From the Aberdeen Police Department:
On 4-02-15 at about 2:40 pm, officers arrested Barry Lee Berkenkemper 59 of Belcamp, MD., for public intoxication and failure to obey a lawful order of a police officer. Berkenkemper was being escorted to a detention cell in the booking area of the police station when he fell striking his head.
Officers immediately notified an ambulance. Paramedics from the Aberdeen Fire Department responded and transported Berkenkemper to Harford Memorial Hospital; he was later transported to the Shock Trauma. Early Saturday morning information was received that Berkenkemper had died.
He was removed to the State Medical Examiner’s Office for autopsy, at this time the cause of death is unknown. The incident is under internal investigation by the Aberdeen Police Department.
Isn’t a conflict of interest for Aberdeen police dept to due the internal investifation,instead of an outside agency? Just a thought.
Nothing to see here, move along.
A sad outcome which is both unfortunate and sometimes unavoidable in the police profession. My prayers go out to both the families the prisoner and but especially to the police officers involved who will have to endure both the impending IA investigation and the almost certain Monday morning quarterbacking by the anti-police segment of the community. Unfortunately sometimes things just happen. I can only hope for the officers involved, that the deceased was not a person of color. Even in situations where there was absolutely no wrong doing by the police that never fails to become a talking point.
I wish I could like this comment more than once. Its sad that in our society more people will comment about what the police did wrong rather then be sorrowful for the families involved.
The deceased was white and had an extremely long history of drunken and disorderly type charges. It is sad that he died and I am sure his family is grieving. That being said, I am disgusted by the way this article has been used as a way for the police to gripe about the firing of a former police officer. Talk about off topic. Al J Thong, I P Freely and Arturro Nasney, you are a total bunch of tools. If any of you are currently cops, please resign, you have no business being on the public’s payroll.
Now thats funny coming from the original thread Nazi.
The only one on here preaching Nazism is you…..
But I get it. The disorderly dude gets to be dead and the pot junkie gets to teach constitutional law at Harvard.Get over yourself asshole.
Al J Thong, you are the Nazi, Not I. You haven’t a thread of decency or integrity in anything you say. You and your band of Nazi thugs that exist in Harford County are truly despicable. I believe that I get such a rousing from National Socialists like yourself, because you know everything I say is TRUE. Turn in your badge Al, your doing the public way more harm than you could ever do good.
Hey Al, 1319 E. Patapsco Ave, Brooklyn MD 21225. Come on down and I’ll give you the lesson of your life……
SoulCrusher- I went by your address 1319 E. Patapsco Ave…It looks abandon with that big tree in the front yard! I also love the trucking company across the street! Is this your mom’s row home? By the way this is the block everyone from Harford county goes to buy the OXY and heroin… I think you might want to move back to LA (Lower Aberdeen). By the way that Officer you mention retired with 25+ years we all miss him on this side of the tracks. Now I went to your MTV crib come to my joint 78 E. Belair Ave.
Mike, REAL PROPERTY SEARCH doesn’t have any record of your ownership of this home. Furthermore, after checking GOOGLE MAPS and looking at the street view, I say clean up that junk in your back yard. How are the projects next door? Isn’t that where you really live?
SoulCrusher – I rent. And yes I do live next door to assisted housing. Which is safer than 1319 E. Patapsco Ave. B-More. So please stop by.
I don’t step foot in Harford County. I know better. Please, don’t comment to me anymore. I told you, you’re outa your league. I don’t pick on people who I think have a mental deficiency.
Pot junkie.. really? Keeping the ignorant REEFER MADNESS alive. #Sad
This coming from a guy who no longer lives in the county and unlike other people who get on with their lives, you instead go on a web site looking for sympathy. Do everyone a favor and go jump off the Tydings Bridge. I am not a police officer but used to live in aberdump. JR was always respectful to people who weren’t turds like yourself. I could stop reading the entertaining comments on this website and come back in ten years and you will still be on it complaining about the injustice you received. You are a has been. No one cares but you about your sorry life.
Great comeback and that’s what we say about your miserable life…YAWN. I am done here. T
You were done before you started typing. The only reason U P Freely is because somebody pushed you’re prostate in. If I cared about the opinion of a burgular of turds such as yourself, I would’ve shot myself in the head when I was 12 years old. Now, please go back to using an article, about yet another death at HCDC, to talk about how some cop you used to admire, got canned inappropriately. After all, this is the correct arena to speak of such things. Isn’t it?
Proxy Servers are wonderful aren’t they……
SoulCrusher- You forgot to tell everyone that you worked at the Cold Storage Facilities on RT7 in Aberdeen. That’s right you got fired for steeling frozen shrimps so you had to moved back to your mom’s row house in Brooklyn !
Seriously? Is that the BEST you got. I’m done with you, you’re outa your league…….
This one’s for you Marc…..
Yeah, well –
Now that JR is gone I wonder who APD is going to blame this on.
Trabert will order him back to duty then charge him. He F****ed em all those years what is one more. I am surprise he hasn’t accused him of the RIPKEN Crime.
