From Harford County Public Schools:
June 1, 2015
The Board of Education of Harford County met for an open business meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the A. A. Roberty Building and took the following actions and received the following presentations:
Board Comments
Public Comments
New Business:
– Action Items:
– Decision on Appointments and Promotions – Administrative and Supervisory Appointments by Ms. Jean Mantegna
– Approval of Unrestricted FY16 Operating Budget by Mr. Joe Licata, Mr. Jim Jewell, Ms. Jeannine Ravenscraft, Ms. Michele Sledge and Ms. Mary Edmunds
– Approval of Capital, Restricted and Food Service FY16 Budgets by Mr. Joe Licata, Mr. Jim Jewell, Ms. Jeannine Ravenscraft, Ms. Michele Sledge and Ms. Mary Edmunds
The next Board of Education business meeting will be held Monday, June 8, 2015 at 6:30pm. All Board meetings are held in the A. A. Roberty Building. To access all future meeting dates and agendas, log onto the school system website at
No more Harford Glen overnights for the kids. So sad. Thank God we have Instructional facilitators still…what would the principals do without their 100K+ assistants.
Instructional Facilitators are the biggest waste of Harford County taxpayer dollars. I have seen only one that actually worked hard, was very knowledgeable and treated the entire school staff with respect and kindness. And that I.F. is currently the principal at one of the best elementary schools in Harford County. FHES is very fortunate to have her as their leader! This is no exaggeration… the majority of people in these positions are unmotivated, over paid, clueless as to curriculum and rigors of the classroom, and a couple of them are even “bullies”. I have seen I.F.s on many occasions casually strut throughout the hallways during the school day, stopping to chat with whoever will chat with them, all while sipping their venti Starbucks! I agree that it’s wonderful to want to fraternize with the teaching staff, but we are very busy with our students, planning with our colleagues and constantly collecting and analyzing data!! Our day is extremely busy with little down time. We don’t walk in our building at 8:30 and leave empty handed at 3:50, as they do. Most days I leave my school between 6 and 7 p.m. and get there between 7 and 7:30 a.m. That’s at least 4 hours of unpaid dedication to what I do, all while making at least $30K less than the I.F.s! And that is for a seasoned teacher with almost 30 years of experience. I think that all I.F.s (and, in fact, all HCPS administration) should be observed by Central Office personnel at least once a year. Not an announced observation/evaluation like is currently done, but an unannounced drop in observation similar to what they do to the teachers. I have personally seen administrators change the collected data on students to either benefit themselves or their favorite teachers. This is done so that their EOY goals are met. One administrator’s favorite saying when HCPS policy is not being followed is “What are they going to do…. fire me?” (followed by several giggles). Well, yes, in fact, they can and should fire you. With what is currently taking place within the HCPS, maybe some of these administrators need to be shaken up a little more and be held accountable to uphold HCPS policy, instead of trying to make themselves look good. As far as the I.F. positions… just think what could be done with the money saved from not having to pay their salaries for something that would actually help teachers and the student population.
Cant blame them, they gamed the bloated, dysfunctional, and no accountability system the pathetic public school’s have turned into.
Good for them digging in deep, to a position that doesn’t really do much real “work” and gets a lot more pay than your average classroom teacher.
245 acres, is it time to sell? Maybe sell or let HCG acquire it for use as a year round park? It would be worth a lot to home builders, too.
The Board of Ed also owns 3.5 acres of something on Wheel Road as well, interesting.
245 acres, Our great county exec will probably build a 12 million Ag Center there.
About time HCPS got back to the basics of education. Stop wasting the tax payers money and start closing those under utilized schools. Redistrict the students to fill the vacant seats in the rest of the schools.
I have witnessed for several years and IF at one school seated next to the window so she can receive and send messages and calls to her daughter in the military. She plans vacations, pays bills, and brags that she thinks she can extend this “cushy” job until retirement. This is a waste of money. Many capable principals find them to be a burden. Waste, waste and more waste.
What I don’t understand is how these IFs get away with this. They are the very ones who sit there with their laptops observing teachers and being super critical about every little thing. If the principals in their schools are the ones evaluating them, then, of course, they will be rated as “highly effective”. There are so many double standards right now in HCPS. And these are the leaders in the county??? That doesn’t speak well for our system!
It’s even better when they’re observing and being hypercritical of teachers in a completely field from them (like an IF with a background in English or Social Studies trying to tell a Science or Math teacher how to teach their subjects.)
*should say “completely different field”
And I know exactly the IF you are referring to, Catherine M. Suffold!! She’s actually one I was referring to also, with her large cup of coffee… or it is filled with “Wine”??? ha ha
Well, you may have been following me under other alias, but the end of the school year is near, as of June 21st I’ll be in FL. Already settled on 15 acres, 1700 square foot house.
Making $240,000/year with relocation fees covered, btw, not a teaching job. Been working a few hours at night already from my computer.
Gotta sell my house here, but I can do that from FL.
You don’t know where I work now, but I basically plan to just disappear from my teaching job. No notice, I’ll have a new phone number. Just like a fart in the wind.
Adios, suckers.
$240K a year and buying such a small house and only 15 acres in Florida? Oh well, I guess it will take a while to adjust to spending all that money – perhaps it’s waterfront with a 4 car garage to park all you’re toys.
Not saying you’re a liar… liar. But with such an upper management salary you should be of such mental stability as to not find the need to brag in this forum. You do realize, or at least you should, most folks reading your post do not envy you. They think you are full of sh_t.
I’d like to apologize for my outlandish behavior. Secondly. It is me, I, who does not know what I am talking about.
It just occurred to me sometimes people live below their income for many reasons versus living above their means.