From the Bel Air Police Department:
The Bel Air Police Department along with the Maryland State Police, Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Aberdeen Police, Havre de Grace Police and the Department of Emergency Services monitored the downtown area, Bel Air High School and Harford Mall for protesters or signs of unrest.
A small peaceful group holding signs assembled in front of the Harford County Circuit Courthouse. It is important that law enforcement and the community work together to provide a safe environment for our citizens.
Overall, those who assembled to exercise their right to free speech did so peacefully and without incident. No problems or disturbances were observed.
james langer says
Small group? What was it maybe 6?
Rediculas to say the least. Especially if count all the officers that were in bel air for a Protest!!!!!!!!!
GG says
If only the prosecutors of Baltimore city had been doing their job, poor career criminal Freddie would still be alive today wearing an orange jumpsuit getting 3 meals a day.
A Realist says
Exactly what does a prosecutor have to do with the death of this young man?!?!? Clown…
answer says
Prosecutors make the final decision to pursue which charges at trial. They also a determiners of whether to accept deals offered by the defense attorney and what sentence to seek from the judge. The point GG is making is that with the long list of charges and possible prison time Mr. Gray could have received from those charges he should have been in jail and not on the street at the time of his latest arrest. Most people seem to forget the roll prosecutors and judges play in the final disposition of those charges initially brought by the police.
A Realist says
Exactly how many times have you been to prison or jail? How many times have you sat before a judge and jury? Rite..Never!!! Don’t tell me what the “roll” of a prosecutor or a judge is. Neither of them were the cause of this man being killed. Clown…
gg says
Actually with the numerous previous crimes the prosecutors either failed to act on or let freddie plead to lesser charges is the fault of the prosecutor. Freddie was a career criminal that the prosecutors never once tried to rehabilitate.and now he’s dead because of their inaction. And 6 officers whos job it is to get the freddies of the world off the street are being put on trial for doing their jobs.
It’s just that simple.
Mosby screwed the pooch on this one.
BPD says
Why was Freddie still on the streets given his criminal record? Consider that Freddie may have been a police informant (snitch) and gave up bigger fish to fry than himself. Happens all the time, even here in Harford County.
answer says
@ A Realist
You are right that I have never been in jail and only been before a judge except to answer for a couple of minor traffic violations when I was a teenager. However, I have spent decades in court rooms and I am well versed in the responsibilities of prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, juries and police officers. I said nothing about the merits of the case involving the death of Mr. Gray but rather made a comment to explain what roll the prosecutor has in the final disposition of any criminal case. It would appear that you and many others jumped to erroneous assumptions as to the purpose of my post.
Soul Crusher 2 says
Funny how people do that on The Dagger, jump to conclusions? Right?
Miss Gulch says
What a thankless pitiful job it is to be a police officer in Baltimore City. If I had a loved one on that force I would be encouraging them to look elsewhere for employment. We are going to have 6 people made to be scapegoats for a complexity of problems that is so far beyond them. And their lives are going to be trashed, and for what? Every single police officer needs to quit and then just leave the city to the thugs. Who cares, its a pile of dung heap anyway.
SoulCrusher says
What a disgraceful group of Nazi’s you guys are. GG, answer and Miss Gulch, you are a total bunch of disgraceful idiots. I have condemned the riots on here because they were disgraceful. Now, its your turn. Those six cops deserve the charges they got. They illegally arrested that man, then killed him and tried to cover it up as an accident. I’m sure not all six will get convicted, but some of those six are now going to tell the truth. This whole thing, riots included, is the result of lying, no good police officers trying to pull that thin blue line BS and they got caught. Marilyn Mosby is the BEST prosecutor in MARYLAND, period. She is not going to help disgusting, lying, perjuring SOB’s like those sickening six. JOSEPH CASSILLY, I hope your watching real hard. This is what a REAL prosecutor does to lying cops. SEAN MARSTON, I hope your watching real hard. This is what a REAL Prosecutor does to lying cops like you! Christopher Tabone, I hope your watching real hard, this is the way a REAL prosecutor acts, instead of helping police prosecute on lies and fabricating false charges against people, such as myself. This is the NEW AGE of Judicial Reform and I hope Harford County is watching real f’ing good. Those of you on here condemning the actions of Marilyn Mosby, should be hailing her for her honesty and integrity, not condemning her actions the way you three idiots are. You guys are a total disgrace and really just need a nice tall glass of shut the F_ck up. How can you three F heads actually support the actions of those sinful six. I’m so glad I don’t live up there in Little Dueschland anymore. You Nazi’s need to appreciate the actions of Mosby and praise her. Instead you are defending the actions of six badged thugs that really caused all the chaos in Baltimore. Please, GFY’s…….
NotJustaSpermDonor says
You stated that you’re sure not all six will be convicted and then laud Mosby as the best prosecutor in Maryland. If all six are scum as you state, why would all of them not be convicted? Could it be that Mosby has inappropriately charged some of them in an attempt to have them lie about others just to save themselves from a needless prosecution?
After a change of venue for the trials we will find out just how great a prosecutor Ms Mosby really is. Let her pursue her charges in a court that will not be biased toward the police. I’m convinced that she purposely made statements in her press release knowing full well that she was providing the grounds for a change of venue motion. If these charges don’t stand up in an unbiased court she will blame the system and the people of another jurisdiction for failing once again to provide justice for the black community. That’s what politicians like Mosby do. You are right about Casilly, he is no different than Mosby. Both are politicians to the very core.
