By Omar Simpson, Esq.
Special to The Dagger
Intro: Another black man shot in the back by a cop while trying to retreat. The difference, the shooting and attemted cover up were caught on camera plain as day! Black, brown and poor white men are being killed frequently and without any regard to our liver. We are but lambs to slaughter. If we obey the law and act peacefully, we are treated as criminals, imprisoned, shot and killed without any recourse. Why does this repeatedly occur? Because we allow it to occur. How do we allow it to occur? By not working together to end our common threat…that is how we keep allowing the murders of our sons. I’ve written and spoken on this for years but I will speak on it again… The lone wolf gets devoured. In other words, always run in a pack! Nature has proven that working together to protect each other is a much better survival strategy. In the real world, you have to run in a pack to be successful. In other words, if you want to survive and get ahead, you should be part of a team.
Lone Wolves get Depowered
Lone wolves get devoured in hostile environments. They get devoured because a lone wolf simply cannot compete with a pack of predators. Likewise, a single person, no matter how strong, will lose every time against 10 organized people.
Nature is a tremendous teacher. If you look around, you will see that the most successful animals in nature, the ones at the top of the food chain, tend to be pack animals. Lions run in packs. Wolves run in packs. Tigers don’t run in packs. Tigers are on the endangered species list! In the ocean, dolphins swim in packs. Orcas swim in packs. They are the most successful mammals in the sea. They protect each other. They hunt together. They fight together. And they win together. Survival is winning. The great white shark on the other hand, is a lone Wolf. It swims alone, eats alone, and roams alone. The great white shark is on the endangered species list. As powerful as it is, a great white shark is still vulnerable to creatures that run in packs like dolphins, Orcas and humans! Nature teaches us that it is much better; you are much more likely to survive, if you run in pack and work together. So, if you want to increase your chances to survive, you should run in a pack. Run in a pack.
Lone wolves get devoured, so don’t be a lone Wolf. Run in a pack! Author Rudyard Kipling said it best in his immortal work called, “The Jungle Book”. He wrote a poem called, “The the Law of the Jungle” that started like this:
The Law of the Jungle
(From The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling)
Now this is the Law of the Jungle —
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk
the Law runneth forward and back —
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf,
and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack…
Money, Power, and Political Sway
Money, Power, and Political Sway can be built much quicker when you run in a pack so, run in a pack not only for physical survival, run in a pack to acquire Money, Power and Political Sway. The reason is simple, you have more people power. You can get a lot more done when you have more people with a focused, common purpose.
More people means more possible votes, which moves politicians. More people means more fundraising ability, which meads more power to get rid of the people, politicians and policies that hurt us. More people and votes mean more power to remove those that abuse us and anyone that tries to keep our abusers in power. More people organized to protect us means more protection for us.
Money, Power, and Political Sway can be built, quickest when you run in a pack so, run in a pack, not only for survival, run in a pack to acquire Money, Power and Political Sway. Teamwork is the key.
How to Build a Pack
Run In A Pack. To run in a pack, you must learn to build a pack! To do so, find people with the same or similar problems. Why? A person with the same problem as you is more likely to join your team if you show them a solution to your mutual problem.
For example, groups of Black, Hispanic and Poor White men have all complained of abuse at the hands of the police for decades, but they are still being harassed, abused and even killed. In the past, they have tried to talk to the police to no avail. For years they have been ignored. So, they form an organization made up of men in similar circumstances whose purposes are:
1. To remove abusive police officers from office.
2. To raise money and votes for friendly political members and elected officials.
3. To provide manpower for voting drives and voting support.
4. To connect to local radio, digital, Social Media and TV media.
Get everyone to understand that we don’t just do walks, we protect our interest by removing our abusers and non-supporters from office.
People with the same or similar problems are a great resource when starting an effective team or Pack. To run in a pack, you must learn to build a pack! To do so, start by finding people with the same or similar problems!
