From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
July 28, 2015
7pm – 9pm)
Newport Terrace (Formerly the KoC)
23 Newport Drive
Forest Hill, MD 21050
Be on hand as your Harford Campaign for Liberty friends bring you up to date on issues that matter the most.
This month’s meeting will feature Sheriff Jeff Gahler. Join us as we learn why Bane’s helicopters bit the dust, how the Sheriff hopes to partner with ICE on illegal immigration, and what legislation is in the works toward Second Amendment preservation.
Bring your questions! This is a great opportunity to provide feedback to an important elected official.
Christina Trotta will update us on the Center for the Arts – what exactly did the Harford County Council pass in May concerning the Center?
Is the proposed Center economically feasible? And how much has their staff raised toward the Mega-Plex?
How can you get your friends and neighbors informed and involved in the discussion?
Plus, an announcement about our new venue coming in August, a special thank you to our gracious host these last five years, and your comments on open mic.
Join us! Bring a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker, or a family member. No one should be in the dark when it comes to matters that affect our lives, our liberty, and our property.
Free Admission
Cash Bar
First, Gahler did the right thing by axing Eagle 1. It was being used in an illegal and unconstitutional fashion, spying on the citizens of Harford County. That’s why Bel Air was always hearing the blasted thing all night long. Gahler’s revelation that it was not being used correctly and was only involved in a handful of actual tactical operations is clear by the previous article on the helicopter’s demise. Yet, Bel Air was hearing it an awful lot, especially at night. Second, partnering with ICE is basically redundant, if the illegal was actually involved in wrong doing, they would be shipped back anyhow. Third, there is no preservation of the Second Amendment as the people would like it to mean. Please read the Second Amendment. There is NO guarantee for citizens to carry arms. It specifically states that an “Armed Militia” is what is allowed and guaranteed. Not that every citizen has the right to a firearm. Its just that plain and simple. However, I urge every US citizen who has a gun, to never give it up and make them pry it from your cold dead fingers. In todays world, that gun may be your only protection, to keep from ending up in cold storage in a box………
Mr. Crusher,
The Supreme Court begs to differ with you on your interpretation of the Second Amendment.
I have not read all the Supreme Court interpretations of the Second Amendment. I have read the Second Amendment though. Its very clear what it says. It would not be the first time the Supreme Court has interpreted the Constitution and its laws wrong. ObamaCare, the Affordable Health Care Act, is a completely unconstitutional law. I happen to like ObamaCare and hope it never gets repealed, however, if you think they interpreted its constitutionality correctly you are further gone than I. I don’t care what the Supreme Court has said, the Second Amendment does not give you the right to bear arms. It gives each State the right to maintain an armed militia and that’s it……..
@Crusher, you do not understand the 2nd Amendment as evidenced by your statement, “There is NO guarantee for citizens to carry arms. It specifically states that an “Armed Militia” is what is allowed and guaranteed.” Uh, who do you think the “militia” is? It is ‘We the People’ and is not a reference to any organized military outfit. At the time of the writing of the 2nd, the United States had NO standing military whatsoever. Period. If you read the entire Amendment as well as the Federalist Papers, perhaps it will become clear to you that the foregoing is the case and that the Framers specifically meant for citizens to be able to be armed to repel and/or defend against an oppressive government.
KottaMann, I have no real beef with you, but the militia that is referred to in the Constitution could easily be construed as the National Guard that each State maintains or its local Law Enforcement. Furthermore, if you don’t think our current government isn’t oppressive, try to fight them on any issue that they govern. You will be ridiculed. You will be threatened. You WILL be intimidated. The definition of Terrorism is to govern by intimidation. Just a little food for thought.
Correction – is oppressive. Sorry I just walked in the door and made a typo…..
The US Supreme Court, which decides what is constitutional and what is not, has determined that the right to bear arms is not absolute. Although it has expanded the rights of gun ownership recently, it has not strayed from its long-standing legal tradition that holds firearms to be something both the federal and state governments may regulate within certain parameters.
Mr. Gabel,
Mr Crusher was arguing that the 2nd Amendment is meant to provide for the arming of civilians within a militia. I might add that in his argument the meaning of militia is never considered. At any rate, both Heller and McDonald, decided at the SCOTUS, held that citizens may possess firearms for self defense. I am not saying that the government has no regulatory role what so ever when it comes to firearms. In fact, I am not making any argument other than pointing out that SCOTUS has ruled as stated. And each of those rulings addressed the issue for federal enclaves as well as the states.
Soulcrusher may have not been articulate on the subject, but he is correct. The right to bear arms is not guaranteed. It is a conditional freedom, as expressed in Heller, which expanded gun ownership rights while maintaining DC’s right to regulate them.
That does not take away from the substance of your statement. I was merely clarifying the reality of our jurisprudence.
What everyone seems to forget is that the Bill of Rights enumerates Rights that exist for citizens period. It is not a list of things that the Government “allows” citizens to do, it is a list of things that the citizens have an inalienable right to do that the Government may not restrict! Too many people have no idea of the ideals upon which this Nation was founded. Too many people think that the “Bill of Rights” is a list of things that we are permitted to do – it is a list of things that the Government is not allowed to prevent us from doing. I suggest that folks that are afraid of guns move to Chicago with the most restrictive gun laws in the country. (and 1000+ murders so far this year).
