From the office of U.S. Senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin:
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) were joined by members of Maryland’s Congressional Delegation today in sending a letter to President Barack Obama supporting Governor Hogan’s request for a declaration of a major disaster for Baltimore following recent unrest in the city. If awarded, Maryland will become eligible for federal disaster recovery dollars through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), ensuring the state’s already strained budget is not stretched any thinner. The letter was signed by Senators Mikulski and Cardin, as well as U.S. Representatives Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.), John P. Sarbanes (D-Md.), Donna F. Edwards (D-Md.) and John Delaney (D-Md.).
“Following the tragic death of Freddie Gray, citizens of Baltimore reacted with outrage in their demands for truth and their demands for justice,” the Members wrote. “For seven days, from April 25, 2015 through May 1, 2015, the City of Baltimore experienced civil unrest… Maryland and its local jurisdictions have contributed a vast amount of resources, which will continue to have economic impacts around our state. A Major Disaster declaration is necessary to help provide the resources needed by all.”
The full text of the delegation’s letter of support is as follows:
May 26, 2015
The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
We are writing to express our strong support for Governor Hogan’s May 21, 2015 request for a Major Disaster declaration for the City of Baltimore. Given the massive impact that the situation in Baltimore is having on the state’s resources, we respectfully request that you urgently approve Federal assistance.
Following the tragic death of Freddie Gray, citizens of Baltimore reacted with outrage in their demands for truth and their demands for justice. For seven days, from April 25, 2015 through May 1, 2015, the City of Baltimore experienced civil unrest. The boiling emotions of a small fraction of Baltimoreans turned into violence and vandalism to homes and businesses that the vast majority of Baltimore’s citizens have been working to rebuild and restore.
Governor Hogan took appropriate action under State law and directed the execution of the State Response Operations Plan in accordance with Section 401 of the Stafford Act. In addition, the Governor issued an Executive Order declaring that a State of Emergency existed and activated the Maryland National Guard to State service. The Governor has certified that additional Federal assistance is needed. The Governor has provided the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with a preliminary damage assessment of over $19 million in expenditures for local jurisdiction law enforcement, security, firefighting, and emergency management costs as well as out-of-state resources required to supplement local and state resources. This Major Disaster declaration is necessary to address emergency protective measures and public buildings and contents per Category B & E of Public Assistance under the Stafford Act. This situation has the potential to negatively impact services in other areas, given an already strained state budget environment.
Maryland and its local jurisdictions have contributed a vast amount of resources, which will continue to have economic impacts around our state. A Major Disaster declaration is necessary to help provide the resources needed by all. We appreciate your consideration of Maryland’s request, and look forward to continue working with you in this recovery.
Freestate? says
“civil unrest” Sounds so peaceful.
Hedley Lamarr says
More taxpayer money wasted, don’t give a cent to help in any sort of recovery. The thugs destroyed the city, let them live with it.
SoulCrusher says
If you don’t restore the area, people will move from it to other areas of the state. They might even move to your beloved county. How would you like that Hedley?
Not so fast douche says
They won’t if they can’t afford it. I will gladly buy them a one way bus ticket out of Maryland.
Hedley Lamarr says
Let me be perfectly clear soulman, Harford county is far from my most favored list, I moved from that sht hole some time ago so I don’t give a rats a$$ who or what moves there. Second, they destroyed, robbed and burned certain areas of the city, why should the tax payers buck up for those animals who will do it again for any reason. Screw them, they ain’t moved anywhere.
Hedley Lamarr says
SoulCrusher says
I’ll give you the riots were despicable. However, the last time this happened was over 30 years ago, so the whole concept of anytime they feel like it goes out the window. This happened, because on a nationwide scale, the Law Enforcement has been taking far too many lives that were unarmed. This happened, because on a nationwide scale, the majority of media coverage is focused on the killing of unarmed black males. The public should be alarmed at the amount of deaths caused by Law Enforcement to unarmed people, period. Not just blacks. The is a National Epidemic, where Law Enforcement is acting in a completely brutal fashion and the public is growing very weary. Especially, since in most circumstances, the Judicial System is protecting those same Officers, from the criminal prosecution that should await them. The law has become lawless…….
