From Sen. Robert Cassilly:
I thank Governor Hogan for following through on his campaign promise to bring jobs back to Maryland. His announcement today of the creation of the Governor’s Regulatory Reform Commission, comprised of a diverse group of business leaders, is a giant step towards a top-to-bottom reform of Maryland’s burdensome regulatory climate. I look forward to supporting the Governor’s efforts to remove unnecessary red tape that prevents job growth across Maryland.
Senator Robert Cassilly
Bill says
I hope as part of the review the commission looks at what could be called harassment by area police to commercial truck drivers.
Keith Gabel says
What will they do with the necessary red-tape?
Christopher Boardman says
While Senator Cassilly genuflects to the governor, as most lower Republican elected officials are doing, he is short on details and expects his statement to be accepted at face value. Hogan has not been in office long enough to have much of an impact on jobs in the state.
At the same time, Sen. Cassilly forgets that Hogan nixed the Red Line, which I predict will eventually be built over Republican and Hogan objections, though it will definitely take longer now. The next time you are sitting in congested traffic, backed up on the beltway or some other place, thank Governor Hogan who’s got his mind in the 1950’s and not in planning for the needs of the 21st Century and beyond. There will be plenty of jobs generated in the construction of the Red Line and there will be many more generated as the city will be revitalized and so will the entire region. A good transportation system that serves all people, not just the rich, benefits everyone. Senator Cassilly’s kowtowing and genuflections don’t help the situation. .
Jack Haff says
Whats with snarky political comments? Are you trying to be funny?
Christopher Boardman says
Your elected state senator said he was thanking your elected governor for all the jobs he has supposedly created, and yet no evidence or information was provided except his say so. I pointed out that Governor Hogan cancelled the Red Line which would have generated thousands and thousands of jobs, but Sen. Cassilly has said nothing about that. This is what elected officials are supposed to do–comment on public policy. I am so sorry that you cannot deal with this. Of course, many of your fellow citizens’ level of commentary is calling Sen. Mikulski “Babs” and former Governor O’MALLEY “Owemalley”. If you want to comment on public policy, you should provide a thoughtful message, not just an angry insult because someone else does not agree with you.
Jack Haff says
Again, I asked are you trying to be funny, I never said I don’t agree with you. Quote where I didn’t agree with you. I’ll comment what I feel like, no where does it say what I need to talk about.
Alzheimer’s? How’s that for an insult?
Jack Haff says
Furthermore, why are you referring to me as my elected state senator, “fellownl citizens”
I could be from anywhere on this planet Earth as long as I have an internet connection.
Why even bring up what other people call Babs, Owemalley? I asked you a direct question, not someone else.
You got an inferiority complex? Mental health issues? Freak.
Please, reply so I can laugh.
Christopher Boardman says
You can’t address the issues raised by Senator Cassilly and me so you have to resort to personal insults. That’s classy.
The Money Tree says
The red line was a total waste of taxpayer money. That is the people who actually pay taxes and are not burning down CVS and raking in the liberal handouts. Those who pay the majority of taxes in this state would never utilize that overpriced piece of rail trash. Good luck with your rhetoric. The smart ones will applaud the amazing amount of work done so quickly by a governor whose head is not up Baltimore city’s a$$
The Money Tree says
Don’t so much mind the sentiment but there’s a world full of made up names for the dagger forum – please use your imagination and find one not already taken.
SoulCrusher says
I love the way you act like the rich just pay all these taxes to support the poor. You are aware that when Eisenhauer was President, that the tax paid by the wealthier members of society was up to 70% of their income. With the current tax scale, the rich are SUPPOSED to pay tax that is percentage appropriate to what the common man pays. Most people are not wealthy. So in reality, the common man is paying the majority of what the common man uses. The rich are not and should be happy to be paying the tax rates that they are. Why do you think Corporations got so popular, because it was a way to have money and NOT pay the tax. By the way, yes, the light rail has brought some undesirables to other parts of Maryland that have suffered increased crime. But, it also provides transportation into the city for many law abiding members of society who don’t have cars or just want to bypass all the traffic of an already congested city. Especially to revenue generating events like the Orioles, the Ravens, concerts, Grand Prix, etc., etc. etc….
Get over it says
Your are the biggest whining dbag in Hartford county… Every post you are whining and spewing your hateful vitriol. Furthermore the majority of taxes are in fact paid by the middle class, a group who would largely have zero use for the red line and al of the other handouts from marylands communist government. Kudos to governor Hogan!
Keith Gabel says
Approximately two-thirds of the Red Line was laid out specifically to serve middle and upper middle class neighborhoods, as well as their workplace destinations.
