From Harford County Public Schools:
May 11, 2015
The Board of Education of Harford County met for an open business meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the A. A. Roberty Building and took the following actions and received the following presentations:
Board Comments
Public Comments
– Ryan Burbey, HCEA President: Applaud work done by BOE and note future efforts needed to retain current staff
– William Smith: Thank you to the Board members who will be leaving at the end of July for their service to the Board; speak to future efforts needed to retain current staff
– Jeff Kahr: Guidance on Foreign Exchange Student request
Old Business:
– Consent Agenda:
– Ratification of Negotiated Agreement with Harford County Education Association (HCEA)
– Ratification of Negotiated Agreement with American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
– Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: April 27, 2015
– Food Price Increases for 2015-16 School Year
– Decision on Contract Award: Video Surveillance System – Maintenance, Service and Equipment
– Decision and Recommendation on HCPS Board Policies by Patrick P. Spicer, Esq.
– Decision on:
Amendments to Board Policy Procedures Policy 22-0017
– Recommendation on:
Graduation Requirements Policy 04-0006
Minimum Reading Level Policy 04-0009
Summer School Programs Policy 04-0010
Guidance Programs Policy 04-0011
Family Life and Human Development Policy 04-0012
Environmental Education Programs Policy 04-0013
New Business:
– Superintendent’s Report
The next Board of Education business meeting will be held Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 6:30pm. All Board meetings are held in the A. A. Roberty Building. To access all future meeting dates and agendas, log onto the school system website at
Why was the principal of Hall’s Cross Road Elementary School removed? Another African-American female principal out by the current leadership. I feel that there is strong evidence of racism and sexism in Harford County Public Schools. It is very curious when the head of human resources refers to the candidate still remaining in the Elementary Principal Pool as “female African American”. What decade is she living in? WHy was she skipped over for the opening at Hickory Elementary and a white male not in the pool placed at the school? Could it be that the white male worked directly for Angela Morton? No good ole boy network at Hickory Ave.?????
Okay, what if there is strong racism and sexism? What is it you plan to do? Oh, right, nothing.
What If there is a “good ol boy network”? Why do you think anyone here cares? Again, tell me what you plan to do about it? Let me guess. It doesn’t take being a contestant on Wheel of Fortune to find the missing letter of the word “NOTHIN_” does it?
Hit “reply” and type up some more of your bullsh1t. I really care, please personally insult me too, I’m going to do my best to get really butthurt.
Go rant on Facebook, troll, so you can get your “likes.” Why would readers here know anything about HCPS personnel decisions? +3,000 teachers/administration in HCPS, you don’t think by chance at least some of them are not the greatest people alive, regardless of their ethnicity?
Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and the best you can come up with is your race (master)baiter comment?
Don’t forget to “thumb me down”
Exactly. Thats what I thought, hell, I’m sure you can find news articles in the last 10 years of HCPS employees being arrested/charged/conviction of wwhatever it was, and that’s the “stuff” we (the public) know about.
Who knows how many HCPS employees were fired/transferred/demoted imternally without public knowledge on a news paper.
Hey! Who let Burbey into the building?
I hope someone had soap ready to wash his mouth out.
A teacher was walked out of Patterson Mill High School in handcuffs a few weeks ago. No report in the papers. How does this type of news avoid coverage for the public’s knowledge? I’d like to know what has happended in case children are impacted.
What teacher?