here’s a real solution. Find another location where you don’t put the lives of hard working citizens at risk.
Do you know why these people are homeless Traveller? Do you or have you talked to them on a personal level? Do you make rounds to check on them and their welfare? Rite,doubt it…smh
Homeless in the shadows,really? Have you been to Aberdeen? Look across the street from Exxon,or better yet at Exxon. How about in the park across the street from the police station? In the shadows my a**! Try getting gas at 7-11 on rt.40 after 10 o’clock at night… And that’s not the half of it.
So extrapolate from that (the ones you CAN see), and imagine the ones you can’t. The ones who do stay in the shadows as much as possible.
I think Vicki the the residents in the area are not just unhappy with inviting the homeless to concentrate where they live but the lack of information being provided as this project was being formed and formulated. We all know that by the time the citizens are invited to these meetings the thing is almost a done deal and in this case it stinks big time because of the nature of the proposal. With very little information about the people involved in opening the shelter it’s bound to raise questions – what motivation they may have, where the funds are coming from, the oversight and controls intended to be put in place, estimates on the numbers of homeless they intend to provide services for not just immediately but long term, etc. Just in checking judicial case search of the 4 named as on the board tells me there’s some history with a couple of them. People can change but it does raise an eyebrow.
Hi Pass, Thanks for your reasonable and respectful response. All great concerns and questions that should be asked. If I lived in your neighborhood, I’d be asking them. My point is that homelessness is a problem for every community and ignoring it does not make it go away. The manner of solution is what’s in question. But, none of the comments give Mike credit for taking on a volatile, third rail kind of issue. For a freshman official to show this kind of courage and integrity is inspiring. I also have to say that the comments regarding the nature of the homeless themselves have been less than charitable. There but for the grace of God would go so many of us. I hope the library is packed on the 24th and that all parties listen to each other, offer workable alternatives, and work toward an accord that serves everyone.
You don’t work or live in this community.
You’re not even a resident of Harford County.
Why are you here?
Mr. S.
The Dagger is a public forum and open to anyone. I am a resident of Harford County and have been for many years.
Do you live in this district or just own a business in the neighborhood? Do you think people will stop coming to your business as a result of this project. Some of the families have kids in these places. They might use your business. As it is that property sits vacant and is a serious blight.
Blight? In your opinion, lol Why fill up every square inch of land?
Its literally, right next to wetlands.
Yes blighted, have you seen the property in question?. BTW for all the concern about the safety of the children he seems to have little concern about the peeve at the adult bookstore next door to him!
In your opinion its “blight”
That’s really it.
Thanks for your clarification.
You do not live in this community.
Got to love politicians. In every national park is posted signs not to feed the animals as they will become dependent on humans to feed them. Yet the same politicians have no problem spending trillions feeding homeless and the illegals with our tax money for them to become dependent on tax payers.
Mr. Sczybor,
Please leave Mike alone.
We need more homeless centers for the tent city they just closed in Baltimore.
Those people need to go somewhere and unless Mike inflates the homeless problem, how else is he going to sneak these people in.
You know how it is…politicians lie about everything.
We all know who it’s for…remember, once it’s up, they’ll do what they want!
So get with the flow and leave Mike alone.
He’s a Christian so don’t question his comments or motives!
What kind of person are you!!!!
I agree with another poster on the other article. Harford Fire/EMS is going to hear “Motor vehicle crash involved with pedestrian, location, Route 40 IAO West shore Drive.” where as before, this never existed.
Have fun with that.
I certainly agree with another comment here about that fancy, three story brick office building next to Target in Aberdeen. What is it? 3 years now and no tenants? LOL
To Ron Szczybor:
It is unreasonable of you to attack this project in such a vehement manner.Councilman Perrone has at least spent time and energy trying to create a solution to a very real problem; I don’t see you suggesting any viable alternatives, purely a NIMBY attitude.
Hey John,
Do you own a business directly across the street from the proposed site where drug addicts, criminals, drunks, rapists and criminals will be housed?
If not, I suggest you shut up.
Mr. Szczbor has already invested in this area. I doubt you have done squat but attack a business owner, a resident and a tax payer.
Councilman Perrone also lives in this community as do I. He puts in time helping solve this problem.
