The following letter was sent from Gary Ambridge to Gov. Larry Hogan, Sen. Bob Cassilly, and Del. Susan McComas. A copy was provided to The Dagger for publication:
Dear Elected State Officials:
There are several compelling reasons against building this Bel Air Walmart that its floor space alone will cover 4.21 acres of space, or the size of 12.6 football fields , and will generate an additional 10,000 cars a day onto our already overburdened roads. This figure does not include parking nor take into consideration of the second large parcel of land behind the Walmart zoned for big business. Recently, the SHA reversed its decision to allow access to Emmorton Road and did not provide a reason for this change that cannot but cripple our roads even more than they are now. They have already stated that Emmorton Road will need to be expanded to six lanes in order to accommodate this traffic. State regulations will compel Walmart to mitigate the traffic infrastructure only adjacent to their property; the rest of the cost will be on us as tax payers because we already don’t have enough taxes.
As was stated by a traffic study hired by Harford County on Nov. 2013: “…The SHA reviewed and determined that a MD 924 access would not be granted for the development. The bases for the decision is that the County roadways provide ample opportunity for access to the local roadway network with appropriate improvements…While the developer may desire an access on MD 924 to improve marketability, the addition of a MD 924 access does not provide a substantial transportation benefit to the overall roadway network…the SHA does not support a MD 924 access or a traffic signal with Bright Oaks Drive.” (Joseph Caloggero, The Traffic Group, 11-25-13 to Alex Rawls, Transportation Planner, Harford County)”
No one seems to take ownership for this decision. Our County Executive, Barry Glassman, indicated to me in a letter that he was not in a position to mediate with the Maryland State Highway Administration’s decision that reversed its earlier decision to grant access to Emmorton Road for Walmart: “…The county is not in a position to grant, deny, confirm, or regulate state highway access….” (2 20, 2015.) That letter, to me, also would preclude the County Council as an avenue for help. It would, of course, be a waste of time to contact Walmart.
Therefore, to whom shall we go for help with the State Highway administration? I feel it would be incumbent on us, as citizens and tax payers, to contact our state representatives who are in a position to help us redress the SHA’s decision to allow Walmart access to Emmorton Road. They have been elected to serve us, the voter, and I am certain that when re-election time comes along again, they will be there, with their hand out, asking for our money and vote.
We will certainly experience a degradation of both our quality of life and a plunge of property values if this Walmart is allowed access to Emmorton Road. Please write to me and indicate what specific steps you will take to reverse the latest SHA’s decision to allow Walmart access to Emmorton Road.
Gary Ambridge
Based on what facts can they say their property value will be hurt?
Please show the proof of this statement.
The fact that Ryan Homes is selling out at fallston commons which abuts Wal Marts parking lot pretty much destroys that statement. That and the fact fallston commons starts art $320,000 which is well above the value of any house in the Bel Air south community.
If anything Wal Mart should be complaining Bright Oaks is destroying their potential store value and the whole community deserves to be flattened and turned into a nice park.
So DLW thinks that living on roads that are already overcrowded and adding some 10,000 additional cars, not including the hundreds of tractor traitor trucks to service Walmart, will INCREASE property values. He must live in la-la land with Linda, but he surely does not live here.
Gary what is currently being done to correct the “already overcrowded roads”?
Gary no where did I or anyone else I know of say Wal Mart will increase values. The burden of proof falls squarely on your shoulders Gary. You claim to the elected officials and the entire community that Wal MArt will cause a Plunge in property values and a degradation in life quality. Post up the data man we are going to need to see the facts unless you are just making all this up.
RES IPSA LOQUITU No Linda, it is self evident that choking traffic decreases the quality of life and that decreases property values. You are using an ARGUMENTUM AD IGNORANTIAM argument. It is up to you to prove that increased traffic will increase property values. And at the risk of repeating myself: “Moreover, may I suggest that unless YOU live here and will suffer from this super Walmart, I would ask you to keep your pro-congestion opinions to yourself?”
