From the Harford County Democratic Central Committee:
The Harford County Democratic Central Committee enthusiastically supports the efforts of President Obama and the Obama Administration to negotiate an agreement with the government of Iran, to limit the creation and spread of nuclear weapons throughout the Middle East and the world at large. These efforts are wise moves toward obtaining peace and security for all peoples.
We also support ongoing efforts to obtain peaceful solutions for problems in the region which has been beset by war, strife, and loss of lives, homes and livelihoods. We support the administration’s quest for peace, justice and equality for all in the region.
Voted unanimously by all members present: Russell Kovach, Barbara O. Kreamer, Christopher Boardman, Tom Myers, Jason Robertson, Pam Dehmer, Jean Salvatore, Tracy Robertson
JZ says
Are you kidding me? what a bunch of Morons……………..
Jason says
Says the person that capitalized moron.
typical says
They support the illegal trade that obozo made for the deserter turned enemy supporter for the release of five top commanders of our enemy.
Rice should resign, Obozo should be impeached and bergdahl should be charged with treason.
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death.
Loyal Harford Dem says
Let me know when you want to have proceedings issued against the 47 GOP Senators who signed the open letter to Iran.
Hunter says
It is not treason to tell Iran about the legality issue of a binding agreement and how it needs to be affirmed by congress; apparently something the President’s staff would like to avoid. The letter keeps the USA from being locked into the President’s potential agreement after he leaves office in order to better protect the USA from a bad deal. The letter is most definitely NOT a treasonable action; you are only feeding into the democrats mantra.
Arturro Nasney says
Just exactly what would those proceedings be, Mr Loyal? Would you have them brought up on charges for following the Constitution? They not only had a right to do what they did, they had a responsibility.
What You Smoking says
Bring it on Dicktard. I have a better case of Impeachment of Obama for high crimes and misdemeanors than you will ever have against the 47 Repubilcans in the House.
PissedOfRepublican says
Less we forget(dont want to mention it), the Dems (Leader Palosi ) went to Syria , against the POTUS wishes….Shut you mouth (or hands) if you don’t represent “BOTH SIDES, make you and all your sorry *ss com padres look stupid,,
Al J Thong says
Eight wing nuts. The only one missing is the bull goose looney…Art Helton.
Harry Biggims says
You mean this guy?
Dude lived in Joppa that election, then Aberdeen this last. Gerrymandering to a whole new level? Buy residential property in multiple districts and try to win a vulnerable spot?
Loyal Harford Dem says
There’s a reason for that. Art Helton is not a member of the Central Committee. Research before you post and make an arse out of yourself.
Al J Thong says
He doesn’t live in three different voting districts either.
Arturo Nasney says
As a loyal democrat, perhaps you could explain to all of us in the unwashed masses, why Art is not on the Central Committee. I have heard that he is too good a democrat to associate with the riffraff.
Jason says
It’s simple. Art Helton did not run for the Democratic Central Committee. The DCC is elected. If Art had run and won in the election, he would be on it. That’s how voting works.
Hunter says
The democrats have to support the President, they certainly can not criticize his limited knowledge of history that is so important with foreign policy because what choice remains. A deal with the devil is NO deal. Iran will not uphold any agreement, they continue to lie and mislead………..but, then again, so does our President. Apparently the President and Iran do have something in common.
Monster says
Well stated, Hunter.
Phil Dirt says
Just look at some of the names in the list and it all makes sense. That is, the fact that it doesn’t make sense makes sense.
Monster says
The obama lies and lack of integrity should be enough for no one to trust whatever he says.
What You Smoking says
except for the loyal idiots of harford county