From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Sheriff’s Deputies want to speak with the two individuals in the photo in connection to fraudulent credit card charges. The credit card was used on March 7, 2015 at the Best Buy in Bel Air. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
Anyone having information is asked to please call DFC Christopher Majewski at 443-752-2474. To be eligible for a reward, you must use one the Tiplines listed below
Anyone with information regarding the crime who wishes to remain anonymous may report their information through the following methods listed below. If the information you provide leads to the arrest and indictment of the individuals responsible for this crime, you may be eligible for a cash reward up to $2,000.00.
Website/Email: Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
That’s da soul crushers people’s. Dey didn’t do nuffin wrong, why can’t everybody leave a brother alone.
First off, the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls in WHITER than you! Second, if they got them on camera in conjunction with the credit card purchases, then apparently they did do something wrong. Third, them there do be professional thieves. Look at them, all nonchalant and smiling, getting ready for a night of shopping! Last, I bet those pictured in the photo are whiter than you also!
Meant “is”, not “in” before “WHITER”. Sorry, Drunken mistake……
I see education passed this one by.
And as for guilt versus innocence, surely you Mr. Brothers, wouldn’t be insinuating a populous accusation based on race alone; as that would be racist in and of itself.
Black folks did this? Shocking!!
Ignorance… Now that’s shocking!!!
Your ignorance, not shocking at all. Keep hugging trees and stick your head in the sand. The gigs up bro.
Where I come from and still reside,there is no sand!!! Bro…
Looks like a few school teachers getting “step” increases.
All the racist comments….. White men rape retarded people & have sex with their own children
Talk about racist.
Don’t you know that referring to people with disabilities as “retarded” is ignorant and low class. You are a douche bag.
Calling someone a “douchebag” after explaining your opinion on the word “retarded”?
Sounds like you need to install a wheelchair rack in your car.
You are right, McShine…I do, for my son who is disabled. I’m so very tired of hearing people call others they want to denigrate as “retarded.” It’s very hurtful, especially to a mother, father, sister or brother of someone born with a disability that they love very much. And I disagree with you, the name “douche bag” is very fitting for people who disrespect others more vulnerable than themselves, esp when they know better.
You should find somewhere else to read/reply if “hurtful” words rile you up.
By the way, you’re the douchebag.
There is nothing meaningful or constructive that ever comes from these dagger blogs. I say shut them down.
What country are you a citizen of? Even uneducated citizens of the USA understand free speech. Apparently you do not.
Cheese is as Cheese does…