Gary you need to go back and reread what an argument from ignorance is. What’s next…. Russels tea pot really does exist?
Gary the proof is up to you if you have no evidence that Wal Marts cause property values to plummet just say so. After all there are over 11,000 stores surely you can come up with 1.
Gary how about a good strawman argument?
Traffic is horrible in Manhattan yet property prices are outrageous.
There is no traffic in South Dakota yet property prices are very low.
Please explain. 😉
Yes, true but most people living in Manhattan have more money than they know what to do with and prefer city life – density, dirt and crime. They seek it out…it isn’t being forced on them by developers and the Walmarts of the world. Nobody lives in or moved to Belair to have it morph into York Rd. The people in the neighborhood are doing nothing more than trying to defend the preservation of their neighborhoods as is their right and duty if they give two shakes about their kids, their town and their environment. It seems lost on some that just because it’s legal doesn’t always make it wise. That Walmart store being proposed is too big for the neighborhood and the traffic generated is too much for the streets surrounding whether it’s 5000 or 10,000 cars per day. One way each direction won’t cut it and Walmart being asked to modify intersection up and down that section of road doesn’t change squat – unless we start dropping cars into the lot from helicopters…they gotta get across and onto 924 from other roads and farther sections of Emmorton Rd.
Linda: read this s l o w l y, the opposite of property values lessening is that they are rising. It is self evident that too much traffic won’t improve values. Prove to me that overburden roads will improve values. No one but a complete moron would think that they would. You can’t compare Bel Air with Manhattan and have an intelligent discussion, but, then, that seems beyond you and it is obvious that you do not live here.
Lastly, and I mean lastly because you’re too stubborn to continue, my whole point is NOT about Walmart being in Bel Air. I consider that it is a fait accompli seeing how craven and corrupt County officials are, but rather that the SHA changed its ruling about access to Rt. 924 without reason. But, if you were able to comprehend my letter you’d know that.
Gary where your argument fails is you think either values “plunge” or they rise. Look over the value of your house from the previous 10 years. In 2005 it was over $600,000 today it is barely over $400,000 where it has remained for the last decade. It has neither risen nor “plunged” . Unless you can prove otherwise the most logical assumption is Wal Mart and traffic will have no effect on your property value.
And Gary you kinda old and not long for this world, shouldn’t you be looking into some sort of retirement facility? There is a real nice one behind the Sonic drive inn..
And the problem with you Linda, apart from being dense, is that you can’t focus on the mail point.
Second Rule of Internet Debates: Use of Latin phrases disqualifies any argument made by the poster and makes him look like a pretentious d-bag.
And the third rule for “MyNameHere says” is that there is this thing called Google for you ignorant folk.
Gary we have previously covered the incorrect number of 10,000 cars per day. Everyone including you knows the number is not correct. Why do you continue to use it?
Do you believe Governor Hogan will just take your word for it?
A suggestion for you, rewrite the letter, fill it full of actual facts that can not be refuted and send that to the Governor.
On April 1 we had this discussion here:
Your direct quote : “The 10,000 cars a day figure was from Walmart Linda. Let’s put this store in perspective; it is 4.21 acres or the size of 12.6 football fields. But that is not my point nor is the traffic it will generate”
Apparently what wasn’t your point 25 days ago now is. Your flip flopping brings question to your credibility.
Linda: I believe my statement to you is self explanatory. It requires no other clarification.
Constant Friendship is the perfect place for WalMart. Several major roads lead into a retail complex. Unlike the proposed Bel Air location which is a predominantly residential area. At whatever the increased traffic volume, this can’t be a good thing for the 24/924 road infrastructure in that area.
Residential area? Stand at the corner of Plumbtree and 924 and tell me exactly how many houses you can see.
