From Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Credit Union:
Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Credit Union (APGFCU) is proud to announce the winners of its Annual College Scholarship Competition awarding $15,000 to fifteen local teens.
A reception honoring the student-members was held on Wednesday, May 6, 2014, at APGFCU’s Operations Center in Edgewood. The scholarships were awarded to the following students:
Jonathan Baldauf – Aberdeen High School
Savannah Jane Dawson – Patterson Mill High School
Jason Dinsmore – Bel Air High School
Olivia Victoria Dumer – Eastern Technical High School
Lauren Elizabeth Dyke – Patterson Mill High School
Laura Fielder – North Harford High School
Adrienne Harris – Havre de Grace High School
Maria Hoppel – Churchville Christian High School
Wyatt Steelman Jordan – Aberdeen, SMA High School
Stephen Christopher Link – Havre de Grace High School
Jennifer Nance – Kennard Dale High School
Brittany Packard – Bel Air High School
Alex Michael Poniatowski – Edgewood High School
Erika Claire Slotnick – C. Milton Wright High School
Gannon Webb – Rising Sun High School
Each year, APGFCU awards scholarships to exemplary graduating high school students based on a written essay, academic achievement and community involvement. APGFCU is a leader in financial literacy programs designed to help young members develop successful money management skills.
For more information about APGFCU’s financial education initiatives and scholarships, visit, under Education & Advice, or call 410-272-4000, and press four.
AGAIN LOoK at all the whities
where is the minorities? DAMB!!
Agreed, for the third straight year, this scholarship from the APGFCU has lacked ethnic diversity. The DAGGER has conveniently removed the photos from the previous years. Wouldn’t want to bring on any negativity that goes against a certain Editor’s agenda. However, these kids shouldn’t be part of my gripe. Congratulations to ALL who are receiving the scholarship and I hope it aids your future.
If APG were giving out scholarships for rioting in Baltimore City there would be a ton of qualified students.
@ SNAP PEAS – If APG were giving out scholarships for those who cleaned up the mess after the riots there would be plenty of qualified students too. Guess what, none of them would be white…….Just like the results from your comment. has articles and pictures from the last three scholarships. I’m afraid I’m not too good at discerning races, but I do feel fairly competent when it comes to telling apart the genders…most of the time. It sure looks like they’ve been giving more to women. I’m not a woman, but I’m ok with that apparent disparity (or is it a conspiracy?).
A couple of them are listed as, “Not Pictured.” Maybe those are the folks we’ve been looking for?
I think it’s interesting to note that the total award amount and number of recipients has varied a little bit. Maybe some years there are more or more qualified applicants than others?
Not one student of color ever gets a helping hand from APG to further their education.
“Each year, APGFCU awards scholarships to exemplary graduating high school students based on a written essay, academic achievement and community involvement.” These awards supposedly are based on achievement. It may be and imagine the concept that these kids were the most qualified.
Ridiculous statement. I’m so tired of having to do the “politically correct” thing by selecting people based on their race rather than achievement. If the Black students want to EARN a scholarship, write a better essay, earn higher grades and do more volunteer work instead of expecting everything to be handed to you.
COME ON YO, OUT OF all THE BROTHER AND Sisters in this county not one of them Earned this GOT DAMB money? GIMME A BREAK, HONKY
Always resort to name calling when you don’t have a rational thought to offer.
I believe the United Negro College fund has some money for you Lawrence.
I really feel that we are “selling short” both the integrity and the intelligence of the good people of the APGFCU who are responsible for selecting scholarship recipients. They tried to do good thing for the community. Bottom line. The awards were based on achievement nothing more, nothing less. I don’t know why people are trying to inject racial entitlement in to the process.
Agreed. Double thumbs up if I could. Why the injection? Well…trolls gotta eat too.
The criteria for consideration and eventual award is straightforward and based on merit. I doubt there is any place on the scholarship application to indicate the applicants race and the committee making the selections probable has no idea.
Entitlement? WAT
I feel compelled to apologize to everyone on behalf of Lawrence. The schools in Harford County aren’t that great but poor Lawrence apparently can’t find his way to one. Lawrence, I am sorry for you. Have a nice day!
After reading some of the posts eluding that some type of foul or discrimination took place during the selection process it compels me to share with those readers a real life, real time scenario. I have agood friend who is a white gentleman who was born in South Africa. He was formerly a South African citizen before becoming an American citizen. He has a small business which from time to time he solicits Federal contracts. When applying for Federal contracts the application asks for his ethnicity. It also states that the information is for statistical purposes only. He reports his ethnicity as AfricanAmerican which is accurate. You can guess the rest of the story. He gets positive responses. He laughs all the way to the bank. And now youknow the rest of the story.Itgoes both ways.
You forgot to mention that he can pad his bids for contracts as minorities are allowed to be 15% higher and still be awarded winning contracts.
I don’t care what color they are… as a 34+ year member of APGFCU all I see is them once again handing money out to the public that should have gone to member dividends. The people that make APGFCU’s “generosity” possible can’t even get a free calendar. Hey APGFCU! Screw you! The only reason I didn’t leave 10 years ago is I’d have to change all my automatic deposits and payments… I’m sure they tell themselves people stay because we love them so much. I wouldn’t seek a loan from them on a bet. APGFCU was infinitely better when it was exclusive to military and dependents only.