SoulCrusher says
Sometimes charges are the only way to get cops to tell the truth, not lie. Cops lie all on their own, especially to cover up for one another. Cops lie way too often. You don’t have to like it, but its the truth. All hail Marilyn Mosley…….
Mike Welsh says
Today there was an op/ed by Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post. Eugene is your typical race hustler who rarely writes any column without talking about race in America. The title of todays column is; To rebuild, first clear the blight. The bottom line of any Robinson rant is always money. As in the past, he states today that the State and National governments need to provide money to tear down all of the blight in Baltimore and then “invest” more money to provide jobs and education for the people of Baltimore.
Also today, CNN was interviewing former Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke. Schmoke was saying the same thing, only he was patting himself on the back by saying that he had built up the area where Fred Gray lived when he was Mayor, but after he left no one cared and allowed it to fall into disrepair. Now, he says it is beyond Baltimore’s ability to repair, so the State and National government need to step in and provide the money to help a once great city.
It’s easy to see a theme here. When watching live coverage of the demonstrations, local politicians were interviewed, and keeping to the talking points once again, they all said money was needed for the depressed areas of Baltimore so that “hope” could be restored.
The people who are spewing these talking points don’t really care about the people of Baltimore. They know that if they can pull this off and get major money channeled to Baltimore they will all line their pockets with a share of the pot of gold and the people who really need help will see very little of the invested money. The Fred Gray incident provided them a national opportunity to once again try for the pot of gold.
SoulCrusher says
I agree with you on this. Too many people are making money off of tragedy…
Open your eyes says
Very good post Mr. Mike. You nailed it. Robinson is an intelligent man but clearly a subliminal race baiter as is Melissa Harris-Perry and the always wacky Al Sharpton. Not every failure of the black community is the fault of the white man. I keep hearing that more money and more programs is the answer. Through the years I have seen very nice public housing projects being built and provided to the community. Guess what? In a very short time they have become slums. The problem is that too many of the recipients of public assistance programs and housing take it for granted. I proffer to you to look at the many proud and beautiful neighborhoods in and around Baltimore City that have been degraded to crime ridden slums in a short period of time. Those communities are now predominately black. Money is not the only answer. Civic and personal pride is the answer. Obeying the law and doing the right things keeps neighborhoods prospering. If you gave my Grandmother public housing in 20 years it would be cleaner than when she moved in. So would the adjacent sidewalks and streets. Why, because she had pride in her self and appreciation for the assistance. ….as for Mayor Schmoke and his comments. I wish that the media could track down some old Baltimore PD narcs who were working during his administration and asked them if they might have ever had the occasion to visit the home of one of his relatives in one of those neighborhoods that he “helped build up.” If that occurred maybe they could share the outcome. Enough said……On another note….Did anyone watch Fox news and see the Mayor of Baltimore City being protected from answering questions by Al Sharpon? She looked like a scared little child. Baltimore should be very proud of their leadership.
Mike Welsh says
I did not see the encounter you are talking about, however, last night on CNN, several reporters were asking Elijah Cummings (D, Congressman, Baltimore) questions as he was out on the streets among the protesters. Cummings made a statement that the Baltimore protests were an example of how cities should handle these types of incidents. He further stated that the Baltimore protests were peaceful. One of the reporters asked Cummings if he thought peaceful included the stores that were looted and burned, vehicles that were destroyed and the 25 police officers injured. Cummings replied that those incidents only occurred on Monday night and Baltimore had taken action to prevent further violence of that nature. I suppose Mr Cummings forgot that it took the Governor of Maryland to step in and take control of the situation in Baltimore for any semblance of law and order to be restored. You really have to hand it to Governor Hogan, he took control, ended the violence, and has stayed in the background while letting the Baltimore authorities pretend that they are the ones in control. Had O’Malley still been Governor he would have been front and center at every news briefing and probably on every Sunday morning talk show patting himself on the back. Hogan, he just stays in the background and gets the job done.
gg says
If you think those officers set out to kill poor Freddie you are a bigger idiot than mosbe. The man should have never been on the street terrorizing the citizens of Baltimore.
The 100 looters that were set free, are we going to charge the officers that locked them up with false arrest too?
Mosbe will set 2 records the youngest elected and the youngest no re elected.
SoulCrusher says
One of those officers did something that killed that man, 5 others are trying to cover it up. The forensic evidence of the injuries is all the proof needed. I think you’re forgetting that Freddy Gray should’ve never been arrested, but Mosley is definitely pointing that out. These guys did do something wrong, at least one of them will get convicted and if any of the others were involved, hopefully they will fry too……Just for the record, I see her having a long career in Baltimore and if you are lucky, maybe one day you’ll have a prosecutor with her honesty and integrity. You definitely don’t right now……
NotJustaSpermDonor says
If you’re as aware as some of your posts indicate then you know that we, the public, really don’t know what the hard evidence proves, one way or the other. Other than Mosby telling use that the medical examiner has ruled the death a homicide what hard evidence exists to support her charges. Even Mosby has stated that she will not release information about the evidence as the investigation in “on going”.
One or more of the Officers may in fact be culpable in the death of Mr. Gray, but I have not seen hard evidence yet which would substantiate that. At this point in time the most significant evidence of any Officer negligence is the failure to belt Mr. Gray in the transport van and/or summon medical assistance at an earlier point in time. While either one of those actions may have contributed to the death of Mr. Gray, they don’t appear to be willful negligence that would rise to the criminal standard.