Linda, you do realize that they want to have an entrance directly across from Bright Oaks Drive. If I stand at 924 and Bright Oaks, I can see plentys of townhouses, condos and single family homes, along with a lot of Patterson Mills Students walking along 924 on their way to school. So yes, it is a residential area.
Currently it is no more a residential area that where the current store is located. The fact that construction has begun on Riverwoods of Tollgate apartments and will be ready this winter it could easily be argued that plumbtree is less residential and more suitable than the current location.
Linda, do you or do you not see houses when you stand at Bright Oak and 924? While you are there, look around and see all the students walking along 924 on their way to school. Now stand at the entrance to the current Walmart and tell me how many kids have to walk by to get to their school. The fact that you do not believe that the proposed location is a residential area leads me to believe that you do not know the Bel Air South area very well and that you are some kind of shill for Walmart.
Oh come on you are grasping for made up facts. Of course you can see Bright Oaks from that intersection that wasn’t the question was it. You can see the houses on Aiken terrace and hundreds of others from the current Abingdon store.
Your noticed failure to mention is also from the Bright Oaks intersection you can see the 3 story mini storage building, the new Mes Star, Burgerking, the entire rear of festival ( ain’t that pretty) Sizzlin Bombay a couple of banks and clark turners offices. Very residential indeed.
And where are all these children everyone talks about walking? The impression is there must be herds of them traveling the dangerous edges of the already overcrowded road ways. I travel the area almost daily and have not witnessed this yet but I’m still hoping to see the spectacle.
The current store is way farther away from houses and schools than the new one will be and appropriately located off a highway and 24 and on a street with all business. No residences anywhere close! My house will be a 2 minute walk across the street. VERY close! TOO close!
Colleen…. do us all a favor and goggle “Riverwoods at tollgate” then get back to us with your findings. Ignorant is no way to go through life.
OH you’re talking about the 198 “Wal-Mart”apartments that may call for the elimination of the light at Plumtree. I am well aware of it and don’t see your point. Bright Oaks is even closer and doesn’t that make it more residential if youte adding 198 apartments? Last I checked apartments are where people live, therefore residences. Yeah just what we need. Apartments and Wal-Mart. If you love the idea then you all are the Essex/Dundalk wannabes, not me! Lol Btw whoever posted about the golden globes in Essex, they are in Dundalk.
Linda, the fact that you do not see students walking back and forth to school and do not believe that they do so only re-enforces the concept that you do not know this stretch of 924 very well. I personally know families who have students walking that stretch. You did not answer my previous questions on how man students walk by the current Walmart location to get to school. I know you can’t answer it because that number is zero and it is not a number you like to hear.
Well from Bel Air now that you said you personally know families that makes all the difference in the world.
Well the girl who wash’s my dog, has an uncle who works with a woman who’s kids say no one walks that stretch oh road.
Top that.
Linda, I really do not care that you do not believe me, but your sarcastic tone leads me to believe I really hit a nerve. I know that students walk that stretch, if you do not believe me, you are just choosing to show your own ignorance and once again proving you do not know that area well. But i it makes you happy, go ahead and mock me. The real residents of that area know the truth.
Why are we bringing school kids into this? So what if they walk to school along 924 – build a damn sidewalk.
For the record, you can “see” houses from the current Walmart as well. Don’t think that just because there are several major roads leading into a retail area at the current location, it solves all of the traffic problems. All of that construction to “ease” the burden – and there is still only a single ingress / egress into that Shopping Center. Yes, it does have a traffic light – but I urge you to visit there around the holidays when people go nuts for a 15% discount on underwear, pretzels and Orioles gear.
If the don’t build there, something else will eventually move in and piss you off.
Speaking of pissed off, the next time your gay band of bored, NIMBY homeowners stages a protest and sticks their stupid, red “No Bel Air Walmart” signs in front of my windshield, expect to be pulling it from your rectum later.
Ease up.