Councilman Perrone does not live in the edgewood community.
Try telling the truth.
Clearly you watch to much tv. The homeless of these communities do not walk around in trench coats and wool hats with a shopping cart. They are in your neighborhood right now. they sleep in e woods next to the overpass and behind most of the buildings there. You don’t notice them because a good part of them work, they just don’t make enough money to rent a house. we work with several of them, Many of the residents of Aberdeen, Edgewood and Havre de Grace are only a few paychecks away from being homeless. I was homeless 9 years ago, turned my life around and am now a Pastor of a church and a director of a Needy family and homeless ministry. The homeless I have worked with in Edgewood, some of your one time neighbors, friends, that have fallen on hard times.
What are the national statistics?
Over 1/3 of homeless are mentally ill.
easy to afford a shelter with zero tax liability
What the Peronne trolls are forgetting is that one of the main issues is children playing across the street not to mention. Homes located within 500ft of this large complex of what will be 4 structures. Somehow this is lost on the Perrone…just not getting it are you.
Also councilman Peronne can you provide a website for this non profit as nothing returns in Google, nor are they listed on the Maryland state non profit registry. If they are local, they should be listed.
Good points! Thanks for providing this info!
NEW JOURNEY OF HOPE, INC was incorporated on 06/17/2015 (expedited). Its address is 511 EDMUND ST, ABERDEEN, MD 21001 and the Resident Agent is RONNIE WILSON,608 HARRPARK CT,EDGEWOOD, MD 21040. The purpose is :”To provide financial assistance in the form of grants to individuals and families needing assistance.” The directors are listed as Ronnie Wilson, Gwen James, Tyrone Brooks, and Raymond Jackson.
511 Edmund Street is home to Highway Holiness Church.
All this is public information.
It still does not disclose the source of the funds which they are disbursing or their criteria for disbursement. Since this is a recent incorporation there is no history to be found.
JJ Johnson,
Thanks for providing this info!
Was this the same group as Finance Maryland LLC.
So was Mr. Wilson the previous owner of the drug ridden hotel which took vouchers from the county? All of a sudden he’s a non profit on the same property that was raised? Is this correct??
Supposedly he does not currently own the property. Property is registered to 2700 Pulaski Highway LLC. You can search deeds by registering at
No fee.
Owner of 2700 Pulaski LLC is attorney Sheryl Stephenson. She’s married to a bigwig CFO, Robert Stephenson, at Omega Heathcare Investors. Company trades on the New York Stock Exchange It is a real estate investment trust that provides capital to the long term health care industry.
Anyone know why Ronnie Wilson list his home address on Harrpack Court. Old Edgewood Road LLC is listed as the owner of that property. Contact person for that property is real estate attorney JA Young.
Anyone do any background checks on Mr. Wilson, Gwen James, Tyrone Brooks or Raymond Jackson? There’s a lot of people with serious issues on Maryland Judiciary Watch with the same names….mostly money and bancruptcy issues…just wondering? Or maybe they’re different people. Certainly worth the look though…
3 month old corporation receiving huge amounts of mysterious money being handled by people with possible money problems….backed by religous idealogues who love their fellow man except if they live in West Shore….this whole thing is bizzare!!!! Nobody has researched the players and there’s huge amounts of money involved. Can we get some answers?
Each town or municipality should have a shelter. A relocation camp of this nature is not the answer……
After working at Baltimore County’s Eastern Family Resource Center which housed the homeless, along with other county public services. I can appreciate the concerns of the residents and business owners of West Shore. This facility was limited to women and children, no men. Even so, there were incidents of vandalism, theft, property damage and attempted assaults. Even with the installment of security guards, county employees would have to enter the building being approached by individuals asking for a cigarette or change. Numerous times county employees would find their vehicles damaged, or broken into. County workers would have to exit the building before 5 p.m. for their own safety. EFRC was located next to Franklin Square Hospital, other medical buildings and CCBC.
Hello, everyone. I am Donna Blasdell, Mike Perrone’s Legislative Aide. Some of my background for those who do not know me. My family and I are residents of Edgewood and have been since we moved to Harford County in 2002. I am a mom of 9 children, so I understand the concerns being expressed by Ron Szcybor and others, especially regarding the safety of our children.