JR Adkins was the man you wanted with you when door got ramed and the entry got knarley. APD screwed him out of his sick leave and held his retirement check for months.
He will remain a legend in Aberdeen.
Trabert F****ed him on sick leave. The spineless city just followed Traberts request.
Trabert was just a tool who folded up like a cheap pair of slacks. The National Association for the Advancement of Crooked Colored People (NAACCP) were the ones who screwed JR. JR was an excellent cop who didn’t even see color. He yoked up any and all who were breaking the law. The problem was that the lawlessness on the East side was almost 100% black on black. No matter what the crime if JR was involved, the NAACCP went and demanded that he be fired. Trabert promised them that he would see to it and when the court tossed out charges that the racist bastards trumped up on him, Trabert went through another door and destroyed the career of a great cop.
Arturro my friend. I’m glad that JR is gone. He has a far better job now. APD is just a shadow of what it once was. After a national search the Council decides to elevate a guy to Chief who prior to that promotion was the person who ordered cars and supplies. And a cop that no one ever wanted around and spent most of his time on a county task force is now an appointed City Council member.
And now a guy gets dead after a disorderly arrest? With an internal investigation?
Didn’t hear the whole story about JR. Sorry a bit off topic but what did he alledgely do and where did he get a better job. He is a good cop
JR was a thug with a badge.
He must have yoked up your dumb ass for breaking the law.Best law enforcement officer…ever
OK, so what did he aledgedly do that got him jammed up?
Sorry too disappoint you, but never had the pleasure.
He was a rouge as a MP, and a rouge as a Aberdeen Police Officer. If he was such a good cop why did he have So many complains against him?
Had he not use excessive force on that young girl on paradise road and kept his racist profiling on the east side he would still be on the force.
And just for the record not all APD are corrupt.
Hey Everybody- Word on the street is a APD cop. Watch out ! Only cops use that slang!
Word on the street is that the only people who call folks names are totally misguided. Your puerile comments add nothing. Crawl back under that street.
Arturr, sorry if the truth hurts.
It’s OK Word. Nothing you can say, write or do affects me in any way. I like you am just an anonymous entity posting my thoughts. Regardless of warts and cuts and bruises it is just words.
JR was fred simmon’s right & left hand man. street name was Thumper, loved by some hated by others
Who is Al J Thong? The answer to the question is…an insurance selling ex mayor. Best law enforcement officer…ever? How is APD not up in flames now that he’s been gone a year? How has the city not been overrun by ISIS? Because there are still high quality officers within the ranks. Move on with your life Al. You had some good ideas but your ego got too big and you felt you were bigger than the office you held. The voters let you know how small you were. Leave the police work to the real police, not those that just played one for 2 years.
Nice try Face. I know who posts as Al and he isn’t Fred Simmons, by a long shot.
HAHA. Soulcrusher Why are you so afraid of everyone? You are so into yourself. What are you worried about? You got caught and you try to blame it on everyone except yourself. And yes,. I worked with Marc Eaton and was a police officer in Aberdeen, and I was proud of what I did. I really feel sorry for someone like you, actually I would love to meet you.. Take responsibility for what you did and quit blaming the judicial system, and I worked with JR and if you asked anyone; we respected everyone and if you were wrong you went to jail By the way, my ID number with the Aberdeen PD was #27. So now you know who I am. . .
I didn’t get caught, I got screwed. Sean Marston lied on his affidavit for a search warrant period. You clowns should’ve never been in my house, yet alone should any of it been usable in court. Your corruption in Harford County can only be overshadowed by the racism that is apparently generally accepted in your ranks. I’m not afraid of you dillweeds, but even I know I can’t beat you 8 on 1. Especially when I’m using hands and you guys are using tasers and guns, period. I don’t know JR or any of the APD. Only drove thru maybe 10 times. I kept to myself in Edgewood and only traversed Edgewood and Bel Air on a regular basis. All my business was done elsewhere in this state. By the way, TWO lawyers said the same thing, IT IS AN ILLEGAL SEARCH ANYWHERE BUT HARFORD COUNTY. Think about that……..Judges Carr, Marshall and Eaves are all a bunch of corrupt twits. That’s the bottom line because the SOULCRUSHER said so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know Sean Marston and he’s a great cop. So is Mark Eaton. C.mon soulman let me know when and where. I just want to talk. Maybe you and I can go and talk over crabs. I love crabs. C;mon dude. me and you.
I can’t agree with you about Marston. He is a piece of trash. You want CRABS, we gottem on my block. I’ll introduce you to someone who’ll give you all the CRABS you can handle. Anyway, I don’t step foot in Harford County, its forbidden. You want to see the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls, you have to step foot into either Baltimore City or Anne Arundel County. Sorry, there is no other options. I’ll be leaving the State for good soon, so you better hurry. But don’t you worry, I’ll be haunting the DAGGER for all eternity. You can count on it…….
I guess, lurking on Dagger press is easier than getting a job and being productive. Isn’t that right Toby?
I think you think I am someone else. Let me clarify. If you look at 12k09002034, that’s who I am. JAM…….