Maybe you should stand on my deck Linda, and tell me that you can’t see the proposed Walmart site or hear the traffic on 924, which will only get worse! Get YOUR facts straight. I am so appalled about the fact of living across the street from a Walmart that I have put my house up FOR SALE! You obviously don’t live as close as you’d like to a Walmart, so I welcome you to come to my OPEN HOUSE next Sunday May 3rd. It’s a very nice townhome and within walking distance to the proposed Walmart. 🙂
Town house with a deck that can see the new Wal Mart and hear 924.
Sounds absolutely like a little slice of heaven.
Coleen it’s a shame you can;t see Wal Mart isn’t the problem you are.
Where are you moving too? Essex?
Some one told Colleen those big golden eggs off 695 were Epcot essex.
Cool thing is you can always tell it’s going to rain in the summer because it smells like pooh.
May be your slice of heaven but not mine! So if it’s yours then buy my house. You’ll love it! I just like more open space. My dream is a house with a yard and a pool and my horse in the backyard. That’s what I’d like to look at. If you want to look at Wal-Mart then buy my house. ???? I am very happy to hear that this may be to someone’s liking. Means I can sell.
You’re the ones who shop at the trashiest store in America! You belong in Essex. And the shit plant is on Dundalk, not Essex. Lol
Miss Colleen: I am an investor very interested in homes for sale in the area. Could you please give me the location of your open house for the 3rd of May and I may be able to offer you a cash quick settlement prior.
I very much look forward to hoping to hear from you.
I am a teacher with a master’s degree. Born and raised in Perry Hall. Bel Air has become a place where I do not want to live. I am moving back to Perry Hall, or to a more suitable location near there, away from this mess. Follow the signs to my townhouse on Sunday. 215K and it’s yours! That’s what I need to break even and be out of here. Your offer will be accepted very quickly. I moved to Bel Air to escape congestion 12 years ago. This is not the place I moved to. It has changed and not to my liking. I have a horse on a farm in Joppa. I’m not an Essex kind of woman, trust me! Lol I just don’t like congestion. If you do, then PLEASE buy my house! This has nothing to do with whatever Tollgate community you are referring to. They are not across the street as close as my house is. My agent will look forward to seeing you next Sunday. Look it up on Zillow. I am sure you will find it.
May be your slice of heaven but not mine! So if it’s yours then buy my house. You’ll love it! I just like more open space. My dream is a house with a yard and a pool and my horse in the backyard. That’s what I’d like to look at. If you want to look at Wal-Mart then buy my house. ???? I am very happy to hear that this may be to someone’s liking. Means I can sell.
Sihed, Oak Crest CT look it up on Zillow. Only 2 houses for sale.Open house 12-2 Sunday.
We rent to illegal aliens
No smart landlord knowingly rents to illegals.
They’re a gigantic pain to deal with since they’ll skip out on the rent and change their identity so any court order or wage garnishment you get is unenforceable.
Constant Friendship would have been a good place for a Walmart if someone had thought ahead and put a second road into the complex. But no one did, and now there are too many developed properties around it, so Walmart is moving to a site with better road access.
Thanks for pointing that out. It has one way out and one way in. I am not a Walmart fan, but I take issue with how long this has taken. In the time this debate has taken, without fanfare or the benefit of commiunity input they decided to put a huge apartment complex behind the Target at Constant Friendship. By the time the residents realized what was happening they had broken ground– and hey — no traffic study necessary! So it’s hard for me to feel sorry for the Bel Air folks whose solution is to send even more traffic to my neighborhood.
I guarantee everyone Complaining Now, will be shopping there Once its Open !!
Nope! I have boycotted since 2012 and never plan to shop there again. It’s bad for our economy and our country and I don’t respect a company that can’t pay it’s workers and use tax dollars to subsidize their benefits. Wegmans and Target are much better anyway. I don’t miss Walmart AT ALL!
Do you teach in Harford Co?