Several people have expressed concern over where the funding will come from for the project. It is my understanding New Journey of Hope will be applying for grants that are only available to non-profit organizations providing services to the homeless. Also, other fundraising efforts in the community will be organized. I believe at the moment a 5K fun run being planned for sometime in the fall.
This initiative developed out of a passion from the members of the Hope for the Homeless Alliance to help the homeless in our county. As Mike has said the issue for any shelter is to find a location that is available at a fair price and having a property owner who is willing to work with the group. Several people have mentioned the many vacant properties available in the area. If you know of a property and know the property owner is willing to work with the group, please call my office and provide the address and contact information. I will then forward the information to Mr. Wilson for further investigation.
To John Cole,
Mike Perrone has totally dismissed the safety concerns of this community to push his fanatical plan to place drug addicts, mentally ill individuals and criminals at 2700 Pulaski Highway. Approximately 1,000 people live in the West Shore Community, directly across from this proposed 20,000 square foot homeless camp. Furthermore, 2500 children play soccer at the Maryland Sports Arena. Is he that delusional that he cannot see the damage he is causing to the community and businesses of this community or are you?
Ms. Bladsell,
Would it be possible for Mr. Perrone to have the same “passion” for the safety of the people who live, work and use the recreational facilities across from 2700 Pulaski Highway?
Thank you, what you did right there is what councilman Peronne should have done in January. He should have let residents I. His district know what his intentions and the hat what was going on from the start. He works for us, not the other way around.
Doing an August surprise, nevermind the residents didn’t hear a word until Friends of Harford mentioned it on Dagger, is the county song and dance people are tired of. It’s similar to that of Walmart and the performing arts center. Keeping voters in the dark and then playing catch-up seems, if not intentional, deceitful.
And that’s the bottom line
This effort was started by Councilman Beulah and the faith-based communities he invited to attend his initial workshops. These workshops identified specific needs of our homeless citizens based on what those in the trenches are seeing.
One of the primary things noted was the need for additional shelter space, the Welcome One Center just does not have enough space and many people are turned away nightly. The Point in Time Count for 2015 identified 210 individuals in Harford County as homeless. The Welcome one shelter has 30 beds; I am sure you can see the disparity. If you speak to the people who assist the homeless, such as Pastor Rick Hynes, I am sure they can tell you that number is incorrect and very much on the low side.
Neither Councilman Beulah nor Councilman Perrone started this process with the notion of putting a shelter in Edgewood. The site was “selected” because the property owner is willing to work with the non-profit organization. As I stated earlier, if anyone knows of other available locations and the owners are willing to work with the non-profit, please forward me the information.
The property owner who couldn’t develop the site as a Royal Farm Store due to a water and sewer issue is now an advocate for the homeless, but certainly not an advocate for the community. Perrone’s responsibility is to the people who live and work in this community. Again, he is suppose to represent us. Why is he choosing to disregard the wishes of the people who live here?
Wow….you make some well informed statements. Bravo! Our family has been a part of the Edgewood community for years and have experienced feeling like second class citizens of Harford County. Thanks for your efforts to enlighten people to this “so called good will” gesture …..
Thanks Jola!
Homeless are shadows? LOL
Good grief, smoke another one.
Take your family to the Gaezebo at Aberdeen Festival Park! If you stay long enough on the right day you might be able to get a free meal from the people that feed them!
Agreed!!! Thank you!!!
I love the big uncle Sam cheese funded “social programs” that provide “mental help.”
A lot of those people act fake as shit while they are getting help and once the goofballs leave, they go right back to tweekin’ and creepin’
Will this meeting be for residents of Edgewood or for Perrone chronies to take up space in support. I have a feeling that small library room will be politic’d so that actual residents affected will not have time to speak. Anybody thought about checking residency at meeting.
Get there early.
This meeting will be stacked with “homeless advocates” who of course don’t live in the area.
That’s there game.
The site is too small to host this type of meeting.
Perrone and his cronies know that.
Do you live in the area?
Yes, and closer than Perrone, Buelah or Wilson.
Are you a resident or only a home depot shopper who thinks he’s knows what’s best for this community?
