From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler is pleased to announce the Harford County Sheriff’s Office is partnering with invited community leaders to host a roundtable discussion about race and law enforcement on Thursday morning.
The purpose of this meeting is to further the ongoing discussion on race and law enforcement, continuing the positive relationship the Sheriff’s Office has with community leaders and citizens.
Along with community leaders, Gahler and representatives from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, local Municipal Chiefs, Maryland State Police, and Maryland Transportation Authority Police are expected to participate.
Soul Crusher 2 says
Oh great, here comes another editorial from Omar J. Simpson talking about how it’s everyone else’s fault why Edgewood sucks so bad…or parts of it anyway.
Ellen B. says
Thank God ignorant cretins like you are few and far between. Hats off to Sheriff Gahler for choosing to step up and face an issue through collaboration and communication and empathy. The more that we all ignore the haters and dividers and bigots on the right and left like Soul Crusher 2, and just work with the grown-ups, the more likely progress will be.
Aliens says
Can you make your point without an insult?
Hey, “reply back” and tell me how it is, I really care. Strike me down with “strong words. lol
squasage says
Edgewood has had decades of law enforcement “stepping up” to fix ” problems.”
How can they fix the crime if the people doing them don’t care to make themselves a better person?
Wait until the government hand outs dry up, and it will happen. LOL
Cdev says
How do you explain Fallstons drug problem?
Yousa jackass says
Carrs mill is much safer than grempler way.
squasage says
Huh? The entire county has a “drug problem.” My comment had nothing to do with “targeted” area’s drug problems. What’s your agenda? Are you smoking crack? Maybe you should turn yourself in and there would be one less drug user/seller on the street.
Listen to Fire/EMS/Police in Harford. You’ll hear an OD anywhere, a domestic anywhere, but you will hear more “Police activity” in Edgewood than you will say, in Norrisville on any given night.
SoulCrusher says
The ENTIRE country has a drug problem. Heroin has become such an epidemic on todays youth that its impacting an entire generation. Cocaine is still prevalent, but heroin is the killer. Prescription drugs of opiate derivatives have overwhelmed the population and are killing just as many. Everywhere you look, all over the country, people get hooked and are ODing left and right. Heroin and the opiates are just plain evil…..
squasage says
So, the answer to the question CDEV will ask “Why is there more Police activity”?
You could argue population.
I’d assume to believe there are more people not interested in changing. What’s it matter? They’ve been arrested before, charged, convicted, plea deal, PBJ’s, stet, lesser charges, nolle, time served, whatever. They know the drill.
Its really not hard to go through life without hearing the ” woop woop” followed by metal bracelets being installed on your wrist. I’d venture to assume a majority of people loving in Norrisville follow this logic.
Cdev says
My point was, and you all agree with is, there is crime everywhere and it much of it is perpetrated by people from everywhere. Simple fact is Edgewood happens to be one of the places where 95 and 40 come together.
Of course the jeeps with CMW and Fallston athletics stickers leaving grempler way are not leaving empty handed. Kyle Reddish didn’t get off again with a slap on the wrist for his Abingdon Crime Spree.
squasage says
Just looked on the MD case search, just another loser kid who appears to keep getting into trouble. Traffic, CDS, Criminal violations stacking up with postponed court activity and probably a family who’s paying for his legal counsel.
So he’s going to get sentenced with something (apparently) and he’s going come out and do the same shit again? LOL
SoulCrusher says
And if the police have the same attitude as you, he will be arrested and persecuted by the most corrupt Judiciary in the state of Maryland. What will this accomplish? You are basically already prejudiced against this person………
squasage says
Right. I can look at a case search, see someone’s criminal proceedings and that’s, that.
If you are so inclined, we are all volunteers living here in this country. Perhaps you can live in another country that suits your personal choices towards law or not law.
SoulCrusher says
Actually, if you read the Constitution and study the formation of our country, you will see that our government, as it exists today, is the very thing our forefathers revolted against. I did not volunteer to be born in America. America used to be the land of the FREE. Perhaps you should find another country to go live in. You are the one with the Nazi ideals……
SoulCrusher says
Poverty, addiction and the historic knowledge that more crime has occurred in the Edgewood area. If an area has had more crime, that area is patrolled with more police. With more police come more arrests. More arrests lead to more crime as those who were arrested have no way to earn a living, other than crime. Its a circle. Especially in Harford County.
SoulCrusher says
If Gahler really wants better relations with the black community, he would put more black patrol officers in areas that are of a black majority of population.
Union Member says
Why would he do that? The black community thinks that black police officers are just Uncle Toms that have bought into the white mans thinking and are nothing but lap dogs for whitey.
SoulCrusher says
Well, in some instances you are correct. However, if you ever want the black community to have a change of heart toward the police, I suggest you start with more black patrol officers. Black people are more inclined to open up to someone who they can relate to, or maybe someone who has had to face the same obstacles they have encountered, yet still wanted to be a police officer to help his community. I do know this, there wasn’t a single graduate from your last police academy that was black. Just something to think about……
Mike Welsh says
One would naturally think that the black community would, for the most part, relate better with a police officer that is black, and supposedly “one of them.” Several years ago I was one of those individuals who thought that way. Over time, I have learned that is not the case. Being able to relate does not in itself translate to “trust.”
I suppose it would be educational to learn of a city where increasing the number of black officers to police the black community has brought about trust from the black community where it did not exist before. If you know of any of these cities please share them with us. There are several cities that have majority or high numbers of black officers to police communities of majority black citizens. New Orleans, Kansas City, KS, and Detroit come to mind. However, in these cities the police are even less trusted than here in Harford County.
While the theory certainly seems logical it has, in my opinion, not worked out to be what brings about trust. Black folks, like white folks, Asians, Hispanics and others understand honesty. If your police are honest, play by the rules, and show compassion when its warranted, they will be trusted by any community regardless of their race or ethnicity. That has been my experience.
SoulCrusher says
Washington D.C., It has worked wonders in their communities involving police relations.
Union Member says
Did you actually read the report that you posted? Most of the report establishes the premise that Welsh covers in his next to last sentence. The difference comes from policing tactics rather than just the race of the officers themselves.
SoulCrusher says
He asked and he received. The report is what the report is. I didn’t disagree with him, I just pointed out that D.C. is making head way, if not wonders, on the racial front. However, now that you pointed out his statement, that gives me an opening to do what you all where dreading. I have, on numerous occasions, pointed out that a certain Harford County Deputy was less than honest in an affidavit supporting his request for a search and seizure warrant, involving me, of course. That goes right to the honesty thing. If your police can’t tell the truth, then they are about as useful as Marc Eaton at a firing range. Hope that one hit home…….
SoulCrusher says
Furthermore, I believe the report clearly shows that “increasing the number of black officers to police the black community has brought about trust from the black community where it did not exist before.”, especially in community related functions. Which is what I think Gahler was trying to get at in the first place…..
Hamnii says
I strongly agree with the holding of the meeting held to discuss the matter says
and how the results of the meeting?
Putri Annisa says
Thanks for the information
Pebri says
wow this is talking about the differences in race
Hamnii says
participation in a partnership is very important for the achievement of objectives