From Del. Mary Ann Lisanti:
Update from the 2015 Regular Session in Annapolis
This week a bond bill I introduced, HB 831 – for a Regional Fire and Rescue Boat, was approved by the House of Delegates. The bond bill was in the amount of $100,000 for Susquehanna Hose Company and the City of Havre de Grace. This boat is a regional fire and rescue boat which can respond to calls from the coasts of Harford, Cecil, Baltimore and Kent Counties. This is an important public safety unit for the Upper Chesapeake.
I’m still working on a bond bill, HB 1280 – Repairs to Ripken Stadium, which will assist with funds for safety repairs to Ripken Stadium, owned by the City of Aberdeen. Ripken Stadium is an economic engine for Harford County, generating jobs and money through tourist dollars.
The Capital budget is one of the best way we’re able to create jobs, and this year’s Capital Budget is estimated to create and maintain 27 thousand direct and indirect jobs. We have funded key services, not raised taxes, and still maintaining a “Triple A” bond rating. Maryland is one of only 10 states to maintain a “Triple A” bond rating.
Drawing to a Close
In the House Economic Matters we have heard testimony on 187 House Bills. This week we began hearings additional bills sent over by the Senate. Only 11 days are left in the 2015 Regular Session and there is still much work to be done.
Mary Ann Lisanti
Delegate, District 34A
Delegate Lisanti. I have been a partial season ticket holder at Ripkin Stadium since Day 1. To this day I still only pay $9 bucks a ticket. That’s one heck of a deal for the product that is offered by the Ironbirds.
Why are you trying to get the Citizens of Maryland to fund my recreation?
Stop making others pay. If ticket prices have to go up, so be it. But it’s not fair to make some guy down in Calvert County subsidize my evening out.
Uh…why can’t Ripken pay for safety repairs? He’s already bankrupted his beloved city of Aberdeen with this project.
Here we go again. Paying for Ripken Stadium and not making Cal pay for anything. Sounds familiar. He hasn’t meet a payday that he doesn’t like….when the other person is picking up the tab. Are you going to fund safety repairs for other projects. I’m sure Aberdeen is tired of paying for Ripken. He goes to work everyday and people think he walks on water. Well the water is paid for by someone else. Del Lasanti needs to realize that WE can’t keep paying for Ripken.
Its pretty simple, don’t go to the stadium.
That’s not going to happen, though. Every SUV carrying kids are going to fly down Long Drive, beep their horns and race to that Chick A Fill place because they think its healthier than Mackie Deez.
Do we really need this regional fire and rescue boat?
My understanding is that other agencies that patrol the Chesapeake and its tributaries already have those resources, and they can get to the coast of Harford County quickly if there is ever an emergency.
Please don’t spend money on things that we don’t need.
What happened to all of the “millions” in additional income that the Casinos were supposed to bring to the state to supplement funding for education and first responders?
Counties plan these purchases as part of regional planning and have cooperative agreements to share or use special equipment. My guess is that nearby counties don’t have duplicative pieces and is our turn to add or upgrade to the emergency tool box. I assume you are like my neighbors without even a shovel asking me to use fmy snow blower to clear their path? Don’t be so cheap, emergency tools are needed for potential life saving events, which is pretty high on the priority list..
How about having the people needing these service actually paying for them! I don’t own a boat and I do not plan on swimming in the river. Maybe a fee on boats and boaters is what is needed.
Are you saying fee for services in emergencies? What, everyone should also own a plow to clear snow? In your world, what government expenditures are justified? Safety and access is the normal for emergency services. Are you Jim in Hickory???
Great job! Bringing some money into Harford County for our first responders. I love going out on the water, but I know it often takes DNR or the Coast Guard up to an hour to respond to emergencies on the water in the Upper Chesapeake. The Susquehanna Hose Co. is the only Fire Co., that I know of in the region, which has a rescue boat ready to go and I’ve heard they’ve gotten to people in less than 10 mins. Great they’ll have a bigger boat for not only rescue but for fire. I’m glad the State wants send some money to HdG and the Hose Co. to help since they’ve been doing such a great job responding to emergencies.
Abingdon Fire Company has a boat.
God I can’t remember the last time I’ve been to Ripken, it was years ago. I live near Darlington so I don’t make it down to Aberdeen much. I do remember there were a lot of people from Baltimore, Cecil, or other areas go to the games. I’m glad HarCo or Aberdeen don’t have to spend more money on the Stadium. I’m sure Baltimore City doesn’t have to pay for Ravens Stadium or Camden Yards, the State does. I think we’ve paid our fair share. That said it does bring a lot of people to Harford who I hope spend money here.
Great job Mary Ann! Looks like someone is bringing home the bacon. Good luck with getting the money for Ripken Stadium, I sure that can’t be easy. We here in Aberdeen appreciate your help. Hearing you talk I know you understand the issues we face and how you can help Harford Co. People have so many misconceptions about Ripken Stadium. One is that no one seems to realize the Stadium is owned by the City, like most minor league stadiums, not the Ripkens. I’m sure the Ripkens get some royalties for the use of their name to make money for the city. There is no way to put off these expensive repairs any longer and with the limited sources of revenue if the money is not found the city would have to foot the bill. For the minor league’s the draw is the fact their costs are cheaper than the majors. They also have to competitive with their rival teams in the state and region. Its a great weekend outing for those of us in Harford. The stadium draws tourist dollars into the city and county, including many of the businesses in the area. Our Stadium doesn’t fall under the state’s stadium authority and as a result we doesn’t receive any state $$. I think its about time the state invests some money into Harford County, considering that this bond bill will only help to supplement some of the costs. I’d rather the State invest money here than other parts of the state We appreciate the hard work no behalf of Harford County and the city.