Do you know were Perrone lives? I happen to live a 5 minute walk from there!
Hey Ron, have you ever helped anyone out in life, or are you the kind of person that just likes to complain. Have you ever taken the time to talk to a homeless person, or bought them a meal. Many of this county’s homeless are veterans. This is how you thank your country’s heroes, by calling them rapists, and drug dealers. Drug addicts are not only the poor, Read the news r, rich people are getting arrested every day.
Hey son of Pastor Rick,
Does your daddy know you’re in the basement playing on his computer?
Sponge Bob is on!!
I know an adult wouldn’t write the above comment.
Good luck and dont worry, I won’t tell your dad you’re using his computer.
Run, I am sorry, as a pastor I should not be involved in trash talking. I am looking forward to talking with you at the meeting.
Sorry again Ron I wrote that comment not my son.. I am former Marine and an ex homeless person I am a former marine and an ex homeless person. You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about stick to what you know I guess. Soccer
I’m sorry you wrote that post as well…..and not a young child. That would have at least explained some gibberish in your initial comment.
Have you considered anger management?
Thank you Councilman Perrone for taking-on this serious issue. Many people don’t realize that they are only 3-4 paychecks, or 3-6 months of savings, away from being homeless themselves, if they were to lose their primary source of income, get very sick, etc. Not everyone has family or friends whom they can count-on, etc, in an emergency situation.
For all posters who go by some sort of alias, please have the courage to use your real name. Using an alias is juvenile. You can do better than that. If you feel strongly about something, have the courage to put your name by your convictions.
The field says “name” not my Christian born legal name.
Anyone from anywhere with an internet connection can post here.
Is this your first time on the interwebz? Lol
Again deflection from the issue.
The issue is the location of the proposed 20,000 square foot homeless development.
Find another location.
The problem is that people don’t want to make themselves better. That’s the end all, be all regardless of how much “help” they get.
The other problem is that the supporters refuse to admit there is more criminal activity associated with the homeless population ratio as compared to any other ratio of people in 1 area. Ask a Police Officer.
Before I moved, I got my haircut across the street from Aberdeen Festival Park… The 20 minutes or so I was at the barber’s In would see the “clients” (as our politically correct social program person referred to them as) engaged in LOUD verbal altercations, profanity, and I was told things would get “physical.”
Now a lot of this is “hear say” but, it seemed like every other time I was parking to get my haircut an Aberdeen Police Patrol car would be parked nearby and an officer over at the Gaezebo. What was he doing? Don’t know. Perhaps just welfare checking? Perhaps things were “heating up” over there?
I would say about 1/3 don’t care. We have helped many get back on their feet in the last 5 years
And when those 1/3 go into the West Shore community and rob, rape or kill someone, who’s going to be responsible?
They are already in those neighborhoods in every neighborhood in Edgewood in Aberdeen. Again I am going to try to explain to you that not all homeless are rapists pedophiles and criminals. The work in the local area is business is Burger Kings McDonalds Family Dollar, they just don’t make enough to move into an apartment
Perhaps I should use smaller words.
TWENTY THOUSAND SQUARE FEET is substantially (a lot) more room than is needed for Harford County’s homeless. Some homeless are indeed down on their luck but not all. Some are mentally ill, some are drug addicts, some are alcoholics, and some are criminals. Those numbers are based on national statistics and are not my opinion, they are facts. Who’s going to get the left over beds Rick?
You’re naive if you don’t think there will be people relocated to this huge center. Again, this is a bad location. Find another piece of land.
Funny thing is, when you located your business to it’s current location you were willing to put it across the street from a notel for hookers, drug dealers, homeless, mentally ill all there for paying $20 a night. Now that the criminal motel is torn down and there is going to be many of the same people there, just now they are looking to get some help, counseling and therapy you are scared of them. That was one of the worst hotels in this county and you were OK with the kids being there. A homeless shelter is a step up from what that property has been since before you were playing soccer there. Man, this county… we just hate people who don’t drink with us. You would be better off to making the kids go volunteer there once a month and see people who are grateful. That’s what I see in the shelters. I know, I don’t live in the neighborhood. I don’t…. I live in Bel Air surrounded by half way houses.