The lone wolf gets Devoured just as we are seeing everyday on the news. Black, Brown and Poor White men are abused and killed with no recourse. We get no protection from authorities, so we must be our own protection. The best protection is and has always been, unification…becoming a Pack for a common cause…Protection.
So always run in a pack! Forget the nonsense that teaches you the exact wrong lesson! That lone-wolf nonsense that teaches you to go it alone, do-it-yourself, it’s you against the world will get you killed with no recourse! It is teaching you the absolute best way to get killed and be unsuccessful in the real world. In the real world, you have to run in a pack with common purpose to be successful. All successful businesses are packs…Microsoft, Apple…successful sports are packs…NBA, NFL, etc…Political Parties…Republicans and Democrats. If you want to be safer, run in a pack with others that share your need…protection. Be part of a team. Teams build dreams. Lone wolves get devoured. Develop and Nurture a Pack Mentality!
Omar J. Simpson, Esq.
j d frucks says
Don’t bother, they will say he deserved to get shot because he tried to run away and got what he deserved except running from the cops isn’t a capital crime punishable by death, it is at most a misdemeanor. He ran because cops are afraid of black men even when they try to run away from conflict. Thank goodness someone taped it or it would have been another justified cop killing in self defense since he tried to take his gun or maze or got punched by the victim. White cops are dangerous to society, at least he will be taken care off in jail.
Soul Crusher 2 says
Fleeing from police is a felony.
You should jeep the racial rhetoric to a minimum, it invalidates your point.
SoulCrusher says
Fleeing and eluding is NOT a Felony in the State of Maryland. It is a MISDEMEANOR under Maryland’s Transportation Code Md. TRANSPORTATION Code Ann. § 21-904 (2014). Please don’t give false information while using my namesake. I don’t want people to think that you are me, because I don’t give false information…….If you were just mistaken, please say so.
Soul Crusher 2 says
Where I am from it is a felony, apologies.
You are correct, I was mistaken.
I am not the original Soul Crusher, but I could not find a better screen name…and don’t feel like trying.
Still doesn’t change the fact that Frucks offered nothing of value but racial BullShiggiddy.
SoulCrusher says
Cool. Just for the sake of discussion, I think Omar is not giving good advice by suggesting this whole “pack” thing. Yes, there has been some unnecessary Police shootings and beatings of late, but lets keep in mind that this has not been a problem in Harford County of late. This whole “pack” thing, if practiced the way Omar suggests, could blow up into an incident of epic proportions. Omar Simpson, its alright to be upset about killings that have occurred around the country, especially since you are a man of color. Just remember, your local Sheriff’s Office has not participated in any of these incidents. You probably shouldn’t incite the public against your local police when they have not been involved in anything of this sort that I know about. Stay Frivolous………SOULCRUSHER
Hank says
In some states it is a felony, just not MD.
Open your eyes says
Hey Fruck Nut
For the record I am a former long time white police officer. In reference to the recent high profile police shooting in South Carolina I can label it by no other term than a malicious murder. I feel it was totally unjustified and wrong and I hope that the offficer gets prosecuted to the fullest extent. No one knows for sure if that shooting was racially motivated or just the horrible actions of some wack job that managed to become a police officer. With that being said and out of the way I will move on to you. You are a racist ass with your generic and stupid comment that ” white cops are dangerous to society”. Simpson also shows his ignorance by attempting to label cops as the “common threat”. I thought it was interesting that he included poor white men in his list of victims in an attempt to cloak his racism. I don’t recall that category being included in his former comments. I guess he got so beat up from the responses to his last letter with it’s strong racist overtones that he wanted to come off as a crusader for all of the oppressed. What a jerk. I am not saying that some racism does not still exist. It does. Both ways. I think the point was clearly made by past posters that the greatest “common threat” to African Americans is other African Americans. Every day they are killing and victimizing their own like it is free. Look at the numbers. Do the math. I just ackowledged that some cops are bad. When will African Americans acknowledge there contibutions to the common threat and maybe that would help prevent the senseless killing which happens every day in their communities by their own membership. Stop inciting and start to help solve the problem. Maybe some lives will be saved.