So…you’re telling us that people stay because they are too lazy to leave? For once on here, we aren’t talking about the government being silly with your tax dollars. If you do not like the direction APGFCU is taking with your money, invest it somewhere else. There is more than one bank in Harford County.
Personally, I like the idea of them investing my money (yes, I’m a member too) in the future. None of these recipients are my children, but that does not mean I want to deny them the opportunity to better themselves.
A bank is not an investment. They’re there to perform a function and the way they work together ensures they basically all suck when it comes to interest payout – just compare the interest you get on your accounts to what they get when they loan it out. I understand the bank needs to turn a profit to pay employees and overhead but the rest should be dividend – the way it used to be. I too have no desire to deny any of these kids the opportunity to better themselves, but what I won’t do is praise APGFCU for being generous with other people’s money. There is no personal sacrifice or real generosity involved here. It’s interesting you’d bring up the government since there is a clear parallel of perceived ownership and control of other people’s money. I am no more a fan of banks than I am of the government.
They are a credit union not a bank, the money is not for the directors to shower on their pet projects for personal satsfaction.
For everyone who feels like APGFCU should not be funding anything like this then you are free to go elsewhere. Please feel free to leave. Don’t get me wrong. I agree with your sentiment but put your big girl panties on and leave. Or stay if you are too lazy to leave. But please stop whining like a toddler.
Go in to a branch, tell them you are closing your account, tell them why, and take your money and go elsewhere.
It seems like half the posts on here are in the vein of, “I don’t agree with how the government is spending tax money” (although seldom so politely stated). What can you do when you don’t like how the government spends your money? You (and I mean this in the universal sense, not a personal attack) can gripe about it, contact your representatives and/or vote differently. The bottom line is that the government is still going to take your money and more or less do what they want with it.
In the case of APGFCU, there IS something you can do: you can not let them take your money in the first place. Har. Co. is full of financial institutions, many of them within walking distance of each other. I took my business to APGFCU because I no longer agreed with some of BB&T’s policies. Give somebody else a spin if you feel like APGFCU no longer has the same priorities that you do. Heck, I’m excited for you (and this time, I do mean “hmmm…” specifically) because you can take immediate and positive action in this case. How great would it be to be able to tell the IRS, “I’m taking my business somewhere else!”
Realistically speaking, how much would $15k divided among all of APGFCU’s members put in our pockets? A dollar? (If it’s more than a dollar, we’d probably have to pay taxes on it…but that’s going in circles). I’ll give up a dollar to help 15 kids go to college. I could never have afforded college without scholarships.
We seem to be in disagreement over semantics and magnitudes here… Ok, maybe it was a dollar and you have no problem with them taking your (and my) dollar for a good cause. What if they decided you could give 10 dollars? Maybe 100? At some point you would be incensed over the root cause – they took something that wasn’t theirs to give to someone else and now they expect high praise for their fabricated generosity. Show me where the top execs pooled this money from their fat bonuses and I’ll be quiet – not that they would have noticed this drop in the bucket but it would have been, however insignificant, generosity. For me, the amount taken is irrelevant when the implied trust is being broken. It still calls itself a Credit Union which is what I signed up for only now it no longer behaves like one and I’m advised to disrupt my routine and invest the time and effort to move to another institution rather than expect them to adhere to their original mission. Refusing to hold anyone accountable is all the rage these days.
Well, hmmmmm, I am personally holding you accountable for closing your account, taking your money and leaving. Please report back to all of us when you do. If you do.
Obviously I’m free to leave and seen from the perspective of anyone that agrees with the credit union’s new mandate I should simply shoulder the burden of changing my financial arrangements rather than expect an institution to adhere to their original mission statement and I should shut up and go away. I actually don’t find dissent as unsettling as so many do these days. No doubt I can find another financial institution that has a clear mandate that they’ll soon deviate from as well. You say you’re holding me accountable… ironically, since I’m not a product of the “everyone gets a trophy for participating” generation, you actually can hold me accountable. It’s unfortunate you refuse to hold APGFCU to that same standard.
Hmmm…you are absolutely right that if I saw a line on my statement from APGFCU called, “Scholarship Fund,” I’d want some answers fast, regardless of the amount. The money APGFCU collects from me is from interest on loans and credit lines, according to a contract they and I both agreed to. I don’t have that contract in front of me, so I could very well be mistaken in my beliefs. As I see it though, since I don’t go to any shareholder meetings, vote for the board, or call to voice my opinions, I really don’t have any say in what they do with that money once they collect it from me. I don’t resent them giving in away to kids any more than using it to put up that billboard by Harford Rental. Now…if I ever found out they were giving that money to an organization I didn’t agree with politically, ideologically, etc. I would make darn sure that money no longer came from me. So far…as far as I know, anyway, they’re doing ok in my book.
Maybe you are more involved in the process. Maybe the magnitude is different for you. Honestly, I don’t know of any effective way to hold them “accountable” myself, short of cutting off their funding from me and lobbying everyone else I could to do the same. I really don’t know much about the banking industry, but I do know about taking my business elsewhere. I may be naïve, but I do believe in enough capitalism that if enough people boycott, even Walmart could go down.
I don’t know your situation with APGFCU. We may indeed be in different worlds of magnitudes and semantics.
In other news, it looks like HCPS needs 4 Trade teachers for tech.
Masonry, Auto, Culinary and Cyber Security.
How is it relevant? Not very.
Good luck pulling a worthwhile Cyber Security teacher for a HarCo teacher salary.