SoulCrusher says
If the medical examiner says its a homicide, well, that means they saw something that is consistent with a death caused by actions of another person. Not hitting his head on a bolt. Not causing it himself. Not because he wasn’t seat belted in. The definition of Homicide is the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another aka murder. That’s the bottom line………….
gg says
Whether freddie should or shouldn’t have been detained isn’t a valid point unless Mosby wants to prosecute the officers who detained 200 looters but then let 100 of them go. Fact is the only one who might serve time is the driver Officer Caesar Goodson Jr who happens to be black. They are gonna have to come up with a new slogan blacklivesmatter isn’t working…. in more ways than one.
DKF says
Soulcrusher, thats not true. Homicide is the taking of a life by another but it can be lawful or unlawful. depends on the circumstances.
SoulCrusher says
@ DKF – You are talking about Justifiable Homicide. The circumstances involved in this just don’t fit the criteria – Read the Law Dictionary definition.
DKF says
Wrong SoulCrusher, I am using the Medical Examiner definition of Homicide, the party that declared it.
SoulCrusher says
SoulCrusher says
Any way you look at it, there was nothing justifiable or excusable because Freddie Gray was illegally arrested…….
The Money Tree says
Fact is you have no idea what the officers are or are not saying. Everybody stating “facts” beyond an arrest was made and the arrestee ended up seriously injured are making noises with their arse.
well.. says
We all know you hate cops; it’s a running commentary of yours and a natural sentiment for those who wish to circumvent laws they disagree with to resent those tasked with upholding them. However, your profound faith in this DA is perplexing to someone like myself who has never felt any real faith in any elected official of any party – even when I voted for them. Every vote is for the lesser of two evils. Certainly it’s showing my age when I look at her and see an inexperienced little girl, but when she spoke to the press to announce the charges (seemingly with barely suppressed glee) and then played to the mob with her unnecessary, inappropriate and unprofessional comments, she not only exposed her immaturity, but tainted the jury pool as well (but I’ve gotten used to the President doing that whenever he has the opportunity). Additionally, her being the spouse of a city councilman – as well as his involvement in the protests – makes me suspicious of anything she does and leads to a whole can of conflict of interest issues even beyond Mr. Gray. Having Sharpton (now THERE is a guy that belongs in jail) show up at the Mayor’s side only puts icing on the cake. Sharpton and Jackson have made comfortable livings off the suffering of others and racial harmony would soon see them starving. I have no doubt someone is guilty of something in this case, but this laundry list of charges is going to be very hard to stick, and just wait until those trials don’t go the way the mob wants now that she’s built them up to expect a thrill.
Mike Welsh says
My opinion of Ms Mosby”s comments is two fold. First, she wanted to calm the masses and let them think they had somehow achieved a victory. Second, she wanted to lay the grounds for change of venue. It will be easier to blame another jurisdiction if the Officers are exonerated. I say exonerated, based on what we currently know about the incident. There may be other damming evidence which we don’t know.
I thought it very interesting when Elijah Cummings was interviewed on TV and asked if he believed the charges made against the officers were justified given the evidence, would not answer in the affirmative. Both times, after lauding Mosby as an intelligent and ethical person, Cummings said that he believed she had “done the right thing” in bringing the charges. This leads me to believe that Cummings knows the evidence will not support the charges in trial, however, bringing them quelled the violence and unrest. The curfew was costing Baltimore millions of dollars and they were under tremendous pressure from the business community to get the curfew lifted.
Open your eyes says
Elijah Cummings (D-Congress) when being told that the FOP for the Baltimore City Police Department was adamantly in disagreement with the SA decision to charge the officers conveyed the following message. He stated in front of the media that the decision was made based on the system that is place. He went on to say that the system must be applied and respected. He stated that was the system that we have to go by. It will be interesting to see if he he experiences the same situational amnesia displayed by the city Mayor if the officers get exonerated and the city erupts.
SoulCrusher says
I’m not going to dispute your take on my feelings for Law Enforcement, because you are correct. As a matter of fact, your entire criminal justice system in Harford County makes me nauseous. I’m not going to go over all the criminal and constitutional violations that the Harford County criminal justice system perpetrated on me because it doesn’t matter pertaining to this subject and Aaron Cahill will delete or cover up any evidence I put on here. Just remember, the Harford County criminal justice system wanted me as a permanent life long enemy. You guys got what you wanted.
word on street says
As usual on this site, lots of people with opinions. They where charged , now let the system work. That is what you said in the Michael Brown case.
SoulCrusher says
Yes, I do believe that Michael Brown was murdered also. I believe that the prosecutor in that case led the Grand Jury to a non-indictment intentionally. Cops don’t need to kill unless there is danger, not because they are mad or embarrassed. I think that the Judicial System has been letting Law Enforcement run out of control for way for too long.
word on street says
Soulcrusher I agree, but now that we have the eye of the tiger,” video cameras” and citizen that are engaged that will change, they will be held in account.
DKF says
Personally I would be so mad if i lived in Baltimore and state trooper from another state told me i had to go inside for curfew. I know you bel air racists would be grabbing your guns immediately in tea-party rage.
NotJustaSpermDonor says
Somehow I think you would be mad if a State Trooper from Maryland told you to get inside your home. The Mayor of Baltimore issued the curfew order, not the State Troopers regardless of which state they serve.
