From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Late last week, Sheriff Gahler sent an official request to the Director of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to initiate the Harford County Sheriff’s Offices participation in the Delegation of Authority Program pursuant to 8 CFR§287(g) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act.
This partnership with the Federal Government provides deputies with the tools and authority necessary to assist in enforcing immigration laws and ensuring that individuals who commit crimes and are in this country illegally are turned over to federal authorities for deportation, once they fulfill their obligation to the State of Maryland. The 287(g) program allows our agency to enter into a partnership with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, under a joint Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), to receive delegated authority for immigration enforcement within Harford County.
If selected, the Harford County Detention Center would be the second agency in the State of Maryland to participate in this program. To implement the program, Sheriff Gahler has requested Jail Enforcement Officer training for ten (10) Correctional Deputies from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, as well as, all equipment and materials required to effectively run the 287(g) program and identify criminal illegal aliens currently housed at, and brought into, the Harford County Detention Center. Correctional Deputies will be selected on a volunteer basis, and complete these assignments as a secondary assignment, separate from their normal duties.
This request comes after much research into the Delegation of Authority Program to include, several meetings with the local ICE Field Office, a tour of the 287(g) operation currently in place at the Frederick County Detention Center, and numerous interviews with correctional officers already trained in Maryland. After much consideration, it is the belief of Sheriff Gahler that a formalized partnership with ICE will benefit the citizens of Harford County and should be considered a priority.
Good to see someone is enforcing our laws as obozo could care less.
Really? I love the way you guys keep saving the world, from nothing…….Its been SOP to deport illegals if they commit felonies for lets see, forever. The only question is who is going to save everyone from the Homeland Security?
First off, the illegals shouldn’t be here to commit felonies to begin with… yes, they’re routinely deported and just as routinely return back across our joke of a border. Every illegal is already guilty of a crime and no further action should be required to deport them. Everyone in DC knows the border is a joke and WHEN some wackjob jihadist enters across that border to commit a cowardly act-of-the-weak-willed-idiots (i.e. terrorism) that kills multiple innocents, everyone in DC will stand on their desk and crow to the world about how they’ve been trying to address the border their whole life but the evil other party has thwarted their altruistic, patriotic actions at every turn. Every politician in DC is a worthless piece of $hit.
I definitely agree with your last sentence.
Who will guard the guards themselves? – Latin huh……
It makes him feel important. He bought an English-to-Latin translation book at Walmart.
Actually I Googled it…. Dikhed
Soul, I was talking about Gary. He tries so hard to impress people with his ‘knowledge’.
Then you should’ve replied to Gary’s comment. You did reply to the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls. So I replied to you…..
I think that Sheriff Gahler is making a very wise decision in joining the 287g plan. I wish that every Sheriff in our state would do the same.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I wonder why 9 people do not like the 287g plan?
More than likely, these 9 people feel that in a time of limited resources, low police pay and morale, that there might be higher priorities for local law enforcement than getting ICE caught up on its backlog of cases.
They probably won’t say anything due to the hysterical and hyperbolic comments they will no doubt receive in return.
Meh. It’s all well and good until you get a response from ICE that says deporting so and so doesn’t meet their current priorities.
Who else joined the program? Frederick County….
If you are not native American , your are an anchor baby.
Why is it a Top Priority to deport people who come here to work and feed their families? Law enforcement officers have more important jobs like dealing with the heroin epidemic, protecting people in high crime areas, nabbing aggressive or drunk drivers, etc.
But if Harford hates immigrants this much, do it thoroughly — arrest business owners who entice immigrants here by employing them. Oh wait, Arizona tried that and got stomped by the US Chamber of Commerce! Seems businesses want to control their illegal labor force, not lose their wage slaves. Desperate immigrants will do for peanuts what Americans won’t. Let’s see what that does to Maryland’s construction, furniture delivery, and landscaping businesses.
“Think Again”, the 287g isn’t meant to go after the ordinary illegal alien, who overstayed their visa or snuck across the southern or northern border. That is bad in itself, but those particular illegal aliens have not hurt another person or stolen their property, etc.
It is meant to go after those who have committed felonies. We don’t want illegal alien felons released and consequently placed back on the streets, to commit more crimes in Harford County or in Maryland.
Joe, a lot of laws are misused in ways they weren’t “meant to” be. DHS currently operates two types of 287(g) agreements: “task force” models and “jail enforcement” models. Under the task force model, deputized officers may interrogate and arrest alleged noncitizens encountered in the field who they believe to have violated federal immigration laws. Under the jail enforcement model, deputized officers may interrogate alleged noncitizens who have been arrested on state or local charges, and may lodge immigration “detainers” on inmates thought to be subject to removal.
The “task force” model is open season on everyone, including citizens, who look like maybe perhaps they might be immigrants. But even if Harford uses the “jail enforcement” model, it still means anyone arrested for any reason, whether or not actually guilty, is caught in the immigration net. Intent doesn’t matter, actions do.
Whatever loser. We have millions of people looking for work and a bunch of illegals working under the table for cash. If all Americans could keep 30% of their pay those jobs would look much better. The illegals are parasites grabbing every benefit they can get for free and bitching you don’t give them enough. You should take a trip to Mexico and demand free healthcare, food vouchers, a drivers license, voting rights, and citizenship and let me know how that works out for you jackass.
Yeah sure, you drank the Kool-aid. If you know any unemployed citizens willing to do anything for low pay, send them to the companies on Maryland’s Eastern Shore who are really desperate for workers to pick crabs.
I still say punish the businessmen who hire illegals. If they lose their cheap labor, they’ll have to raise wages to get citizens who will do the work instead. And no, illegals don’t get food vouchers, free health care, voting rights, etc.from the government. If they’re very, very lucky, a charity might help them.