From Harford County Public Schools: (formerly the Character Education Partnership), a national character education advocate, recently recognized 64 schools and three districts from 14 states as 2015 National Schools of Character, including Harford County’s Magnolia Elementary School. Since’s Schools of Character program’s inception in 1998, 312 schools and 21 districts have been designated with this prestigious designation impacting more than 1.5 million students.
The Schools of Character application process provides an opportunity for schools to receive feedback as well as recognition for growth and excellence in the area of character education as measured by’s 11 Principles of Effective Character Education framework. National Schools of Character are schools that have demonstrated through a detailed evaluation process that character education has had a positive impact on academics, student behavior, and school climate. The designated schools earn the right to use the National School of Character name and logo for five years.
In March and April, all 104 National School of Character finalists underwent an intensive screening process that included site visits, conference calls, and an analysis of the impact that their character-related efforts had on academics, student behavior, and school culture as part of the consideration to be named a National School of Character. will honor the designated schools and districts at its 22nd National Forum on Character Education to be held the weekend of October 15-17, 2015, in Atlanta, Georgia. Visit to learn more about the National Forum, the Schools of Character program (State & National), and the 2015 national honorees.
In addition to being named both a Maryland and National 2015 School of Character, Magnolia Elementary School was recently recognized as the 2015 recipient of Vision in Action: The ASCD Whole Child Award; was the 2014 Gold Award recipient from Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS); and was the Maryland Center for Character Education at Stevenson University School of the Year for 2013-14.
About Founded in 1993,, is a national nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. It works with schools and districts to educate, inspire and empower young people to be ethical and engaged citizens. It is led by education leaders who are dedicated to teaching youth how to be both smart and good through the advancement of quality character development in all schools. The impact of this is seen through improved academic achievement, decline in behavioral problems such as truancy and school violence, and an increase in an overall positive school climate. Visit to learn more about the National Forum and the Schools of Character program.
About Character Education: Character education is an educational movement that supports the social, emotional and ethical development of students. It is the proactive effort by schools, districts, communities and states to help students develop important core ethical (recognizing what’s right) and performance (doing what’s right) values such as caring, honesty, diligence, fairness, fortitude, responsibility, grit, creativity, critical thinking and respect for self and others.
YO what Bout Edgewood SON? DAMB HONKIES always be winning awards n shit.
Damn krackers, always holding the black man down, I’m going to pull a sharptons daughter and trip my $250 nike’s over some crack in the sidewalk and sue somebody, don’t AX who I’m going to sue cause I don’t know yet, I first have to watch T.V. to get lawyer’s number.
Racial bigotry from the atypical white male’s. I can’t wait for the day ethnic minorities over populate this County.
Stereotype? Yep. Look at anything loud, fast, big, truck, big motor car, boat, hunting and you’ll see a fatass white male doing it.
That day may very well come to fruition. My question is what are ethnic minorities doing to dispel negative stereotypes regarding their own neighborhoods and overall sociability. Look at the many once proud and beautiful neighborhoods in Baltimore City that have been reduced to crime ridden slums when minorities became the majority. Show me one neighborhood in the State where minorities became the primary residents which got better, safer, or more prosperous. The Liberal Democrats answer is more money. Billions of dollars spent has done nothing to dispel these stereotypes or for that matter help the situation. Neither has over 50 years of Democratic control and strategies. Neither did the behavior displayed by so many in the city during the recent unrest. So….What is the answer? I am not sure. I feel that the primary building block has to be accountability and not excuses. People need to work and contribute to their own betterment and not wait for handouts. There are a lot of problems on both sides which need to be addressed.
How can it be a school of character, my daughter removed my grandson from that school because of bullying and the administration would not listen.
ashy ignant white people
one hearsay incident does not dictate the fitness of a school.