Nope. I teach in Baltimore County in the Perry Hall area where I grew up, I should never have left!
If you’re already boycotting them, why should Walmart listen to you?
Kharn thinks that unless you support Walmart already you should have no voice or opinion. Next time a strip club wants to open shop next door to your house remember Kharn thinks unless you support strip clubs or frequent them you are not entitled to a voice or opinion. In Kharn’s world apparently that makes sense.
As long as they have good wings, I’m cool with that.
I can guarantee that everyone arguing against traffic mitigation will be the first to complain about being taxed to death once they realize that if Walmart doesn’t pay for the mess of its own creation, then it will be funded by the public.
Somebody just call it what it is. The reason you don’t want the Wal Mart is due to the “unspoken” reality of the horrific people that will work there and shop there via public transportation.
Hopefully they will have shuttles from Edgewood, Joppa to Walmart so the poor souls without transportation can benefit from the lower prices. This gives me a great idea to start a shuttle business. I might be looking for some investors, we can collect from both the passengers and Walmart.
Do you really believe a large number of people walk from Edgewood and Joppa to the current Walmart?
Great idea asshole! Just what our nice neighborhood needs. And there goes the neighborhood. Trash!
Could you articulate how you think Walmart will cause problems for your neighborhood, besides traffic?
Are the houses surrounding the Fallston store having the same problems you’re expecting?
The people who live near the Fallston Wal-Mart CHOSE to live within walking distance of Wal-Mart. We did not choose this. It is being pushed on us by a greedy company owned many rich assholes who only care about their bottom line, not their customers and definitely not their employees or our country’s economy.
Colleen you believe since you were there first your emotions should come before Wal Marts legal rights. What about where ever it is you are moving too. Should your potentially new neighbors have the right to decide whether or not they allow you in? What if they decide a single woman probably won’t be able to keep up on maintenance and you are going to drag down their house values, you would have no problem if they said you were totally unacceptable and need to go somewhere else?
You chose to live next to probably the most valuable piece of undeveloped land in Bel Air. Any unused land is always at risk of rezoning and development.
Would you have preferred the previous owner’s proposed Section 8 housing?
Kharn – you lost the right to having a dog in the fight when you whined about the changes to the bus and location schedules last dangerous it was for your kids to have to walk down the street in Churchville. I can’t imagine the level of shock and outrage coming out of you if they built a Walmart next to your house. I’d need a gas mask to escape that heavy stench of hypocrisy.
Money Tree,
Walmart will be required to pave sidewalks.
Built it and they will come. What would be nice if they opened a Sams club close by, Keep building.
Just look at the crime statistics since the Fallston Walmart opened. The Sheriff’s Office receives several calls a day for incidents there and in the vicinity. For those who demand facts, go to or google any other website that shows crime statistics. Don’t give up Gary, there are always going to be haters.
hopefully the trash that has been shopping at fallston shitmart will float up to 924.
“Stand at the corner of Plumbtree and 924 and tell me exactly how many houses you can see.”
There is no road named “Plumbtree” in the proximity of the proposed WalMart location so I can’t answer your question.
When you are down to defending your position over the miss spelling of the name of a road clearly you have lost.
Thanks for playing harford resident,.better luck next time.
Linda, you’re an idiot and don’t know what you’re talking about. There is a community right ACROSS THE STREET! I can see the proposed site from my deck and can see and hear 924. Are you so blind that you can’t see this whole community right here! Get your facts straight!
Across the street from plumtree? (notice the spelling)
Go home Colleen you are drunk on your deck again.
No dumbass. The parking lot will be right across the street from Bright Oaks. I could walk right across 924 just yards away from my house into their parking lot which is still part of Wal-Mart, therefore across the street. How small do you think this place will be? You re an idiot! Btw I don’t drink lol
Jesus Christ, Colleen. Shut up. You are ignorant to the facts.