Yep, didn’t bother Ronnie Boy back then.
Hey Ralpie…another lie spread by the tent city supporters. When you don’t have facts, just misrepresent the truth, right Ralphie?
Harford Oldtimer…where did you get your vast knowledge regarding prostitutes on Route 40? On second thought, never mind. I’ve been at my location since 1989 (27 years). This area has continued to improve over the years with more and more businesses getting involved in the community, We want the community to continue to grow. 20,0000 square feet of permanent tent space is not going to be used for people in this county. Are you just stupid, naive or just another troll?
harfordoldtimer – great job and great points! Must not be from Harford County if he didn’t know about the hookers on Rt. 40 – remember when Susan’s Go-Go was just down the road?
I am neither stupid, naive or just another troll. My knowledge comes from living in the county a long time and paying attention. Here’s what I think you don’t know. Shelters have rules. You can’t use drugs or drink at a shelter. While you statistics on the homeless might be right, it is not necessarily the same stats for those actively seeking help. As for shipping people out to Edgewood… where from? The city has more services that the homeless don’t want to leave. Baltimore County already has enough beds. Maybe some people will migrate down from Cecil County where there are fewer homeless services than Harford County, but doubtful. Cecil County people identify with Wilmington and head north, not southwest into Harford County.
Mr. Sczcybor,
Jesus said ” For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. . . . . . . Whatever you did for the least of these you did for me.”
It’s not about you. Mr. Szczybor. Yes, I live in the community. Yes, I pay taxes in the community. Yes, I donate to charities that help those in need. Yes, I support this effort and I will donate to it when the time comes.
And I will pray that God forgives you for your hateful attitude which you are masking behind a facade of caring for the children and the neighbors when it is just about your own selfishness and your business.
What’s your address? I’ll hand out flyers the first day inviting everyone over for a party.
Thank You for the prayers Alex R.!
You’re awesome!!
However, you may want to consider praying for the people of the west shore community.
They will absolutely need if if the drug addicts, mentally ill, rapists, pedophiles and other assorted criminals are allowed to be boarded in our neighborhood.
Have a nice day and remember “Jesus loves You!”
PS You don’t live or work in the community.
Noble is right. It’s a private matter between buyer and seller assuming all regulations and codes are met. You can have potentially some influence but you can’t dictate yes or no.
A lot of hysteria here and not a lot of facts. It’s curious that the county council members would be so involved in this… no, not curious, fool hearty.perhaps, at least from a political point of view. The reality is that they have basically no influence on the whole thing. They never had a vote and almost certainly would never have a vote in the future on whether this happens or not. You can blame them all you want, the truth is it appears to be a private property, run by a private organization, and if it meets all the county codes there’s not a thing you can do about it, whether you live next door or have a seat on the county council.
And for anyone interested and seriously paying attention, a Community Input Meeting is only set up to accomplish two things: 1) Allow the owner/applicant to explain what they plan to do and 2) Allow interested parties to complain about what they plan to do.
But as for whether they have to listen to the complaints or not? No, they don’t. You can stand there and complain all night and it might not make any difference at all.
That said, I do encourage anyone interested to go the meeting, listen to the plan, ask intelligent questions, and try to be respectful. You just might get them to listen to you, or alter their plans in some way. Don’t shout at them, don’t just complain, but come with questions and ideas. If you have a problem, recommend a solution. If you can’t think of a solution, state the problem and maybe someone else has an idea to resolve it.
If a CIM is going to be useful at all, people should be talking with each other to resolve issues, not just complain and argue.
This is not my neighborhood, but I’ve been down this road many times and haven’t decided if I’ll go to the CIM. I hope, if I do, that I don’t leave my kids at home for bedtime without me to listen to moan and groan session that accomplishes nothing.
If you’re opposed to this you need to realistically ask yourself if you have any chance of stopping it? Legally, I doubt it. So if that’s the reality, if it were going to happen, wouldn’t you like to have as many of your concerns addressed as possible? It’s called negotiation. Just because Washington has no hope of it, let’s not forget about it in the rest of the country.
You’re wrong! This is a community input meeting and this plan will be stopped.
There are huge public safety issues regarding this project.