Bob says
SO you’re saying that the solution to this is to deny due process and other civil protections to all of the innocent residents of those communities; and to deny due process to all police based upon the incompetence and capriciousness of under-qualified, immature and grandstanding state’s attorney’s; or based upon unaccountable, incompetent national and local leaders on whose watch this has been allowed to fester; or based upon the self-serving race arsonists on the extreme left and right, who benefit from this divisiveness?
I hope you’re not saying that.
SoulCrusher says
No, I am saying exactly what I typed. Please refer to the paragraph you are replying to. Put words in someone else’s mouth, because mine are plain and straight forth……
pizzle says
That’s awesome. Go begging for taxpayer money to clean up a mess caused by people that likely don’t pay taxes. Only in America.
SoulCrusher says
Or how about giving away taxpayer money to other countries once we blow them up. They didn’t pay taxes either. Hell, they aren’t even citizens. You’re right, only in America…..
Not so fast douche says
How much of your money have you given to them, I doubt one penny.
SoulCrusher says
I’m sure my taxes, when I used to pay taxes, went to fight more than one war, went to clean up more than one neighborhood and probably paid the people I hate. You can’t select where your money goes, Nimrod. But a complete useless tool, like yourself, can sit on here and preach hatred every day, to people who don’t deserve it. Any negativity I throw around is totally justified. Can you say that Nimrod? Can you actually say that your hatred is caused by unjustified actions taken against you? I doubt it……..
Sam Adams says
New strategy for urban development. Bugs burn and loot while the government stands by and lets it happen, then file for federal disaster relief. Mayors across the country can’t wait for #blm to come to their hoods.
Cheese Line says
As a breeding ground for great citizens and politicians Baltimore favorite son Martin O’Malley will announce his run for President today. He can then bring his great leadership skills to the nation.
hadenough says
There’s those damned white guys in the city again, causing us to pay higher taxes. When are these white people going to stop committing crimes?
Taxpayer says
The Federal Government (taxpayers across the country) should not be held financially responsible for this mess. This is a Baltimore problem, primarily caused by local politicians, including those seeking the disaster relief. Thugs rioting should not be covered by federal disaster relief.
none says
How about NO. Bab’s if you want to give your money to rebuild Baltimore, have at it. They destroyed it they can figure out a way to pay for it.
Arturro Nasney says
Let’s be sure we have this right. so far the governments, at all levels, have spent trillions to address the poverty problem. Now this left wing communist want to give the governments more of or money to fix it. If they screwed up, why would we think that sending more money to this group of incompetents to unscrew it.
It's not Right says
and whats to stop them from rioting (partying) the first Friday of every month, if they know the government will just pay them to rebuild it over and over. and who’s to say the funds will be properly used.
Lets look at Katrina New Orleans relief funding….
Since the billions already spent to help the poor in Balto hasn’t worked why do you think spending millions more will? How about this: get everyone who lives in these neighborhoods up off their lazy a**es and clean up their part of town. No work no welfare.
open your eyes says
My mother always taught her children to always look for the good side of situation. I see two positive things in the near future. Mikulski is retiring and Miss Mosby will be voted out of office next time. I realize that she is the patron saint of the Baltimore Hood Rat but fortunately they don’t routinely vote or are prohibited to do so being felons. The people that do vote had their s%#t burned to the ground and had to pay for it out of their own pockets. I wish her the best maybe Prince will let her open for him.
SoulCrusher says
Mikulski retiring is a good thing just because no one should be allowed to linger in the Senate forever. In my opinion, the Senators should be limited in the amount of terms they can run for. It is a 6 year term after all. However, Mosely will be a figure in Baltimore for a long time. The Hatred displayed for her on this website is enough convincing for me. If the racist, republican Nazi’s of Harford County hate her, she has to be good for Baltimore. I personally commend her for not covering up the illegal actions of the Baltimore Police. Unlike the Harford County State’s Attorney Office that frequently covers up the illegal actions of the Harford County Sheriff’s Department. Unlike the DAGGER that does the same……Yeah, I’m talking to you Cahill.