SoulCrusher says
On a different note, but still pertaining to the subject of this particular thread. Does anyone know what the jurisdictional powers of a Law Enforcement Officer from a foreign state while intervening on behalf of another? Where they sworn in as temporary Officers of the State or are they lacking any enforcement powers? Not going to debate this question, just really ignorant to the subject and wondering if any of you out there know anything on this subject?
st8trooper says
They can be “deputized” and granted limited / full authority based on a Memorandum of Agreement / Mutual Consent with the parent agency.
This is true whether Harford County Deputies went to Baltimore City, or if the deputies / officers came from a neighboring state.
I am pretty sure that with any outside agency, there were BCPD personnel embedded to ensure that any arrest was lawful according to jurisdiction.
Mike Welsh says
There multiple jurisdictions that sent personnel to assist in Baltimore. I saw pictures of personnel from Washington DC police, Homeland Security, DC Park Police, US Navy, Air Force, and Army, along with jurisdictions within Maryland, Counties, Cities, etc.. There were a lot of folks in town to assist the BPD and I appreciate each and everyone of them.
A 3 year old black girl was killed in November of 2014 by black gang members while she was playing in front of her home. During the riots these same gang members set out to kill police and then go on camera to state we are about peace in our community. I have not seen one article on Dagger or in the news about this. I have not seen one protest, candle light, or even a riot. Why you ask? No I don’t need to answer because you all know the answer. By the way how many of you who are for black lives matter or we need to fix Baltimore will be selling your home in Harford County and moving to the Western District to show your TRUE support of Black Lives Matter? Once again we know the answer. And don’t give me that crap that we are supporting them in a different way. If you TRULY want to make a difference, move with your family and young children down there, put them in the great schools and make a difference. Go live the life they live daily. Otherwise you are nothing but hypocrites. Oh by the way since Mr. Gray’s death haven’t there been like ten murders in Baltimore, none by Police. Just saying. So Black Lives Matter?
SoulCrusher says
I saw coverage of this and was shocked. Later it was clarified that it was members of Clergy that were speaking to these gang leaders, not police or politicians. The story died. It is reprehensible to actually give gang leaders recognition or to suggest they are all about peace. This is BS. They are for the most part, terrorists. They govern by intimidation in their neighborhoods. I believe there should be no negotiation with gang leaders, as well as terrorists. Now you started off well and then you returned to your usual racist bit. It is plain that you don’t believe black lives matter. Is your solution to exterminate them? Sounds awful NAZI to me. Your suggestion to move down in the midst of West Baltimore is the stupidest bunch of Harford County hillbilly crap I’ve heard you mention. Sheer racial hatred is what you spew. I don’t know if there has been 10 murders or 50 since the riots, what real difference does it make?
NotJustaSpermDonor says
You state: “I don’t know if there has been 10 murders or 50 since the riots, what real difference does it make?
Apparently none since it has been going on in Baltimore for years, and most of those murdered are young black men like Freddie Gray. The only difference is that most of these young black men are murdered by other young black men who are not police officers. Do Black Lives Matter? Sometimes!
This is not about Freddie Gray. Gray is only the opportunity to make a national effort to get someone else’s money invested in Baltimore. Don’t believe it….just watch the Sunday Morning talk shows. Mike Welsh was right. This is all about MONEY.
SoulCrusher says
Apparently you have forgotten that Police Officers are civil servants that are held to higher standards than your average inner city street rats.
NotJustaSpermDonor says
No, I have not dismissed the fact that the police have a higher standard than non-police. But the conversation is not about that premise. The conversation is about whether Black Lives Matter. In the minds of inner city black youth the lives seem to only matter when the police are involved. Once the youth get out of hand and violence starts, black leadership joins the refrain and starts calling for new and additional “investment” (read money) in the community to lift these people out of the dredges in which they live and give them “hope”. When hundreds of young blacks are killed by other young blacks, the community by and large remains silent. You only see small pockets of people protesting or attending a vigil when a very young black gets caught in the crossfire and is killed, or a truly upstanding black teen is killed.
In my opinion the bottom line is this. Freddie Grays prior criminal history lets us know that he was a drug dealer. A Baltimore City Council member even confirmed that Gray was a drug dealer, but went further to say that Gray did what he had to do to help support his family. My thought is that had Gray been killed by another drug dealer instead of subsequently dieing after a police encounter we would not have heard a word about his death nor would Baltimore have cared. So, in the minds of inner city blacks, do black lives really matter? My answer would be….. sometimes, but not often.
hadenough says
She’s an activist, and a joke. The officers will be exhonerated, and then the idiots can complete the process of burning down West Baltimore. 57 years of Democratic leadership has worked out well for Black Baltimoreans. Congratulations on your success!!
By all means keep voting for the Democrats. They got you yo!!!!
SoulCrusher says
This isn’t a Republican / Democrat issue, no matter how bad you would like to spin it. This is an issue of excessive use of force by police all over the country. The situations involving black people get more media attention and attention from minority leaders who seem to get media coverage very easily. The problem is this, use of excessive force and the shootings of unarmed people, period. That is the REAL issue. Everyone wants to make it black or white, but its a growing problem all over the nation. Another issue is the continued falsification of information by fellow police officers in covering up the actual facts involved in cases involving excessive force and shootings of unarmed people. I personally know of current and former cops that carry throw away handguns and very small amounts of narcotics on their person or car to use to plant as evidence in certain situations. This is not a movie, its reality. The police need to start policing themselves and put an end to this crap and there won’t be anymore riots. Its just that simple. Stop covering up for one another! Finally, YES, you are right. If those 6 officers all get exhonerated and nobody pays the price for the events that led to Gray’s death, you will see more riots in the streets of Baltimore.
