From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
April 28, 2015
7 pm – 9 pm
Knights of Columbus Hall
23 Newport Drive
Forest Hill, MD 21050
The recent announcement regarding the early review of the county’s Master Plan makes this month’s meeting more important than ever.
Tom DeWeese, nationally recognized property rights expert, has been traveling state by state and county by county, sounding the alarm regarding overaggressive takings in the name of Smart Growth.
He’ll be joined by Carroll County Commissioner, Richard Rothschild. Rothschild stood guard in Carroll, protecting its people from the ill effects of the Rain Tax, SB 281, and the international planning protocols that are being adopted all across the nation.
This dynamic team arrives with the information you need to be an informed partner in the upcoming Master Plan revisions.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, another timely topic will also be presented.
Free Admission
Cash Bar Available
Mr. Moderate says
I have a difficult time in realizing that I’m at least partly supportive of what the Liberty People are fearful of. In this case, citizens, indeed, must pay close attention to proposed revisions to the Master Plan–NOT for any likelihood of “overaggressive takings in the name of Smart Growth” but for proposed changes to definitions in the Zoning Code, including subsequent proposed changes to the Zoning of individual properties.
The devil is in the details, very much including the composition of the Committee overseeing the process and making recommendations for various aspects to the plan. Be especially alert to the proportion of developers, contractors, lawyers, etc. relative to fire/safety people, land and historical preservationists, farmers, health care community, etc. .