I strongly urge everyone who opposes the homeless tent city to go to the meeting and voice their opposition!
If you can not attend this meeting you should try to attend the Edgewood Community Advisory Board Meeting held on Sept 10th at the Southern Police Station. Mr. Perrone usually attends those meetings and make sure your voice is heard by the board.
“You’re wrong! This is a community input meeting and this plan will be stopped.”
Three unrelated and unsubstantiated ideas in close proximity do not make an argument. I’ve been to at least two dozen CIM’s, so I think I know how those meetings go, and I can state with 100% certainty that nothing happens at a CIM that stops a proposal, except changing their mind about it. So I’ll wait to see how wrong I am about that. It could well be stopped in the end for all kinds of reasons, but you haven’t mentioned a single one of those legitimate reasons yet. You need to get into the county code and define what’s “unsafe” about it. Your opinion doesn’t count for anything.
Ron, I’ve played at your facility, my wife has, my son has, and I love that you’re facility is there for the community all those years and I hope it continues to be there. And I commend you for taking an active interest in the community and for hopefully trying to do what you feel is right for everyone as a whole. So go to the meeting, get as many people to go to the meeting as you can, I hope it’s filled out the door as all CIM’s should be.
But before you go, please do your homework. Hire someone to do it for you if you want. But you have to be concrete and know what you’re talking about to be anything other than a complaining neighbor. It requires knowing the development process, knowing county code, and talking about it. My comment was to set realistic expectations for people about what a CIM is all about.
There’s only two possible outcomes in your favor if you’re opposed: creating awareness and/or changing the person’s mind about their project.
Best of luck.
ps. Someone stated here that shelters don’t admit people who are on drugs or alcohol. That’s not entirely true. That’s called a “dry” shelter, and there are many of them. But the Department of Housing and Urban Development has initiatives to encourage many shelters to be “wet” shelters, where sobriety is not a requirement. Whether the proposed shelter would be “wet” or “dry” would be determined by the managers and what kind of funding they want to get. So there’s a question you should be asking.
Thanks for the comments.
Unfortunately,I don’t know who you are.
Hopefully you’re for real.
I can explain to you why some of your assumptions are wrong.
Call me at the Maryland Sports Arena and I’ll give you substantially more info.
sad, but true. Private owner has the right to do what he/she wants with their property regardless of whether it is good for the community or not. Unfortunately, the answer is “NOT”.
Sad but true? Private property is just that. When did we get the idea that we get to control others peoples property. Maybe we just do the same with housing, not just commercial property. Let’s make every home owner hold and open meeting before selling their property so all neighbors can have input for what they want from the next neighbor to move in. I mean who want someone moving in with large dogs or works odd shifts? Private property and the chance to use it for ones benefit is a foundation principle of our government. It’s not sad but true, cause once it is no longer true who’s gonna protect you from losing the right to use your property as you want. Amazing that someone who could probably hold out for 5 years and making a killing on that property for another fast food joint is willing to do that instead.
I agree!! Some people would not want crack addicts, child molesters, rapists, thugs or mentally incompetent people living next to them!!! God Bless America!!! So what if your neighbor wants to turn his home into a crack house!!! Damn Nimby’s!!! I say screw those people who live in that delopment accross the road. They should thank God we want to bring 300 or 400 junkies and alchies into the neighborhood. Maybe they’ll give a few of the mental incompetents a baby sitting job, while they’re out working to pay their property taxes. And that lady who owns the property, attorney Sheryl Stephenson. well she’s a saint! Besides being married to the CFO Omega Health Care Investors, Robert O. Stepheson ($500,000 a year salary) and having a huge amount of real estate investments throughout the county,she has taken the time to help the neighborhoods of West Shore and Oak Landing with an uptick in crime and loss in property value. But hey, even though she was asking $1.9 million ($400,000) more that it shows as purchase price on the deed, she’s will to let it go to Ronnie Wilson for a mere ??????
I’m not sure if you’re serious or this is satirical.
Hopefully your post is satire.
Either way, this project will be stopped by the citizens and community.
It is interesting that I am a member of the Edgewood Community Advisory Board, meeting which Mr. Perrone attends, and I was not aware of a homeless shelter being proposed at this site.