mostly blue 2.0 says
Your eyes aren’t opened:
There isn’t a moral argument that’s even close to equivalent in comparing black on black crime to Police doing the same. They are trained and not only have society’s trust but also have been given the power to make professional decisions to serve and protect- not to shoot people just because they can. For those of you railing against government, you sure give up Constitutional rights easily.
Open your eyes says
I am not sure that you comprehended my statement. I stated that the S.C. police shooting was very wrong and acknowledged in some cases there are bad cops out there. I still maintain that the vast majority of cops out there are professionals trying to do the best job they can. Probably 99.9999%. Only the rogues get the press. Furthermore, I am not sure if you have ever been in the police profession, but there is usually a lot more to an incident that occurred before the videos start rolling….and please don’t go there, I am not saying that anything that occurred in the S.C. incident prior to the video justified the action of that police officer in S.C. You often time don’t see the officer asking some idiot five times to stop being disrderly and leave. You don’t see the bad guy screaming profanities and spitting at or assaulting the officer. No what we usually see is some kid, who resisted all the way to the ground, being handcuffed by a couple of cops. That is when the videos start. Heaven forbid if the kid bumps his head or gets his nose bloodied during a lawful arrest. Then you have the ultimate rub.The kid might be black. There is beginning to be some type of subliminal message being sent by the media that white cops have no right to arrest a black person. It is getting totally crazy. As a police officer of many years when I had the occasion to arrest a black person I always was happy to hear hear the suspect say to me “you are only arresting me because I am black”. Knowing in my heart that was not true, I felt very confident that they were in fact guilty because their only defense was to play the race card. My message is that I realize hat the system is not perfect, but accountability and acknowledgement, instead of making lame excuses, will make our society a better place.
Lemmings says
The second amendment was created specifically to protect ALL citizens from Tyranny. Its only taken some of you 200 years to figure it out.
DLW says
Great advice!!
Tell poor blacks to form gangs. ( run in a pack )
That will surely make them more respectable, productive members of the community!
SMDH…..and you wonder how this happens.
K says
The time is NOW for all police officers across this nation to have a “Blue Out.” Let the patients run the asylum for a while, so to speak. It seems to me that every single group of professional workers is under assault, one way or another.
SoulCrusher says
Use of deadly force in situations that don’t require it are occurring far too much in todays society. Additionally, the flagrant dismissal of Constitutional guidelines during Police and Judicial actions is staggering. If the Criminal Justice System would stop acting like NAZI’s and start acting like the honorable and trustworthy members of society that they are supposed to be we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. Just because Police are supposed to have authority does not make it alright for the Police to act as if they are LEGAL GANGS WITH GUNS.
SoulCrusher says
This is the US Fleeing Felon Law –
Daddy Rabbit says
If I were a white cop, I would have already started racial profiling. There is no way that I would accost or stop a black man from committing a crime. The odds of being labeled and losing a career are far too great. I would go in, put in my 8 or 12 hours and go home. Where is the incentive to do the right thing?
Git r Done says
Omar Simpson, Esquire? He is someone authorized to submit such garbage? Wake up America, these kind of people are the ones killing today’s society! Wants to get recognized and feel he is contributing to society when in fact he is hurting it…Sad.
Gary Ambridge says
Where do I begin to answer this rambling, emotional, analogy ridden example of prose? His first premise sounds like a plea from the Black Panthers of the 60’s. “…If we obey the law and act peacefully, we are treated as criminals, imprisoned, shot and killed without any recourse….” In other words, he sounds as if he is asserting that being law abiding and poor or a minority, guarantees that you will be murdered by the police. His mixed metaphors about pack animals, while sounding reasonable, really do not carry over to today’s political environment.