Not so fast douche says
Shut up already.
You committed a crime.
Got caught.
Took a plea deal.
Live with the consequences of your actions.
SoulCrusher says
Yes, I committed a crime. Yes, I got caught. No, I didn’t take a plea deal. I was forced into an Alford Plea by Cassilly and Tabone. I have lived with the consequence of my actions for over 5 years. I should not have been convicted via illegal search. Absolutely NO evidence was admissible into court record, but, I was forced to take an Alford Plea. I will shut up when I feel like it, not sooner, not later, but when I feel like it. Your County reeks of corruption. From the Judicial System to the Law Enforcement to the County Council, even in awarding scholarships from APGFCU. The corruption is never ending in Hateford County because all your County knows is how to lie, cheat and steal. That’s what Harford County is really about. Lying and cheating and stealing……..
Open your eyes says
I am still at a loss. Could you please explain to me and the rest of the readers how you were “forced” to take or accept an Alford Plea. For those readers who are unfamiliar with the Alford Plea it is a situation where the suspect maintains his innocence but acknowledges that the State has sufficient evidence to obtain a conviction. If you thought you were innocent why did you accept such a plea? If the State had sufficient information to convict how can you maintain your innocence? You can’t have it both ways. I have repeatedly read your post which accuse the Police and the S/A of wrong doing but apparently you could not get any one that matters to agree with you. My take from your posts is that you know that you were in fact not innocent and admit criminal activity. You feel that your constitutional rights were violated….so again why were you forced to take that plea. Your argument reminds me of as dog chasing it’s tale.
SoulCrusher says
First off, I have told you and the Dagger readers many times, if you want to know what I’m talking about, you need to go pull the file on 12K09002034 and 12K10000013. I’ve explained myself over and over to you and your other aliases. Yes, I was forced, in legal terms “coerced” to take that ALFORD PLEA. Second, Aaron Cahill, being the anal retentive, unmasculine, dip squat that he is, will delete anything as related to evidence I put on here. So EYES WIDE SHUT, apparently I have maintained my innocence due to an illegal search, but was never given the opportunity to prove my innocence due to the illegal search. Your courts and the SA office are completely and utterly corrupt, this I know for a fact as I have lived it. Now, if what I’m saying is untrue, how come that CORAM NOBIS is still sitting there with no ruling on it when it could have dismissed practically two years ago without a hearing. Its because the Courts know I’m telling the truth and don’t know what to do about the cover up of evidence without getting the whole lot of them fried. Last, I love the way you always respond without going and getting that file. Hell, make copies of it and put it on the Dagger, I don’t care. Show the whole world the disgrace of your Circuit Court. Or you could just STFU and GFY like the little punk you are……
The Money Tree says
Seriously – seek help. You have no idea how those kids were awarded scholarships. Swill whatever crazy crap you seem to routinely want, but taking shots at kids is indicative of a serious mental issue.
SoulCrusher says
@ Money Tree – As stated in the appropriate article, for the last three years, the APGFCU has lacked any ethnic diversity. I find it hard to believe that in three years, absolutely no students of ethnic diversity have applied with standards good enough to qualify for this scholarship. I did congratulate those who won and even hoped it helped them in their future. However, the process is what it is and it is apparently flawed against those of minority stature. Don’t like, GFY, its just my opinion. We all have one……..
LazyDog says
…and Anne Arundel Count is much better?
Chief of AACOPD?
I can understand your frustration with the Courts – many convicted felons feel the same way. Frustration leads to denial, denial leads to anger…it is what it is. You made your bed, so whatever…
Truly sad to hear that Cahill is playing the role of God and Censor on a media outlet — really? Censoring free speech? Isn’t that exactly what the press b1tches the most about?