I take it that you aren’t very familiar with Baltimore, which is understandable. Most of Harford County seems to be ignorant of its existence.
SoulCrusher says
Actually, I’m not in Harford County. What whining are you referring to in the comments you responded to? I don’t see any. I just see a lot of truth being told. However, I do see a lot of hate in your comments. Do you even know what the middle class is? Go back to watching Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh. That’s where most of your idiotic statements originate from…….
Common Sense says
Soulcrusher you are completely ignorant of the history of tax rates, taxation & revenues.
Furthermore C Corporations pay federal taxes ranging from 15% – 35% and Maryland tax rate of 8.25%. And shareholders pay personal income tax on their dividends and stock capital gains.
SoulCrusher says
I don’t think so. Care to keep talking?
SoulCrusher says
I was actually in error by 20%. The top tax rate in 1958 was 90%.
SoulCrusher says
Oh and before you say it, I spelled Eisenhower wrong.
SoulCrusher says
Capital gains tax is from 0% – 20% depending on how much of a gain was netted. Your capital gain could increase $37,450.00 and you don’t even pay a cent until its over the $37,450.01 mark. – Once again, I tell the truth……
SoulCrusher says
Furthermore, you can see the evolution of Corporate tax rates has gone down over the years and let’s not forget all the itemized deductions and tax shelters. The rich got it good, real good.
SoulCrusher says
So the way I see it, the lower and middle class are taking it up the rear and the rich just keep getting richer. Sorry to burst your Republican Bubble, but the truth has once again been revealed…….
Common Sense says
SoulCrusher you said this “Why do you think Corporations got so popular, because it was a way to have money and NOT pay the tax.”
This is a prevarication and completely false.
You posted links to personal income taxes and they just prove you do not know what you are talking about.
US has the third highest general top marginal corporate income tax rate in the world at 39.1 percent, exceeded only by Chad and UAE.
SoulCrusher says
No, I posted the corporate tax rates too and they show that the corporate tax rate, until recently, was always lower than personal tax rates. Hence the “Why do you think Corporations got so popular, because it was a way to have money and NOT pay the tax.” comment, that is once again true. The personal tax rates were used to show the Capital Gains tax rates that appear on the right. If you review the Scwab link you will see every thing I have said is totally correct. Sorry, try again……
SoulCrusher says
The Federal Corporate tax rates are provided in the Wikipedia link listed in the comment from July 12, 2015 at 4:54 pm.
uncle ronnie says
Right, exactly Chris. And, you can’t even answer a question without side stepping and deflecting.
You’re nobody Chris, but wait, before your blood pressure sky rockets and you jump on here to “tell me how it is”, I’m nobody either.
If you want to get a “hard on” about people being escorted out of a room for being “put of order” go sit in a City Hall meeting or something, otherwise, welcome to the Internet.
Personal insults? What are you planning to do about it? Right, nothing.
dogman says
Mr. Boardman, are you the same gentleman who wanted to make a movie called ‘Coco Beans’? I believe John Tower was your partner?
SoulCrusher says
“comprised of a diverse group of business leaders” – So they have found a way to take a group of rich people and give them another paycheck. What a great idea. So the public’s tax dollars get to be used to pay wealthy people to come up with more ways to make themselves money. Does anyone else see the irony? I guess it is the Republican way. Life, liberty and the pursuit of any bit of wealth that they don’t really earn……
Totaltool says
Soul boy, you are king complainer on almost every post but mostly those involving the sheriffs office. Just because you are a criminal doesn’t mean everyone else wants to hear you’re excuses about how it was someone else’s fault. To the red line, most true middle class Marylanders do not use public transportation. MD public transportation is so filled with crime and disgusting people that normal educated citizens avoid it like the plague.
Oh yeah, if you aren’t from harford county, why are you always posting on a harford news page?
SoulCrusher says
That’s because I direct the hatred that was bestowed upon me to those who are responsible and deserve it. If you don’t like it, Burger King, then don’t read it. You however, sling your hatred to every possible angle you can. You don’t like blacks. You don’t like latinos. You don’t like, well, any race that isn’t white. You are just a complete and utter racist who tries to use politics to advance your racially biased views. Now, you are wrong about the middle class not using the RED LINE. Go to any light rail station south of the Cherry Hill stop on any game day and you will see how wrong you really are. Go to any light rail station between the hours of 6:00 am – 8:00 am on any weekday and you will see how wrong you are. Same thing applies between 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm on weekdays. Furthermore, normal people don’t avoid public transportation if they need it, only racists that think those minorities are contaminating their air, like you, do. Finally, I haunt the Dagger because I feel like it. Why do you?