You are right it’s not about Democrat/Republican. It’s ALL democrats. Over 40 years of Democratic rule in the city. Now it’s run by a black mayor, black commissioner, majority black city council, and the majority of the police department is minority. You can harp on the police all you want because of your miserable life and type all the hatred on your computer from mommy’s basement but in the end black on black crime will continue. Baltimore City is the new Detroit. When the officers are exonerated the city will burn baby burn.
You are nothing but a typical liberal troll who uses NAZI as your comeback to my previous statement. That’s because you have no answers to solving the problem in the SH*T HOLE OF A CITY. Why don’t YOU go back to DUMDALK and lick the lead paint off your mommy’s section 8 house.
All I hear from you is cops do this cops do that and with this day of cameras all over the place why don’t you start filming these accusations. In fact start in the Western District to show how tough you are. NOT!!!
And finally your other typical liberal response is YOU A RACIST. Guess what, Don’t care. Truth hurts live with it or don’t. I prefer you don’t.
SoulCrusher says
I am white, moron. So I guess that leaves the whole racist thing out. You are a racist and from what I can tell, a Nazi. I’ve never lived in Dundalk and am Eastern Shore born and raised. The police have done me wrong, so no, they aren’t my favorite people, especially in Harford County. I own two houses, one in this state and one that is not. One of my houses just happens to be in Baltimore City. So you may be right about Baltimore, but you are not right about me…….
Agreed says
You are a white moron.
Barbara says
SoulCrusher says
I’ll consider the source. Most whites aren’t RACISTs…… but you two idiots are.
SoulCrusher says
You are a total piece of trash. I AM WHITE. I am a white Irish American, moron. I’ve never lived in Dundalk and was Eastern Shore born and raised. My opinions are because I believe in fair play and equality. You are a pathetic white penisless fool. I am not a liberal because I don’t believe in any party or system because I know for a fact the whole system is screwed to pieces. You can call it or me anything you want, but at the end of the day you will be a law abiding bigot and I will be a Freedom loving 2 time felon for growing pot. GFY, Nazi……
agreed says
SoulCrusher says
I knew it was you Marc.
Dissenter says
Like he said, what a bunch of focking nazi’s. Thank you soul crusher, you are my hero!!!Here’s for impeaching the spandex two name mayor. She is the one that should go down with those six pigs. Prediction, not one of those six criminals will go to jail where they will get thier up n comins, .lol Our government allows criminals like these to kill citizens. If you don’t believe me take a good look at harford co?
Soul Crusher 2 says
Spandex two-name mayor ——-
Chew On This says
Mike Welsh says
Read the commentary. Very interesting reading. Do you believe that there was any intentional/willful action by the Baltimore States Attorney or staff to deceive the media and general population?
How many HCPS teachers went to protest in the City?
wow says
Dissente , your an idiot. without looking up on the internet. do you have any clue why six officers were charged> how many death investigations have you heard of where there have been six defendants? yes I’m a cop. yes your an idiot.
word on street says
65% agree with the DA decision and 16% don’t according to PEW poll.
BPD says
Not surprising given who they polled.
B says
I would be getting my business out of baltimore immediately, because the thugs are going to burn the place down when justice is served and these officers are found not guilty.
Open your eyes says
Might be a wise move on your part “B”. I think you are absolutely correct. If there are no convictions the city will be in big trouble. When the charges were released by the SA the FOP was very upset and filed a written statement of same. At that time Elijah Cummings responded to the FOP stating that “the system which we have in place was used and the decision should be respected”. As I posted before, I fear that he will suffer from situational amnesia (just like the Mayor) and forget that he made that statement if the officers get exonerated.
I was watching the news tonight and they lightly touched on a very interesting topic. There are Federal laws, State laws, and Municipal laws and infractions. They indicated that that a Baltimore City Municipal infraction identified a spring loaded knife as being illegl to possess. Hang on a minute SoulCrusher, I didn’t research the statute I am just conveying a portion statements made on TV. However, if the the knife was illegal by any law it could make for some interesting legal arguments. There is case law when articulated properly to justify the original contact and stop. Known drug dealer, high drug/crime area, a furtive behavior, etc. The arrest will be the point of contention. So the plot thickens. Again, to SoulCrusher and any one else out there I did not reasearch the Baltimore City code of municipal infractions.
SoulCrusher says
It wasn’t a spring loaded knife aka switchblade. It was a spring assisted knife which is legal under Maryland Law and Baltimore City Code §59-22. It is legal because the assisted opening stud was on the BLADE and not the HANDLE. The Officer and his attorneys are reaching as it is plain this was not a SWITCHBLADE KNIFE and is available at local stores and flea markets all over BALTIMORE CITY. Just my take on it…….
SoulCrusher says
Correction, it was legal because it was not an AUTOMATIC knife….
Open your eyes says
I think it is going to come down to the “reasonable perception” of what the officer felt was probable cause. Suspects are brought in routinely on a daily basis for same and subsequently released. The stop was legal according to existing case law.
I feel that the police acted in good faith and at least the false imprisonment issue goes down the toilet. I respectfully support SoulCrusher’s right to disagree as he makes some valid points. The readers have gotten a perspective from and ex-cop and an ex-con. I guess time will tell.
SoulCrusher says
This is probably the most honest statement you have made on here. Congratulations! The only thing you have wrong is that in the State of Maryland and the eyes of the Criminal Justice System there is no such thing as an ex-con. Once a criminal always a criminal and to quote one of my former cop friends, “everyone is a criminal, they just haven’t been caught yet”.