That said, unfortunately Sheriff Gahler can effectively do NOTHING to protect the 2nd amendment other than talk to legislators about changing the law.
So you think they will change the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights. Huh, interesting. I just don’t see that happening……
Now if you think you do have rights, one last assignment for you. Next time you’re at the computer, get on the internet, go to Wikipedia. When you get to Wikipedia, in the search field for Wikipedia, I want you to type in “Japanese Americans 1942” and you’ll find out all about your precious fucking rights, Okay? All right. You know about it. In 1942, there were 110,000 Japanese American citizens in good standing, law-abiding people who were thrown into internment camps simply because their parents were born in the wrong country. That’s all they did wrong. They had no right to a lawyer, no right to a fair trial, no right to a jury of their peers no right to due process of any kind. The only right they had: “Right this way” into the internment camps. Just when these American citizens needed their rights the most, their government took them away. And rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country, is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year the list gets shorter and shorter. You see all, sooner or later. Sooner or later, the people in this country are gonna realize the government does not give a fuck about them. The government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety. It simply does not give a fuck about you. It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing. Keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.
George Carlin (Life Is Worth Losing)
Poster Jay hits the nail on the head. Read his words again Crusher. Under the Constitution, the federal (feral) government has ONLY 18 “enumerated powers.” Controlling weapons is NOT one of them. Period. As the gubmint did not give people ‘inalienable rights’ therefore it cannot take them away. The Founders tried well to drive this point home (as Jay notes) but still some folks just don’t get it.
The US Supreme Court and the Constitution disagree with you. The federal and state governments can and do restrict your ability to own and/or possess a firearm. They only can do so with certain parameters, but they can.
KottaMann, unalienable or inalienable rights are the same thing and they mean rights given to you by the creator and can not be taken away be any measure(s). You’re not even supposed to be able to surrender them. However, in Harford County your rights can be surrendered and have been reduced to toilet tissue by the Local Government, Courts and Law Enforcement. Rights not included in their doctrine are the very ones they can take and restrict.
I guess what I’m trying to say is you’ve got it “Bass Ackwards”………
@Jay, I must take exception to your closing statement that “… unfortunately Sheriff Gahler can effectively do NOTHING to protect the 2nd amendment other than talk to legislators about changing the law.” Jeff is what is known as a “Constitutional Sheriff” and there are hundreds of them around the country. He will do the right thing when it comes to preserving peoples’ rights under the 2nd and every other Amendment including the 4th.
I suggest you look into the Constitutional Sheriff’s and Peace Officer’s Association (CSPOA) founded by retired Sheriff Richard Mack out west. It will open one’s eyes to the great concern amongst many law enforcement executives in the nation about our eroded rights under an ever-intrusive and over-controlling regime at both the federal and some local levels.As Sheriff Mack has stated and written in his books, the Sheriff in any community is the last line of defense against a tyrannical overpowering government. This applies except in the Communist Republic of Connecticut whose illiterate and leftist voters let the legislature abolish the position of Sheriff there a few years back. We’ve all seen how well CT is doing on the ‘freedom front,’ haven’t we?
That is all a political ploy to get rednecks to vote for them…….
Regarding the Center for the Arts, There are so many questions that they still need to answer. It would be great if they would tell us the following, especially if they have nothing to hide:
1)How much money have you raised to date, since inception? We’ve heard its over $ 2 million. CFA, can you clear that up for us please; unless you don’t think its any of our business.
2)How much have you spent to date, since inception? We’ve heard its about $2 million. CFA can you clear that up for us please. What have you spent it on? And please do not play the classification slice and dice game.
3)Have you really added old feasibility studies to your balance sheet as an asset? Why?
4)Do you have all of your financial records preserved? If not, why is that? Were they destroyed, lost, infected by mold, or some other reason? If your physical records are gone, surely you have electronic records, correct? ; especially if you expect to continue to raise million of dollars from private donors, public entities, and grantors, right?
5)Where is your 2014 IRS Form 990?
6)Can you post your financial statements on your website, including your real balance sheet and budget projections? Why on earth wouldn’t you want to do this?
7)Other than stating that “Arts are Good”, what credentials or track record or accomplishments can you point to that warrants placing this piece of land and a good deal of public and private money in your hands?
8) Do you believe that the financial projections that your “current” paid consultant has put forth in the public meetings are realistic in any way, shape or form? If so, please substantiate and submit it to oversight and scrutiny by the public. At least post the presentation of same on your website (it concerns me that you didn’t hand anything out that had details).
There are so many more questions and concerns that are generated by even a cursory look at your history and current behavior. But let’s start with the above. And if you can’t or won’t answer them clearly, tell us you why deserve the continued, cash, time and reputations of so many generous people who are acting in good faith and supporting you, at the expense of so many other good causes, and so many better avenues for raising money for cultural initiatives in our community.
This is heartbreaking.