While there have been examples of police criminal behavior such as in South Carolina, I do not accept that all police randomly murder Blacks and minorities whenever they can. That is an over simplification and an appeal to emotions. A careful analysis of statistics would show just the opposite. It would be just as accurate to say that when confronted by an armed man, one must do exactly as told and not try to take his gun away. Being a police officer is one of the most dangerous careers today and I, for one, appreciate them. The courts are the place for arguments and not the streets which is what one would expect a lawyer to advocate.
The only thing with which I can agree in this piece is that “…Teamwork is the key….” What I feel he should have emphasized is that this election saw the lowest turnout of voters in seventy years, only 12% of Blacks bothered to vote in 2014. Teamwork, to me, is exercising your hard won right to vote. There is no excuse that people who wish for a change in the political theater do not have 100% turnout. Everyone gets the exact government that they vote for (or fail to vote for.) So no whining about the government you did not elect.
I agree there is a problem with cop brutality, Baltimore city paid out 6 million last year to settle claims. But are you advocating black people form gangs to fight white cops, authority or white people? I don’t think that will work.The police unions have so much power they protect bad cops along with good ones and the judicial system protects felons, Most thugs running the streets have multiple felony arrests. Get the bad guys off the street and we’ll all be better off.
hmmm... says
Where to begin? My, my… how about… why does the Dagger print this garbage? The opening line… “Another… shot… trying to retreat”. Another? Are you referring to the one that never had his hands up even though a convicted felon assured us it happened and millions of idiots ran around protesting with their hands up and to this day don’t realize they’re tools? Trying to retreat… is that lawyer talk for evade and elude? The event in SC is clear and the cop is charged with murder but I suspect for you that isn’t enough since there hasn’t been any looting or destruction of the property of innocent hard working citizens. Your idea of a pack is the complete opposite of constructive advice. Have you not seen how in the pack the individual IQ drops precipitously? I have yet to see a case where if the victim had simply “manned up” sat still and been either ticketed or arrested, that they’d not still be alive today. You Mr. Simpson are a race baiter and profoundly racist yourself. While I’m sure you feel better for unloading this vitriolic tripe, it provides no benefit for anyone in the real world and was a waste of effort.
Git r Done says
Much RESPECT Hmmm…says. You NAILED IT!! Omar Simpson, Esquire needs to Go AWAY, Far Far Away and stop trash talking to make himself seem important and of some substance…keep sitting behind your desk, comfortably away from the Real World! It is not about skin color but the way in which you act in society…are you good…or are you bad???
j d frucks says
Cops are wrong very often in their use of lethal force, even when the suspect runs away. It is unconstitutional to shoot without cause and it plain and simple murder. Stop justifying police abuse and crimes against black men. These sissy cops need to be prosecuted and jailed for their crimes. The Police is supposed to be even handed and protect human life and treat all with respect. Even “bad” or black in this instance shouldn’t be gunned down by cops with trigger happy fingers.
LazyDog says
No, but it helps trim the nation of thugs and purse snatchers.
NotPC says
Whenever I read one of these stories, I think “Thank God, one less darkie to prey on the decent citizens of this country.”
j d frucks says
Racist pig, I expect nothing less from red necks in hazard county.Nothing surprises me about whites.Nazi loving KKK tea bagger…
Open your eyes says
I am by no means on the level of the “all omniscient” SoulCrusher but I am going to speculate that that j d frucks posted under the screen name of NotPC to make a point. He needed a segway to continue his ant-white racist rants. I urge the more intelligent readers of these posts not to fall for his tricks. Just saying. Nice try Fruck Nut.
Hank says
Let’s get one thing straight. He wasn’t shot trying to retreat. He wasn’t retreating, he was fleeing from police after fighting the officer because he knew he had a warrant and didn’t want to get arrested. There’s a big difference.