The Hope for the Homeless Alliance has been meeting since the beginning of this year identifying the needs of the homeless. When the Edgewood Community Advisory Board last met, the Alliance had not yet identified a location for the proposed shelter and were exploring options in the Aberdeen area. This particular site was only identified in mid July the proposed location, so there was no information to present to any of the Community Advisory Boards before their summer break.
We’re sorry we misled you and the people of Edgewood but if we told you the truth, we wouldn’t be able to jam our agenda down your throat.
Please continue to trust us!
Again, always Edgewood.
I demand these temporary shelters are spread throughout the county. Starting with Bel air and Fallston.
You bring that homeless camp to Fallston and I will stop paying your momma to clean my house.
And Churchville, Amyclae, Majors Choice, Darlington,; in fact if you want to really help these downtrodden masses locate them in verdant, scenic pastures of western Harford County instead of blighted, crime-ridden Edgewood. And yes, I am an Edgewood resident.
Darlington isn’t a bad choice. A former councilman was just convicted of using that area as the hub of his drug trafficking operation. Considering the population there, one trafficker would make criminals a rather large percentage of the population and, therefore, a “nest of criminal activity”.
It doesn’t seem like you are going to be able to browbeat Perrone into finding an alternative location here on the internet. I really doubt you’ve have any more success if you go to the meeting empty handed either, so bring something with you. If you show up with a plan for an alternate location that is less expensive, ready to go sooner, and/or has less community resistance, then they might actually listen.
It sounds like you have the most to lose from this, with your community, the children, and your business on the line (who knows, if it goes through, you might end up becoming a client yourself). It would behoove you to take initiative and be more proactive than just demanding, “this is a bad location. Find another piece of land.” The argument against that is so simple, “There is no other piece of land.”
Show them another piece of land that they can’t argue with.
Yeah Ron,
Stop asking these tough questions.
We don’t want to be people like you!
In fact, it’s makes it hard for us to get our government grants.
Now go away.
You’re making everyone suspicious.
If you be quiet, maybe we’ll kick some cash your way.
PS If you can’t say anything good about our corrupt politicians, don’t say anything at all!
How about the former driving range on Rt 7 in Joppa? You know, the one the county secretly bought and tried to turn into a dump until the local residents got wind of it? It’s been sitting there vacant for several years. I’m sure they can put lots of tents… err, sorry, shelters down that hill.
According to a certain business person we can’t put it there either for the same reason. Plus there is also a school nearby to. However if the property was for sale for cheaper I am sure they would have used it.
There are many alternate solutions but before we determine the “solutions” perhaps we should address the perceived problem.
Read the county executives report from Feb 2015
Why does he say we have enough beds is the county for the homeless?
On January 29, 2015 the county’s Department of Community Services, assess how many people, at a single point in time, are homeless or receiving services meant for the homeless in Bel Air, Aberdeen, Edgewood and Havre de Grace.
Based on the attached “Official” document, 90 adults and 56 children are in shelters and getting “comprehensive support services,” and 32 adults and 29 children are living in motels. Three adults were living outside. Therefore, please explain why Edgewood needs four 5,000 sf ft fabric structures?
How dare you ask questions like this?
You can’t use that info from the county executives office!
Can’t you see all the homeless in the shadows?
They’re probably living in the bushes in your back yard.
They are everywhere.
It’s a major problem.
Those 3 people in the woods talking to themselves are good guys.
I know them.
A few are former politicians that haven’t been indicted yet.
Shut up and just leave us alone so we can get our government money.
If you do further research – not just for Harford County, but in general – you’ll learn that it is very difficult to get an accurate count of how many people in a certain area are actually homeless. Officials of course try to find as many people as possible that are living in shelters, on the street, woods, etc. but many still go unaccounted for. Some may be sleeping in a car or many may have a bed (or sleep in the garage) for a few nights with a friend or acquaintance before they have to go back outside. Research suggests that numbers for the homeless are actually higher than we can possibly imagine.
Harford County Government receives Federal Grant money based on the amount of homeless in the county. It is not logical to assume that they are intentionally misstating the homeless number. This years number is lower that the previous year and important to note is that all homeless were taken care of by existing shelters. How is an additional 20,000 square feet of space justified?
