From Friends of Harford:
A Community Input Meeting (CIM) has been announced for 2700 Pulaski Highway: construct two 5,000 sf fabric structures to be used as homeless shelter.
Date/Time: Monday, August 24, 2015 at 6 pm
Location: Edgewood Public Library
The meeting particulars, including site plan may be seen at
View a map and other details of the project on Track-it : The Harford County Planning & Zoning Activity Tracker
If you have concerns you wish to raise or simply want more information, this meeting is your opportunity to do so.
County government has a description of the CIM process at
Do you want to know where this fits into the development process? Read A Citizen’s Guide to the Harford County Property Development Process by Friends of Harford.
Interesting, that should keep the local sheriffs department busy.
This is BS, these homeless shelters should be constructed in Bel air, Fallston and Jarrettsville, Construct one in each of them.
They would never do that. Harford has basically designated Edgewood as the County’s dumping grounds, unfortunately. Though I think this will be potentially great for the local homeless, it’s terrible that it’s always Edgewood that gets stuck with these things. As someone who used to live in Bel Air, I can tell you right now that if they tried to do construct one of these there, the community was raise absolute hell about it.
No, these shelters should be constructed where the homeless are. Looks about right to me.
This reads like a press release not an actual article. It would be great if the Dagger hired a journalist to actually write an article explaining the issue, the project and how it will be funded/managed.
Or is the point of this posting to scare people?
BTW if you go to the Harford County link you will find a hand drawn diagram of what is being proposed. From what was on the website it does not look well thought out/professional approach to a serious problem within the county.
That’s because it is a press release From Friends of Harford…… This is their website :
I think it’s a great idea. Keep all the dopefiends in 1 area!
Here we go again. Dump the trash in Edgewood. How about Fallston? How about North Harford County? Nope, too easy to dump the SH!$ off in good ‘ole Edgewood.
The best solution for crap is more crap. Bring that crap to Baldwin and we will relocate their broke asses by force.
We could hire a ringmaster, get some lions and elephants and charge admission. Let’s put one in Barry Glassman’s neighborhood. PS try and sell a house in Edgewood.
I would like to suggest that everyone commenting should attend the community input meeting in order to be informed about the facts. Once you have all the information, you will better understand that this proposed shelter for our homeless is a great idea and much needed! MANY homeless are already in that Rt. 40 corridor. This proposed shelter will also be connecting our fellow human beings to resources within our county so they can get the help they need. Otherwise, the problem of homelessness in our county will not only continue, it will become worse!
You’re probably rite. Then we can actually find out why so many are homeless. Will they be giving speeches as well?
Fact is you provide housing, food, apparently transportation and services to homeless people you get more homeless people not less. Considering most homeless people are mentally ill and/or drug addicts of one form or another I can’t imagine the issues that will be created – urinating in public, screaming and yelling at imagined enemies, bugs, theft, drug deals gone wrong, needles, broken glass….the list goes on. Anybody that lives within walking distance to these tents needs to put the for sale sign out now because you’re about to invite concentrated trouble.
Don’t forget those homeless crazies are going to have cats with rabies too.
Or, you know, we could help people. You know, the vulnerable amongst us. Nobody chooses to have a mental disorder. A shelter is a small step towards getting folks the help that they need. More than 1 in 10 homeless are veterans. Just imagine, we could get people back on their feet, improve quality of life, etc.
Or, you know, sit around and feel all high and mighty because we’re more fortunate than they are.
No doubt the mentally ill need help…no doubt and yes, many homeless include veterans however the practical reality is the homeless population has within it more criminals, the antisocial and drug addicted. No matter how altruistic the intent anybody that lives in an area where clearly whoever is behind this is trying to concentrate this population – that will bring issues that make those neighborhoods less desirable and simply less safe. Would you let your kids play outside if you knew there was a homeless shelter down the street? A whole lot more needs to be known about this project, the long term intent and who’s behind it. Without serious oversight and serious controls in place it could prove to be a nightmare for everyone including the homeless. Did you realize many homeless people won’t go to these shelters because it’s dangerous? That’s a fact.
And to add, not a small issue to have all these people living in tents. Heck, stray dogs are getting a new building with heat and clean bedding but the people gonna get tents. Seems a little off when you think about it.
Great speech Bonnie except your missing some details. The Chase Manor was an eyesore and lots of residents rejoiced when it was raised. Secondly I’m glad your such a stalwart, maybe you can suggest your community to put it in.
Did you know that the councilman actually spearheading this is not even from the district representing Edgewood, meanwhile our councilman is playing assistant to another councilman who’s running this. Talk about politics. Please tell me where there are Fabric shelters in Harford County???? I’ll wait. Please tell me where these facilities are directly located off of Route 40.. literally feet?