Whether the shooting was justified or not is another story (I don’t believe it was and I believe that officer was charged appropriately.) There is some evidence that the officer was shot with his own Taser, but at the time he actually drew his gun and shot the fleeing suspect, the Taser was lying at his feet and not in the suspect’s hand. I wouldn’t be overly surprised if it ultimately gets plead down to (or he is convicted of if it goes to trial) manslaughter instead of murder, but murder is definitely the correct charge at this stage.
And because of what’s happened over the past year you ave that idiot rookie officer in OH who had a known murder suspect (who had already lead police on a lengthy chase and who the officer had every reason to believe was armed with a handgun) charging at the officer. The officer kept retreating and kept retreating until he fell on his ass. He’s incredibly lucky that 1) The shitbird didn’t pull out a gun and shoot him, 2) He didn’t have an accidental discharge when he fell on his ass, and 3) That other officer finally arrived on scene and that the shitbird surrendered instead of jumping on the officer, taking his gun away and shooting him in the head. That officer needs some serious retraining, not praise for his “restraint” before he gets himself or another officer killed because he’s afraid to do what has to be done.
RetiredAWhile says
He wasn’t following the law when he ran away. If he was following the law he wouldnt have gotten shot. True, the cop was in the wrong but also “If you do wrong, wrong will follow” I dont understand why these stupid people can’t get that through their heads. All you have to do is cooperate with the police, but people think they can constantly get away with whatever they want or think their always innocent. People are just stupid, but whatever, I’m not worried about this made up racial war cop violence myth. Its all in peoples heads. F em
SoulCrusher says
Hank and RetiredAWhile, the Officer in SC was way out of line. He killed that man in cold blood. Then tried to falsify evidence and his story, to cover up the MURDER he committed. It seems to me that some sort of collaboration must have existed between himself and some other officers to get his story to fly. In addition, the man was pulled over for a tail light being out and then took off running because he had a child support warrant. This was not a Fleeing Felon in the act of Committing a Felony. The actions of this officer in SC is totally unjustified anyway you spin it. As for the incident in Ohio, YES, that guy was an idiot. He could’ve been killed or worse. However, that guy was trying to commit suicide by COP and I think the cop knew it. Personally, I probably would take that officer in Ohio off of active patrol because his actions may have caused damage or injury to himself or another officer……..
Hank says
SC, that’s pretty much why I said that he was charged appropriately. I also don’t think anyone else was trying to back up his story after he picked up his Taser from where it was dropped, walked back to the body and dropped it on the ground where another officer was attempting to render aid. He picked it back up fairly quickly and I’d imagine that the other officer said something to effect of “WTF do you think you doing?” I know that’s what I would’ve been saying to him and there’s no way in hell I’d back that story.
Agreed about the OH officer. “Suicide By Cop” can quickly turn into “Murdered Cop.” Regardless, I wouldn’t trust that officer as my back up.
Kharn says
The HD video is pretty interesting
1) one of the initial frames (when the videographer is running to the scene) shows a green shirt on top of a prone figure. Officers in that jurisdiction do not wear green.
2) the tazer weapon falls to the ground behind the officer, not a normal direction when someone drops an item.
3) the deceased runs away from the officer, dragging the tazer cartridge (not attached to the weapon) with him, while wires connect the officer to the deceased. Tazer wires are ~35′, so the barbs weren’t in the deceased, wrapped around the officer, back to the deceased and then to the cartridge.
mostly blue 2.0 says
Resisting arrest isn’t punishable by death and the use of lethal force to apprehend someone has been ruled unconstitutional but as long as someone you coud care less about gets killed is no biggie. Had he been someone you know then your panties would be up in a bunch.Having empathy for the victim isn’t something you should reserve for those you like. When people’s rights are abused eventually yous will be abused on you as well. If you were a cop, I am glad you are off the beat..
OhReally says
Who the heck is Simpson,Esq…..??????