Why don’t we make Ron happy and just put the shelter far away, like maybe in New Freedom, PA.
I don’t like this Ron guy.
Isn’t he the one that shot Cecil the Lion?
Mr. Petrone is very nice
I heard this Ron guy also clubs baby seals and kicks puppies.
He is not very nice to Mr. Mike.
Go away Ron.
Am I suppose to be impressed that you know I own a property in New Freedom?
I also own properties in Abingdon, Baltimore and Edgewood.
Good luck with your attempts at intimidation.
They’re not working.
I am against the idea of so many children playing soccer next to such a busy highway. From what is described in these comments there is nothing stopping the balls from rolling into traffic. Moreover the lack of parental supervision of 2500 little soccer hooligans is probably why there is already so much vandalism and blight in that neighborhood.
See anyone can make up problems – doesn’t mean they are real or true.
Did you think of that all by yourself or did you have help?
Very Impressive.
Try to understand this, okay?
We oppose the location, get it?
There’s major issues here for the safety of the homeless as well. This is a bad location. I have done work for the homeless. We raise food for the homeless. We get clothes donations for the homeless. 2700 Pulaski is on a highway. Residential communities have speed limits of 30 mph. What happens when a homeless person decides to cross the barriers of this highway? Cigarettes, Mcdonalds etc… We’re talking 300- 400 people. The land is located next to a giant wetland and a portion of the land cannot be used. Not healthy for these individuals plus not good for the environment. The only possible way this land can be used for the homeless of harford county would be to remove them from the centers where they are currently being cared for and dump them all together here in edgewood, like a concentration camp. This is not about helping the homeless, this is about a group of individuals getting huge amounts of money from government grants and portraying this as helping the homeless. WE ARE OPPOSED to the location and certainly not helping the homeless! Get your facts straight.
Build the CFA on the governments dime and use it as a homeless shelter. Let the CFA folks continue to raise money and when they can build a shelter on a suitable location, make an even trade.
They ought to just eminent domain that eye sore of an ugly indoor sports warehouse on 40 and put the homeless in there.
The owners(investors) of this property may have seized this opportunity to unload it due to numerous issues related to its proximity to a significant wetlands area and flood plain. If pictures of the property had accompanied the article it would be obvious that questions about water, sewer (homeless will need potable water, showers, and toilets), and parking lot run-off all need to be answered before the development could move forward (a previous post mentioned a Royal Farms was ruled out for this location over similar concerns). Although a motel existed on the property previously, it has been torn down and any new structures would have to comply with modern environmental standards (i.e. the motel may never have been built there under modern standards). If the shelter will house children, numerous safety issues about proximity to the water and busy Route 40 also need to be addressed (is fencing sufficient?) If this is truly a community-wide issue, shouldn’t surplus property already owned by county or local governments be given a first look, possibly with favorable (i.e. below market) lease rates so that more money could be spent directly on services and not lining the pockets of a real estate speculator.
Councilman Perrone: Community Input Meeting for Proposed Edgewood Shelter Rescheduled
I have been a Harford County residence for over 30 years. When I purchased my house on Beckon Drive it was to create a place to call home AND when ithe time to sell would be required I expected to have a profitable ROI. How can this be with the proposed 2- 5,000 square foot homeless shelter? Where is the logic in this proposal which Councilman Beulah and Perrone, Jr. support?
Councilman Bulah and Perrone, since you are in agreement of this proposed I view this action in favor of you both NOT protecting the voters of Harford County, who by the way put you both in office. Something is seriously wrong for you both to place MORE IMPORTANCE on the homelss then the residence of Harford county. By the way, why not put a homelss shelter in your neighborhood? You know where you have get togethers with friends and family, cut your grass, lay your head down on your pillow at night knowing you have a safe neighborhood where you, your wife and children can enjoy the home you purchased with an expected ROI. I’m just saying……
Shame on both of you for NOT asking the residence for creative solutions for the homeless! I’m certain the voters put you both in office regret it now due to this unprofitable-proposal for the residence. Is this something you want to be remembered for by the voters, your family, your grandchildren? Selah!
See you both at the meeting on Monday!