Totaltool says
Hahahaha. Make it a race issue instead of a broke lazy criminal issue. 80% of public transportation is used by the lowest 25% income earners… You have nothing on me so please continue your BS. You try to come across as a highly educated useful bet of society but truth be told you are a useless criminal angry at a system that got your number. Pathetic really.
Totaltool says
*ppart of society. Forgive me its 2 AM and I just returned from supporting local business…
SoulCrusher says
Totaltool says
I’m also a crack head.
S. Freedman says
Good Morning SoulCrusher –
A couple of points…. You say you haunt the Dagger because you “feel like it”…. Can you expound on that? Why do you “feel” like it? I’d like you to explore those issues.
Another issue worthy of self-exploration is how you used the phrase ‘normal people’ as a contrast to ‘minorities’….. I understand that you were arguing a point, but take a second look at that usage and how it reads….
“Furthermore, normal people don’t avoid public transportation if they need it, only racists that think those minorities are contaminating their air, like you, do.”
A man who portends to despise racism should refrain from creating a separation between ‘normal people’ and ‘minorities’. Perhaps you can provide a more specific definition of ‘normal people’….Or, perhaps, there is some sub-conscious reasoning behind your choice of nouns….. Something worthy of reflection, I think.
But, what do I know?
SoulCrusher says
Normal people means normal people. They could be anybody including minorities. Just normal people. The comment was directed toward Eaton and the rest of the racists on the Dagger who think public transportation is for the “disgusting people”, as it was put. Furthermore, GFY. I don’t owe you an explanation for any of my comments. Its my opinion. You have yours, I have mine. As always have a horrible day…… horrible people should.
S. Freedman says
I am a horrible person for noting that you come across as a racist in your argument against racism?
Your reaction further solidifies my belief that there is a need for some quiet self-reflection on your behalf.
You have an opinion…. well, Good For You! But, be careful what kind of energy you are projecting into the universe…. it has a way of coming back.
Hope you have a great day! It is certainly a pretty one….
SoulCrusher says
You have no point. The words are what was typed. Makes sense to me the way it was worded. Sorry it didn’t suit you’re likings, but in truth I don’t care about what you think or how you interpreted it. Go F_uck Yourself……
Open Your Eyes says
@ S. Freedman
Please don’t continue to banter back and forth with the Soulman. Before long he will unleash one of his many other alter egos. These people come out when he has clearly been out witted by people who are much more intelligent and informed than he is. As the Soulman he first will become frustrated and then he will move to personal character attacks and name calling. When he becomes totally frustrated he creates imaginary advocates to come to his aid. Come to think of it I had imaginary friends when I was a young child but I never needed them to fight my battles or settle disagreements.
SoulCrusher says
Seriously, you got issues. I use SoulCrusher and no other screen names. I think you got me confused with multiple personality Marc……..
Open Your Eyes says
Just ignore my comments.
Open Your Eyes says
Again Soulman you are starting to slip. You are losing your game. The Dagger took away your ability to give multiple thumbs down to the post of those whom you did not agree with so now you will make posts under their screen names. Again your game is seriously slipping. Silly man.
SoulCrusher says
Oh, you are kidding me, right. I am glad the Dagger did that. I no longer have to participate in proxy server warfare to keep what I type on the screen visible. I do believe that’s bothering you more than anyone. Once again, I comment as SoulCrusher. I don’t need to use any other screen name. You got me mixed up with yourself………..
Totaltool says
SoulCrusher says
That’s pretty funny, but I’m pretty sure that’s heroin being snorted. I don’t care what the caption says. How do we know its even Baltimore. Row homes are in many cities. If that were to happen on any bus I’ve been on, the driver would’ve kicked them off. They don’t put up with anything. If you give them a hard time about anything, they will put you off the bus.
TT says
who cares:? youre better off on welfare in maryland because of the cost of living. ANYWHERE is better then that place, rural kentucky, johnstown PA, ANYWHERE. the only thing to o in harford county is sit in your parents basement and rip bong hits. even that would be more productive thenw orking there because THE COSTOF LIVING IS TO HIGH FOR WHAT IT IS, a SHITHOLE
AlexR says
The Red Line is dead. It was a mercy killing.
Hogan is governor. Get over it. The Democrats ran a loser and he lost. Hundreds of millions spent on a web site that didn’t work from the minute it was turned on. Businesses chased from the State by the O’Malley administration and their toadies in the legislature. How stupid when the failure of Maryland to attract a large company looking to relocate goes to Virginia rather than Maryland and O’Malley calls it a ‘regional win’. One of the fruits of O’Malley’s term as Baltimore mayor was the recent riots. And that guy wants to be president? Ha ha!