What your doing is the most vile thing politicians and their cronies like to do, make opponents to your ideals/ideology feel like they are somehow not human by speaking as if people who disagree are somehow against fighting homelessness. That is a false fallacy and one that is used by people who love to pull heart string but meanwhile sit behind their fence and say “not in my yard”. Do you even live in Edgewood??? I bet not
Is a false fallacy the truth?
Well then I might suggest we put it in Bonnie Prater’s neighborhood.
The more I think about this, the more infuriated I get. I have owned my home and business is Edgewood for over 30 years. In that time I have witnessed Edgewood become Baltimore Maryland’s dumping ground. This bulls3!+ has got to stop.
I’ll see you there
Try moving and stop bitching. Edgewood ain’t getting no better unless you buy up all the section 8 housing.
Unless I’m mistaken, this looks like the lot where the motel used to be, across the street from Home Depot.
Nothing about this area is set up to allow pedestrian traffic. The closest food will be at Edgewood Rd & Rt 40 with Mcdonalds.
I promise that this means you will see more car VS. pedestrian fatalities if this is alllowed to proceed.
Mark my word.
Listed as 2700 Pulaski Hwy…is this perhaps right in the area where they expanded (jerrymandered) the enterprise zone expansion a couple years ago? Who is involved? Why tents and not something more permanent? Is the money coming from federally qualified dollars because we all know nobody just feeds, houses and provides services for some unknown quantity of people for free because that won’t be free. Will providing this housing create qualification for additional grants and set asides? Who benefits? Does the county get to claim a certain designation by setting this up that brings in the potential for additional federal dollars. Lotta money in giving away stuff for free…lotta money.
Thank you Dagger Press for getting this out. What is interesting is that this was posted with less than 2 weeks notification to residents. Edgewood Residents NEED TO SAY NO! Just as the County tried to place a trash site off MD-543 And Rt 7. There are no specifics in this area plan such as exact locations. Funny how other development plans have the exact parcel, to include google earth coordinates. This just looks like somebody drew this up on a piece of paper.
Can we please get some answers from Councilman Personnel on where he stands on this and if he will help us stand up to the county trying to push its BULLSHIT down to Edgewood Joppa. And if you think the rest of the county won’t be affected by his your dead wrong.
Asking all residents to Pack that library until they have to kick folks out due to fire code. Who is going to pay for these shelters, what are the logistics for folks traveling to and from this structure. You are basically erecting a tent city in Edgewood… this community has turned around and we’ve seen neighborhoods grow as working professionals have gentrified areas. Maybe Councilman Peronne can issue a second newsletter with this information in it so residents are aware and can be there to say no! This was not in the most recent newsletter.
Fabric Structures…. do you think this is sunny California… next you’ll be talking wifi enabled portable folding boxes ready to erect.. courtesy of taxpayers.
Are there no vacant buildings that already exist in the rt 40 corridor? Granted 2- 5000 square tents are equivalent to 2 of those big ugly homes being built around Bel Air but where are the homeless going to bath and use the toilet in tents?
Attend the meeting and find out.
I don’t have to attend to realize a tent is a bad idea.
True, but you and other folks need to attend so that those who are proposing the tent(s) come to know just how bad an idea it is. Posting on the Dagger will not do much to change the minds of those who are proposing such an idea.
That’s why I don’t sell in Edgewood, too much crime. Unreal. Keep that stuff on that side of town. All the county services are located there. The larges police department in the county is located there as well. I say move the detention center….
Troll alert, or one extremely dumb real estate person who wants no business from south Harford.
Can we build the new detention center completely around Edgewood.
Ask anyone who was sent to New Orleans during hurricanes about homeless camps…they breed crime, health hazards. Everyone should attend the hearing…
I hope everyone is aware that this is nothing more than a RELOCATION CAMP. Does everyone think that its fair to take the homeless from municipalities across Harford County and relocate them to one other municipality? I guess the next step is to criminalize homelessness, like they did in South Carolina, in order to make it illegal for the homeless to leave the camp. Then you can force them to perform labor for the County and have true concentration camps. You guys really do like the Nazi way of life up there. Does anybody else see that this infringes on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of not only the homeless involved, but the residents of Edgewood? Wow, I didn’t think Harford County could get anymore screwed up than it already is, but I was wrong……..
This is the foot in the door. Once you get a bunch of homeless in tents, the ACLU files suit that such accommodations are discriminatory and gets them put into Section 8-type group homes scattered through the county.
Is this proposed by the same group that tried to get a large homeless shelter on Route 7 in Joppa some years ago? The bunch with the peg-legged priest and some local lawyers? My guess is that someone is looking for a high-paying county job out of this, Commissioner of Homeless Housing or something like that.
I know of 2 places in Bel Air (21015) that have been using “fabric structures” for decades: the Emmorton Recreation and Tennis Center at 2213 Old Emmorton Road, and Mt. Zion United Methodist Church at 1645 E. Churchville Road. I’m sure both have restrooms and are kept at comfortable temperatures. Anyone can look around the Emmorton Rec Center because we taxpayers are paying for it.