SoulCrusher says
@LazyDog – The corruption you are referring to is nothing compared to what I’ve witnessed in A.A. County. Believe me, they were corrupt from the guards at the jail, to the Court Commissioners, to the Judges themselves. Everybody wanted to get paid and that’s all I’m going to say about that……
Bill says
What did Cahill do? I thought your beef was with Marston, the task force, Tabone, and Cassilly.
I’m sure he’s all broken up that he’s earned your wrath somehow, though.
SoulCrusher says
Cahill is responsible for a lot of the racist, republican rhetoric that fills the Dagger. He knows what he’s done and is doing, so don’t patronize me with your garbage. Hell, I’ve been censored on here for using distasteful, yet appropriate, terms for republicans on here. The terms were not of a profane nature, yet they were censored. However, he allows racially inflammatory remarks to fill the Dagger’s cyber pages over and over with no censorship what so ever. He is what he is. Plus, he has deleted evidence I personally exposed on here about that weeping little willow, Sean Marston. Apparently they are buddies. Maybe even more than that. I just hope Diana Marston doesn’t find out about their REELLATIONSHIPPPPPP…….
A.J. Taylor says
Hello SC…..
Who is Mosely? Or, could you mean, “Mosby”? ……I know you, of all people, would never endorse someone whose name you could not spell….. but, at least you didn’t quote her, so I guess it’s all good…..
On another note, instead of throwing around the ‘Nazi’ word, change my mind about Mosby…. what makes her so good for Baltimore? Her inexperience holding an elected position? Her husband, Nick, who happens to be the councilman for the district where Freddie Grey lived? Her appearance on Judge Judy? What? Change my mind… because I grew up in those neighborhoods…. It saddens me to watch them burn as the murder rate ticks up everyday….
SoulCrusher says
Yeah, yeah, hosehead or should I call you Al J Thong? So I spelled a name wrong, wasn’t as famous of a name as CAESAR now is it? Now, she comes from a Law Enforcement family but has shown that she will not help the Police cover up their illegal actions. Period. What don’t you understand about that? The Cops killed that unarmed man during a questionable arrest. You don’t seem to think that is a crime. A better question would be why do you think it is alright for police to murder and not be held accountable for their actions? Are you a Police Officer or former Officer? If so, please explain to the Dagger readers why MURDER committed by POLICE is JUSTIFIED? Its NOT. Anyone else would be sent to prison. But, you guys think that a police officer, who is supposed to be held at a higher standard than most, is exempt from prosecution of a criminal action while performing their duties. They are not. There are specific laws, both state and federal, that are supposed to cover this. However, by use of Administrative Malfeasance ,Selective Prosecution and evidence cover ups, they have been able to commit murder over and over without consequence. This will not do……….
A.J. Taylor says
Al J. Thong? Get over yourself….. wrong again.
But, while we’re on the topic of names, SoulCrusher…. your own selection does make me wonder what inadequacies are being compensated for in the usage of a name better suited to a ten year old boy….. or, perhaps you just have terrible taste in music. Not for me to say….
My occupation is not something I am free to share in social media…. unlike yourself, who has made it clearly evident that you engage in an illegal, consumer driven market. (By the way, what will you do when they legalize it in the next couple of years? Shall you expand your product line? Or, will you have enough to retire by that time?)
As far as the officers involved in the Freddie Grey case, I believe in the American concept of Due Process. If they are found guilty, it is because they are guilty. If not…. there is my real concern…. Unlike some, I do not pretend to have enough knowledge of the case or legalities to assume a position. All the information we, the public have is what has been relayed to us through media outlets….
Unless, you were there…. have you personally spoken to anyone involved? If so, please share!
