From the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski:
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today joined Dennis Golladay, President of Harford Community College and John Mayhorne, Dean of the Business, Computing and Applied Technology division to announce that the Harford Community College Information Assurance and Cybersecurity Program has been designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education by the National Security Agency (NSA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The program prepares students to enter the high demand field of information system security as trained professionals who protect data and equipment from internal and external threats.
“Because of Maryland’s world-class educational institutions, unique federal assets and dynamic private sector, Maryland is the epicenter of cybersecurity,” Senator Mikulski said. “Here at Harford Community College, our students are preparing to be our first line of defense against cyber-attacks, making our nation safer and Maryland’s economy stronger. I will continue to fight for jobs and work to grow our cybersecurity workforce, supporting jobs today and jobs tomorrow.”
The Cyber Defense program prepares students to enter the high demand field of information system security as trained professionals who protect data and equipment from internal and external threats. HCC was already designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance (IA). The re-designation for Cyber Defense Education means new opportunities for students to seek higher degrees and jobs in the field of Cyber Defense. Many of the systems use Fortinet as a network security platform.
Students will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the latest hardware and software. Harford Community College provides both associate degree and certificate programs in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity. On completion of the degree, students will be eligible to sit for the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Certification exam. They will also be eligible for two year scholarships when they transfer to four-year programs that are Centers of Academic Excellence through the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Scholarship for Service program, which provides full tuition in exchange for government service, and the Department of Defense’s (DOD) Information Assurance Scholarship program, which provides full tuition and a stipend in exchange for working at DOD.
Yet you got Harford Tech High school sitting across the street with extremely outdated supplies for their half assed cyber program.
If kids are motivated, they will learn regardless of circumstance. This is great news for the students at both HCC and Harford Tech.
Once again, I have no doubt that the Harford Community College is a good educational center. I am sure they are Nationally Accredited and all that good stuff. I support community colleges because they are an excellent source of education for local residents and those that can’t afford the main stream centers of education in this country. However, I have serious doubts that any community college can call itself a “National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education”. It is after all a community college. It is by no means a “National Center” for anything. Lets be realistic folks. Once again Mikulski is blowing sunshine up the rear of her constituents.
Maybe so, SoulCrusher, but what are professional organizations or the government doing about cyber security? Just take a look at all of the hacking incidents that have occurred in the last year or so. It’s ridiculous. I wrote a post on my blog a while back during the Russian hacking incident. No one ever gets penalized afterwards and I don’t even think that they get a slap on the wrist. Quite frankly, I’m all for students, scientists or anyone else that wants to work on getting a handle on this thing. Practically everything we use in order to transact our daily business is automated these days, yet the security of that technology is sorely lacking.
I am in total agreement with your statement. What I am saying is that Mikulski claiming that the HCC is a “National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education” is total rubbish. As for your statement about criminals in the government not getting “penalized afterwards and I don’t even think that they get a slap on the wrist”, you have no farther to look than your local government, courts and law enforcement. It seems to be the way of the world these days. The government has circumvented the law, the constitution and international law at every degree. Basically, the law has become lawless and our corrupt judicial system seems to stand up for them every time. I hope HCC, Harford Tech and any Community College in the country keeps doing the fine job that they do. Educating the youth of tomorrow is of the greatest importance as they are our country’s greatest resource for the future. Once again, I am in total agreement with everything you have said………
We should be teaching our children how to protect themselves against unlawful search n seizure procedures performed by arrogant, belligerent, callous, disrespectful career pigs. We should be teaching them how to use a 45 caliber handgun and an AK47. We should be teaching our children the treasonous tretury that comes from fat assed black robbed pigs in our courts. We should teach them the truth, not the bullshit they teach them in our pig infested learning institutions. And last but not least we should teach them to never trust a millionaire politician. They are like shiny pieces of shit. They cover their smell and averse avidity with their money.
This story is so absolutely rediculious. It is liberal propoganda at its finest. Mikulski is so washed up and out if touch it isn’t even funny. HCC is hardly an epicenter for Cyber security. This is yes another discusting attempt by the liberal politicians to broadcast any news that they are in touch, supporting important and relivant programs and working hard for us in general. Ms. Mikulski you are a failure. Please go retire and manage a book store in Cape May part time.
Mikulski is nothing more than a lap licking muff diver with Rainbow stickers probably tattoo d to her ass.
Is she doing a “farewell tour?”
Well I’ve thought about it for a while now and I’m stymied… what on Earth could this, for lack of a better word, woman, have had to do with any success or failure at HCC? She is a consummate politician, forever crawling out of the wood pile to take credit for something she had nothing to do with. Want to curb cyber crime? Death to hackers. Death to identity thieves. You can live as a peaceful, law abiding, productive member of society or you can die. They serve no purpose and add no value.
How do rejects like this get into government? On, that’s right, all we have in government are perverts, rejects and a glee club president… Lol oh but we have a new wonder pet pig in harford county, so our citizens will continue to be maligned and brutalized as usual?…. Beware, don’t try to hurt a harford county pig with a plastic snowball spoon? you will be shot to death