B says
The knife is not going to matter and was not the reason he was chased.
SoulCrusher says
Interesting take on the situation. However, the knife was not an automatic knife which makes the arrest illegal. Also, the Officers involved claimed he was arrested without incident and this is plainly untrue as the injuries were considered a HOMICIDE by the medical examiner. This means that the injuries were caused by another person. Once again I point out that the evidence suggest dishonesty on part of the officers and their statements. Furthermore, more dishonesty occurred about the officers claims about the number of stops they made in the van and the concern about the welfare of Gray. When you have all these statements, that are dishonest in the nature of “good faith”, it is obvious that the truth is not being told by ALL the officers involved in the HOMICIDE. Lets not forget that it is the FOP’s job to defend officers of their Fraternity and it is the Prosecutors job to prosecute a crime committed. None of us will know what happens until the process is completed and this argument between advocates of police and Freddie Gray supporters will go on in Social Media until it plays out. I still say Moseby is correct in filing the charges. Lets see if the INDICTMENTS go thru…….
Wut says
The knife was illegal and Mosby grossly overcharged the LEO’s. The defense is salivating from her politically charged press conference and the confusing charges she submitted. The trials will be moved and an actual Prosecutor in another jurisdiction will be responsible for trying to prosecute this mixed up bunch of charges. Baltimore will riot as a result but that may well have been her intention all along.
Kharn says
It depends on the exact knife in question, MD’s knife laws are not easy to understand for either lay persons or law enforcement.
“Assisted opening” knives usually do not have a button, switch, or other mechanism on the handle for the user to use, they have a thumb stud (attached to the blade) or a “flipper” (a portion of the blade protruding through an opening on the closed side of the handle, flicking it with your finger or thumb will move the blade). The spring-assist only activates once the blade is beyond ~30% open, thus getting around the conventional definition of a switchblade because the operator touched the blade to open it. But some jurisdictions say any spring involvement makes it a switchblade, others say knives requiring only a single hand to open are restricted.
lead paint and drug dealing says
There are commonly sold knives that clip in your pocket and open by rolling your thumb across an open lever. They have no springs whatsoever and do not operate with gravity. Just like the term ‘reasonable’, if the law can be stretched it will be stretched. If you are making a quota sweep you will get arrested.
I do not blame the police on this. They are doing what they are told and what is customary. The judges and the politicians can stop any nonsense they want. It is beyond me how those in control can let this type of situation fester until it explodes. They cannot have a war on drugs without casualties. And now, you have six cops put through the ringer for doing what was usually their job and one dead black guy who was living off a lead paint disability and drug dealing. Shame.
Open your eyes says
Just was watching the NYPD funeral for slain Officer Moore. You probably did not catch it on MSNBC but Officer Moore was assassinated by a black man in response to the Eric Garner incident. I found it very interesting that the Obama administration sent three high level representatives to the Freddy Gray funeral and none to the funeral of police hero. It is a sad day in this country when a parasite Hood Rat receives greater attention from that POS in the White House then a slain police officer.
SoulCrusher says
It was on MSNBC the day of the funeral, all day long. President Obama also gave a national press conference on the same day condemning the act and praising the slain men as New York’s finest. I find it very interesting that you can always find a way to deliver negative criticism on the current president and can spin any and all occurrences of negativity to the fault of Obama. What channel were you watching that is airing a repeat of the funeral? Kind of morbid. Let me guess, FOXNEWS or one of its affiliates. You should change your screen name to “Eyes Wide Shut”, because you definitely don’t see anything around you when they are open. Especially if it does not fit into your perspective…….
Open your eyes says
It was a news recap on CNN. I have to watch recaps from time to time due to the fact that I am required to do something that maybe Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, and yourself are unfamiliar with. That is “WORK” to support my family. Since the government has never given me a dime of assistance I feel obligated to do this even in my retirement years to assist my children with their college educations etc. By the way. Just saying. My kids all have the same mother and father. Now in reference to the POS in the White House. This is not the first time he has snubbed the police of this country. His knee jerk reactions to police incidents are appalling. Right out of the gate he made uninformed inappropriate comments regarding the Cambridge Police Department incident with the college professor. The comments about the Ferguson incident before the investigation was completed were also inappropriate and counter productive. Then he sends high ranking government officials to the Freddie Gray funeral and not to the funeral of a police hero. As for your comment that I can always find fault with the POTUS that is not true. I hear that he is a pretty good golfer. He seems to be out doing that with great frequency. I see great comparisons between Obama and Nero.
SoulCrusher says
Well written Eyes Wide Shut. Like you, I don’t receive any assistance from the government. I am not allowed to work because BOSS HOGG, uh sorry, Dishonorable Judge Billy Goat Carr, says so. Obama has lashed out, sometimes with haste, to law enforcement he finds offensive. I however lash out because the Law Enforcement in Harford County that I encountered had absolutely no honor or truth in their souls. Never in my 42 years have I ever encountered a group claiming to have so much integrity, yet were so willing to lie not only in their documentation of fact, but under oath right in front of Judge Bowen. Some police deserve to be humiliated because they are even more wretched than the criminals they claim are so wrong. I see no reason to give respect to those who deserve so little, some of you have no real reasoning about you. Keep working and sending them kids to college tho, we wouldn’t want them to end up as ignorant as you…….