What a selfish shame to spend millions of tax dollars on sports facilities then object to helping fellow Harford Countians down on their luck.
Let’s be clear, here. I’m not against a homeless shelter for people down on their luck. I’m against it being put in Edgewood. We have enough s#!% here. More than enough. Put it somewhere else.
If you pull up the plans for the site, there are four 5,000 square foot units being proposed, phase 1 and phase 2. So we’re already being lied to.
Today I spoke with Mike Perrone, councilman for district A (the district of the proposed site.) I also spoke with Curtis Buelah, councilman for district F. Both Councilman strongly support these shelters. My conversations were lengthy and I don’t have enough space here to list their rationalizations for this location. I also spoke with Ronald Wilson, the individual who is listed on the planning and zoning notice as a contact. Mr. Wilson is not interested in anyone challenging his plans. He refused to state who was funding the project and would only state “private sources”. When I pressed him for names and challenged him regarding his plan, he become quite angry and told me something to the effect that “I should show up to the meeting if I had concerns”. Bottom line, these individuals could care less regarding the business’s, homes and citizens located in this area. I own the Maryland Sports Arena located at 2723 Pulaski (project is located at 2700 Pulaski). None cared about the safety of the 2500 children that play soccer at my facility. None!!! What person in their right mind would propose a project that houses criminals, drug addicts, mentally incompetents and possible pedophiles this close to a children’s recreational center!!! I’ll be at the meeting and will do whatever is necessary to stop these misguided individuals.
I’ve set up a facebook page to share info I have too much info to list on this page.
I work directly next door. This is a horrible idea and will bankrupt our business. I will be at the meeting as well.
2700 Pulaski hwy is the old motel site. Isn’t there wetlands or something to the left of that also?
Yes, there are wetlands next to the site. Due to flooding this parcel of land is not viable for a business. It has become virtually useless and I am quite sure the owner simply wants to cut his loss with out concern for the rest of us that will have to live with the mess.
Oh just got the “updated” newsletter from Mike Perrone….he is full of cow sh…! All of a sudden the owner of the now demolished drug infested motel is “willing” to work with the county. Do you think we are that stupid, of course he is there is not a property there now. He making money on this deal, you think he cared when he ran that hotel…look at the police reports for calls there. Don’t make him out to be some saint because he didn’t mind having that prostitute ridden drug haven sucking life out for all these years. Then Mike has the nerve to rationalize that because there are homeless in Edgewood this is where it should naturally be. There are homeless throughout the county. This is the same councilman who was against holding slum lords accountable in section 8 housing, but now all of a sudden he cares about despair. Funny how they researched a property and then all of a sudden, as if God dropped it in their political laps, whola…Edgewood sounds good. And finally notice hown he plays politics with the wording…. 1/10th of a mile… Nice try…its actually 468ft from West Shore…but 1/10th makes it seem so much different in the mile reference. The wolves are out and don’t dare try and act like you are for eradicating homelessness and others aren’t because they disagree with your shenanigans. You call yourself tea party, but try to put on a different coat to push your agenda. Where do you live Mr.Peronne and wonder if you’d be so caring if this was in your neighborhood. If Edgewood already had as many as you say…what does that tell you ….find other places in the county. There are homeless throughout Harford. Obviously Edgewood had met its obligation to help.
Councilman Perrone: History and Intentions Behind Emergency Homeless Shelter Proposed Old Chase Manor Motel Site in Edgewood
All this upset about helping the homeless makes me wonder if there is still animosity toward some former homeless persons, like Suze Orman, Halle Berry, Hilary Swank, Jim Morrison, actors Sam Worthington and Vin Diesel, Shania Twain, Charlie Chaplain, Jewel, Steve Harvey, Kelly Clarkson, Carmen Electra, Beck, Daniel Craig, Michael Oher, Axl Rose, Sylvester Stallone, John Woo, Eartha Kitt, Steve Jobs, Jennifer Lopez, Jim Carrey, Dr Phil McGraw, David Letterman, John Paul Dejoria (Paul Mitchell and Patron Spirits), Col Sanders (Kentucky Fried Chicken). Also, anyone who felt comfortable with John Wayne Gacey, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and other “respectable” folks with houses of their own might want to reconsider… By the way, the buildings are fabric Tensioned architecture, not tents.
In all reality, MOST people call a Fabric Tensioned Architecture a tent…..
This is the dumbest post ever – certainly the dumbest way to suggest support for the enormous homeless shelter. Hillary Swank? Steve Jobs? Sleeping on friends couches while you try to get actress jobs doesn’t make you homeless to where you’re in soup lines or sleeping on cots nor does owning a home make you anymore like John Wayne Gacy than not. Go away.
Its a big tent, end of story.