SoulCrusher says
I don’t know where you get that I am involved in some sort of illegal market. I do computer work and odd jobs to suffice. What do they need to legalize about that. I assume you a referring to me getting caught growing pot, but that’s ancient history. Furthermore, I never sold anything I grew, get over yourself. As for the moniker SoulCrusher, well, White Zombie ROCKS! Now since you believe in Due Process for the Police, yet believe that an individual citizen, who had Due Process denied, a conviction forced upon them and has no cause to be upset, would you please share why you think Due Process is allowed for some and denied for others? Are my Constitutional Rights not as important as the Rights of others? Please share, as you seem to believe that police should be given access to their rights and mine should be blocked blindly by a corrupt Judicial System.
ThunderKiss '65 says
What makes her good for Baltimore? LOL
You are funny.
A.J. Taylor says
Of course your constitutional rights matter….. and, it must burn (no pun intended) to have the right to vote taken away. And, I apologize for assuming you sold as well as grew…. something you said in a previous post…. something about no rest for the wicked and having mouths to feed…. something like that… led me (wrongly, I guess) to that assumption.
Growing is, in the state of Maryland, also illegal….. so, how exactly were your rights violated? If you chose to do the crime, an intelligent person such as yourself, must have been aware of the accompanying risk.
You got busted. Tough luck, but it happens…..
I fail to see where you were not given due process……
Also….. dibs on ‘Steppenwolf’.
SoulCrusher says
That was lyrics from the song, “Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked”, by Cage The Elephant. The Right to Vote can be restored by Registering to Vote when one’s probation is up. Mine’s been up for years, but, why Vote in MD? Go get the Coram Nobis if you want to know about my rights. Due Process was violated. Was growing in a Constitutionally protected area, even before the Jardine’s Verdict. Steppenwolf was before my time…….
Open your eyes says
@ Soulman,
I think the reason that I have trouble understanding your position is that you confuse the meaning of innocence. That word refers to blamelessness, irreproachability, etc.. You sir are not that. You think that you are not guilty for some technical issue not actual culpability. I have to say you make for an enjoyable read and sometimes a good laugh. Keep it up and thank you.
SoulCrusher says
I’m glad I entertain you. However, I’m telling the truth and will continue to do so. Since you believe that it is alright for police to break the law, violate the Constitution and basically lie to get their way, I don’t think we have anything to talk about. So why don’t we just do that…….
A.J. Taylor says
…well, you ARE rather amusing…
SoulCrusher says
“Yawn” – I’m going back to sleep. Some of us have a pillow that needs attending to………
SoulCrusher says
By the way, that technical issue you are referring to is the difference between GUILTY and NOT GUILTY, period. Let me remind you that in another Harford County Case, a Judge threw out a search and seizure because the officers didn’t knock on a cocaine raid. The officers reasoning for not knocking was because of fear that evidence would be destroyed or discarded (flushed). This was actually a good reason. The Judge, threw the search out anyway……Besides, once that Jardine’s Ruling by SCOTUS was put out, any search on a home in Maryland involving a Dog Sniff, immediately became an unconstitutional search…….
hmmm... says
I’m concerned that they’ll pour our tax dollars into Baltimore to rebuild now instead of waiting until after most if not all of the officers are acquitted and the ensuing riots destroy what they just finished rebuilding. The DA gleefully piled on a bunch of charges that have little or no hope of actual success. The only officer that seems to have any exposure is the driver – but even his charges will probably fail due to the over reach. She played to the crowd and may be seen as a hero to many but unfortunately reality is going to crash the party. I can see compensating the business owners for the incompetence of the Mayor and her office who allowed the destruction to go unchecked, but it should be Baltimore’s cost since it’s the result of Baltimore’s choices and policies. I hope those business owners are wise enough to get out. It is unfortunate Baltimore couldn’t find any grownups to be Mayor and DA.
ThunderKiss '65 says
…and what’s up with her face? Looks like it was molded out of clay?
The weird cheekbones of her and Michelle Obama.
SoulCrusher says
Now that’s a cool screen name…….
Send Us Mo Money Fools says
Keith Gabel says
I think that it is rather disrespectful that you posted a video of your mom. Did you at least get her permission first?
SoulCrusher says