Open your eyes says
I am sorry I know you commented that you wished to move on and away from this thread but I had to ask. How can a Judge, Federal, State, or Local order or prohibit a person from working? I shared your comments with many of my police and lawyer friends and they have never heard of such a thing. Maybe you misinterpreted what the Judge meant to say. Could he have been ordering you to indefinately abstain from the weed business? I realize that you have maintained that it was a “personal use” endeavor but apparently the court(s) didn’t see it that way. Respectfully, could you please explain what you meant? I’m anxiously awaiting to hear your response.
SoulCrusher says
The courts didn’t see it anyway at all. This was a screwjob orchestrated by Cassilly, Tabone, Carr and Edward Thomas Maxwell Jr., to try and keep me silent. Maxwell even instituted a $250,000 lawsuit against me to try and keep me silent. I forced it to be dismissed by insufficient process. Maxwell could’ve reinstituted the suit, but didn’t because of damning interrogatory questions I asked in response. – A felony conviction in Maryland takes away your right to work. There is no professional or business license in the State of Maryland that can be obtained without some sort of waiver or OSHA hearing. Since I claim that it was an illegal an unconstitutional conviction, no waiver will be granted due to lack of remorse. The State basically says if you don’t give up all your rights and allow them to disenfranchise you, you never get to work in our state again. Ask your Cop and Lawyer friends about that. I couldn’t even open a restaurant due to not being able to acquire the liquor license and I do no bidding for others as its against my law. Nobody is my master, I can not obtain licenses so everything I do is off the books. Trust me, if your computer is continuously having problems, I’m who you want to fix it. I’ve removed viruses that do not even show up in any knowledge bases. I restore lost data when everyone else says there is nothing that can be done. I’m your last resort when all others and all options have failed. If I say your computer is screwed then it is unfixable without a new drive or completely new install of the operating system. However, I’m very hard to find and even harder to get to do work for you if I don’t know you……..
Hank says
So in other words, you’re the computer support A-Team?
In any case, that’s not the court’s fault that you refuse to work for anyone else. They aren’t forbidding you from finding employment. If you do everything off the books better hope the IRS doesn’t come down on you for tax evasion, Al Capone Jr.
A.J. Taylor says
@SoulCrusher ….or Murdock….
You stated that ” Nobody is my master”….. Yet, it appears that you have allowed your past to completely master the rest of your life.
You are the only one responsible for your decisions, your emotions and your reactions to the actions of others. To respond otherwise indicates that you have relinquished control.
Everyone has s&%t in their lives. Stop blaming others and fix it.
Also, OSHA encourages contractors to hire felons and businesses are given tax breaks for doing the same…… so…..
SoulCrusher says
I’m not supposed to fix anything, it was an illegal and unconstitutional conviction. Yes, it is the Boss Hogg’s fault that I can not be employed. You want me to be a slave to a BOSS! That’s unreasonable. You can all live in a world where you call slavery employment, but in reality you are slaves to your masters, period. I’m not and will not be anyone’s slave. It is just that simple. As for the IRS, I will not abide or recognize any law, be it Maryland or for the US, until my constitutional rights are recognized. Its not illegal not to file, its illegal to lie about your filings. I have no REPORTABLE income, so I am not required to file. I will not pay any tax, other than a property tax, until my rights are recognized. I do recognize the Law of Yah, you know, the ten commandments. That is the only law that I need to abide by and I do. Laws of men are of corruption. I do recognize laws of men that are consistent with the law of Yah. I thought you knew better Marc…….
A.J. Taylor says
Unfortunately, this is a very common misconception. In fact, with few exceptions, all income is reportable… including that generated through illegal means.
As the only proficient office of the gov., the IRS will get around to you eventually.
….”Give unto Ceasar…”
Paranoia, by the way, is an early indication of the negative effects of longtime marajuana use….. Who is Marc?
A.J. Taylor says
Now, now, Soul Cookies…. such language will surely result in your dismissal from the debate team….
And, Thank You for the free marketing! Who doesn’t read the hidden comments? lol…
Instead of resorting to such attention drawing tactics, you may want to try framing an argument with facts and logic…. just a suggestion…. an opinion… and we all know what is said about opinions.
Try it some time!
And, have yourself a wonderful day! It promises to be a beautiful one.
SoulCrusher says
I thought you were Multiple Personality Marc Eaton. If not, sorry. If so, KMA. The IRS has NO reason to fondle my jewels, I make NO money, what do you not understand? My income will remain under $10,150.00 until my rights are recognized. Oh and Caesar can KMA too. Along with the IRS……. P.S. If you can’t spell the famous persons name you are referring to, you should probably STFU…….
A.J. Taylor says
Relax, dude. Light up another one if you have too…
While it’s true that Reality can Hurt, you’ll be a much happier person once you accept the past is past and start to reclaim your life.
You are correct about the spelling…. not much of a speller… I accept it as a fault and seek to improve so please feel free to call me out on it whenever you see an error. I own my mistakes…. or, I guess I could blame my English teachers…
Lol… have a great night
SoulCrusher says
Frantic says
Aaron Cahill had peter for breakfast…….
Open your eyes says
Has the all omnicient Soulcrusher met his intellectual match with A.J. Taylor? Very interesting exchanges between the two. So far, and I’m not a betting man, I’d have to put the smart money on Taylor. Taylor came out smoking with very articulate verbage. Soul Man covered up against the ropes and started name calling. I am looking forward to further interaction between the two.