Riverside at Tollgate is NOT the community that will “lead to the elimination of the traffic light at Plumtree”. There is yet another proposed development along Plumtree that you must be thinking of, other side of 24.
Now, back to the current Walmart and your “my house is closer than their house”. The new apartments are currently under construction along Arundel Court – right behind your beloved Target.
I have news for you too, Perry Hall is slowly building as well – have you been around there lately? Lots and Lots and lots of new houses.
Not sure your new neighbors will want the smell of horse sh1t in the air when you decide to keep your animal in a congested residential neighborhood. Unless, of course, you like to look at horse’s asses all day.
Sinker….now, onto more important things…
and —- boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants.
The developers should open a Trader Joes on the proposed WalMart site. At least we’ll get a more affluent clientele in the neighbourhood.
The developer is Wal Mart. Why would Wal Mart open a Trader Joes?
Is there a lead paint problem in the area of South Bel Ar that the EPA should be checking out?
Why? Because Trader Joes will bring the type of consumers and related demographics we want, into the area.
Wal-Mart is the worst possible store to go here. Traffic will be more of a nightmare for sure. Anyone see how many cars are there during the Christmas holiday? May as well ditch your car on 924 and walk home.
Trader Joes stores are between 8 and 12,000 square feet, usually in an established shopping center.
Walmart is building 200,000+ square feet.
Exactly why we want a Trader Joe’s. The traffic associated with an 8 to 12,000 square foot store, is more suitable to that location than the traffic generated by a 200,000+ square foot store.
Your choices for that property are either Walmart or Festival 2.0, but either one will be half the size of the Festival (which totals 427,000 square feet), you’re not getting a 12,000 square foot shop and a nature preserve inside the development envelope, the real estate is just too valuable.
Trader Joe’s is #7 on the list of 19 companies Americans love dealing with the most:
What? Those that like paying $8 for a jar of peanut butter?
Obviously some folks don’t want a Walmart built at that location. I can commiserate with them since I too see no way that the added traffic and general eyesore of a Walmart can possibly be construed as a good thing… That said, I don’t know what’s more confusing, the folks that are so opposed to the local residents voicing their opinion in opposition or the fact that they’d spend the time and effort to shill for a soulless corporation like Walmart out of seemingly pure contrariness.
No one is opposed to peoples voicing their opinions. It’s when the NIMBY’s cry the government should step in and take the rights away from corporations and other citizens that the problems start.
Hey I’d rather see a park where Wal Mart is going to build, but not having the financial ability to do it myself, I have no right to stop someone else from buying and legally developing the property as they see fit. Which is exactly what Gary’s letter is attempting.
What corporate rights are being taken away?
Which individuals are having their rights affected?
Kieth I realize from past posts you aren’t the brightest guy here but if you read, no ones rights have been taken away. That’s why Gary is upset and writing letters to elected officials, he will not be satisfied till that piece of property is left undeveloped. and he will support or make veiled threats to any one that can make it happen.
You seem to be one of Walmart’s brighter quislings, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
You wrote: “It’s when the NIMBY’s cry the government should step in and take the rights away from corporations and other citizens that the problems start.”
I asked you which rights are you accusing Gary of wanting to take away. Clearly you have one in mind. You can name at least one.
From my reading of Gary’s posts, it appears that he wants government to have a role in balancing the needs of residential and commercial interests over what is a local interest in traffic and zoning. He may be a bit overzealous for my liking, but I am assuming that is a result of having a greater personal stake in the outcome than either you or me.
It is clear from your posts that the outcome won’t affect you either way, except for whatever costs get shifted to the taxpayer over Walmart’s inability to adequately fund its traffic mitigation responsibilities. You seem to accept that proposition, which is your right.
“I asked you which rights are you accusing Gary of wanting to take away. Clearly you have one in mind. You can name at least one.”
Access to 924.
Any other stupid questions Kieth?
See, was that so hard?