A.J. Taylor 7:1
SoulCrusher 3:5
Open your eyes says
We are all reasonably intelligent folks. It is 0650 hours in the morning. Historically on this site, there have never been so many thumbs up or down attached in a 5 minute window. I do not dispute that you are somewhat savvy with regards to computers but please don’t attempt to use that knowledge to censor these threads. I thought you were classier than that. Let’s keep it real.
A.J. Taylor says
I’m certain that SC has a small army of supporters… all of whom are, obviously, early risers….
Slippery says
Game ,set ,match Soul Man the Eyes have it.
SoulCrusher says
And just like that, in less than 5 minutes, my thumb count is on top. C’mon moron, haven’t you been paying attention…….
SoulCrusher says
I don’t think so….. I just don’t feel the need to play proxy server warfare with Multiple Personality Marc. This thread is dead anyway. Move on to the next article and hijack that one…..
A.J. Taylor says
….collect stamps. Win valuable prizes.
Hedley Lamarr says
Maybe its time for white people to riot, 61 year old white man almost beaten to death by 39 Black THUGS, this happened in the Harbor View are in Balto. City. White man was ask the animals to stop fighting and get off his truck, Bleeding of the brain, two broken eye sockets, broken nose, broken ribs and other injuries. Medical cost 200K. BTW, these were high school thugs, punks, animals. Where is Sharpton, and Mosley.
Open your eyes says
The city is 70% black. Blacks were the supects not police officers. It will be intersting to see the priority Mosby puts on solving and prosecuting this one. Furthermore, there is no way that she will end up getting a photo shoot with Prince if she pursues this one.
SoulCrusher says
Agreed, that was totally F_CKED UP! Those kids should be tried as adults and go to jail.
hmmm... says
Animals. Pure and simple. He should have known better than to approach wild animals – especially while they’re in a feeding frenzy like that. The best part of them rolled down their daddy’s leg. I’m sick and tired of the black community blaming animal behavior on a fictitious lack of opportunity. I’ve seen real poverty… squatter area shanty shacks… starving children… ribs showing, bread bags on feet poverty. They dream of the opportunity these animals have at their fingertips yet piss and moan about how hard it is. Sharpton could hire most of those animals just on the money he owes to the IRS – while anyone else would be in prison for far less. Instead he’ll blame “the man” and “we need opportunity and investment”, it’s all whitey’s fault those “misguided youth” tried to beat that man to death. What a morally bankrupt POS that profits off the suffering of those he claims to care so much about. Al, baby, have you looked in the mirror lately? You’re really looking bad, I think the inner you is starting to show through. Oh, careful how you use “thug” now… even though since the ’60’s I’ve thought of “thug” as any bully/bruiser – usually with no neck and unable to count to eleven without taking off a shoe – now it’s been hijacked as an insult to blacks. Hey, just maybe it’s NOT all about you… either get busy making something of yourself or keep playing the perpetual victim and see how that works out for you.
Hedley Lamarr says
There is a whole lot of white folk getting sick and tired of hearing poor old me from the black race, it’s all whitey’s fault. Did you happen to listen to Michelle Obama’s commencement speech the other day, listen real close, of course it was racist but she is a Harvard educated women that turned on the yo, almost ebonic slang because it was almost all black, what was that about. It’s pathetic. Everyone should prepare for the worst and hope for the best, meaning protect yourself, property and your family and don’t depend on the government to protect you. When the majority of the six cops have their charges dropped be prepared, I am, let some yo come onto my property to set fire or bust things up.
A.J. Taylor says
Granted, I don’t watch much television… I get most of my news through subscriptions to online outlets. But I do find it interesting that I had to actually Google the story you are referring too. (The big stories usually make their way in). The footage of the attack is brutal and horrifying and oh, so very random.
With all the pointless fluff that ends up in my news feed and inbox, why isn’t this being covered? Sick world, man.
Hedley Lamarr says
My guess would be city officials told local new outlets not to run the story, I seen it on Fox News, It’s pathetic local news didn’t run it. This is a case of reverse discrimination, If 39 WHITE high school kids beat a 61 year old black man all hell would break loose. It would be on ALL news stations running 24/7, Sharpton, both Obama’s, naacp would all be involved. Don’t know about you but I for one am sick of the WHITE man being beat down. Time for the WHITE race to stand up and push back.
Dissenter says
wow…if your a cop, news flash…your an idiot
Hedley Lamarr says
Dissenter, there is something on the bottom of a post in red called “REPLY”, don’t know if your black ass is responding to me or someone else, if your responding to my comments I only hope your first on my property to try and destroy or burn.
Dissenter says
and prob an “A”rrogant, “B”elligerent, “C”allus, “D”isresrecpectful one at that!
Open your eyes says
OK, I would like to know the answer to this one. Two Baltimore City Correctional Officers (both black females) were arrested and charged with burglary and theft during the recent altimore City riots. I think it was as the result of the review of surveillance cameras. They are currently suspended without pay due to being charged with a felony. I would like to hear Al Sharpton, Melissa Harris-Perry, or Elijah Cummings to name a few justify this one. Poverty should not be a defense they were employed with a good goverment job. “Jobs” shouldn’t be an issue either. I would really like to hear the justification for this one.
Dissenter says
Hey hedley, give me som hedley…lol just so u dip shit assholes know, “I AM” yes i am a whiter than white middle aged male who hates white cops more then black, no really… im not prejudice, i hate all pigs no matter of their color or smell. YOU, yes you are the discriminant asshole. its dangerous jerk offs like you that keep wonderful people like me in business. go ruin someones life dick head.