Access to the State Highway system isn’t an absolute private property right, as you are well aware.
Feel free to contact your masters in Bentonville.and ask for a better response to give to us.
Keith’s claim that someone who supports the new Walmart must be on Walmart’s payroll is just as disingenuous as the claim often made that if you disagree with the President, you must be racist. It adds nothing to the discussion.
Kieth I realize this is difficult for you to grasp but the access to 924 is for the citizens of harford county that use the roads. The only way Wal Mart would actually be using that access is if you put a set of wheels on the store and drove it down the road which isn’t likely to happen as a 200,000 square foot store is not meant for surface road transportation.
Perhaps if Mr Ambridge would seek the government to specifically restrict you access to 924 as you are the tipping point on his plunging home value, you might grasp reality…. But I’m not betting on it.
I see the problem. You weren’t involved in this issue when the SHA had previously denied Walmart and entrance on 924, opting instead to have its property connect to the state roads via the county roads. This does explain your lack of understanding on the issue.
I didn’t accuse Linda of being on Walmart’s payroll. I accused her of being a quisling. That is voluntary and doesn’t require payment.
Keith: You know there are people in this world who are angry, frustrated, bitter and unhappy and their only pleasure seems to be argument and shooting off their smart ass mouth. I guess sarcasm is their way to feel superior to us as they think it makes them seem intelligent. Pay them no mind and they will stop and they will instead bedevil any poor soul who may come in personal contact with them. I pity them.
Some of us shoot off our mouths, others write stupid letters of nonsensical fiction to elected officials and have them posted on internet blogs.
What ever floats your boat. 😉
Nice protest last weekend Gary the 5 of you were effective, oh and that website on the signs is 3 years out of date. You and Steve might want to get 6 new signs made up.
I rest my case
Where do corporations’ rights end and mine begin? When my taxes will be used to contribute/cover the costs of road expansions due to the anticipated impact traffic will have, my voice must be considered. If Walmart (or any corporation) wants to build, it should be required to fund all the expenses. All road widening (not just the part that fronts the property), adding sidewalks, bike lanes…. For the entire area that will be impacted. I’d suggest that corporations’ rights end at my wallet. Not just with my buying power, but with my tax dollars. Money (taxes) shouldn’t be diverted from current/future projects in order to support this project. Taxes should not be raised to support this project.
Please read Garys letter, he claims the roads are already crippled with traffic and Wal Mart isn’t even here yet. Why should Wal Mart be responsible for correcting a problem you created and they had no part in. Your tax dollars should be used TODAY to correct the current problem Gary is complaining of. Any additional impact Wal Mart has on the system that is operating correctly with out them, they should indeed be responsible for. But as Gary clearly states the current system with or without Wal Mart is broken and you are going to have to come up with a compelling argument as to why a third party should pay to fix ix.
At the risk of sounding pretentious: Caveat Emptor – Buyer Beware! If a corporation is buying a property and building a project on a knowingly already overburdened road system, they are going into it with eyes wide open. They know the current road systems and after many studies know the additional amount that will be using that system. I guess (to not sound pretentious)….it sucks to be them! Maybe they should find property in a community that is better equipped to handle the cost or that had prepared in advance and maintained/upgraded its road network.
It is disingenuous to tell people that they have to suck it up because they bought homes near prime undeveloped property and should have anticipated this type of build, but turn around and think that the newcomer shouldn’t anticipate (and foot the bill for) the burden its presence will cause.
You know: What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander…
That is east to answer, YOU will have to fix it with your taxes when Rt 924 will be enlarged to six lanes. But I guess you have no problem with spending public money to enrich private business.
No one is a NIMBY until it’s in their back yard. It’s human nature. We all know as Nosy Neighbor points out that tax dollars WILL be spent to support this project… lots of them so we all have a stake and I’m convinced Walmart doesn’t need me or anyone else arguing on their behalf – nor do they need our tax dollars to make their venture a success.